Alside Mezzo Windows Review

Alside Mezzo windows reviews

Alside Mezzo windows are designed to be a middle of the road option and they accomplish that goal. In fact, Mezzo means medium in Italian so it seems they were shooting for the middle when designing the Mezzo model.

This newly designed window addresses many of the shortcomings of the (now discontinued) Alside Excalibur window.

Disclaimer: We do occasioanlly offer Alside windows and other higher end windows (almost) nationwide either for you to install yourself or with professional installation. We do it all with no in-home salespeople. Details here

While the Alside Mezzo windows use a newer design than many of their competitors, Alside has been around for quite a while. They’re a large US manufacturer. They have 5 US window manufacturing plants and their products are very widely distributed.

Alside Mezzo double hung windows with slim frames

Advantages to Alside Mezzo windows

  • Slim frames to maximize light
  • Low air infiltration rates for a tight seal
  • Many color options available
  • Lifetime warranty backed by large manufacturer
  • Can qualify for federal tax credit

As you can see in the picture below, the Alside Mezzo windows have a slim frame to maximize the glass area. This is a factor we’ve repeatedly mentioned in our replacement window reviews. This is an important factor that is often overlooked by consumers.

Alside mezzo window reviews
Notice the slim frame of the Alside Mezzo windows.

In comparison, many other replacement windows will use thicker frames. This means the thicker window will provide less glass area in the same opening. That is something that is very important to many window shoppers.

The Alside Mezzo window is designed to be the workhorse of their replacement window line. It will likely become the most popular window they offer.

What are the Mezzo color options?

Like just about all vinyl replacement windows the Alside Mezzo window is custom made. As a result, the range of available options is pretty substantial.

They currently offer 13 exterior colors and 9 interior color options.

All combinations of interior and exterior colors are not available. It’s also important to note that far fewer colors are available in the west coast Mezzo model. You’ll want to talk to your salesperson about the options before you fall in love with an option that doesn’t exist.

They’ve recently added a black exterior option as that has become increasingly popular. The exterior color options do come with an additional cost and they look beautiful.

High quality screens

Alside has always offered a very high quality screen standard with their windows and they’ve continued that with the Mezzo. As you can see below, the screen is made of heavy duty extruded aluminum. In addition, the spline is on the inside to keep it out of the sun. The result is a screen that is more durable and better looking than most.

alside mezzo windows reviews
Alside Mezzo windows come with a heavy duty screen standard.

How about energy efficiency?

The Alside Mezzo window can produce pretty solid ratings for a double hung window. They are in line with other recently designed double pane windows and a solid step above previous generation products. For example, the Alside Mezzo window can meet or exceed the Energy Star guidelines. They can do this  in all regions of the country with double pane glass.

As time has gone on these windows are still available to meet or exceed current energy star most efficient guidelines.

Do Mezzo windows qualify for federal tax credits?

Yes, they can. In order to qualify you’ll need to order windows with the Climatech PriME glass package. While the capitalization they use is ridiculous these packages are very efficient and will qualify for tax credits in most cases.

The PriME packages will be triple pane glass packages and they’re some of the most efficient options on the market. We commonly recommend these packages. We’ve written about the advantages of double pane vs triple pane glass here.

Alside Mezzo windows warranty

Newer vinyl replacement windows tend to come with pretty solid warranties and the Alside Mezzo windows are no exception. The Mezzo lifetime warranty is pretty robust and it is transferable to the next owner.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you get a written installation warranty from whoever is installing the windows. Alside, like almost all manufacturers, covers the windows and manufacturing defects. This means they DO NOT cover the installations unless ordered through the manufacturers installation program.

The basics of the Mezzo window are very good. They cover the windows for as long as you own and live in the house. The warranty covers seal failures (the most common warranty issue) along with the frames, the hardware, etc.

If you have Alside Mezzo windows and you’d like to file a warranty claim you can do that here. They’ll want basic info about your windows and your house. in my experience they handle the warranty process pretty well. If you have any trouble with your warranty or the warranty process post a comment below.

If you’re interested in ordering the Mezzo windows online we can help you with that here. We’ll send prices and info by email with no pushy in-home salesman.

Alside Mezzo windows cost

The retail price of Alside Mezzo windows depends on the company that is selling them. Alside distributes these windows through an extremely large network of independent dealers. They will each set their own retail pricing.  Typical costs for windows like this would be in the range of $600-8000 depending on the options and colors chosen. Typical installation for Alside Mezzo windows would run in the range of $200-300.

best replacement windows of 2015

Some companies do try to charge quite a bit more for these products so remember to shop around if you’re unsure. There is really no reason to pay more than $1500-2000 for a typical vinyl replacement window. For example a basic white custom made double hung window with professional installation can typically be found for around $900-1200.

alside mezzo windows reviews and cost
Note the slim frame and the new contemporary locks of the Alside Mezzo windows.

We do hear from readers who have received quotes for quite a bit more. It may surprise you to learn there are companies out there charging pretty ridiculous prices for windows. One easy way to make sure you’re getting a reasonable quote is to talk with our recommended companies. You can also get a window quote review here.

Why you should never buy Alside Mezzo windows?

You’ll find there is always a competitor who will tell you why another other than what he’s selling is horrible. This is true no matter what window mode you’re considering. Here we’ll look a what the competitor will probably say (and why he’s wrong).

First, they may say Alside windows are “builder grade” or “contractor grade” or anything else along those lines. You should know this terminology is completely made up. It’s just fake. Anyone who uses terms like this is just messing with you.

Next, they may say that Mezzo windows use fuzzy pads to achieve good air infiltration rates. This is also nonsense. The Mezzo windows do achieve good air infiltration rates and that’s because they provide a good seal.

Competitors used to use air infiltration rates to justify their high prices and that’s changed a little bit as more and more windows offer better ratings. If you’re hearing this story you’re hearing from a salesperson who is desperate to make his commission.

Finally, you might hear that the Alside window frames are too thin or aren’t strong enough. This is also not really based in reality. Slim frames are generally a feature as they can allow for more glass area than a similar window with a thicker frame.

The guy selling the windows with thick frames needs to tell you something so he’ll usually talk about strength. Remember, you could take all of the windows out of your house and it wouldn’t fall over. The windows aren’t holding up the house.

They need to be strong enough to make sure the windows perform well and they’re tested to meet certain window and rain ratings. The windows all meet or exceed all common ratings so there’s no need to worry about strength, it’s just a distraction.

Problems with the Alside Mezzo windows?

One problem we see is the continued use of the constant force or coil balance system. This is in line with the workhorse nature of this product as it’s not designed to be the very top of the line (mezzo means middle in Italian). The constant force balances are a less expensive option so they do contribute to the competitiveness of the pricing. At the end of the day it’s not the option we would typically pick.

It’s clear they were not trying to make a top of the line product when designing the Mezzo window. That’s ok because many people want a product that is good, but not too expensive. The Mezzo window can fit that bill.

In addition, Alside has had a reputation for questionable quality control at times. Some of this talk is driven by competitors or those companies that offer competing products, but some of it is real. Alside tells us they have invested in new manufacturing equipment for the new Alside Mezzo windows so only time will tell if these past issues have been corrected.

What’s the biggest problem?

The biggest problem with Alside windows is the fact that they sell them through any “contractor” who wants to sell them. Other manufacturers are more discriminating, only selling to reputable and well established companies. Alside windows are sold by almost anyone which means the friendly guy offering these windows might not really know what he’s doing.

We see customers having problems with Mezzo windows that aren’t really window problems at all. They’re installation problems, and sometimes the customer doesn’t even know it.

If you’re considering buying windows from a handyman or a jack of all trades type of operation you might want to reconsider. Buying windows from a company that specializes in windows will be a much better solution.

Luckily, we have a listing of our recommended window companies all over the country right here.

Disclosure: Our company has never offered Alside windows in the past. With the release of the Mezzo window we now occasionally offer this Alside product under a new program we have recently started. We also offer upgraded products that will be a better value in most cases.

Find detailed reviews on more Alside window options here.

Remember, for more great window company info you can find our suggestions for the best local companies in your area right here.

Update: We now have more recommend LOCAL window companies than ever before.   Click here to see who we recommend in your town.  It's 100% free.  You'll thank me.  There is no better resource; you're going to love it.  See for yourself right here.  

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364 thoughts on “Alside Mezzo Windows Review”

  1. Mr WindowDog,
    there should be an option in your blog tool, to turn off automatic postings of comments to your blog. I recommend turning that on and only limiting good replies (to filter out these spammers).

    You have a high quality blog about windows which is great and way over due for us window shoppers, but I am afraid that the robotic spam volume you are getting will hurt the user experience.

    Hopefully you can address. Also, thanks for the recent write up on the Simonton and Alside windows. The timing of your write up were perfect, as I am about to make my final decision. I hope in the future you will be able to look at Patio doors (sliding). Its just another confusing arena to tackle. Most curious about Masterpiece and Anderson selection etc.

    Any, address that spam replies. Hopefully your using wordpress


    1. Thanks Thom, we’re a little new to blogging and we were blown away by the amount of auto spam that pops up. We’ll get it sorted and we’re glad we could help with your project. Come on back by and let us know how it works out!

    2. This Review needs to be updated. The MEZZO Window is now available in TRIPLE PANE GLASS. Please review the TRIPLE PANE GLASS option.

      1. You’re absolutely right. We have a set of updates in the works. They offer a few triple pane glass options in the Alside Mezzo windows and they’re pretty good choices for a lot of folks.

        1. Please update to tell people mezzo warranty does not cover water leakage. Mine have water comong in during heavy rain and they will not repair as they say leakage not covered. I wish I nevered purchased them. Installer says nothing he can do without ok from company

          1. Hi Diane, sorry to hear about your trouble. The Mezzo warranty does cover leaking. If the leak is caused by the installation it would be an issue for the installer to address not the manufacturer. Is that what’s going on? Most leaks are caused by the installation. I would check with the company that installed them to see what they say. Good luck getting it resolved.

  2. I believe this is the same window as the Revere Berkshire Elite but the Elite does not use a coil balance system. Care to comment on this flavor of window ?

