How to Order Windows Online

Do you want to order windows online without having some salesman in your house? You’re in luck. It’s the future and you can now order almost anything online. You can skip the run-around from a pushy, commission based in-home salesman and order the windows online without needing to measure them. We’ll show you how.

Ordering windows online is a service that Window Universe started offering back in 2015. This has been available for quite some time and they have it completely figured out. Window Universe was a pioneer of online window ordering back then and they’re still the leader in this space.

Window Universe reviews

How can you order windows online?

It’s actually much easier than you might expect. All you do is fill out a very simple form. We have a copy of the form below. It asks for some very basic details about your project. Here is the info they’ll ask for.

First, they ask for your zip code

This is to make sure they can offer service in your area. It’s also so they can suggest a window option and efficiency package that will make sense in your climate. Someone in Detroit will want different options than someone in Phoenix and your zip code will help them make a recommendation.

Don’t worry, there are local warehouses and installation departments all over the country. Everyone involved in the installation is local. They just put the prices and product info in email which allows them to skip the in-home sales pitch. As a result, you can get the info you want without any hassle.

Next, they ask how many windows you’re thinking about replacing

You do not need to measure your windows. Since the windows are all custom made anyway the exact sizes don’t matter yet. At this point they’re just asking how many total windows you’d like to include.

Note: when you place the order a technician will come out to take the exact measurements so the windows can be custom made and fit just right. A professional will take all of the measurements.

You not committing to anything at this stage. If you’re not sure how to count the windows just take a guess. If you’re not sure if you want to replace some of the windows or all of the windows in the house, just pick one for now and they can show you alternatives once you have the online window quote.

At this stage, the idea is to show you how the pricing works. It’s a starting point. Once you see how the pricing works they can answer any questions and make unlimited revisions to get the quote just the way you want it.

Once you submit your request you can also email pictures of anything that you’re not sure how to describe. The terms can be tricky sometimes and a picture does say 1000 words.

Then, they’ll ask how you’d like the windows to open

Basic info is all they need here. Something like “3 open side to side, 1 doesn’t open at all and 10 open up and down, 14 total windows” will do the trick.

You can also ask for an online quote for a sliding patio door or a hinged door.

Note: If you have windows that are curved on top or that are not rectangular it’s a good idea to make a note of this.

Next they’ll ask what color window frame you’d like

There are many colors available. White, beige and almond are the most popular but there are many colors available. Colors like black, bronze, red, gray, green, even woodgrain interiors are available.

Again, you’re not committing to anything here. The idea is to show you how the system works so you’ll see any costs associated with the color choices on the itemized quote and revisions can always be made.

Note: They can also mail out a set of color samples so you can see them in real life. That is sometimes the easiest way to pick a color. If you’d like a set of samples, just ask.

There is a field at the bottom to include any additional notes or questions

After you complete the form you’ll receive a confirmation email from someone at Window Universe. If you want to send pictures of anything just reply to that email.

Next, one of their window experts will review your request and they’ll email you the following info:

  • A copy of the window pricing
  • Product details and brochures
  • Efficiency ratings for suggested packages
  • Photos of past projects
  • Feedback from past customers
  • A detailed and itemized quote

Note: This is just a starting point. They typical quote is revised 2-3 times before an order is final so don’t worry about making changes or asking questions. The idea is to get you this info so you can see how the system works and go from there.

What happens after you receive your online window prices?

Once you receive the window prices and product info by email you can respond with any questions. They can make unlimited revisions to your quote until the order is exactly the way you want it.

They can talk it over on the phone, by email or by video chat. I’m confident they’ll be able to answer any questions you could possibly have.

Once the order is exactly the way you want it they can send you the order forms online, you complete the forms and your order is moving along.

Note: you don’t pay anything upfront to get the process started. More info on payment process below.

If you decide not to place an order that’s fine too. At the very least you’ve received detailed info about the available options and prices so you know what you’re dealing with.

What happens after you complete the window order forms online?

The next step is for the local installation department to contact you to setup a final measurement appointment. This is not a sales call. The person who will be coming to your house is a technician who will be taking the final measurements for your order. They’ll be making sure that what you ordered is something that can be accomplished and they’ll also take the exact measurement to 1/16 of an inch.

You can certainly ask them any questions, but they’re not there to give you a sales pitch or any sort of runaround. They’re just measuring the windows.

What happens after the windows are measured?

After that measurement appointment the measurements are returned to the office and the order is double checked by a window expert. They’ll confirm that what you ordered equals what was measured and that everything matches up.

