CertainTeed Windows FAQ

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Find our CertainTeed windows FAQ below. Here we’ll look at all of the common questions we get about CertainTeed windows. If you have a question that isn’t answered we invite you to post a comment at the bottom to ask your question. We read all of the comments and will be happy to answer your question for everyone to see.

Who makes CertainTeed windows?

CertianTeed doesn’t actually make windows. The windows that are currently marketed as CertainTeed windows are actually made by Mi windows based in Pennsylvania. They’re a low cost producer. As a result the CertainTeed windows you see in the market won’t be the nicest products around. It’s our recommendation that you look for another window option.

Does CertainTeed make good windows?

No. CertainTeed doesn’t make windows at all. The windows you’ll see advertised as CertainTeed windows are actually made by Mi windows and they’re not the nicest options out there. You can definitely find a better option from many other window manufacturers.

Should you buy CertainTeed windows?

No. CertainTeed windows are generally not going to be recommended by most window experts. Many years ago when I sold windows for a national window manufacturer we would use CertainTeed windows as an example of a bad design. They have since changed manufacturers so the windows are completely different, but they’re still not one of the nicer options in the market.

What are CertainTeed windows made of?

Vinyl. CertainTeed windows are made by Mi Windows and they are vinyl windows. Vinyl is the most popular material for residential windows in the United States because it’s energy efficient, durable and very cost effective. Other options like wood, fiberglass and composite materials will be more expensive and sometimes less efficient too.

Is the CertainTeed window warranty any good?

Not really. CertainTeed doesn’t make windows so the warranty you get on CertainTeed branded windows is from the manufacturer. CertianTeed windows installed after 2007 were made by Mi windows and their warranty isn’t spectacular as they’re a low cost producer. They generally don’t make the nicest windows out there. You should contact Mi windows if you have a warranty issue with windows installed after 2007. Their number is (717) 365-2500. Find more info on Mi and other window manufacturers here.

How much should CertainTeed windows cost?

The pricing for CertainTeed windows will vary quite a lot depending on the options you pick and the nature of the installation. Typically CertainTeed windows are on the lower end of the quality and price spectrum. You can probably get basic windows installed for $500-$700 per window. Adding options to the order will increase the cost. Find info on 2022 replacement window prices here.

Why would a contractor sell CertainTeed windows?

Usually a contractor will sell CertainTeed windows because they’re buying other CertainTeed products. For example, CertainTeed offers roofing, siding, and insulation so many contractors already deal with their products. You will almost never see a company that specializes in windows selling CertainTeed windows because they are not very nice. Usually you’ll see smaller roofing or siding contractors also selling CertainTeed because it’s easy for them and because they’re not too concerned about offering a top quality solution.

Are CertainTeed windows energy efficient?

Not really. CertainTeed windows are actually made by Mi windows and they’re a lower end option. They do offer several energy efficiency packages so you can get a range of options, but they won’t be as nice as the products you’ll see from higher end vinyl window manufacturers. My company has sold Mi windows in the past and the quality level was disappointing. Find the best replacement window info here.

Are CertainTeed windows better than other types?

Well, there’s always something worse out there, but CertainTeed windows are not very nice. You will almost never see a company that specializes in windows selling CertainTeed windows. They’re just a lower end option that is usually offered by smaller siding or roofing contractors. If someone has suggested that you buy CertainTeed windows you might want to look at another option or two so you can understand the differences. These windows are not very nice and would not be a product we would recommend.

Do you have a question about CertainTeed windows that was not answered? 

Post a comment below to let us know. We’ll add your question to the list so everyone has more info. If you think we’re wrong about anything post that too and we’ll be happy to address your concern.

You can also find detailed window reviews hererecommended window companies here and common window sales tactics here.

Happy window shopping!

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