    1. Someone who knows their windows! You’re right that the Revere line uses a higher quality balance system. The coil balance used in the Alside Mezzo windows is very common and not regarded as “bad” but it isn’t tested to last as long as the block and tackle balances and it also doesn’t operate as smoothly.

      In general, most higher end windows do not use a coil balance, but the Mezzo window isn’t trying to be high-end. It’s trying to be a very competitive middle of the road product and we think it accomplishes that pretty well.

      The Revere window line represents an upgrade and we’ll have reviews of those windows coming soon!

  3. Your review was helpful! I installed some Alside UltraMaxx windows last year and was about to install several more. The dealer suggested I consider the Mezzo as they are new. Which is a better window? Which is considered higher end? Thanks in advance for your reply.

    1. Well, personally I really like it when things match so if it were me I would get more Ultramaxx windows. The Mezzo is newer and some of the ratings are better, but you would be able to see the difference. The look of the Mezzo will be different from the Ultramaxx windows you already have and I’d say the differences in ratings aren’t big enough to warrant the change. At least they wouldn’t be if it were my house.

      If you were starting a new project I’d probably suggest going with the Mezzo, but since you’re continuing an existing project I’d just keep going with the original plan. Of course, if you’re not too concerned with the different look, the Mezzo windows are newer, have better ratings and are less expensive. There are some options that are not available with the Mezzo window including triple pane glass and SDL or external grids. I assume you’re not going with either of those or the dealer wouldn’t have suggested a change in the first place.

      1. Thinking about Alside Mezzo or Sunrise standard window to replace 12 casement and 8 double hungs. Alside dealers price is $10,000. Sunrise $13,000. Like them both. Is one a decidedly better window? Finding this whole process very time consuming.
        Appreciate any input.

        1. I like Sunrise products. Their casement windows are very nice, but I’m not sure I would pay $3k extra for them. The ratings of the two are about the same. I’d say take a look at the hardware and the screens from an aesthetic standpoint. The hardware on the Sunrise windows is a little curvier and the way the screens attach to the frames is a little different. The warranties are pretty similar and I would put a little more value in the warranty from Alside as they’re a much larger company.

          At the end of the day the differences are cosmetic. The only question left is whether or not those differences worth $3k to you?

      1. Depends on your project. They both have advantages and disadvantages. The company offering them should be able to help with that type of question. If they can’t you might wan to keep shopping.

    2. Dear Dan
      I have been reading your reviews of Mezzo windows and I am thinking that this will be my choice. I will want double hung with ClimaTech IGU’s. I am building a Sunroom for my daughter in Madison,WI, so I would like to know what the total overall jamb width will be for a 28″ x 54″ window, and whether the sill protrudes beyond the jamb, so I can understand how to make the rough openings. I looked at the Mezzo brochure, but could not find any drawings showing the depth or anything else. Please can you help. Regards Brian

      1. Hi Brian, the jamb depth of the Alside Mezzo windows, and most other models, is 3-1/4″. That’ll be the total depth of the entire window, nothing will stick out past that. If you’re framing new openings you can order the Mezzo windows with an integrated nail fin which might help to make the installation easier.

        Also, the Climatech package won’t be energy star rated in the northern zone. You might look at a small upgrade to get a little more efficiency. There’s a package called Climatech ThemD S3 that might make sense, at least it’s something to consider.

        Good luck with the project.

  4. On April 29, 2014 I had 17 Alside Mezzo windows installed in my home by Foster Exteriors of Dallas, TX. 14 of these were double-hung, 1 slider, and 2 narrow(12″x 60″) that were solid (unopenable) windows. Also installed was an Alside 6100 sliding patio door (71″w x 79″h). All windows have Climatech Elite Low-E glass and argon-filled double pane. The old windows were removed and hauled away. Total cost was $9694.00. Your review of the Mezzo helps my confidence in my purchase.

    1. Hi there Jerry, thanks for posting and I’m glad to hear you found our info to be helpful. We hope you enjoy the new windows for many years to come!

    2. Did the $9600 include the cost of the window? If it did, you got a darn good deal. Does this Foster company work outside of dallas?
      I live in san antonio.

      1. I don’t know how far out of Dallas Foster will work, but a phone call or email will answer the question. Their installer, Miguel, and his son, Jeremy are excellent workers. They worked easy and steady, and it was quickly obvious that they knew what they were doing. Miguel has worked for Foster for 17 years, and also is the one who measures your windows for ordering.

    3. Dear Jerry,

      I am curious to know if you are still happy with your selection and if the windows have been all that you expected. I would appreciate any info you can share. Thank you! B Nelson

  5. Outstanding review, very insightful and very helpful. I am having to replace construction grade windows (because they’re starting to break one by one) and have it down to two: The Alside Mezzo and the Vytex Fortis series. The price of the Fortis is about $75.00 more per window, but as the job increases that amount goes down to about $25 (for 9 new windows). Would you have a preference?
    Thank you again for your blog. I am a ball in the high weeds in this arena.

    1. Ha, a ball in the high weeds is a coincidental expression as my trusty hound dog and I spent 20 minutes tonight looking for a wayward baseball in some awfully high weeds. You’d think a good hound could have found it faster, but perhaps that’s a post for another site.

      Back on topic, I’d definitely pick the Mezzo window. Vytex is a pretty small manufacturing company based in Maryland. They make a fine product, but a company that small makes me nervous (see our post on Gorell windows for an example).

      There is nothing I’m aware of that would make the Fortis windows worth any more. In fact, if you said the Mezzo window was $25 more I’d still have no problem endorsing it. Just be sure you’re comfortable with the company that will be doing the installation. The quality of the installation is just as important as the quality of the window itself. Good luck and be sure to let us know how it goes!

    1. We don’t know yet. Window World has a history of being very focused on price. It seems they’ve conditioned their salespeople and the customers to think they only reason to buy from them is because they’re cheap. That’s a difficult business model, but it’s clearly been working well for them over the years.

      The Mezzo window is a little more expensive than the older Alside Excalibur window that Window World has sold for years. We assume they would switch the model number when they switch windows (maybe the 5000 series?), but we’ll let everyone know when we hear for sure.

      1. I’ve been shopping for replacement windows and have found your website very helpful. As an update, the local Window World salesperson told me yesterday that they have just recently started using the Alside Mezzo as their 4000 series model. He volunteered this himself (not knowing that after all my reading, I probably know more about the Mezzo than he does …)

        1. We’re glad to hear you’re enjoying the site, and thanks for the update. Window World has been the largest installer of Alside windows for years so we figured they’d upgrade sooner or later. Their quality can be very hit or miss as their stores are independently owned. I’d be sure to check out local references and get personal feedback on the quality as their subcontractors are not always paid as well as installers for other companies. That means the best installers in town probably don’t work there. Good luck with the project!

  6. Your blog is the most helpful thing I’ve found in trying to decide on 11 sunroom windows.

    Went by Alside showroom today to look at Mezzo. Alside can make the grid pattern I need for my half round top, and their woodgrain colors are more extensive than Simonton and Atrium. The Mezzo I saw had a vt rating of .43 with grids. I was hoping for Cardinal 366 glass for low uv, which Alside doesn’t
    have. Is there any place I can find all the Mezzo ratings? Do you think Mezzo could give me enough uv protection for furniture? I’m in Atlanta, Ga.

    1. The company that will be installing them should be able to give you ratings for any Alside Mezzo option. The Cardinal 366 glass is similar to the PPG SolarBan 70 glass that Alside offers. I believe they call that option Climatech Elite. There are really only a small handful of glass manufacturers that supply all the glass in the residential window business. The options are very similar from all of them.

  7. We are wondering whether to go with the Mezzo replacement windows or Kensington, Huntington 501 series…our contractor seemed to like the Kensington better but price was similar.

    1. Kensington Windows doesn’t have a great track record. They were an example of the way small window companies go bankrupt all the time and folks are left with no warranty at all. This same thing happens with some frequency and it’s the exact reason I’m always leery of these small companies even when the products have good ratings and get good reviews. Here’s a news story on it: Kensington Windows goes bankrupt!

      They will tell you they’re back and better than ever, but all of those old customers are 100% out of luck and this was just a few years ago.

      Maybe if you’re selling the house next month and you don’t care what happens down the road, but I would probably avoid a company like that. Let someone else be the guinea pig.

  8. I am in the process of comparing windows with three or four contractors in the Denver area. One contractor only uses the Alside Mezzo windows, another popular company recommended Uniframe windows, and the last two use various windows.
    How do the Uniframes compare to the Mezzo’s? We need three large picture windows, a patio door with a transom window, and several single hung windows that we want to convert to single pane windows as we don’t need fifteen windows that open when we have A.C. These are not in bedrooms so they can be converted. All these windows will be on the colder north side of the house.
    After reading all your advice, I have gained much trust in your reviews and would appreciate knowing this information between the two window brands.

    1. Great Lakes tends to make fine products. I’m not sure I understand what you mean about converting double hungs to single hungs in the bedrooms. The fact that the top opens on a double hung does not matter at all when it comes to egress standards, but perhaps that’s a post for another day.

      In comparing the 2 windows, I’d probably go with the Mezzo window as it is a much newer design. The Uniframe is a fine product and it does use the nicer block and tackle balances, but it’s an older design. Some of the ratings aren’t as good on the older Uniframe and (if I remember correctly) the Uniframe windows are not AAMA certified.

      Hope that helps!

      1. Thank you for your quick response. I read that the Alside Mezzo warranty is a lifetime one but upon reading the fine print, you need an optional breakage warranty. I got the address to request a copy of the warranty before I buy anything.
        The Uniframe windows have a great warranty that includes breakage. Again, I need to see the warranty.
        I couldn’t find out any info. on whether the Uniframes are AAMA certified, either. Is there a list of certified products?
        Thank you again!

        1. You’re correct you do need to get the breakage warranty for the Alside windows, but most larger window installation companies will include that as standard for all of their customers. I do think Great Lakes makes fine windows, so if you’re more comfortable with one installation company over the other I would say you’d be happy with either window option.

          It may be worthwhile to check out both local companies on Angie’s List. You can see our thoughts here. The Great Lakes dealer in Denver has some significant online reviews both positive and negative. It can be difficult to tell what is real and what isn’t when it comes to online reviews, but Angie’s List does a good job of sorting through that. Be sure to let us know how the project goes!