If there are any discrepancies the folks at Window Universe will be in touch to make sure everything gets sorted out. You’d have the opportunity to approve any change so you’re never stuck with anything.

Then, the windows are custom made just for you. The manufacturing time does vary throughout the year so you can always ask about the current window lead times.

Note: At this point you’ll pay a deposit because the windows are being custom made just for you. They even accept all credit cards with no extra fees. You can also use their 0% financing with $0 down if you’d prefer.

Once the windows are custom made and delivered to the local warehouse the installation department will call you to schedule an installation appointment.

Sometimes customers are concerned that the installation department will just call and tell you what day they’re showing up but that’s not how it works. They’ll let you know the next available dates and you can pick a date that works for you and your schedule.

Then the windows are professionally installed

The installers will deliver the windows and they will typically install 10-15 windows per day. Be aware that it can be difficult to exactly estimate the work time. If the work time is an issue for you just talk with them ahead of time. With that information they can typically accommodate your schedule.

It’s a good idea to walk through the project at the end to make sure everything is looking great. If anything needs to be addressed or reordered make note on the completion paperwork and that will be promptly handled.

It really is that easy to order windows online

The products offered by Window Universe are top notch windows from reputable national manufacturers. Since everything is custom made there are many thousands of available configurations. They typically try to make the process simple by making a suggestion or two.

They will also send efficiency ratings and all of the technical info you could possibly want. Once you get the quote by email you’ll see why so many people choose to order windows online.

They’ve been offering this service for a long time with many thousands of past customers. There’s no question you could ask that they haven’t heard before and there’s nothing involved in your project that they haven’t seen 1000 times. As a result, they’re experts at this and I think you’ll appreciate what they offer.

Can you order windows online without installation?

Absolutely. When you receive your itemized quote by email the labor costs will be itemized in the lower right section. If you want to install the windows yourself or if you already have an installer the installation costs can be removed.

People commonly ask about the warranty if the windows are ordered without installation. There is no change to the warranty. Obviously if the windows were installed in a way that caused a problem that would be between you and the installer, but installing the windows yourself does not void the warranty.

Should I request an itemized quote by email to find out more?

I think it’s a great idea and it costs you nothing at all. There’s no downside. At the very least you’ll know more about windows than you did before. You can review the info on your own schedule, ask questions anytime and there’s no obligation.

You can probably see why this is the future of replacement windows.

Here’s the form to request an itemized quote and price list by email

If you have any questions about the quote or the windows or the options I’m sure they can help and you can always ask me too. The idea is to make the process of ordering new windows absolutely as easy as possible.

Get your completely FREE project quote by email.  

Gentek Signature Elite Windows Reviews

If you’re looking for Gentek Signature Elite windows reviews you’ve come to the right place. Frequent readers of the site will know that I tend to think the Gentek window line is one of the nicer product lines and the Signature Elite is one of the best windows they make. That’s one reason my company elected to carry them in several markets so we have real first hand experience with these windows.

Here are three Gentek Signature Elite double hung windows.

What are the advantages of the Gentek Signature Elite windows?

There are a few key reasons that this model is one of the best replacement windows on the market today.

First, these windows are backed by a billion dollar company

Associated Materials owns Gentek along with several other major brands like Preservation, Alside, Revere, Alpine and more. The backing of a large manufacturer with a 70+ year history means that these windows are likely to be around for the long haul. It also means the warranty is likely to be honored for many years to come.

In my opinion people routinely undervalue the risk associated with the smaller manufacturers. It’s always my suggestion to work with a larger company and Gentek fits this bill

Next, the Signature Elite window utilizes slim frames to maximize glass area

Glass area can be a big factor for some folks when picking a replacement window. Some models, especially older designs, will use thicker bulkier vinyl window frames and the salespeople talk about strength. The downside to those bulky designs is that you get less glass area in the same size window.

Here you can see the difference in glass area that you can achieve with the Gentek Signature Elite windows.
Here you can see the difference in glass area that you can get from a window with a slimmer frame. The difference can be substantial.

The Signature Elite line utilizes a newer design that intentionally maximizes glass area with slim vinyl frames. This is more of a factor when the existing windows are on the smaller side. If your windows are large this might not be a huge concern, but to me it’s always important.

Next, these windows use upgraded hardware and components

If you’re new to window shopping it can be easy to think that all replacement windows are pretty similar. While it’s true that many windows generally look similar, there are some pretty important differences.

