Champion Windows Reviews

champion windows reviews and ratings

Champion Windows is one of the largest retailers of residential replacement windows in the country.  They produce their windows at their factory in Cincinnati, OH and they sell them through a network of company owned and independant stores that they call factory showrooms.

Champion is a little unique in the replacement window business as they produce their own product.  Most other large nationwide window retailers are franchises and they do not produce their own product.

Does this make Champion windows better?  

No, not necessarily, but it is certainly a difference in the structure of the company.

A drawback with any company that produces their own product is that they must tell you that their product is the best thing for you.  They have to do that because they don’t have anything else to offer.  A company that is not tied to a specific product may be able to offer better advice.  Whether or not this is important to you comes down to what you’re trying to get out of your meeting with a window company.  If you’re looking for an objective recommendation, this may not be the type of company for you.

Champion windows are generally regarded to be a good quality product.  They offer very energy efficient options and they have a good reputation for quality installations.

However, Champion windows are typically sold at a relatively high price.  Many consumers find that there are other options with similar efficiency ratings available at better prices.

Some salespeople from Champion windows have been known to tell consumers they they produce the glass and that no other company offers the same low-e glass options.  They also frequently use a heat lamp demonstration to tell folks that their windows are better than anything else on the market.  This is just not true and it casts the Champion sales process in a bad light.

Are Champion Windows energy efficient?

Here’s an example of an NFRC sticker from a Champion window.  It shows the performance ratings for this particular model.  As you can see the ratings are fine, but there is nothing remarkable about them.

champion window prices
Despite claims of their salespeople and long heat lamp demonstrations, Champion windows have average efficiency ratings.

In addition to average ratings, Champion windows are typically sold at wildly varying prices.  We see Champion window prices in the Washington DC and Northern Virginia area as high as $800 to $1000 per window.  Then you see the exact same windows sold in Richmond or Cleveland for a substantially lower price.

One reason for large range of prices for the same Champion windows is the pricing model that they use.  There tends to be a good amount of negation and “special” pricing that is designed to entice a customer to purchase on the spot.  When we see a Champion window quote for $800 per window and then another for $450 per window the only explanation we can think of is that one customer did a better job of saying no than the other.

Regardless of the reason Champion tends to use an outdated and old fashioned pricing model that often results in the consumer paying substantially more than they need to for average products.

To sum things up: buyer beware.

What if I have more questions about Champion windows?

We can help!  Find our Champion windows FAQ page here.  If you don’t see the answer to your question post a comment and we’ll answer your question for everyone to see.

Looking for any additional information on Champion windows that you’re not finding here?  Post a comment and let us know.  We’ll be glad to help out!

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86 thoughts on “Champion Windows Reviews”

  1. Hello,I’m in Chicago area and I received a quote for 2x double hung half-screen 32×44 and one picture window 60×44 Champion 8200 including installation and free glass cleaner 🙂 for $2,380. Do you think I can negotiate lower price?

    1. Free glass cleaner? I like the sound of that! It looks like you’re talking about 3 windows for about $2400 or about $800 per window. The typical cost per window goes up a little when you do smaller projects as there is still a fair amount of work involved. If you offered them $2000 or even $1500 you might see some savings. A small project like that isn’t too exciting for anyone involved, but I bet they’d rather have your business than not have it. Good luck!

    2. Hello,I’m in Chicago area and I received a quote for 2x double hung half-screen 32×44 and one picture window 60×44 Champion 8200 including installation and free glass cleaner 🙂 for $2,380. Do you think I can negotiate lower price?

      1. You never know. Companies like that can be a little slippery with the pricing. I’d say the bottle of glass cleaner is probably worth $3 or $4 so you’ve got that going for you.

        1. Yes and they just finished an install for me. Wish I could post photos. I’ve never seen such shoddy work. They left old, battered wood from the old window showing and put cheap vinyl stick and peal around the windows with nothing behind it so a child or put can just push it in without even intending to. The corners don’t match up on the trim. I almost hired them to replace all my windows — This mess they installed? I don’t even want it in my house.

          1. Totally agree, install looks like crap corners not square, caulking looks like a little kid did it very sad.

          2. Hi Mark, have you talked to Champion windows about it? I would think they’d be able to fix up issues like that. At the very least it would be interesting to hear how they’d respond to your concerns.

          3. My parents have the same problem. The sales rep came out and measured for all the windows. Their home had old metal frame pella windows. Instead of measuring for the hole, he measured the hole w/in the inside of the metal frames. Their installer came out, said nothing to my parents about how the metal frames were going to remain (they wanted them totally gone which was a big part of having them replaced in the first place). Instead he starts to install upstairs, where my parents can’t easily get to due to age and ability. By the time he got down to the main section of the house my parents advised the he needed to remove the metal frames as that is part of the old window. SO he did but didn’t tell them that the new windows were not measured for the “full opening” on the house and he just kinda framed them in and installed them. They look like trash. It’s disgusting. And the company is not responding, has no local office and my parents are very angry and upset about the entire situation. At this point I’m going to have to get involved. While my parents are totally capable of communicating and trying to resolve this on their own, neither of them are tech savvy and I’m going to have to work on trying to find someone w/in the company to reach to get this problem elevated. I’m pretty disgusted with the entire situation too.