      2. I had a a window company come over our house to give us a quote on Alside Mezzo. Breakdown as follows:

        Replacement of 37 windows and replace any rotted wood.
        – Window grids
        – 13 Single operating casements
        – 2 single fixed casements
        – 4 two wide double operating casements
        – 1 two wide fixed casement
        – 4 three wide casements

        Granted.. I see most of the avg cost of these windows anywhere from $350-$450 installed. I was wondering if the specific info on this order would warrant an AVG price of almost $590!

  9. am looking at replacement windows and have a quote for Mezzo at 275/each. friends & family have installed Eagle, now by Anderson. thoughts ?

    1. Both fine options. I’d choose based on the installation company. I think you’ll be happy either way as long as they’re installed well.

      1. My understanding is that mezzo is the middle alside product while essentials is the low end for sunrise…so, low end sunrise is the same as middle end alside?
        Also, the sales rep for sunrise was talking about air infiltration rate of .1 saying that is the best there is. Alside folks never mention anything about that. What is an acceptable number?

        1. Thinking about it in terms of top, middle and bottom might not be the most effective way to go about it. Mezzo windows have air infiltration rating of 0.04 which is pretty good (better than Sunrise), but there is some truth to the idea that it’s not worth worrying about once you’re lower than 0.1. Have you checked reviews of the installation companies? Angie’s List can be a helpful resource and you’ll often find coupons that more than offset the membership.

          1. Thanks. Both companies have been recommended by people I know so it is a tough choice. If the same company was installing which one would you choose then?

          2. As you can probably tell we’re going out of our way to avoid endorsing any particular product, but I’d probably go with the Mezzo. Much newer design, larger company, better ratings.

          3. I’ve been looking at the mezzo window and was curious about the air infiltration rate. I looked on the nfrc website and it says the window gets a 0.3. Am I reading it wrong?

          4. Yes, that means 0.30 or less which is the qualification for AAMA Gold rating. You’ll see Andersen and Pella windows listed that way sometimes too. If you ask whoever is selling them to you they can get you the exact air infiltration rating for Alside Mezzo or any other windows. Some ratings, that one included, can vary based on the size or other options so there isn’t one rating for every configuration, but they’re all less than 0.30.

            The company offering them to you should be able to get you that info.

  10. We need to change all 41 windows in our home since they were builders grade windows…not good at all. We are having a hard time decidng on vinyl windows (double hung) either Alside Mezzo or Pella 350 series. I heard that Pella is a good company but is it true that Pella is only known for its wood windows and not its vinyl? Pella would be more in price compared to Alside Mezzo but we want windows that would last us 15 to 20 years since this will be our long term home (live in northwest suburbs of IL). Which one would you pick if you were in our situation? Or are there other vinyl brand windows that are better?

    1. Pella uses a junky budget screen frame. To me, the strong extruded screen frame is the best selling feature for Mezzo. It’s typically the first thing to break on a window. I recently visited a customer in Newark, NJ that I installed a whole house of windows 11 years ago. They were Alside Excalibur. Not a single one had any defects, even the screen frames. I proudly walked around the house and opened every window to see how they were operating. And you know why they called me after 11 years — they were so happy with the windows.

    2. I am looking for a replacement for Pellas, the wood has rotted out due to leaks to between the glass! No more pellas for me!

    1. Mezzo is 0.04 and Essentials is 0.1. We tend to think it’s splitting hairs once you’re at the 0.1 or less level, but the Mezzo is better.

  11. Good to know. The sunrise rep was telling me that .1 is the best in the industry and was making that the focal point of the window.

  12. Would you recommend Alside Mezzo double hung or Alside Mezzo casement for window replacement? Which has a better U-factor or is it the same?

    1. That’s a style difference more than anything. Casement windows tend to have better ratings, but it really depends on how you want the windows to open.

  13. Thank you so much for all the information on your site…its very helpful. Need to replace 35 windows in my house…need to decide on which glass package to get by Alside Mezzo. Is there really a difference in the U-factor between ClimaTech (U-factor 0.29) and ClimaTech ThermD Elite (U-factor 0.27) for double hung? You indicated that the U-factor for the 2015 Energy Star rating is 0.27 (for Northern zone)…so should I get the ClimaTech ThermD Elite instead of the ClimaTech? How much more will it cost me?

    1. Well, you nailed the difference. The ThermD packages uses a different spacer to achieve a lower (better) u-factor. That’s the only difference. Price difference should be pretty small, maybe $20 per window. Only you can decide if it’s worth it for you.

      1. Does the ClimaTech ThermD iE have a tint to its glass or looks darker than the ClimaTech?
        Also, you indicated in your article that a typical double hung window with professional installation is usually under $450…does the size of the window make the price go up..bigger size, higher price? Most of my windows are 34 x 70…a contractor quoted $20,000 for 28 Mezzo double hung windows and 6 picture windows…not sure if I should shop around.

        1. Nope, they use the same glass. The difference between those packages are the spacer and the foam filled frames.

          If you’re not sure about the price it’s probably always a good idea to shop around. Maybe start with Angie’s List to find a reputable local company. You can see our thoughts on Angie’s List here.

  14. This site has very good information, thank you for taking the time to respond to all of the questions and the abundance of information. I am looking to replace 19 windows, my contractor, who is also good friend has recommended the Alside Mezzo replacement window. I did look at reviews on other web sites and was a little concerned with all of the negative reviews. But after reading through all of the feedback on your site I feel the Mezzo is a good choice for me. It appears the reviews all were for the previous lesser model. The Mezzo has a larger window surface and the beveled edge give a good appearance. I feel he was able to offer a good price on the windows as well, all 19 with a different color on the outside are $5100.00 plus his installation. He is going to wrap all of the window trim as well. No more painting!!!

      1. Job is complete, had the windows installed over the weekend. My contractor, and friend, used me as his helper and we installed 20 windows in two days saving me some money and gaining new experience. Alside lost my order and it caused a delay, but when it was realized that they did not process the order they put a rush on it. The windows look great, I like the beveled finish and slimmer design. My wife was a litte concerned about what they would look like after seeing other homes that had replacemant windows and she was very pleased. Again I appreciate your information and the time you put into your website.

  15. My window is 70 inches in height and 34.5 inches in width. Can I put in a casement window with that size instead of doing double hung (right now they are double hung)? One contractor told me I need to put in additional hardware if I want casement b/c of the size of the window…glass would be too heavy….is that true?
    Also that contractor indicated that they will cover the exterior frame with aluminum coil…is that the same thing as aluminum clad?

    1. Your contractor may not be a window expert. The max size for an Alside casement is 36″ x 78″. A big casement does need to be installed exactly right, but it should work fine. Make sure you’re hiring someone who knows what they’re doing. It’s common for handy people to think they can be window installers. You don’t want to be a guinea pig, find someone who knows more about windows.

      Covering the exterior trim with aluminum is very common, often called capping. The Alside windows are not aluminum clad, but you could say after he capped them your exterior trim would be aluminum clad.

  16. I got another contractor to come over today and give me a quote on the Mezzo double hung windows. He indicated that I should get the steel reinforcement in the windows (where the locks are) for better security instead of getting the standard composite material..which can be broken easily. Is this true and if so, how much more should I be paying for this “steel reinforcement” per window?

    1. That’s funny. I don’t think it’s true, but it is interesting hearing how companies present the options. The steel reinforcement is for structural reinforcement on a very wide (over 48″ or so) double hung window. It’s not a security thing. If someone wants to get into your home that bad they’ll just break the glass.

      As an aside the steal reinforcement is the same price, no extra cost.

  17. Thanks so much for your advice…I did not see any info on this on the Mezzo brochure…that was why I was curious. Its hard to trust anyone these days and people are always trying to sell you things you don’t need just so they can make extra money. Although this contractor is on Angie’s List and has an A rating.

  18. Hi,

    I just got a quote for having 8 Alside Mezzo vinyl window replacement done : all double hangs. The price all included come to $7000 all included with tax.
    Am I right to think it is way over-priced?

    1. Sounds like it could be a little on the high side, but we don’t know anything about your project. I’d suggest going to Angie’s List to find a well regarded company and then getting another quote. That’s the easiest way to find out if you’re getting a fair deal. You can find more info here.

  19. We’ve followed your blog and have a question about low-E coatings … we are getting conflicting advice from the three companies we have talked with.

    As background, we live in Nashville, TN, which is in the North-Central EnergyStar band. We typically have very hot summers and mild windows.

    Company 1 — Apex Energy Solutions
    Didn’t like the sales tactics of this company, but must admit their price seems quite good for their triple-pane window. We feel we don’t want or need triple panes, so they’re out of the equation. Apex salesperson did stress the energy efficiency of the triple panes, so if I hadn’t done my homework, I might have gone with him.

    Company 2 — Window World
    Salesman here says they are using the Alside Mezzo now. He recommends their energy-efficient SolarZone package, which meets our TVA EnergyStar guidelines. He says it has “one coating of Low-E” (plus argon) as opposed to their SolarZone Elite, “which has two coatings.” Numbers are u-.29/SHGC-.30 for the regular SolarZone and u-.28/SHGC .21 for the Elite. He says the Elite will look “greenish” and “would be overkill” for our area.

    Company 3 — Independent Installer
    This guy comes highly recommended by a neighbor, and will install any sort of window we want. He has recommended Alside’s Mezzo as a product he particularly likes right now. Based on reviews here and greater amount of glass and slimmer frame, we are liking it as well.

    He however wants to use the higher end of his low-e, argon-filled options. The numbers on that are u-.29, SGHC .27, VT-48. He said there will be a definite greenish tint.

    I’m not at all sure that I like the idea of a “greenish” tint.

    Could someone give me an idea of whether that VT number is good? If both windows from Option 2 and 3, are Alside Mezzos, could the low-e coatings be that different? Maybe Window World uses something else? We actually are more concerned with appearance than energy savings … maybe we shouldn’t be?

    BTW, cost is good with Option 3, and he seems the most knowledgeable and detail-oriented. Window World salesperson is new to the business, but has also been excellent to deal with.

    1. Thanks for writing and I’m pretty confident we’ll be able to help you sort through this. First, I think you’re right to narrow this list down to two very quickly. The Apex sales pitch leaves a lot to be desired.