One of these differences is the quality of the hardware and components used. Things like balances, locks, tilt latches, etc are not always easy to see and they’re parts that people don’t always know much about.

best replacement window balances
Here you can see the differences in the common types of balances. Many manufacturers use the cheaper Constant Force type, but with the Signature Elite windows you get the upgraded type.

In my mind the quality of these components is a great indicator of the manufacturer’s intentions with the product. For example, the Gentek Signature Elite windows use the same upgraded hardware and balances as the Preservation Reserve windows which usually sell for much higher prices.

That tells you that Gentek always intended this to be a top of the line product and they’ve succeeded.

What colors are available for the Signature Elite windows?

The interior and exterior colors are a nice selling point for this model. Below you can see the available options.

Gentek Signature Elite interior and exterior colors.

You’ll see the popular black exterior is available along with many other colors. It’s important to remember that all color combinations are not available and adding colors will increase the cost of your project. If you’re considering color options other than simple white or beige, you’ll want to talk to your dealer about the options.

What is the warranty for these windows?

Overall the warranty on the Signature Elite windows is pretty good. I mentioned earlier that it’s backed by a billion dollar company so that’s a good start. The warranty is a transferable lifetime warranty so it’s good for as long as you own the house. Then it’s transferable when you sell the house so you can use that as a selling point.

The warranty covers the frames, the glass, the hardware and even the seal of the insulated glass unit. Overall I’d say the warranty is very strong and it a great reason to buy these windows.

How efficient are these windows?

These are very efficient windows which is another nice feature. Gentek uses their Barrier XP Packages in the Signature Elite windows. This means they are available with hundreds of available efficiency packages.

These are the efficiency ratings for the common Gentek Barrier XP efficiency packages.
Here are the efficiency ratings for the most common Barrier XP packages.

You can get triple pane glass for a top of the line solution with U-Factors as low as 0.21. Or, you can pick from a wide range of double pane options to get the best solution for you.

Gentek offers several spacer options including Super Spacer, Intercept Spacer and a stainless option called ThermD. They also offer different types of low-e coatings and different gas fills like argon and krypton to make sure you can get the best solution.

This shows the foam insulation inside the frames of the Gentek Signature Elite windows.

In addition to great glass options, here you can see the optional foam insulation in the frames too.

You will see some in-home window salespeople acting like they have the very best efficiency packages but the chances are Gentek offers everything those small companies offer and many more options too.

Finally, the air infiltration rates are another huge advantage to this model. You get an air infiltration rate of 0.04 in the double hung model which is better than many competitors. That means when the window is closed and locked you won’t get a draft into your home.

This is the frame and structure of the Signature Elite replacement window.

What’s the bottom line?

This is a window model that has many advantages that can’t be matched by most competitors. They’re backed by a billion dollar company, they use upgraded hardware and components, the slim frames allow for max light and the efficiency packages are top of the line.

Overall I do think this is one of the best replacement windows on the market today. That’s one reason it’s a product we offer through my company in several markets and we’ve had great success. If you’re considering ordering new windows I’d say this is defininltey a model to look at.

How can you find a great window company?

That part is easy.  Check this section for recommendations of window companies all over the country. There’s no better way to get new windows.

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Simonton Asure Windows Reviews

As we get started with the Simonton Asure windows reviews you’ll see that these replacement windows aren’t the best option for most people. The main reason is that they are cheap. In order to accomplish that they needed to cut corners and the result is a low end window.

The Simonton Asure model is the lower end replacement window model. It uses a range of cheaper parts to keep the prices down and you’ll commonly see it sold or promoted by small time contractors. This is because these windows are commonly sold through roofing suppliers. That means they’re easy for the small contractors to order.

These contractors don’t really care about your long term happiness. At the end of the day they want to sell the project and they think they can sell it by being cheaper than the other guy.

That doesn’t make the windows good and the wide distribution network doesn’t mean they’re the best replacement windows for your house.

Simonton Asure window colors and prices.
Here you can see the extent of the color options available for the Asure windows.

What corners did they cut with Simonton Asure windows?

There are several ways that Simonton was able to lower the cost for these windows. For example, they’ll use thinner single strength glass vs the nicer double strength glass used in most nicer replacement windows. This means the glass is easier to break which can be a hassle down the road.

In addition, Simonton also uses cheaper roll formed screen frames vs the nicer extruded aluminum screen frames that are common in nicer windows. This means the screens are flimsier and much more likely to get damaged.