        2. I am trying very hard to reach someone at that company. I’m concerned that they want to drag this out for a long time so that I’ll give up. I don’t understand how a simple window install can go so wrong. I checked the invoice and it said nothing about pocket windows so I asked the install manager why I ended up with them. He said that to get full frame, the salesman would have had to write that on the invoice. How would a customer know that? The salesman was matching another quote, that quote had full frame, I told him specifically why I wanted full frame. The salesman gets a bigger commission for selling me cheaper windows and there was no way for me to know. And, I have black tar on a white frame – the factory shouldn’t have sent it out that way but champion shouldn’t have installed it that way.

          1. Hi Pam, I’m sorry to hear about your trouble with Champion Windows. Did your old windows have wood frames, or metal or vinyl? A pocket type install is the most common method by a very wide margin for several good reasons so I would suggest not assuming you got a bad result. I don’t know anyone at the company to direct you to for answers but let us know what you find out. If you didn’t get what you were expecting it’ll be interesting for our readers to hear how they handle it.

  2. Thank you for a fast respond. Hard to believe but free glass cleaner supposed to be a special for those windows (Champion 8200 twelve layers glass) because according to a sales person using regular Windex is not recommended and might void warranty. Anyway I emailed him my offer $1,800 and received respond that they can do it but with Champion 1000 series 🙁
    In the meantime I had a second quote S1,650 for Simonton Reflection 5500 triple pane additional $600-worth it? Do you know anything about Climate Solutions Windows and Doors company and LoE3-366 glass?

  3. Do you have any information on Window Depot? They have good BBB and Angie’s List reviews locally, but I’m not sure how their windows compare.

  4. Champion window. Knocked off my liscense plate and it popped off the cab corner molding on their work vehicle. They refuse to use my insurance to fix it , instead they’re claiming injury and called Jim Adler the Texas Hammer. No structural damage to either vehicles.

    1. I ordered 9 replacement windows from champion in July. I
      have a sun room approx 15 yrs old I mention that one panel of
      glass, the seal was broken. My sales person Pat Mulcahy looked at it and said we will replace it, lifetime guarantee. Soon after I signed a contract for the new windows, person
      came to check the sun room…wrote down all repairs needed.
      Said it would be $99.00, i gave him a check for that amount.
      (My big mistake) i haven’t heRd from anyone at Champion
      and I can’t get any one on the phone to ask about it. I have
      called Pat Mulcahy and left messages but he won’t call me.
      I want someone to call me and get this taken care of or send
      me my $99.00 back. I am a 90 yr old woman and this is how
      Champion treats you after they get your money. If this is not resolved, the next person you hear from will be my attorney.

      1. Hi Dorris, I’m sorry to hear about your trouble with Champion. I would imagine replacing the glass in a sunroom that they previously installed wouldn’t be a big deal for them. It doesn’t seem like it should take 6+ months, but things are still a little strange in manufacturing. Have you tried calling the office number to ask about the status? It’s possible that they’re still waiting on parts or something along those lines. At least they should be able to tell you if the order is sill moving forward.

        Let us know what you find out. I’m sure you’re not the only person in a similar situation.

  5. I will shout this out !!!!! Do Not…. Buy listen trust anything Champion has to say. They lie to get the sale………..You will be VERY sorry !!!!!!!

    1. If you really want us to consider your advice, then back it up with 1 or more personal experiences (including additional cost to you).

    2. Agree! Made the mistake of using them for a sunroom! It’s exactly that, was supposed to be a four season room, but it’s only comfortable if the sun isn’t shining! The cover gaps with vinyl and for a company that’s supposed to designe energy efficient products they suck!

      1. Had a terrible experience with them. Pressured sales pitch, misrepresented quality of windows, then 6 month delay in installation and completion, although ordered ahead of winter to cut down on heating costs. Incompetent but threatening customer service staff. When I later sold the home the man who came to clean the windows commented on their poor quality and overpriced.

    3. I AGREE They installed windows incorrectly and they don’t show up for appointments. This has been going on since Oct 2020

    4. Good Morning Lisa.
      I should have ready the review before placing my order with Champion, because you are so very correct! They lied to me about the y lied to me about the process. They lied to me about they window I would be receiving (small window than I had). They lied to me about being able to re-installed my Woodbridge blinds back up. They lied to me about the new vinyl decorative appearance would be getting on my bathroom window. THEY LIE! THEY LIE! THEY LIE!
      I’ve been giving the run around on The Install manager calling me back. Carl! I can’t get anyone on the phone for customer service. I had to choose “new order” to even get a person on the line.
      I refuse to let them come into my beautiful home a destroy it., and to me this is what they’ve done.
      I consulting with an Attorney now in regards to suing Champion Windows regarding my order. I have video’s, I have recordings of what I was promised and I have text message to prove the Sales Representative had no idea what he was doing or selling. I’ve reached out the Greensky and informed them, I’m not paying for these windows until I get what I was told I was buying. They got the wrong women on this order.

    5. Well, I found out the hard way…Not only do they not tell you the truth, the customer service stinks. I could tell you a lot more and name names, but I will do that when I complain to the BBB!

    6. Took Champion 6 months to provide/install my windows. Its next to impossible to call anyone. Champion NEVER returned my calls or written correspondence till I contacted BBB.

    7. Amen. Ordered window and took 6 months to get ’em. Installed 2 wrong windows plus picture window with defective glass and took 2 months to get someone to respond. Try calling: they rarely answer, then transfer you to voice mail which they never return. No one person to talk to, each department disclaims responsibility for anything. Only thing they do right? Give a quote and take your order.