      Next, it’s clear that the Window World salesperson is new because he doesn’t seem to know what he’s talking about. We’re glad to hear he’s a nice guy, but an uninformed nice guy isn’t much help.

      Here’s the real deal. Alside offers MANY glass options, but most local installation companies (Window World included) only offer a couple. In this case both companies are offering you the same set of options. They’re just using different names. Alside has a Climatech package that Window World refers to as Solar Zone. They’re the same thing. They use a type of low-e made by PPG called SolarBan 60. This is a very popular option and it’s pretty energy efficient.

      Alside also offers a package called Climatech Elite which Window World calls Solar Zone Elite. These are the same thing. They use a different type of low-e coating, also made by PPG, called SolarBan 70. It’s only on one surface and this is where the Window World rep had it wrong. There is another package that has a low-e coating on 2 surfaces, but it goes by a different name and it’s a little obsolete.

      The Elite option does have a slightly lower VT rating (meaning it’s a little bit darker), but both companies should be able to show you a sample. I have family in Nashville and I’ve experienced the summer there many times. I would seriously consider the Elite packages. They’re specifically designed to keep the solar heat out and they work great. The Elite option is certainly not necessary to have a great end result, but you would notice the difference, especially if you don’t have a lot of shade.

      I absolutely wouldn’t say the Elite option is overkill in Nashville. From a sales standpoint the Window World guys typically think they can only sell if their price is really low so they tend to avoid options that add to the price. That’s the only reason I can think of that he would have encouraged you not to get a more efficient option. Somehow they forget that people buy nice things all the time. This is also one of several reasons Window World tends to have a less than stellar reputation. Maybe I should hold my advice until they hire me as a consultant!

      Bottom line, look at the samples and decide for yourself. Only you can decide how dark is too dark. When you’re looking at them, hold one sample window with each coating up in an existing window opening (or have the salesperson hold them up) and take a look. When the sun is coming through you can barely see any difference. If you put them against a wall with no light coming though you’ll see a big difference.

      The independent guy can order the same options and he should have samples of everything if he’s really in the window business. If the pricing is good and you like him that’s not a bad way to go. Be sure to be clear on the warranty as you often won’t get a written labor warranty from a small time outfit and even if you do it’s only worth anything if he sticks around. If he decides to ride his motorcycle down to Baja for a few years you’ll be out of luck. You’ll need to decide whether or not you’re comfortable with that.

      Good luck and be sure to let us know how it goes!

      1. I’m replacing 14 double hung windows and your blog has been very helpful. This post caught my attention because I’m in the North-Central area too about an hour northwest of Nashville in Clarksville, TN. I have a quote from Window World for Mezzo windows with SolarZone and grids for $6,267. Like you, I love the sunlight flooding through my windows so the higher the VT the better. I’m considering SolarZone Elite for $20 more per window, but the decrease in VT concerns me. I was told with SolarZone (U- .29/SHGC- .30) the VT is .48 but with SolarZone Elite (U- .28/SHGC- .21) the VT drops to .43. My house faces NW with trees on the west and two large maple trees in the front so I do have shade. The difference between the VT seems significant to me, but is it?

        1. The difference isn’t huge, but it is there. They should have samples so you can see what the glass looks like. That would probably help. If you’re in the shade you won’t see much of an advantage with the SolarZone Elite anyway.

  20. Mezzo vs Champion?
    I’m getting 14 windows replaced in my home in Western PA. Looking for middle of the road double hung windows. We do plan to be in our house for a while (10yrs+)
    The installed Mezzo price was $6200 and installed Champion Price was $8100. I understand I’m not comparing apples to apples as Champion, I believe, are supposed to be the better windows. true?
    The question I have is: Is it worth the additional $1900 for Champion windows?
    The 365 glass, foam filled frame and sash, and external appearance of the Champion are intriguing.
    Having said that, if the Mezzo performs close to the Champion I would be willing to use the less attractive Mezzo for the less cost, but don’t want to sacrifice a ton for the sake of price.
    Any insight would be appreciated!

    1. I don’t believe the ratings are any better with Champion windows. We often hear about Champion doing a big show with their heat lamps claiming that their glass is special, but it’s no better than glass used in all other replacement windows. The only real difference would be the look and only you can decide if you like the look for $2k.

  21. hi window dog,

    My husband and I live in Chicago. We are researching replacing our garden window in our kitchen. So far, we have had 3 companies come out and suggest a 1/4, 1/2, 1/4 (casement, picture, casement) window. We want something durable, energy effiecient, e glass, argon gas inside etc. We are on a budget, but want something that will last and that we will not have to replace for a long time. One of the companies said that the innner seal should not be made of metal but of a composite of some sort. Says its better for when the windows expand/contract during winter etc. The brands that have been recommended to us thus far are: Simonton prism platinum, Alside Mezzo Series Vinyl, Okna 700 series, Lindsay Sunview. i have researched all of them, but there seems to be faults with each one.
    From the brands listed above what would you suggest we go with?


  22. Thank you very much, very helpful. You hit the nail on the head about the heat lamp show. The other big push they had was that over 10 years they save you 30% in your energy bill as opposed to 10-15% other new windows might save. So I really questioned the salesman about it and how they were using that as a differentiator. How can you put a number to that? And can you back that up? How did they come up with that number? Etc
    Of course he could not explain but kept hammering that number home…along with the glass.
    No, I don’t believe it’s worth 2k.
    Thanks a lot for the quick response!

    1. Ha, good one. You can determine the efficiency by the U-Factor and the SHGC. There is no reason to guess or take anyone’s word for it. These guys can be pretty good at getting folks to make an irrational choice, sounds like they weren’t good enough to get you!

  23. After many hours of searching, reading, and looking for answers to questions about windows, The Window Dog has been by far the best resource available. I’m learning that finding a quality installer is as important to the long-term performance of the window as the window itself so in addition to the Window Dog and some other sources, I’m looking to Angie’s List and some other local resources for help in finding a good installer. I live in the Indianapolis area, and I believe I have found installers with excellent track records, one of them sells the Alside Mezzo and the other sells the Okna 500 Series. We’ve got about 30 windows to replace, with about 10 of those being fixed windows, and also at least 5 sliding glass doors. Here’s my questions for The Window Dog:

    1) I imagine the Alside Mezzo and the Okna 500 are both good windows, they both seem to have a thin frame (which we value). The block and tackle seems to be a plus side for the Okna, but I’m not sure how much weight to give that. I’ve never been able to really “test” either window to see what each feels like so I have to go by what I’m reading. I also noticed that the OKNA 500 has a AAMA rating of R50 but as near as I can tell the Alside has a AAMA rating of R15. Installers being equally good, which would you pick and why?

    2) The Alside Mezzo comes with seven different glazing options, with everything from Clear Glass to Climatech ThermD iE. The only performance ratings in the brochure for these seven options are the U-Factor and the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient, so I’m not sure about the Visible Transmittance or the Air Leakage. I’m also not sure about the price difference between these, but the U-Factor ranges from 0.46 to 0.27 and 0.59 to 0.30 for the SHGC. I won’t reproduce the chart here but the numbers between the options don’t seem to vary that much between the second “worst” option (ClimaTech) and the very best option (ClimaTech ThermD IE). But maybe I’m not understanding these well – which glazing would you pick?

    3) The OKNA 500 series has six glazing options, two of those being “dual glazed” and four of them “triple glazed.” The U-Value on these ranges from 0.46 to 0.15 and the SHGC ranges from 0.61 down to 0.26. I don’t have pricing on these yet, but I expect the triple pane Okna are going to be a lot more expensive than the double pane Mezzo. I haven’t priced all the glazing options, but I imagine at some point there are diminishing returns where the cost goes up dramatically to get just a little better performance. Which glazing would you pick?

    4) We have several 9 foot and a few 6 foot wide sliding glass doors. We had considered replacing these with French doors, but now we’re thinking more about sliding glass door replacements. The advantage of the French doors would be the ability to open them up all the way, but then I would worry about inward/outward swing – what do you recommend in most applications? I am starting to think French doors look great in the brochure, but for daily living the sliding glass might be a better option…

    And many thanks for maintaining such a great web resource, it is pretty amazing you guys put all this together. I am making a donation right now.

    Thanks again!

    1. Hi there, let’s see if we can tackle these questions.

      1. We’re trying to avoid specific recommendations, but there are pluses and minuses to each of these manufacturers as listed on our pages regarding Alside and Okna.

      2. This really depends on your house and what you’re trying to accomplish. If you get high sun all day long the Climatech Elite option is great. If you’re more concerned about the cold the Climatech Plus option is helpful. There are significantly more than 7 options, and the company offering them should make a few professional recommendations.

      3. There certainly are diminishing returns as you get fancier with the glass options. We have a post on triple pane vs dual pane which might help. The company offering the windows really should be able to make a few recommendations based on the specifics of your home. I’m surprised that it sounds like they didn’t.

      4. French doors are great, but folks almost never open both sides. Sliding doors seal better, they’re more efficient and they’re less expensive. We install LOTS of French doors and there’s certainly nothing wrong with them, but a high quality sliding door will sometimes provide a little more bang for your buck.

      Thanks so much for your kind words and your donation to the cause. We find about 20% of visitors have been donating which is fantastic. We don’t have anything to compare it to, but that feels like a pretty solid percentage. We’ve been spending big bucks to produce new content, most of which hasn’t gone online yet. Keep an eye out for new videos including heat lamp tests for glass options, spacer comparisons, side by side window comparisons and much more. We’re going to be getting crazy around here!

  24. Thank goodness I found your blog, I knew nothing about windows and was totally frustrated for months trying to make a decision on replacement windows. With winter approaching and I was about to end the search. Then I found your blog!! I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am for your straight forward, unbiased information that gave me a lot of insight to so many points I had not even considered. My independent contractor suggested installing the Mezzo windows. I was skeptical but I kept reading and realized this was the right window for our home. Now I feel confident to move forward with this decision and greatly appreciate the great information and education. We’ll be watching the snow and staying warm this winter.