Finally, Simonton will use constant force balance mechanisms. These aren’t as durable as the nicer block and tackle balance mechanisms that are used in nicer windows. This means they’re not as durable and likely won’t last as long.

What are the selling points of the Simonton Asure windows reviews?

There are only a few. First, the salesman might tell you that the Simonton Asure windows will have slim frames to allow more light into the house. It is true that other Simonton models will use thicker frames. However, what they won’t tell you is that you can get similar slim frames from other manufacturers in much nicer windows.

Simonton Asure windows reviews
Here you can see the slim frame and the dual locks on the Simonton Asure windows.

As you can see in the picture above, these windows will have dual locks but look at how far to the edge the locks are. To me it’s a strange configuration.

After that, the only other real sales pitch that I’m aware of is the price. That is because these windows are typically pretty cheap. This isn’t necessary a benefit in the long run. The windows will be in the house for decades.

If you get cheap windows now you may have problems for many years. The frustration from those problems might not be worth the cost savings.

What about the Simonton Asure window warranty?

It’s not the greatest either. There is no glass breakage coverage (likely due to the thin glass), there’s no labor coverage and the commercial warranty for a rental property is only 10 years.

Simonton Asure window warranty reviews.
Here you can see the basics of the Simonton Asure window warranty.

What’s the bottom line?

In conclusion, I would not suggest this window to anyone. It might work for a rental house or a flip house but this is not a window you should buy if you’re planning on living in the house. It’s just cheap and there are much nicer alternatives.

If there’s some reason that you’re set on Simonton you should defininltey look at another option like the Simonton Reflections series.

What should you do if you think I’m wrong about something?

Post a comment below and let us know. It’s always our goal to post accurate info along with our opinions and I’m interested in your opinion as well.

Other posts about Simonton windows that you might find interesting:

How can you find a great window company?

When shopping for windows I do always suggest finding a great installation company before you fall in love with any particular window model. There are plenty of great window options out there but not as many local companies that are great to work with.

To know which companies to avoid you can find common window sales tactics here. That’s become one of the most popular sections on the site.

Remember, for more great window company info you can find our suggestions for the best local companies in 2023 right here. 

There’s no need to work with a company that gives you the run-around or makes the process difficult. There are plenty of fish in the sea as they say. The best way to get started is to check out our list of great window companies here.

Find the best replacement window reviews online right here. 

How long does it take to get new windows in 2022?

This is the question we get in our office more than any other. Almost everyone we talk to wonders how long does it take to get new windows. We see folks posting on the site here with similar questions as well. That means it sounds like a pretty good topic for a post so lets get into it.

We’ll also look at what you should do if you’re upset about how long a current window order is taking. Fun stuff!

The world is an unpredictable place, especially lately.

So how long does it take to get new windows?

The timing for a window order in 2022 is really going to depend on what you order. If the timing is critical for you ask the salesperson about different options and the expected timing.

Sometimes an option that may sound simple can add considerable time to your order. For example, right now we’re seeing orders for custom sized patio doors taking 5 weeks longer than a standard size patio door.

For most people that’s not the end of the world, but sometimes it can matter a lot. If that was critical for you the company may be able to do some trim work to make a standard size door work. If you don’t talk about it you won’t know the options.

I would expect normal orders for common products to take 10-16 weeks right now. That’s including timing for measuring, ordering, manufacturing and installation. The manufacturing time alone will probably be 5+ weeks for most companies. Some orders come in faster but some are slower too.

One word of advice is to know that estimates of timing are just estimates.

I recently saw an order with a black exterior on the vinyl windows and a custom sized patio door. The manufacturing lead-time alone looks like it’ll be something like 6 months. Things are weird lately.

What should you do if your order takes longer than expected?

We deal with thousands of customers at my company and we hear from even more through this site. I can tell you from experience that some people choose much better strategies than others when dealing with an unexpected delay.

The first thing you should not do is throw a tantrum. Yelling and being a jerk really won’t help anything. Playing good cop bad cop with your significant other is also not particularity helpful. I promise you’re not the first one to come up with that idea.

I know you’re upset but being mad won’t help anything. The window company wants to get your order installed just as badly as you want to get it installed. You both have the same motivation.

One challenge everyone faces is that expected timing can sometimes change. If the salesperson told you the expected timing was 8 weeks and it ends up taking 10 weeks that does not mean he lied to you. More likely it means something changed.

I write this shortly after the omicron variant took over the universe. I know we had customers who placed orders before omicron who experienced delays. Sometimes a window breaks on the truck or even goes missing. Unfortunately that’s just a fact of life, things change in ways nobody expected.