      1. Sorry to hear about your trouble. Champion was sold not too long ago and it seems we still see a lot of comments like this. So far haven’t really seen any signs that the new ownership is making any improvements. Did they end up getting your issues resolved?

  6. Avoid Champion. Customer service is atrocious. They enrolled me in the wrong finance plan, which took over a week, more than 10 phone calls and several hours to remedy. They’ll verbally tell you that your product will arrive in half the time which is listed on your contract, then fall back on what was in writing- definitely don’t trust their word on anything.
    The supervisor I spoke with apologized only after I’d said no one had yet apologized for their multiple mistakes and misleading statements, but he only said he was sorry that I ‘feel that way.’ He said he couldn’t address my claims about the verbal estimate because he ‘wasn’t there.’ So apparently the customer’s word is good for nothing.

    1. I agree, During a rainy day the basement window cracked and is been three and half months and have not gotten my window replaced no contact from customer service and feels like they’re blowing me off. The only thing you can do is email and two to three days later they reply to just to tell you it will take 6-8 weeks. They advertise their windows as the best but to tell you the truth they are very comparable to any other company. I only wish i had done a little more leg work. I wouldn’t be in this mess or at least wouldn’t of paid so much for bad service.

  7. Champions replacements windows are excellent,cost great,installation and warranty are outstanding.had them installed over 20 yrs.ago.still under warranty.GREAT.

    1. I loved their lifetime original-owner warranty! They came and replaced my screens multiple times after they had aged and some had ripped. They replaced one window with a newer window because ours was a little harder to open and, what I assume was a spring, made a weird sound when opening it. They kept the cold out and the noise. I can’t say that for our Pella windows in our newer home we built in 2009. The Champion windows were cheaper and outperformed the Pella hands down.

  8. I am looking at having 27 windows and an 8′ exterior double French door replaced. Champion has quoted 796 per window, and 6k for the door system.

    Could you suggest a good realistic counter offer?
    9 will be oriel style – approx 36×72 double hung
    7 picture windows (one is large 72×52, 2 are small 23×34, 2 36×52, 2 28×52)
    1 42×36 slider
    1 36×42 double hung
    2 28x 52 double hungs
    7 36×52 double hungs

  9. I will never recommend to anyone to use Champion, specifically the Bensenville operations. The salesperson was very nice and convinced me to change all windows and the patio door in my house. Once the contract is signed and paid with my credit card because I do not want to use their financing options. My Champion Windows work contract and payment was completed in June 6, 2015 and it took 4 months (October 15, 2016) to have my windows and patio door installed. The installers came with wrong windows that are not the ones I ordered. They have not installed the patio door properly. I have to call the office multiple times to have them come back to reinstall the patio door on January, 2016.
    Customer service really sucks. Some of the windows are coming out of their frame or casement. They installers never gave me a key for the patio door. I called Caleb H. He promised to get to me; I am still waiting for his call. When I called and sent texts to Caleb H. the Division Manager, he does not get to me.
    I learn my lessons; I will never recommend Champion to anyone. A Champion Windows, there is no customer service. When Champion gets your sales, they don’t care about the rest.

    1. I feel the same way. I had a sun room added by Champion and they promised that all the glass would be cool in summer and warm in the winter. This has not been proven in my case. I have to put up dark window treatment in summer and extra heat in winter. The door they installed is touching the roof and we have to shove it open. I’m disappointed in their promises. I would not recommend this company to stand behind what they offer. They are all about your money. Not sure how they have been in business this long.

  10. Great sales pitch I took it hook line and sinker,
    Took out a second mortgage on my home in order to purchase these windows. One of the biggest selling points for me was the LIFETIME replacement NO MATTER the cause of a broken window. NOT SO MUCH! We are selling the home and needed one replaced due to a BB gun accident.

    During the installation the contracted installers told me I was paying twice what they would have charged if I had known to contact them directly. Of course I had already entered a contract with Champion.

    I received nothing but the run around from customer service when I contacted them to exercise my LIFETIME replacement option. We don’t have any record of the purchase, ARE YOU SURE THEY ARE CHAMPION WINDOWS? Really? Yes I’m sure, I remember taking out a second mortgage on my home in order to pay the over inflated cost. They didn’t even go so far as to offer to send someone out to confirm I was telling them the truth.

    In the interest of time and getting the window replaced for the new owners I contacted a thirty year professional glazer (Non Champion window fan) who confirmed the window’s were without a doubt CHAMPION windows.

    Hope my misfortune will save other consumers a great deal of money and hassle!

    1. Pictures of the serial numbers and/or sales receipt in email correspondence always proves it is their product 🙂

      I am the worst about throwing away receipts, except for extended warranties (especially high $$ items). Course I have noticed that some I have kept for over 10 years tend to ink fade even when kept in filing cabinet. So, I have started making an ink-jet copy of the original upon purchase.

  11. Poor quality product. Bought a house from owner who had replaced all windows with Champion. Windows were only 4 years old. They are now 11 years old and 5 windows have needed replacement because of broken seals allowing moisture to form between panes. Of course we’re not the original owner, so we have to pay for replacements. One window has been replace twice. This winter the replacement window “popped” on a very cold Minnesota morning and the interior glass cracked from top to bottom. Called for service and they said, “Oh, that happens!” It took 4 phone calls, 3 appoints, $4oo, and 3 months to finally get it replaced. Now thinking that we’re better off replacing them with a different brand. Would never recommend this company or its products.

