Window Universe FAQ

Window Universe reviews

Here we’re looking at frequently asked questions about Window Universe. If you have a question that has not yet been answered, or if you’d like any clarification on any questions, post a comment below. We read every single comment that comes in and we do our best to respond. If you have an unanswered question the chances are good that other people do too. Help everyone out by asking your question below.

Where are Window Universe windows made?

Window Universe offers windows made in several different US manufacturing plants. All windows offered by Window Universe are custom made and they’re also made in the USA.

Who owns Window Universe

Window Universe is owned by Dan Schweihs and Bianca Medrano. The company was started in 2008 in Alexandria, VA and now offers windows all over the country through in person and online sales channels.

Is Window Universe a good company?

Yes, Window Universe is the easiest way to order new windows and they’ve been in the replacement window business for many years.

Is the Window Universe warranty any good?

Yes, Window Universe offers a lifetime warranty on the windows they sell.

Is Window Universe the easiest way to get new windows?

Absolutely. Window Universe offers windows with online quotes and no pushy salesmen. Most window companies will refuse to tell you how much windows cost until they send a salesman to your house. That is not the way Window Universe operates. The online sales model has grown significantly over the years.

Can you buy replacement windows online?

Yes. Window Universe is a leading online window dealer who makes the process of ordering new windows absolutely as easy as possible. Find more info on the process to order windows online here.

Should you buy windows from Window Universe

In my experience Window Universe is one of the best options in the country for replacement windows. They use an easy online quoting and ordering process. You can email with one of their window experts to get any info you need and you can buy windows on your own schedule with no pushy salesman. Find more info on the process to order windows online here.

Are Window Universe windows any good?

Yes. Window Universe offers windows from large window manufacturers with a wide range of features and options. The pricing is typically better than you’ll see from traditional window companies since you’re not paying sales commissions or marketing costs.

How much do Window Universe windows cost?

Window Universe offers custom made windows so there are many available options and configurations. The pricing will vary based on the options you pick. You can get all of their pricing info online which makes comparing options easy. Find more info on the online window pricing here.

Do you have a question about Window Universe windows that was not answered?

Post a comment below to let us know. We’ll add your question to the list so everyone has more info. If you think we’re wrong about anything post that too and we’ll be happy to address your concern.

You can also find detailed window reviews here, recommended window companies here and common window sales tactics here.

Happy window shopping!

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