  25. I am in the process of getting quotes for replacement windows. I live in florida and sound dampening is a HUGE factor in my decision making. Can you give me any guidence on a type or brand of window that offers the highest amount of sound dampening without being insanely expensive.

    Thank you,
    Dee Beck

  26. I found your website this afternoon while searching for information on Mezzo Alside windows. I am in need of replacing 7 double hung windows in my home at this time. The contractor that I have used in the past put in 4 double hung windows and one 6′ circle top window in 2006 with Excalibur Alside windows at that time. The price of the job was $3050 in 2006 and the price quoted for the Mezzo windows now is $4470. This appears to me to be a bit high and the only thing that will require more work is that there will be more capping outside of the front bay windows (3 windows) and replacing some damaged wood below one of the three bay windows. Any input would be greatly appreciated regarding this new estimate.

    1. Just about everything costs more now than it did 8 years ago. The only way to know if you’re getting a great deal is to get a couple of quotes and see what your options are. On a per window basis this quote looks pretty similar to the one you received before, but if you’re not confident shop around.

      1. Thank you for this valuable website.

        A few days ago I had another estimate from a local window distributor for OKNA windows. I found them by going on the Better Business Bureau. Their estimate was for 6 windows (am able to have a slider window) instead of 7 double hung windows and installing the Precision Weld window. Their estimate is on par with the independent contractor that installs Mezzo windows. What I found interesting is the OKNA window guarantee is not limited as is the Mezzo window. Is the unlimited lifetime guarantee really a selling point? Maybe someone can interject something about shooting foam into the window as was discussed by the salesman for the OKNA window? Is that a good thing or not?? Also the OKNA salesman said that it would be better to install vertical suffit both bottom and top of the 3 front bay windows. I thought that suggestion was a good one and if I decide to go with the Mezzo window installer will ask him to do that as well.

        As you see, I am a novice and would welcome your input.

        1. Okna has had a problem with misleading marketing info in the past, specifically relating to foam in the frames. Important to remember that it doesn’t matter to you if there is foam or mashed potatoes in the frames. What matters is the efficiency of the window and that’s measured by the u-factor.

          I would be curious to know what the Okna person said was better about their warranty. I don’t believe the Mezzo warranty is any more or less limited. What did they tell you the warranty difference was?

  27. Alside Mezzo vs. Simonton 5500 vs. PGT 400 Series?

    Location: FL, but not coastal, so not subject to hurricane codes
    Anticipated time in house: > 10 yrs.

    We’re looking to replace 18 windows (plus a front entry door). I used Angie’s List as a jumping-off point to find reputable local window & door contractors, at which point I found myself in the construction version of the TV show “The Dating Game.”

    Bachelor #1 talked a good game about, and gave me a brochure for, PGT 2300 series windows, but the quote indicates “Alside mezzo” at ~$4500 for the actual windows, ~$7100 installed, hence, my finding this thread in search of the straight skinny).

    Bachelor #2 talked up SilverLine by Andersen, but his quote lists PGT 400 series at $6350 for the windows, ~$8800 installed.

    Bachelor #3 showed me a demo of the Simonton 5500 series and left the Simonton brochure. Awaiting his quote. We’ll see what windows he actually uses in the quote!

    Are these 3 window lines at least somewhat comparable in terms of specs and pricing? Or is PGT 400 enough better to justify the additional cost vs. Alside, and where should I expect Simonton to fall?

    Many thanks for your insight.

    1. UPDATE: I heard from Bachelor #3 a short while ago, and he is specifying the Simonton 5500 Reflections at ~$6K for the windows, $2800 for the install for a total of $8800 (comparable to #2).

      So, can I conclude that the Simonton 5500 Reflections and PGT 400 series comparable in quality, and the Alside mezzos are a couple of notches below that, or –??

  28. Hello,
    I would like to make a correction to your review,
    Mezzo windows come in many glass options, including triple pane. On a side note, I highly recommend stainless steel spacer vs. alloy spacer. Their stainless steel option is called ThermD.

  29. After numerous bids on everything from Pella to Marvin to Simonton to Alside, I’m going with the Alside due to the contractor’s experience and knowledge in my area (Colorado), and what gives the best value. He wants to use the Sheffield (~ Ultramaxx) in the large double hungs in our bedroom because I want laminated due to noise and wind. He believes that the windows are large enough that the reduced window area is more than offset by the increase in frame strength the Sheffield offers, especially with the heavier laminated glass. Comments? Windows are 47W x 60h.

  30. Jerry,
    I am not sure if it is right to use someone’s blog to comment more than twice. In any case, in my professional opinion Sheffield would be a very good choice for the opening over 40″ wide. If you look for energy efficiency, Mezzo, with its Gatekeeper seems to be a better choice. However, at 47″, being at the limit of vinyl window functionality, Sheffield’s frame strength is more important.
    As for the high impact glass, unless you live in a burglary prone neighborhood or strong wind area , laminated glass might be an overkill. Laminated glass will most likely crack faster than a tempered glass.

  31. Thanks WindowDog, for a great resource amid a sea of noise!
    Our Mezzos were just installed and are a huge improvement over the old AL frame, single panes. It looks like a new house, not to mention the energy savings! This is only a “Honeymoon Review”, as the real test will be how they hold up for the next 20 years. We bought the Mezzos for quality, but love the larger glass area compared to other vinyl windows. This partially offsets the loss from the way replacement windows fit (inside the drywall) vs. new construction windows.
    We chose the Climatech iE option. Climatech because that first step up yields a huge energy savings (nearly double) over clear glass . The iE is an insulated frame. It doesn’t offer much in U-factor, but we live near a railroad line. Although there is no test data, I’m convinced those aluminum frame chambers will transfer less noise when filled with foam. Of course, the difference from the old windows is very noticeable.
    Beige matched our house, but we were glad that the material is fully-colored, throughout the thickness (as is White). If I understand correctly, all the other colors use (beige or white) base material, then are only surface-finished in the selected color.
    We elected against the upgraded spacer options. The standard alloy seemed very strong to me – I tried to bend the sample with reasonable force, but it held up. I can’t imagine aluminum alloy corroding in that environment so the stainless seems unnecessary (for strength or corrosion). Although not yet part of the Mezzo line, we also considered a window with a Mylar spacer. This seemed too flimsy to me because i was easily able to squeeze the sample between my fingers. No single gust of wind is likely to crush it, but I was concerned that the thousands of flexing cycles would compromise the seal over time. Don’t be fooled by the “creative” brochure for the Mylar spacer (sold under various “Super” trade names). The huge (70+ %) decrease in heat transfer only applies to the area touched by the spacer. This is only a tiny percentage of the total window area. As The WindowDog has said many times, compare windows using only standard, accepted test results. You will see that the U-factor increase is negligible. I suspect the reason they are pushing it is because aluminum has become very expensive, while Mylar is relatively cheap.
    Lastly, I’d like to warn readers of two experiences we had during this adventure:
    1) One of the estimates we received omitted one of the 2 identical, large windows in our house. Of course, the “forgotten” window made this estimate appear to be the best deal. I seriously doubt they would have installed the “forgotten” window for the original price. It may have been an honest error, but it caused us to eliminate this company from consideration – if only because of lack of attention to detail.
    2) When asking questions about warranties, we discovered a hidden charge that may await you even with a Lifetime Warranty which includes Labor. Be sure to ask what the “Trip Charge”, (aka Travel Fee, etc) will be if you have a warranty claim. Our results ranged from zero to $300.
    Thanks again WindowDog – the arrival of an honest person in the window business is long overdue!!

  32. I have a bid for 4 Alside Mezzo windows for $1100 and then a a bid for same 4 windows for Sunrise Restorations line for $2400. The Sunrise quote is a tad higher than Okna 800 quote I have from a third dealer. While I believe Sunrise and Okna are better windows I am trying to justify double the price. The Mezzo person tells me it is with all the options, low-e better spacer, yadda yadda. I have to believe the Mezzo is so inexpensive for a reason? What am I over looking?

  33. I live in the North East, right on the ocean and have had horrible energy bills. I am looking to replace 13 wood windows with Vinyl windows to help with the wood rot in experiencing from the salt water. I have narrowed my choices down to the Harvey Classic window and the Alside Mezzo. In your honest opinion, which would you recommend? Or would you recommend a different product all together? I’ve never heard of Alside but several contractors are swearing by them. Please help, I want to make sure I’m making the best decision. Thank you!

  34. Thank you Window Dog. This is an amazing resource in a sea of confusion about replacement windows.
    I have met with an installer I like and I think I will use him to have the Alside Mezzo installed. I would like to find perhaps one or two others to compare — can you recommend anything with a frame as thin or thinner than the Mezzo?
    Thanks again.

  35. I just got some of my windows replaced with the Mezzo ClimaTech ThermaD IE. They just did the 2nd floor and the next 2 days, they will be doing the 1st floor. My question is how do I know that I am getting the ClimaTech ThermaD IE window and not just the basic ClimaTech? Is there a specific number or model number that identifies it? I just want to make sure I am getting what I paid for.
    Thanks for all your help, I have been reading your blog since June (when I discovered it) and I placed an order with Alside early Sept. but it took them 10 weeks to get my order in (42 windows). They are finally installing it this weekend in 30 degree weather in Chicago!

    1. Your new windows should have arrived with stickers. Below the large numbers you will find a small print, it will say ThermD.

  36. Do you have any information or reviews on the Alside 6200 patio door and/or the Sunrise “Verde” patio door? Any information on either one of these would be appreciated. Thanks!

    1. They’re both fine products. I wouldn’t say one was significantly better than the other. Alside has a complicated line of patio doors with 5100, 6100, 6200 and 6400. If you’re looking for a relatively typical option, the 6100 is always well received by customers and installers.

  37. First, thanks WindowDog! This was probably the most useful site when my wife and I decided to have windows replaced this summer. Very clear accurate and apparently unbiased information.