    1. I’m sorry to hear about your trouble. I’m surprised the Champion window warranty isn’t transferable. Most companies will allow the warranty to transfer to the second homeowner. Hopefully they’ll be able to get everything fixed up for you.

      1. Just had Champion over to quote and the literature indicates that the Warranty can be transferred 1 time to a subsequent owner. Additional warranty period will be one year from the date of sale of the property. Original purchaser needs to notify champion with the new owners name within 30 days of the sale date.

        1. Thanks for sharing that. That’s a pretty limited warranty after it’s transferred, most companies will last a little longer than that.

  12. We live in the Akron, Ohio area and had Champion windows installed ~1 1/2 years ago. I am not at all happy with the seal (or lack of) between the upper and lower sash. Back in October 2017, I noticed one of our upper windows had condensation between the panes. I contacted Champion with all of the information to have it replaced. They proceeded to inform me that the “Free” lifetime warranty would cost me $100.00 to have the sash replaced. I did have the option to drive 40 + miles to their showroom and pick up the new window once it was ready and install it myself. To me, that was unacceptable. After quite a bit of arguing, they relented and agreed to a one-time no charge delivery. Almost 5 months later they finally had the upper sash built and someone came to my home and put it in.
    I would never use Champion again and certainly would never recommend them. They claim to have a superior product, which it is not, and they boast about their service, which is sub-par.
    Steer clear of Champion Windows. Not worth the money.

  13. All windows are pretty much the same
    Low E , double hung,etc…
    to be honest all companies are the sane
    It’s your (my) obligation to trust the process. People rearely post positive anything it’s always negative . And using a venue as this is just down right sad. Because you are or you think you are a better sales person for slamming companies in your same field. It’s ssd today how many people are satisfied that never say a word so all you see are bad reviews. When we get upset about something we want everyone to know it.
    No company is perfect and ever will be. I personally look for a company that is YSA made and I trust what the salesman is saying, I lived a long life I can spot a scam when I see it. Over my years I have bought many things from many salesman I buy from the company that has the best salesman and I trust them, my GUT speaks loudly. Use your own common sense. Most reviews today are crap I don’t buy into reviews. Did you know companies can pay money to have better reviews than others? Did you know companies can put their own slant on reviews. Go with your GUT it’s never served me wrong.

    D Collier

  14. I ran across the CHAMPION WINDOW COMPANY while searching the net yesterday.
    I called the company and requested an appt. ASAP to discuss window replacements. I was given an appt. for today. The company rep. that came to my home was Dominick T. He called me twice. His first call was to confirm our appt. and the second call was to politely inform me that he was on his way to my home and would arrive shortly.
    Upon his arrival Dominick gave me a thorough presentation. He was VERY patient with me and he took his time and patiently answered my MANY, MANY questions. Mr. Dominick T. is definitely an asset to the company.

    1. Champion is excellent at Sales, and only sales. Try contacting them about anything else. They do not respond, will not act, and talk unprofessional.

  15. Champion is junk. Had to have many replaced. I’m remodeling some rooms they are in, no insulation in the gaps around windows, I’ve talked to the national office, nothing but empty promises. Tired of paying service fees for bad windows.

  16. I have screens that have to be replaced every year because insects eat holes in them. I think a screen by definition should stop bugs. And Champion’s “free replacement” is now $99 after 2 years.

  17. We wanted to say the Mia our saleslady was so informative and answered our questions without hesitant. We was so patient about explaining everything about our windows. Thank you Mia and Champion, and look forward to doing business in the future.

  18. The rep who came bid the offer and provided a good deal, so we decided to go with Champion. First issues happened when the window measurements took place about a week later than expected. Measurements were conducted and a template was taken. After the 8 weeks came and went I called the rep to find out a status. He said he would look into it and never got back with me. After ten weeks cam and went I reached out again. Multiple text never received a response. Called and he finally answered and said he would call and get back with me on Monday. Monday came and went with no response.
    At this point I called Champion and was transferred to installations the manager took my information and told me he would find out what was wrong. He called me back and told me there was a problem with the production and would need to be resized or he would give me the option to refund the money. We had them resized and the manager told me he would call me the following Monday or Tuesday. He never called. A week later and two voicemails. I call Champion again and work my way up to another manager. Explaining everything she told me she would have the manager call me back. Well he does call and after months of waiting for these windows he tells me there is nothing they can do and Champion CANNOT make the windows!!!

    WORST Window company I have ever dealt with. Do not use this company.

    PS I am still awaiting the refund.

  19. Very unprofessional amd inexperienced office manager named Patty working in Macedonia facility. Will not be using Champion again.

  20. As a former employee at their corporate office I heard many stories of upset customers. From lack of follow up for repair and warranty work to downright negligence on the part of the subcontractors. One customer in the St. Louis area had his house knocked off the foundation during a patio install. They had to sue Champion for them to take any responsibility. The CEO and CFO are more concerned with image and routinely demanded employees post positive reviews on different websites.

    1. Hi Chris, thanks for writing. I’m not surprised to hear of a company having their employees write reviews. We’ve caught companies doing that on our site several times. Not Champion, but other well known companies. This is a funny business.

  21. From a former employee – you should listen to him. Lots of warranty and installation issues – one of the worst examples I saw was the house knocked off its foundation during a patio room install. The company ending up settling the lawsuit with the clients.

