American Craftsman Windows FAQ

American Craftsman windows from Home Depot

Here we’re looking at American Craftsman windows FAQ. These aren’t the nicest windows in the world so you may have questions. What makes them so cheap, are they any good, what is the warranty, etc. See below for answers. If you have a question that has not been answered post it below and we’ll answer it for everyone.

Who makes American Craftsman windows?

American Craftsman windows are made by Ply Gem. Ply Gem is a nationwide window manufacturer who makes many window brands. American Craftsman is one of the lower end brands, not known to offer top quality. American Craftsman had previously been owned by Andersen windows and the brand was later sold to Ply Gem.

Are American Craftsman windows any good?

Not really. These are some of the lowest end windows in the market today. The prices are very low which can make them attractive to certain buyers. They are often available at Home Depot stores in stock sizes. Find American Craftsman window reviews here.

Who owns American Craftsman windows?

American Craftsman windows is owned by Ply Gem. Ply Gem is a nationwide window manufacturer who makes many window brands. American Craftsman is one of the lower end brands, not known to offer top quality. American Craftsman had previously been owned by Andersen windows and the brand was later sold to Ply Gem.

Are American Craftsman windows any good?

No. American Craftsman windows are some of the lowest priced and lowest quality windows in the market. If you’re putting windows in an unheated shed they may work great, but this is not a product line that we would suggest for a nicer property. Find the best replacement window reviews here.

Are American Craftsman windows energy efficient?

Not really. These windows are available only with very basic options and features. They will be on the lower end of the market and not as efficient as other window options. There are better choices out there.

Should you buy American Craftsman windows?

No. These windows are pretty low end and won’t be the same quality as other options. There are many other products in the market that will provide a much better result.

Does Andersen make American Craftsman windows?

No. Andersen did own American Craftsman windows in the past but they sold the brand to Ply Gem. Andersen now focused on wood and composite windows after selling their lower end vinyl window brands.

Are American Craftsman windows only available at Home Depot?

Yes. American Craftsman is a store brand for Home Depot and the windows are only available in Home Depot stores.

Where can you buy American Craftsman windows?

If you’re thinking of buying American Craftsman windows you should probably look for other options. These are not the best windows around. If you’re absolutely set on American Craftsman the only place to buy them is Home Depot.

Can you replace an American Craftsman sash?

Yes. The first step is to order the new sash from American Craftsman or from Home Depot. Once you have the replacement sash it is very easy to install. You can get installation instructions or guidance from Home Depot.

Do you have a question about American Craftsman windows that was not answered?

Post a comment below to let us know. We’ll add your question to the list so everyone has more info. If you think we’re wrong about anything post that too and we’ll be happy to address your concern.

You can also find detailed window reviews here, recommended window companies here and common window sales tactics here.

Happy window shopping!

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