What’s the best strategy to deal with an overdue order?

Based on my many years of experience the best strategy is to express your urgency to the company you bought the windows from. You should ask them what info they have on expected timing. I’d also ask them how likely they believe that information is to change. You might also ask when you should expect the next update. At least then you’ll have some idea of what to expect.

After that patience is a virtue.

Should you get a discount on your order if there is a delay?

Typically no. You don’t pay extra if the order comes in sooner than expected and you typically don’t get a discount if the order takes longer than expected. There’s no 30 minutes or your pizza’s free guarantee. That’s just not how it works.

The window manufacturers are working very hard to get orders out as quickly as possible. They’re facing the same challenges as every company with worker shortage, workers with covid, material shortages, huge increases in order volume, etc. Everything could be running fine today and 30 employees from the plant could test positive tomorrow.

I know it can be hard to hear but your best bet is just to be patient. Understand that nobody is purposely delaying your order. Also, the windows will be in the house for decades. If it takes a couple weeks longer than you expected it may not make too much difference in the long run. Even if it will make a difference in your situation there’s likely nothing that can be done.

You might also look at what is causing you to be so concerned about the timing. Maybe there’s another solution. For example, sometimes people order windows when selling their house and they worry about the order being installed before the closing.

This isn’t a huge deal. In cases like that you can just give the buyer the contract and evidence that it’s paid in full and the window company can install the windows after the closing. People do that all the time, it’s not a huge deal.

What if I haven’t placed a window order yet and the timing is important to me?

Place the order today. Do not delay. It is much better to have the windows come in a couple weeks early than a couple weeks late.

We routinely see people get a quote, wait a month, order the windows, then get upset about the timing. Or maybe they’ll place an order but then delay when it’s time to pay a deposit.

That extra time on the front end would have made a difference. We completely understand that you have a lot going on and it’s a big decision. The best thing you can do if you’re worried about timing is to make sure there are no delays on your end.

Every day you wait to order the windows adds a day on the backend. For many people that doesn’t particularly matter, but if it matters for you do not delay.

Order the windows sooner rather than later.

Other posts you might find helpful:

How can you find a great window company?

When shopping for windows I do always suggest finding a great installation company before you fall in love with any particular window model. There are plenty of great window options out there but not as many local companies that are great to work with.

To find our recommended window companies all over the country check this section. If we know someone in your neck of the woods they’ll be listed there and they’ll be happy to help.

For example, my company will send you window prices without ever sending a salesperson to your house at all. The goal is to make this process easy and it can often be easier than you might expect.

Remember, for more great window company info you can find our suggestions for the best local companies in 2022 in your area right here. There’s no need to work with a company that gives you the run-around or makes the process difficult. There are plenty of fish in the sea as they say. The best way to get started is to check out our list of great window companies.

Window Replacement Cost in 2022

How much does window replacement cost in 2022? Let’s find out!

As you’re shopping for windows you’ll find different companies will charge widely varying prices. It can be harder than ever to get real information on window prices without suffering through hours of very unpleasant sales presentations. Nobody wants to do that. We can help.

The first step to understanding window replacement cost is to understand a few basics about the replacement window industry.

What are the main factors that determine window replacement cost?

First, windows are made of different materials

The window frame material will definitely impact the price. You’ll find vinyl windows, fiberglass windows, wood windows and composite windows like Fibrex among others. The different window materials will have different costs and we’ll explore those differences below.

It would be a mistake to compare the cost of a vinyl window with the cost of a fiberglass window as fiberglass windows will almost always cost more (and fiberglass windows are often less efficient).

Second, windows are available with many options.

Once you’ve decided which window material is right for you there will still be a wide range of prices available. Sometimes people think more expensive windows are better than less expensive windows, but that’s not always the case.

Almost all windows are custom made so they can ordered in a wide range of configurations. It’s easy to see your nosy neighbor saying they bought vinyl windows from Alside for $700 per window and then a salesman gives you a quote for $1000. That doesn’t mean the $1000 guy is ripping you off, although he might be. It could mean they’re quoting different options.

For example, a black vinyl window will cost a bit more than a white vinyl window. These are important factors to consider.

Third, some companies just charge way too much.

This can be a tricky business to navigate. Many companies will routinely employ very well trained salespeople who are specifically trained to separate you from your hard earned money. Years ago I worked for a larger national window manufacturer where I dealt with these pushy contractors every day.