  22. We are very disappointed with our local Champion company in Boise, Idaho. We have stopped trying to contact them via email or phone to come to our home and fix the poorly installed windows. They have avoided us in the last 6 weeks after a visit from Brent, their salesman. Our windows were installed in July 2014 at a cost of over $4,000, so they are only 6 years old. In May of this year a crack appeared on the inside of one window from rain water slowly seeping past the edge of the window. Upon further inspection from a handyman, two windows so far have water damage from improper installation. We’re having to pay out of pocket to have them fixed. DO NOT waste your money on Champion!!! They give you the run around and don’t stand behind their work.

  23. If you plan on using this company please read their BBB complaints before you do so. The only reason they have any stars on Google is because the sales person gets you to write a review during the sales process. They have 443 complaints on the BBB in the last 12 mos and one of those is mine. I have been dealing with this company for the last 9 mos on just trying to get a few windows installed. In which I have already paid more than half the money. No one from this company will call you back. Just get the run around every time you call them. We did get a hold of someone in corporate in which they asked us to send them a detailed doc of everything that happened and assured us someone would get back to us. That was 2 mos ago and still no word. Our last resort is leaving comments on every website possible and contacting our attorney to hopefully get a resolution. There was only one person that was actually trying to help us and get things done – He is no longer with the company. 9 months is too long to have nothing. Please stay away and please read the BBB complaints before you buy from this company.

  24. I’m having trouble with my door and window , contacted Champion only to get the machine. I talked to people that have quite Champion, they said the service has become so bad they quite this Co. I don’t know what happen to this Co. but it has gone down hill on service. I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS CO. They want there money them bad on service.

  25. August 6,2021
    I called Champion for a service call on my existing windows. So I went to their website to get their phone number, called and never got a reply. The website listed the address of the Chicago area office in Bensenville, so I went there. The office is closed and no Champion on the sign in this business warehouse district. I found another phone number to call which was answered and there was a separate service line. Net Net, it took me five calls to get the “service manager” to call me after threating to call the President of Champion Windows. He informs me that they do not have a service representative, just hired one and will be scheduling service for another 60-90 days. By the way, the service manager had a New Jersey phone number. These are all signs of a company either going out of business, or closing down a market.

  26. I do not recommend Champion Windows. Signed a contract to replace 26 of my windows for just under 25000 in late June. In late July the contract was modified to remove one window and the new price was just under 24,000. In late AUGUST they contact me to tell me they misquoted the price and it was going to be another $4000. At this point, there has already been a hit on my credit report, they have had my $3000 downpayment since June and I’ve taken their line of credit and already made payments on it. In addition to that, I realized when they updated the contract to remove the window, they’d extended my timeline from “under 8 weeks” to “10 to 12 weeks” – that part is on me for not correcting it then. But basically, they have had thousands of dollars of my money since late June and they are just now telling me there is a huge pricing error that they made and will not honor. Really bad experience all around. I wonder how long it will take to get my refund on the contract they cancelled because they wouldn’t weasel me out of more money.

  27. So far I’m experiencing the same nightmare that I experienced with Window World several years ago. I signed a contract with Champion on 4/29/21. They came out and took second measurements on 5/24/21. Today is 9/1/21 and I just found out that the windows were never ordered and they can’t find any records of a second measurement. It has been over 4 months and now they are telling me another 6 to 8 weeks. Not an acceptable answer.

  28. Dont really have any thing bad to say about champion but here is my thoughts and problem with the company. I had a sale rep come out I live in Alabama they are having a sale buy 2 get 2 free I have I have 12 windows to replace all standard size double hung windows I was like great major dicount boy was i so wrong sales rep came out great pitch he kept referring to average window cost around 600 a window I was thinking cool 600 x 6 =3600 so the end of the sales pitch comes he calculates the the the the windows at 18000 no joke for 12 standard windows then then telles me with the special deal they are having at 1100 per window it brings it down to 13000 so im ok with being wrong about the 600 per window and for the quality they betray im even open to the 1100 per window so lm like ok but buy there own picing 1100×12=13200 were did he get the 18000 first red flag. Moving foward second red flag if its by there own special buy to get to free then at 13200 devided by 2 =6600 to me seems a little shady so after all the reviews i have read here i think ill stay away

    1. You’re definitely right that those sort of buy 2 get 1 free sales are all just make believe in this business. They’ll advertise anything to get you to call so they can get a salesman in your living room. It’s a funny business for sure and you can be very sure that any company advertising like that is offering a bad deal. We wrote a post about the Buy 2 Get 1 FREE promotions in our Sales Tactics section.

      The only reason companies still use those sort of tactics is because people fall for them so the more people can be aware of them the more likely it is people won’t be taken advantage of. Good luck with your project and if you’re near Birmingham I could help with an order if you’d like.

  29. Biggest mistake i have ever made installing Champion windows ! The quality of the product seemed fine but the installation and customer service were absolutely horrible !!! A trained monkey could have done better job of installing them ! The management at the store didn’t seem to care or admit to any problems that are still existing and have never been corrected ! Just plain don’t by champion windows !!