    Wanted to add our experience this past summer….after doing tons of online research and visiting several local window showrooms, our choice came down to Champion Windows and a local contractor here in MD, Seneca Creek. We had used Champion to replace some of our windows years ago and had been very happy. However, I liked the Alside Mezzo windows better, esp. after reading WindowDog’s review. The contractor had worked with Alside Mezzo and also liked them…they had been doing a lot with Symonton but he was impressed with the Alside windows. Price was just about equivalent between the two vendors, so we went with Seneca Creek. The installation was done late summer. We have been very happy with the Alside windows. I had one concern after they were installed, because I didn’t see any drainage ports. When the first heavy storm hit, I was concerned that water could fill the space between the screen and window…and I also was wondering how to remove the screens, if needed. When the contractor came back to do some other finish work, I asked him about these concerns….he showed me how the screens could be removed and lo and behold, there were the drainage holes (under the screen)….so, still very happy with these windows…it is now a cold November, and they are much better at insulating both heat and cold than our old windows.

  38. I recently had 5 Alside Mezzo replacement windows installed. Four were double hung, with grids. One was casement, without grids. Price was $7200, installed, which I thought was pretty high. The installation was excellent, very professional. But then, on the first cold night, 14 degrees F, one of the windows cracked, I presume due to the cold. This made me wonder about the quality. The contractor is going to replace the panel that cracked. I wonder now if I will have any more cracked windows as the winter progresses. Has anybody else experienced this problem? The contractor said this was the first time he has seen this problem.

    1. It’s not totally uncommon to get a stress crack as the temperature changes with a new window. It’s caused by an imperfection in the cut edge of the glass. Similar to the way a small chip in your windshield can spread when the temp changes. That doesn’t say anything about the quality of the window. Glass breaks sometimes.

  39. Hi. Thanks so much for this informative blog. We just had Alside Mezzo windows installed in our older home last week. My problem is that the frame of the window screen is not flush all the way across with the window sill- the gaps are mostly in the corners, but some of them are an inch or more long.The installer/contractor is telling us that it has to be this way for the weep holes to perform their function. I understand the need for weep holes, but I like to open my windows in nice weather and am concerned about bugs/dust coming in. Please advise.

    1. Feels like this would be caused by a bowed sill. To look into it further I would check to see if the sill at the bottom of the window is level all of the way across or if it is higher in the center. I’ll bet you lunch it’s a little higher in the center as this is an issue we’ve seen with some Alside Mezzo windows as well. It’s not a huge problem, but if it’s causing enough of a gap to let bugs in at the corners then it should be fixed.

      There are 2 ways to fix it. The best and hardest way is to replace the frame of the window. The easier and just as effective way is to install a piece of the screen bulb seal (they call it Ocular) on the bottom of the screen. That’s not the way that product was intended to be used, but it works perfectly and it’s less disruptive than replacing the entire window again. Either way should get the job done. Good luck!

      1. Thanks so much for your rapid reply. A representative from Alside came out with the contractor this afternoon. The problem was exactly what you said – “bowing”. They are going to replace the 6 affected windows. While I wish they got it right the first time around, I am glad that they offered to fix the problem correctly.

        1. Sounds good. That’s good feedback about Alside taking the issue seriously and getting it fixed for you. Things will always go wrong once in a while. If the issue gets handled professionally you’re in good shape.

  40. I would disagree with the pricing structure layed out. I would say a contractor can sell that window for 450 to 500 if you don’t have to advertise, have any overhead, don’t use PPC or other means of lead generation. There really is a reason that the Remodeling Magazine Cost vs. Value report shows windows like this costing much more (their example shows a two toned or wood grained interior vinyl replacement window to run around $950 installed). If Joe Pickup truck has an account at Alside and you don’t care about his ability to warranty the product for the entirety of the time you live in the home then perhaps you can find someone to do it for $500…. If you want a reputable contractor there will probably have to be a profit margin in there somewhere. I would say $600 or so to get a reputable contractor, factory trim, decent warranty, quality installation, clean job site and so on. In the trades it’s usually a bad idea to go with the cheapest guy. Here in Dallas Texas there are providers that come in as low as $350 to $400 per window but their reviews are terrible and the quality of work is horrible. As with all things, you get what you pay for and a quality, skilled tradesman is simply not going to work for $20 or $25 an hour.

    1. Hi Dave, thanks for taking the time to write. I like it when we get industry folks on here. As with any business I would suggest you set your prices as highs the market will bear. The trick in this business is that to get $600+ for a Mezzo window you’ll likely either need to use sales tactics that wouldn’t make your grandmother proud or you’ll be limited in the volume of business you can do. Some folks will pay you more than the next company because they believe you’ll stand behind your work better than the other guy will, but a lot of folks will see the same product elsewhere for 25% less and you’ll lose the order. Making a bigger percentage of nothing is (sometimes) worse that a smaller percentage of something.

      Justifying your price by saying you have high overhead and marketing costs likely doesn’t help your case. The customer doesn’t care how much your rent is or that you buy ads on google. Customers will often be interested in paying more for better quality, but paying more for advertising and a receptionist is a tough sell.

      If you can convince enough folks that you’re worth the extra cost you’re doing great. The key is knowing how many customers are enough and then actually achieving that goal. Some folks do a great job of that, but it’s certainly easier said than done. Seems like customers are used to comparing their options on Amazon and picking the “best” deal. We certainly agree that the cheapest is not always the best in this business.

      Don’t forget, $25/hr is $50k/yr. That’s not a bad living in most of the country. The trick is working all week and all year. A guy working 2 days a week will starve in no time. Maybe if the company lowered their prices they would sell more, their guy would make more money and the customer would get a better price because the per hour labor rate is lower. The better prices and happier installers would lead to more repeat and referral business which comes with $0 advertising cost. The overhead costs are then also spread over more sales. The reduction in average advertising cost and overhead cost helps to further reduce prices.

      This is an interesting topic. Maybe we can write a post on the economics of a replacement window company. Feel free to let me know if you think we’re missing anything. I have heard that Dallas has high average window prices, but nobody I’ve spoken to seems to know why. Any ideas?

      1. Hey I’m amazed that I rated a response there Big Dog! How awesome is that?!!!

        Actually, and perhaps I wasn’t too articulate on this one, I think the labor is more important than the product. I can do a better job with a terrible window than many installers can do with a good one.

        I think the labor is the most important aspect of the window project. When Window World pays their installers $35 a window, it stands to reason that they won’t get as good an installation as I can do for a rate that may retail in the end at 10% to 15% higher. There is a real value in a higher quality installation.

        The other variable that I guess we both have not addressed is the glass package. As I look at the Alside Mezzo Price book I see there are actually 8 different glass packages. I use the Elite Plus which is about a $75 upgrade. Perhaps we’re closer in our opinions than we realize but aren’t being specific enough. Heck, neither of us even mentioned the $32 upcharge for grids. The devil is always in the details isn’t it?

        I tend to sell upscale homes of $350,000 and up so I opt for the best of everything whenever there is an option to do so.

        You’re very right about the delicate balance and the need to stay busy. It’s better to be busy than sitting at home for sure. That said…. If a contractor gets busy making $25 an hour, he won’t have the time or the energy for projects that might pay him $40 an hour.

        Often when in the home I use a car lot analogy. If you need a car and head for the CarMax, you can certainly ask for the cheapest car or the most expensive car they have. For most people something in the middle is more appropriate over the long term.

        As I see it, the labor, trim job, caulking and so on, are a more important aspect of the project than many of the other variables and so I charge a little more to get those better bells and whistles. I don’t think that’s too unreasonable.

        The factory trim over a generic solution for instance may cost me $25 a window more but it’s well worth it in the end result. I use a sealant that may run $7 a tube instead of an acrylic at $1 a tube that may be used by a cheaper vendor.

        Things that I like to have for a quality installation may include spray foam insulation, goof off for cleaning, Hi Sheen Glass Cleaner for tidying up the glass and a few rolls of paper towels for a great finished product. Heck, I’ve been known to vacuum the dirt in front of a window to do good clean up. It takes time and time does have a value that has to be charged for.

        Those are things that just aren’t in the budget for the guys whom I may be competing with who are trying to be cheap and come in at a $450 price point. It means the end result is different when the variables are put into place.

        Now I’m very lucky as my website is organically on page one and I have no overhead to speak of. For me, all the money goes to product and installation. Probably triple the cost goes into labor for my company than for most companies. I was blessed to do more than $500K in volume this year with a helper. It was a great year for a one man company.

        I guess here in Dallas we have about 5 vendors that run really high costs. I’ve read your take on those folks and really agree with your assessment, but in all honesty I find myself defending those guys because I know it’s the overhead and advertising that makes them high. I don’t think they are high priced to screw people, they just have a high cost of lead acquisition and a really cool showroom.

        If you look over the Remodeling Magazine Cost vs. Value Report. They show 10 windows with trim pack on a mid-range vinyl window to run $9371.00 in their most recent report with a resale value of $7080.00. Now I realize that’s an average but I’m pretty pleased to come in at less than the resale value at $600 a unit plus $750 for the trim pack. Now let’s face it, the real question is: “How good does it look in the end and in ten years?” If it looks better than the other guys, maybe it’s worth a little more.

        Virginia is a little different than Dallas without a doubt. I’m sure your labor and cost variables are different than mine but back to the review. I don’t see anyone getting a great install, great warranty, and a Mezzo vinyl window at $400 to $450 installed at least here in Dallas. Heck that’s what the Window World, Clear Choice guys are charging after they get your attention by advertising $189.

        To answer your question with some specifics. Yes in Dallas things are a little pricier than other areas of the country. Here the competition breaks up about like this:

        Renewal by Andersen (Fibrex Composite Window) – Two grand a window….. Yea that one is painful.

        Pella Windows (100 Series Vinyl Window) $800 to $1000 per window

        Statewide Remodeling – (Kensington Heat Shield Windows last I heard) $1200 per window

        Champion Windows – (Their own vinyl window) $800 to $900 per window

        Clarity Windows – (Kensington Kingston) $700 to $800 per window

        Your humble writer, The Window Connection (Alside, NT Window, Kensington or Simonton) $450 to $600 per window

        Window World (Comfort 2K, 4K and 6K Windows) $400 to $450 per window.

        Clear Choice USA (Vista Vinyl Windows) $350 to $450 per window.

        It’s cool being in the middle of the two extremes for me. It’s a great place to be.

        Here’s the page I wrote on Cost of Windows. Perhaps you could review it and tell me if you agree or disagree with how I tried to explain the variables.