Window companies like that can be horrible to deal with and you’ll want to avoid them at all costs. We can help with that too. Check this section for our recommended window companies all over the country. That’s the easiest way to avoid the runaround.

Tell me about the replacement window cost already!

Ha, ok here we go.

Vinyl windows will tend to cost $500 to $1000

Of course that will depend on the configuration and then the installation will likely be in the $250 rage for a total installed cost of $750 to $1250.

That’s still a pretty wide range and the final cost will depend on a few factors. Like I mentioned above adding a black exterior to a vinyl window can add $200 – $300 per window.

Other options like grids, upgraded glass, triple pane glass will impact the price. In addition curved windows will almost always cost more than rectangular windows and some installations can be trickier than others.

You’ll definitely find companies out there charging $1500 or $2000 per window but those numbers are pretty high. If you’re getting prices like that you might want to get anther quote to compare.

Remember, a company that knows they’re offering great pricing will be happy to talk about the pricing with you. If they insist on sending a salesperson to your house who insists on spending 60 or 90 minutes on his sales pitch you should probably look somewhere else. Don’t forget, our recommended local companies are here.

Fiberglass windows will often cost $1500 to $2000 or more

The fiberglass window salesmen will be ready and willing to explain why you should pay this extra cost but it’s usually not the best deal around. They’ll make all sorts of claims about expansion and contraction, strength of the frames and much more.

In my experience none of this is based in reality. See common window sales tactics here. The one advantage to fiberglass windows is that they can look very pretty.

The salesman tends to forget that they’re often less energy efficient and sometimes have shorter warranties than vinyl windows too. If the look is the most important factor for you and you’re willing to pay the premium they may be a good option, otherwise they’re probably not.

Wood windows are also often in the $1500 to $2000 range

Often times people ask for wood windows simply because their old windows were wood. For most people wood isn’t the best window material so I’d definitely suggest talking to the company about the available options.

While we see many people initially ask for wood windows, we see a much smaller percentage actually order wood windows. When you compare the options wood windows just don’t make a whole lot of sense in most cases.

We do see wood windows in very old and historic properties and they can look beautiful in those situations.

Most people are more concerned about efficiency and longevity and wood windows don’t tend to compare very well in those areas.

Composite window replacement cost will often be $2000 or more

In my humble opinion composite windows tend to be the worst value of the bunch. They’re sort of an imitation wood, but they cost as much or more than a real wood window and they’re often less energy efficient than a much more reasonably priced vinyl window.

The sales tactics used by the composite window salespeople can be some of the worst out there as well.

When shopping for windows I do always suggest finding a great installation company before you fall in love with any particular window model. There are plenty of great window options out there but not as many local companies that are great to work with.

To find our recommended window companies all over the country check this section. If we know someone in your neck of the woods they’ll be listed there and they’ll be happy to help.

For example, my company will send you window prices without ever sending a salesperson to your house at all. The goal is to make this process easy and it can often be easier than you might expect.

Remember, for more great window company info you can find our suggestions for the best local companies in 2022 in your area right here. There’s no need to work with a company that gives you the run-around or makes the process difficult. There are plenty of fish in the sea as they say. The best way to get started is to check out our list of great window companies.

Replacement Windows in 2022

If you’re looking to buy new replacement windows in 2022 you’ll want to understand the current state of the market and the industry. Things are different than they’ve ever been before. We can help make sense of it.

It’s been an interesting few years for everyone. We’ve seen product shortages, pricing changes, labor issues and more. Here at TheWindowDog we have unique exposure to the industry nationwide. We’ll be happy to help you navigate the process of picking, ordering and installing the best new windows for your home.

Topics we’ll be covering here include:

Remember, our replacement window information comes from our 15+ years of industry experience. In addition we have a nationwide network of window installers, contractors and industry leading window manufacturers. That’s why we say there’s no better source of replacement window information on the entire internet!

What should I do next?

When shopping for windows I do always suggest finding a great installation company before you fall in love with any particular window model. There are plenty of great window options out there but not as many local companies that are great to work with.

To find our recommended window companies all over the country check this section. If we know someone in your neck of the woods they’ll be listed there and they’ll be happy to help.

You can also find the best replacement window reviews on the entire internet. You can also find info on the most common window sales tactics here. That’s always been one of the most popular sections on the site.

Remember, for more great window company info you can find our suggestions for the best local companies in your area right here. There’s no need to work with a company that gives you the run-around or makes the process difficult. There are plenty of fish in the sea as they say. The best way to get started is to check out our list of great window companies.