  30. Champion is one of the worst customer service companies I have ever dealt with. I inherited a Champion Sunroom that was “the best they make” according to service man. Yes I needed 2 replacement units glass for a 12 year old product due to seal failure. The wait for a technician who charged $100 to come look at it was 4 weeks. Two years later, a door glass and another window unit failed. Again, $100 to come look and then as I was not the original owner, they wanted $600 to replace the glass. I declined and pointed out that the door glass was a Cardinal Glass product and it carried from. Cardinal a 20 year warranty as a standard. They didn’t seem to care and would not “do the right thing” and replace a product that had prematurely failed. Considering this was the fourth and fifth failure in less than 15 years. So today, a yard service threw a rock and broke a small glass unit. I called and tried to schedule service. I was told that it would be $100 to come look at it. And 60 to 90 day wait to get someone!! Yes 3 months to even get someone to come look at it. NEVER BUY CHAMPION!! It is a sub par product and they cannot or will not service it in a reasonable time frame and to charge you $100 to come look is simply highway robbery!!

  31. Champion windows is a fraud!!!! They are liars and scam artists. They lied about their products quality and the appearance, they do not deliver quality products do not buy their overpriced trash. The windows were installed incorrectly and they did not put my blinds back up. I have not received my screens even though the windows were installed in October 2021. I have filed complaints with the attorney generals office and BBB and Champion has flat out lied to both about there attempts to fix the issue. I regret every calling them. They are a nightmare company.

    1. I gave Champion Windows a $15,500 deposit on a $31,000 roof cover that was approx 255 square ft. The roof cover only required approx 17 ft of screen, one side only. This comes to over $121 per square foot, no walls, no doors, only one side screened. I have no issue with overpaying for good work with good customer service. Unfortunately, Champion took my deposit and refuses to get back with me on a completion date for this ridiculously easy job. After six months, multiple unanswered messages, after getting the run around from my salesman Dave, I was told they had to file for a permit before they could get me start date. Are you kidding me? Another month has passed and it’s now seven months and they still have no date. Worst customer service ever. I am asking for a complete refund.

  32. Do not do business with Champion Windows. I contacted Champion of Ohio in October 2020 for windows and doors and siding. The windows were measured 4 times and still, three were the wrong size. They installed them anyways and I had three windows sitting on 2×4’s. One night, water poured in from the top of the window like a faucet, the trim was leaking onto the window and they had drilled a hole in the top of the window during their botched installation. The correct windows were finally ordered and installed but by then, I had doors installed, also incorrectly. The doors would not lock and had to be serviced. In October 2021, I still had heard nothing about my siding and I cancelled in writing. They talked me into allowing them to install the siding. In January of 2022, my beautiful Portsmouth Shake vinyl siding was installed. I refused to allow the window and door installers on my property and another crew was sent, their best I was told. They did not read the siding instructions and within a couple weeks, siding was falling and popping loose. Also, again the measurements were incorrect and they ran out of soffit. More installers were sent, more siding sliding down and when I checked the instructions, I realized they had not read the directions and probably the entire installation is incorrect. I contacted the manufacturer and as I suspected, unless the siding is installed properly, the warranty is void. Today the same siders showed up and argued with me about how siding should be installed. I sent them away and I’m waiting to hear how this company intends to make this right. Don’t take the risk, it is a bad company, go read the BBB reviews. I’m thinking we need a class action against this horrible company.

  33. Reid Adkins did an excellent job of explaining the product to me. This is the kind of window I wanted. He really worked on getting me the price I could afford. We give him 5 stars

    1. I gave to Brian the salesman 5 stars too, without seeing their product. Now, I regret my decision.
      Actually he kinds forced me to give him 5 stars, strange isn’t it?

      I hope you do not have the experience I has and still have with them.

  34. My husband and I truly regret purchasing windows from Champion. In 2006 we had Champion replace about half our windows. The experience was great from start to finish. In 2021 we needed the remaining windows replaced and we naturally turned to Champion. What a different experience! The sales pitch was a much harder sell than in 2006. We almost said “no” at that point and wish we had. But we went ahead. It took 3 months to get our new windows – not unreasonable considering the pandemic and supply chain issues.
    One of the windows was a replacement for a 2006 window. When they brought out it was the wrong size. It took 3 more tries before they got it right. There were numerous problems with the newly replaced windows from the screens being too slack to the cranks not working right. We paid extra to have the outside of the window frames painted to match our house. On the two biggest (most expensive) windows they did a sloppy paint job. The paint can’t be fixed so we asked Champion to replace them. We have now been waiting almost 8 months for the replacements.
    We finally asked Champion to just refund half of what we paid for the windows and we would just live with them. They offered us 38% of the value. We finally accepted just to be done with this. They sent us a contract which would require us to NOT share our experience anywhere. We declined. So here we are – pushing a year after original installation and we’re still not done. Along with regretting that we used Champion we regret we paid them in full upon installation (as they required) in June 2021.
    Our advice – don’t use Champion for anything.

    1. I am so sorry to hear about you experience. I am struggling with them too. I regret my decision of buying my windows from Champion Windows. Unfortunately I paid them in full.