        Overall I think we’re very close in our assessment of the window as a whole. I like the Mezzo Single Hung for two great reasons you laid out. Extruded Screen and Minimal Frame Size. Here in Dallas glass size is paramount as it’s at 2 7/8” instead of the 3 ¾” we see in so many double hung vinyl windows.

        If you’re open to the idea, perhaps we can do a Google Hangout for YouTube and talk openly about the industry and the window business as a whole. I love your site and am really stoked that you’re out there and have so much great information for the researchers who care to look around and get the input.

        I’m equally stoked and humbled that you responded to my comment. Thank you.

        Great job there Big Dog!!!

        Your humble servant,


        1. Great info there. I like the idea of a google hangout or something along those lines. We may be able to do even more. I’ll send you an email about something we’re working on in the next couple days.

      2. I have to agree with Dave on this one. To do the work correctly and function as a company these windows need to be sold for $500-$600 each. I am from the DC Metro market so prices may be higher here. The average lead cost in our industry is $250 each. THe prices listed on this website are mainly true if you use Joe and his pick up truck not a functional business. I respect this website and the information provided on the products. However, I would encourage any consumer to use a business not just an installer. Any business installing a product like this for $400 is on their way to bankruptcy. Doing more jobs for less money actually increases your overhead and makes it impossible for a legitimate business to function. The ultimate goal is to make sure our clients get the best quality project for the best price. In most cases you will not get the best quality and the lowest price. Thanks for your insight Dave.

          1. Let’s not forget the added costs for install based on:

            1. Type of removal (I charge more for steel casement removals than I do for Common Woods for obvious reasons.)
            2. Exterior trim (coil, wood, etc)
            3. Permits
            4. Has the house tested positive for lead paint? (If so, the RRP procedures put in place by the Federal E.P.A. add cost to the installation in both labor and materials) and if you’re working on a pre-1978 home which tested for lead and you’re doing the work without your certification or following the RRP procedure, you’re what’s wrong with the industry.

            Putting a $300 to $400 dollar price tag isn’t going to be accurate in 85% of your job bids.

  41. First, I love the website. Can anyone tell me how a lay person can really now if a window was installed correctly? And how would I know this before I hire a contractor? Honest online reviews are fine but there are usually posted by the consumer and not someone in the trade who would know quality vs. poor installation. Thanks.

    1. Well, first think about what makes an installation “right”. It’s sort of like what makes wine “good”. If it tastes good then it’s good. What do you care what score it was given by a magazine? It doesn’t take an expert to tell you if it’s good or not, you can tell by taking a sip.

      With a window you want it operate correctly. You want it to keep the cold out in the winter and the heat out in the summer and you want it to look nice. If it does those things then it’s good. If not, then it’s bad.

      I know there are great installers who will read that and think I’m crazy. For a more practical tip, if the windows are sealed well and the caulking looks solid you’re off to a good start. Then you could check the reveal by opening the window just a bit and checking to see if the gap between the sash and the frame is consistent across the window or if it is smaller on one side and bigger on the other.

      Basically if it opens and closes the way it’s supposed to and it locks the way it’s supposed to and it’s not drafty or leaky then it’s probably in there pretty well. If anyone else has suggestions on this please post a reply!

      1. Thanks for the reply. I prefer single hung windows since I wouldn’t use most of the benefits of a double hung window. I have notice that most companies only offer single hung windows in their lower product lines. Do you know of any manufacturer that offer mid quality single hung windows? It looks like all high end windows are double hung or casement only. For instance, the Alside Mezzo doesn’t come in single hung. Thanks again.

        1. The Alside Mezzo does come in a single hung. Remember that the top sash won’t tilt in for easy cleaning with any single hung window and the price difference is pretty small.

  42. I just got my whole house with Alside Mezzo ThermD Elite installed in November of this year. I live in Chicago (and right now its extremely cold). However, I am still getting condensation at the bottom of my double hung windows from the inside. I also see condensation and ice between the top and bottom sash meet. Is this supposed to happen with brand new windows? My humidity in our house is very low (15%). Is it because of my honeycomb window shades? I did notice that if I pull up the honeycomb window shades about 3 to 4 inches from the bottom, then the bottom windows don’t produce that much condensation…but still get it where the locks are. Not sure if the windows are not properly installed or if its because of my honeycomb blinds…have you had customers with these types of issues?

    1. This is a great question. We need to do a whole post on condensation with replacement windows. The ThermD Elite is a rather efficient option. I have family in Chicago and I believe it was below zero at night recently. That’s really cold. I grew up there and I’ve since lived in Boston and Cleveland, but became a wimp shortly after moving to the south.

      The short answer is that the edges of the glass in any window will be the least efficient part. Your blinds will trap the cold in there next to the glass and as soon as that interior temp drops below the dew point in the room you’ll have condensation.

      It’s sort of like the way you get condensation on the outside of a glass of lemonade on a hot summer day. There’s nothing wrong with the glass, it’s there because the temp has fallen below the dew point.

      Triple pane windows would potentially help out, but the easiest answer is to leave the blinds open a little. Keep any eye out for a future post on the issue.

      1. Ambient moisture in the interior of the home will “look” for the easiest way to escape.

        Your old windows likely leaked air at the the meeting rail and where the sash meets the frame. The new windows don’t allow that moisture to freely escape the house anymore and it will collect at both those locations. Unless you feel air flow at those spots, the condensation usually stops after the new windows acclimate to the house. (A week or two after installation.)

        The best way to find out if there is air infiltration is to hold a lighter at the meeting rail where the tilt latches are. If the flame flickers it’s leaking. (Some air will always fund a way…nothing is completely air tight.)

        At the bottom of the window, close the sash on a dollar bill and lock the window. Give the bill a tug. If it slips out easily, the window is too loose. If the bill has resistance when pulled, the bulb seal at the bottom is good.

        Also check both the fin seal (at the interlock between sashes) and the bulb seal (where the bottom sash meets the frame.) Occasionally these seals are cut short and allow to curl around the sashes.

        Thisn is an easy fix you can do yourself. Ask the manufacturer for Chimney Blocks and felt pads. The chimney block can be put in the channel where the balancer slides and the felt pads are stuck to the interlock on the bottom sash where it meets the upper sash.

        1. I apologize for typing errors. I am currently on my phone waiting in a driveway to meet a customer for a bid.and have big thumbs.

    2. Looking at these windows right now in the north suburbs of Chicago……Who or what company did you use? What was the cost and how many windows…..did you get the grid inside of the windows? Thanks Mark

      1. To Mark, I used Integrity Windows in Buffalo Grove.
        I paid about $483 per window. I did get grids in the windows. They did get good ratings in Angie’s List. Word of advise: make sure you have them write down when the project will be finished on the contract, other wise they push it into the winter. Make sure you ask for foam spray insulation on the contact otherwise they will charge more. They will charge you for any extra work that comes up (like removing the shutters around your window in order for them to put in the new windows)…have them write that in the contract. Bottom line…think of everything possible that could happen written on the contract so you don’t end up paying more than the original quote!

        1. Thanks much for the information……..Are you happy with the windows? How long ago did you replace your windows?

          Thanks again…….

          1. Rxps, I just saw you earlier post in Jan 2015…….Now that the winter is over are you happy with the windows? did the condensation problem clear up?

            thanks again

          2. There is no condensation now. It only happens when its below 0 outside…it might be caused by my honeycomb blinds…they are double layered. The windows are overall good. The Alside customer service is excellent. They sent a guy when 2 of my window screens had a little hole in it when I got the windows….so the guy put in new ones. One of my window grids was crooked from the beginning, so the guy came and replaced the sash…no cost. Their warranty is lifelong and I think it transfers to new owner of house.

          3. You’re right that blinds will trap the cold air near the glass. This causes the air temp right next to the glass to be very low which will potentially put it below the dew point in the room causing condensation. One easy solution is to open the blinds a bit to let the air circulate.

  43. Well, the day has come to cease feeling all our money seeping out of old sash weight and cord windows saddled with wacky storms and screens. First contractor came today with Alside Mezzo’s for our (33) windows. Installed at about 300+ per which is very reasonable. Other contractors to come but some of the pricing seems so much higher. A good deal is nice; a bad deal is usually very costly. Other ideas?

      1. Thanks for the reply. I did check out Angie’s List but this contractor is not listed. He is to send me some references and since posting I read some reviews of the product. Mixed bag but then you look at any window and there are unhappy souls.

        1. A little strange that he’s not listed. I lived in your neck of the woods for a while and I would expect pretty much everyone who is actively involved in the window business there would be listed. Are they an actual company with a real office and actual employees or are they more of a one-man-band type operation? If they’re the one guy and a pickup truck type of business you might be better served by working with a more established company.

  44. Do window companies usually install Mezzo windows with fiberglass or foam spray? Is there a difference in better installation and/or price?

  45. i have been really struggling about the Mezzo windows. I have my contractor telling me they will do Mezzos with super spacer and all the options for $385 a window or around $5600 for 14 windows. I can get Vytex for $7000 and Okna 800 for around $8000. Reading all the negative alside reviews I am a bit nervous to,pull the trigger. Was wondering what the folks here that have had Mezzos installed think about them?

    1. Not sure what you’re talking about TJ. We do have a spam filter on here so maybe you got caught up in that. So far this year over 3000 spam comments have been posted. We can’t look at all of them so we need to let the filter do it’s thing.

  46. We are in the market for replacement windows and our budget has us looking at midrange windows. We live in northwest Missouri where it seems we can get both extremes in our weather. I have gotten several estimates and have it narrowed down to four window manufacturers and I was wondering which would be the best way to go. We are choosing between Pella 250 series, Alside Mezzo, Plygem contractor, and the Sunrise windows. What are your thoughts. Thanks

  47. I see quite a few negative reviews of Alside and the Mezzo windows on various forums around the internet. I have watched these postings for several years and have finally decided to post our experience to offset a lot of the bad and inaccurate information that is written.

    The Mezzo window by Alside is a great product. Our firm is one of the leading window installation companies in the Midwest. We were the first to try the Mezzo window when it was introduced early in 2014. Now with thousands installed the Mezzo is proving to be everything we hoped for in an updated window design. We have the highest rating on Angie’s List so our product quality, integrity, and support are paramount. We have a 30 yr relationship with the Alside brand and there is no manufacturer with a better warranty and support system.

