We have seen folks struggling to make sense of the window business for many years. Homeowners all over the country are routinely faced with the difficult task of sorting through a great deal of challenging information to try to decide on the best windows for their home.
We started this site in early 2014 to try to help folks make sense of the window business. Our first posts on common window sales tactics were a huge hit. We outlined the various methods some companies will use to separate you from your hard earned money without giving you any time to consider your options. Judging by the feedback we’ve received that’s been a success.
Then we moved on to detailed information on how to understand window ratings. We routinely see folks struggling to make sense of a 0.01 difference in one rating or another. We know you don’t want to get windows that don’t perform well, and you also don’t want to overpay for a small or nonexistent difference between two models.
After that we starting producing detailed replacement window reviews. With literally hundreds of window manufacturers each producing multiple window models this quickly became a daunting task. We’ve collected a wealth of information that is growing every day. As you read through the reviews it’s important to read the comments from folks as well. We try to directly respond to as much as we can.
As the site continues to grow and change we’ll continue to produce the top quality content that our readers are accustomed to. Our company does offer replacement windows and doors in select markets, but we never intended this site to be an advertising medium. We simply wanted to share the info we’ve collected over the years to help folks make more informed decisions.
In the spirit of full disclosure, when we decide to sell a product that we’ve reviewed we’ll make a note of it so you have all of the info. Remember as one of the largest window companies in the country we could offer anything we want. We make our decisions regarding which products to offer based on the exact info that is presented on this site. We look at the same info you are likely looking at including the product specs, the ratings, the available options, the warranty, the price and financial stability of the manufacturer. We often see customers who have been swayed by a fancy brochure or a slick sales pitch. Perhaps the most important takeaway from this site is the idea that there is a lot that goes into making a great window; much more than the window itself.
Our company, Window Universe, does provide service in several markets, but the purpose of this site is more to provide information to consumers than anything else.
We sincerely hope that this site helps you make sense of an industry that often makes things confusing on purpose. If you have any suggestions as far as how we could provide information or make the site more helpful we would love to hear them. If you’d be interested in writing a guest post we’d be glad to talk about that as well.
Thanks for taking the time to read through our site. We genuinely appreciate your time and we hope the information presented here has been helpful at least in some small way.
You people are a FUCKING JOKE! Vinyl replacement windows suck, and you know it. These thiefs change their name every 5 years. Renewal by Andersen warranty on the fibrex frames is NOT 10 years it is 20 years. There is a reason we are number 1, Countrywide with JD Power. You losers!
Thanks for demonstrating a level of professionalism Hank.
Wow, I just stumbled across this and you sound awful. Thank you for helping in my search for a decent window company. I can definitely rule out yours.
There are defininltey plenty of characters out there…
How come Renewal by Andersen is ranked number 1 with JD Power? Vinyl windows suck and you know it.
You’re really representing your brand well here.
To judge the best window frame material, it is each project/home and what the homeowner wants that matters.
Fibrex is sawdust and vinyl swirled together. Not really any better than vinyl dimensionally and really doesn’t solve the problem they were designed to avoid. Heat build-up on the sashes and frames will still cause these windows bow and warp just like vinyl.
Composite or Fiberglass windows are stronger, hold up better dimensionally and are more energy efficient (composite). Composite windows are the most energy efficient and are about the same cost installed as Fibrex and Fiberglass but at a premium to vinyl.
Vinyl windows for most buyers are a great option and hold up for years (I’ve had them in my home for over 15 years without any frame issues in Michigan). It’s usually the glass that has issues in areas with a lot of moisture or intense sun exposure.