  35. My project with Champion has become a nightmare. In a nutshell, read every letter of your contract and absolutely do not trust your salesperson. I feel I was fast talked into signing and later trapped even deeper in a bad deal by a lying salesman. Now I’m stuck in a contract that does not include a sliding door like it was supposed to. I’ve called customer service twice. They’ve left messages with the office manager to call, and nobody has.
    So, what happened to me was we went thru and measured everything went thru design choices, including the sliding door and he went over the usual sales pitch that takes forever with the demo window like the other companies before. After all this he started putting out price points. His first was way too high and out of my budget. We finally got to a price I felt was fair. He was on the pushy side and was trying to get this portion of the process done quickly. He wanted to shake hands before filling out the paperwork. I asked if this was the final price and that it would cover everything. No extra charges etc. and he said yes. Well, it didn’t the sliding door wasn’t included in the price. I think he knew this cause if he added the door, it would have pushed the project price up another 20% and I couldn’t afford it. He never showed me any paperwork from this point forward about any sliding door. Never brought it up again. I assumed that it was included like the 4 quotes I had received before this from other companies.
    So, 4 days later a guy shows up to do a final measurement. We go over what is getting measured, and he says there is no sliding door. Note the 4 days, because you have 3 days to cancel. On day 4 you owe 5% to back out. After a call and a text to my salesperson stating I’m not going to let him measure anything until this is resolved, he then calls me. Says to just let him measure and we’ll get this figured out and it will be okay. I trusted him but also in the contract if they measure then you now owe 30% if you cancel. He knew this. I was emotional and couldn’t budget more money. I just trusted that he was going to fix this. Instead, he gave me an offer for a sliding door that increased the total project cost by 20%. I can’t afford that so now I’m stuck in a bad deal and no sliding door. Let this be fair warning to anyone out there. My salesperson absolutely did not care at all about my predicament. He got his paycheck and was on to the next person.

    As of today, 7/15/22 still no windows. They came out to install yesterday after 3 months and everything was wrong. 14 total windows. 9 were the wrong size, 1 had a crack straight thru the glass. Only the 4 small windows for my bay window were okay. Nothing was installed. They said they had to reorder everything. NO ONE has called me about this. They left a window at my house that nobody has picked up and I don’t want to be responisble for that expensive piece of junk. Again, after such a horrible experience NOBODY calls you. To say sorry, to explain how long it will take to resolve all this. Called customer service and they said no paperwork had been turned in for the reorder or anything. Going with Champion windows has been the worst decision I have ever made. If I could get out of the contract I would. Even if it meant I had to wait a year to get windows from any other company. DON’T CHOOSE CHAMPION WINDOWS.

    1. Hi Josh, I’m sorry to hear about your trouble with Champion windows. Let us know how it turns out.

  36. My experience from Champion has been a nightmare. They took over 5 months to finally install windows that were supposed to be done in 4-6 weeks and about another year for them to attempt to make them right with me. Once installed, there were multiple problem with them. The worst thing was that all the windows were sagging in the upper corners on both sides. They sent three different people at three different times out to “fix” the issues. Each time they either didn’t fix anything or fixed one thing and blew off the rest. After about a year and a half after the original order, they have finally fixed most of the issues but still refuse to address the sagging windows. Their reasoning is that “that’s the way they windows were made.” One of the reasons we decided to buy these windows in the first place, was the statement from their salesman and I quote. “We own the factory so we can control the quality of the products we sell.” So, then logic would dictate, that either that statement is a lie or they just don’t care about the quality as long as they get their money. It has now been over a year and a half from the original order and just today a rude woman from “corporate” told me that they would not be correcting any more issues with my windows, that that’s how they were made and that’s just how they are. The second half of the approx $12,000 order is due and if we didn’t pay it now we would be sent to collections and or sued for the balance and our warranty would be void. Oh yes, they did offer compensation for all the trouble we’ve had. They are giving us $250 off of as I said about $12,000… So, if you’re in the market for windows, do yourself a favor and don’t even consider Champion windows. I know I won’t next year when I replace the rest of the windows in my house.

  37. My experience with Champion Windows is still a nightmare, and the problem that arose remains a problem. In May of 2022, I signed a contract with a salesperson named Brian for a sunroom and the change of 5 windows. I regret I change my windows, as I should have done more research before deciding to work with them.

    First, do not ever believe a word of what the salesperson will tell you, as their job is based on percentages in sales, and they will say everything you want to hear, which later will turn into a big regret. The quality of the windows is not even close to what they told us before we signed. I am guilty of trusting, that’s for sure.

    The windows have been replaced, and it started with my complaint about fogging the second day after placement; this was in June. I have been told that it is normal and I must be patient. Ok, I was patient but fogging still happened. Then later, we noticed that the sticker they placed around the windows on the interior side was peeling off. I believed this was an incident and it could be fixed. Today, December 14th is the 5th time they have come to my home to fix this issue that is happening continuously.

    Mark, the department manager, accused us of creating the problem, as they do not have this issue with any of their windows. He mentioned to my husband that he sent the pictures we took of the peeling-off windows to be reviewed, and they concluded that we are doing it.

    Let me mention that I paid almost $8,000, and I am not interested in having Champion Windows “experts” come to my home all the time who do not have any customer respect and make me feel like an idiot. To make it simple, if the manager doesn’t listen to the customer to fix the defect they have in the product, what expectations of having from the installers?

    Not to mention that I was disrespected by one of them in my own home, and when I told Mark, the manager, he wanted to give me a $50 gift card to go for dinner with my husband.

    Since this issue remains unresolved, I must also mention that the draft is still coming through, and they applied some aerated foam and called it fixed. The installers have told me that it is expected that I should have left my old windows on instead of having these installed, as there is not too much difference.

    Today, they replaced the sticker on my bedroom windows and applied some glue on the other windows, which I asked them to look at. We will see how long this will last.
    I must say that I regret working with Champion Windows in replacing my windows.
    To conclude my experience with my windows installments, I feel that Champion Windows failed to provide the quality of the work they promised. to me when I signed the contract. I paid the amount they asked for a poor-quality, defective product.

    This is my experience with Champion Windows, which unfortunately created a lot of tension and health issues on my part. I am not sure how this is going to be resolved.

  38. I had a Champion Window installation yesterday and I can’t believe the shoddy work. It should be criminal. They lied and said I was getting top of the line and then installed cheap windows using peal and stick vinyl to try to hide the mess. The trim is horrible – it doesn’t match up and it was so thin that the installer had to keep recutting because the stuff scattered when he tried to put it up. It’s going to cost a fortune for me to try to fix this mess.

  39. We entered into a contract 4/1/21 with Champion Windows to replace all of our windows. The windows arrive to be installed in August 2021, but half of them did not fit so they had to be reordered.

In addition to them not fitting we question the actual workmanship of the window sashes. The welding was bad, there was plastic that was cut in certain spots that was sharp on handles, there were gaps, holes, and many more issues with the actual quality of the product. Over the course of the next 6 to 7 months the company came to install the windows that have been ordered only to find out that windows have been ordered the wrong size again. I think we had a total of five or six service visits where they attempted to install windows, they did not fit, and none of the windows were still fitting. 

When they came to install the windows at the second service appointment they actually took all of our old windows out, so even the sashes that did not fit were left despite the fact that there were gaps and areas visible to the outdoors because they were so small. They attempted to fix it with blue painters, tape around all of the edges of our windows for months because they could not get the measurements correct. It was during winter and to date we have many bad drafts with the windows. Things became so out of hand that in December 2021 we met with the regional manager who came from Ohio to our home in Michigan to look at the windows where he agreed the quality of the product and the lack of correct sizes were so bad he agreed to re-order every single sash for every single window and promised they would be fully inspected for quality before they left the factory.

We attempted to communicate with them for the next few months wondering where the windows were and then we were finally told in the middle of March they had arrived and were inspected and a service man came on March 15 to install them and guess what they didnt fit. At that point we continue to question if it could be the actual frames because the installation on the very first attempt did not go so well because they did things very poorly so we are wondering if maybe the frames themselves were wrong. On March 15, The manager said he would figure out what he would do next and let us know. We did not hear back from him so we contacted another manager who told us to please make a list of everything that still needed to be done, which we did and we sent to them on March 23, 2022.

It was a Google Docs so we have verification they did view it. We have not heard from them since. We attempted to reach out to them numerous times, and all of our text messages, phone calls and emails went unanswered. In our contract it stated that we would pay upon completion of the job. Our contract also states that all work is to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. That did not happen.

Our contract did state the job would be completed within 1 to 5 business days after it started and we gave them grace on that, but after 2 months of not hearing from them (over 7 months from the date of the first install) we realized they abandoned the job. 4 days ago we received a letter in the mail, 12 months after they stopped all forms of communication with us, demanding we sign a completion form and pay $13,000. The letter also stated at the completion of the job was March 14, 2023. They have not spoken to us since March 23, 2022.

Due to issues that we had at the beginning of the process with them I documented everything, videos, photos, emails, and I even have signed documentation from service workers about things that are wrong. The demand letter states that they are to receive the signed completion form, which was not even included in the package they sent, and the payment by March 28, 2023.

    The photos I attached are just of quality as the videos I have show everything else. Every single window looks like a kindergartener built and installed it. My son even cut his hand opening his window last year and they sent a service guy early 2022 to file all of the sharp spots, as we were told it would void our warranty if we did it.

It did not fix all of the sharp areas. We even had a service tech sign a letter with all of the things wrong because he said they were not fixable and we should request all new sashes and frames.

We asked for caulk we could paint as we were doing a home remodel and were painting trim and they failed to do that. We also requested silicone that matched the trim when they were installing the frames in August 2021 and the guy said all he had was clear and refused to stop a job to go get the correct color silicone and told us no worries it would be fine and clearly it is not. We even have a signed statement from one of the guys they sent to our house stating that the wrong color was used and the wrong type of silicone was used. We documented everything.

    As of today, Champion states they did not abandon the job, but rather it was to be considered a warranty/service job. I am not sure how that is accurate considering the fact that they never actually installed what we ordered. We ordered windows and sashes that fit and were made of good quality. They also stated today that the sashes were an order, so they chose to ignore all of our phone calls/texts/emails for 60 days and not have any medication with us for almost 12 months yet they were on order. We have no problem taking this as far as it needs to go since they walked away a year ago and falsified the demand letter they sent.

    1. Hi Kristi, I’m sorry to hear about your experience with Champion Windows. Let us know if there are any new developments, I’m sure other readers will be interested.

  40. Champion used to be good. Our problem started May 2024 Called to get screen door adjusted only to have a new guy arrive (after being rescheduled). He made it worse to the point that someone else came out ( after reschedules) and took the door to “fix”.. Here it is July 9 only to get yet another reschedule call to July 22, when they are supposed to return the door tomorrow. NOT ACCEPTABLE. We just want the screen door returned at scheduled time or just I say rescheduled ad nauseam so that we can enjoy our sunroom. In the past we had siding windows and a sunroom from Champion but now they stink!

    1. Hi Barbara, were you able to get the door back from Champion? I’ll be curious to hear about how it ends up.

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