    1. We’ve had decent luck with it too. We’ve had some service issues since the new product came out, but they tell us those issues are being resolved. We don’t do much with the Alside products so my experience with the Mezzo is limited, but generally positive.

  48. We decided yesterday after much deliberation and probably to many bids to go with the Mezzo windows for our home. We liked quite a bit about the Mezzo windows especially the energy savings and the design and contemporary look. The big plus was the installer we will be using. I’ll report back in a few weeks after they’re installed.

  49. RXSP that’s a great question and I would think another for the Big Dog to look into and perhaps write about. Insulation around windows. On a framed exterior when re-working the wood trim I do use a non expanding foam but I don’t use it on a brick installation because there’s no room to get it in there. I almost never use fiberglass anymore as non expanding foam is pretty awesome. Fiberglass is not a good option due to mold potential in brick installations at all, but some manufacturers do have a wrap around foam as an upgrade. The real problem with that type of upgrade is that you have to downsize the window for the foam wrap and you have larger caulking beads with less glass overall. I usually measure just 1/4″ less for a width and about a 1/2″ less than the brick opening for the height. Sometimes there’s room for insulation at the bottom and sometimes there is not, depending on the squareness of the opening. There really should never be a gap big enough for insulation. Back to the foam insulation wrap. It usually requires you to downsize the window at least another 1/2″ or more. That’s light you lose and a bigger caulk gap overall. Insulation should never be used in the void between the brick and the vapor barrier as bricks sweat and the moisture needs to stay off the framework of the home and off fiberglass insulation to avoid mold and mildew issues.

  50. I have the Sunrise product in our our home and we love them. Great value at $640 per window, slim foam filled frame and optiview screens. Good luck. Chuck

  51. Hi, my name is Angie. Had the alside meezo put in my house last summer. Not happy with the sliders at all that have been put in our two bedrooms ice formed all over them this past winter and it was a nightmare. I’m told this is very common and I should not be alarmed by it. Do not have a humidifier on in my home. What do you think the problem could be. My double hung windows did not do this. Very upset I paid a ton of money for these windows. PLEASE HELP ME…is anyone else you’ve talked to had this problem with these windows. I would love to share my photos with you but don’t see a place I can post them. Thanks

    1. The company that installed them should be able to explain what’s going on and come up with a solution for you. Something like this will tell you the relative humidity in the home. AcuRite 00613A1 Indoor Humidity Monitor

      You’ll need to know that to get started solving the problem. One solution may be to get new sashes with a better condensation resistance rating. It’s not the easiest problem to solve over the internet, but it’s a function of the humidity and the temperature. Difference glass options can affect the temperature and the humidistat will give you an idea as to how the humidity is contributing.

      Should be easy enough to sort out.

      1. Thank you, I keep my humidity very low in my home. Its funny cause none of my front windows in kitchen living room or bathroom are having this problem they are the windows that go up and down the windows that go side to side are giving me all the trouble. The people who installed have every excuse under the moon. I’m feeling they maybe wasn’t installed properly no liquid foam was used during installation as a matter of fact no insulation at all was used. I feel they cut corners on me. Having them back out to look at problem. I feel I paid store room prices for these sliders and was given basement bargain of the day. Really pissed by it all. The sliders are not as good as the windows that go up and down. Those have much better seals on them never feel breeze on those not even any ice or condensation for that matter. but bedroom windows can always feel wind coming through them and covered with ice. Thanks for listen to me ramble on and on.

        1. Do you have a humidistat? It looks like there is humidity in your home because you wouldn’t have any condensation without it. It would be worth spending $10 to get a reading so you can start to solve the problem. Cooking, breathing, showering, etc puts a lot of moisture in the air. It’s likely made worse if you baseboard heat or any type that doesn’t circulate the air.

          It’s a relatively easy problem to solve, but you need to verify the info. Don’t just assume you have low humidity.

        2. On sliders, I have seen various manufacturers forget to put sponge pads behind the weep holes in the outer track. The weep holes allow water to escape the window when it collects in the window frame (rain, melting snow, etc )

          The function of the sponge pads is to allow the water to escape when preventing air to find it’s way in. This is an easy fix that you can do yourself if you don’t want to deal with your installer.
          Contact the manufacturer and they will send you the pads for free. The weep hole covers (outside) snap off and you can use a small flat screwdriver to push the sponge pad into the hole. Then snap the cover back in place. (There are two weep holes on most sliders)

  52. your thoughts on the following quotes /windows .we currently have 11 aluminum double hung windows over 20 years old. We are replacing them and have obtained several quotes . Alside mezzo quote at 4500, Polaris thermaweld double hung at 4200, and soft-lite pro approx. 5100, Soft-lite elements at 6500 ,all rated at or below .30 u but not a single one reaches the u .27 rating needed for northern region Jan 2016 energy star rating unless upgrades added. all contractors rated A via Angies list. And would it make much difference if we waited till manufactures upgrade their current double hung offerings to meet those new Northern ratings?

    1. Most everything is optional. If you want options that hit a certain u-factor just pick them out. The window designs aren’t going to change next year. For similar prices I’d probably pick between the Mezzo and the Polaris. Don’t see any reason to pay $600 more for Soft-Lite. Good luck!

  53. Just had allside mezzo installed. We had a gap os 1 inch at the top on one window and 1 1/2 inch gap in another. Installer stated it was okay. Used fiberglass insulation and covered with the trim. Is that bid of a gap okay?

    1. Well, it really depends on the situation. It seems like a gap like that would be a little large, but not really fair for me to judge without seeing what’s going on. If it seals up well so there are no drafts or leaks and it looks nice then it’s probably just fine.

  54. I have gotten a price for 15 double hung Mezzo windows,installed. 6 will include full screens.(it will be $22.00 additional for each if we want others). No internal decorative grids, no frosting. The price is $7,000.What do you think about that number?

    1. Hi Karen, that’s about $466 per window. It’s not the bargain of the century, but that’s often not what you’d want anyway. If you’re comfortable with the company you should probably go for it!

  55. Table 1: Energy Efficiency Requirements for Windows
    Climate Zone U-Factor1
    Northern* ≤ 0.27 Any
    North-Central ≤ 0.30 ≤ 0.40
    South-Central ≤ 0.30 ≤ 0.25
    Southern ≤ 0.40 ≤ 0.25
    * The effective date for the Northern Zone prescriptive criteria Jan 2016.

  56. I’m looking at the Alside Mezza myself. Just curious if anyone has used a contractor here in the derby city
    Louisville,Ky they where happy with.

  57. Hello,
    I purchased a large window through Katlia Construction 8′ wide x 5 1/2′ high. The window is 1/4 double hung on either side with a solid picture window in the center. Katila tells me the window is called the Enviro View which is made for them by Alside. After doing some research I could not connect the two companies, and questioned Katlia. I was then told that the Enviro View was their name for the Mezzo line that Alside manufactures for them. Now I feel a little unsure of my purchase and let them know. They also represent the Polaris line, and tell me I could upgrade to the Polaris Ultra Weld which is triple pane for an additional $400.00 . What is your opinion on this? Would the upgrade be worth it.
    Thank You
    Ed Speck

    1. I don’t think it would be worth the upgrade, but you can certainly make your own choice. Enviro View is a brand name / marketing program that is used for the Alside windows. As far as we’re aware they are the same as the rest of the Alside line, just with a different name and sales presentation.

  58. Hello, We are looking to replace 12 Double Hung windows and one 6’X6’8″ Patio Slider. Located in Boston suburbs. Here is a quote from a local dealer.

    12 Alside Mezzo windows (No Grid)- $260-/Each
    12 Installation and Capping for these windows – $150-/Each
    Each window total is $260-+$150- = $410-/Window

    1 – Alside 6100 Patio Slider – $895-
    1- Patio Slider Installation – $550-
    Patio total cost is $895- + $550- = $1, 445-

    Few questions:
    1. Does these costs make sense?
    2. Should I have Capping on these vinyl windows or ask dealer
    to just get Installation cost without capping?
    3. Anyone has installed 6100 Alside Vinyl Patio door slider? Expereince with Alside Patio door and Mezzo windows?

    Please do comment. Going to get second estimate to compare costs. Thanks.

    1. Without knowing anything about your project I’d say the costs seem reasonable. I would suggest having the trim capped. You probably don’t want to deal with painting it.

  59. Hi there, how is a Alside Mezzo Window typically installed? I had a new Window installed, not a replacement Window, and the installers put the screws in the left and right side of the Window (it’s a double slider). They said that is how all of them are installed. Does this manufacturer not have “nailing fins” on their windows? I couldn’t find anything about this online. Thanks in advance.

    1. You can get Alside windows with nailing fins. Without knowing about your project it’s hard to tell what makes the most sense. If the window looks good and it doesn’t leak then it’s good. If you don’t feel any drafts and you don’t see any water I’d say it’s just fine.

  60. Hello Window Dog,
    I posted on July 24, 2015 about replacement windows. I had Window World of Boston sales person this morning. Here are the details. We are in Boston, Ma suburb.
    Project is for 14 Double Hung windows.
    1. Window World 4000 Series DH cost -$205-/window
    2. Solar Zone Elite Glass Option – $99-/window
    3. Aluminium Cladding – $75-/window
    4. Interior Door Stops – $50-/window
    5. Repair Sill – $50-/window
    Cost Per Window: $ 479-/Each

    Additional Cost:
    6. Disposal and Delivery Fee: 195-
    7. Permit Fee: $150-

    Total Cost for 14 Window World 4000 DH windows with No Grids = $7051-.
    Total Cost per window including other expenses is $ 504-.

    Please comment on if the total cost for 14 windows is reasonable or higher? Is Window World of Boston 4000 Series DH window same as Alside Excalibur? Sales person couldn’t say!! Thanks.

    1. Let’s see several questions to answer here. First, I don’t think Window World is offering the Alside Excalibur anymore. We’ve heard that they’re now offering multiple models in different stores and calling them all the 4000 series so it’s hard to tell what model they’re offering you. If you want to find out, ask them for the CPD# and we’ll show you how to look it up.

      The biggest thing that stands out is the SolarZone Elite glass. That may not be the right choice for Boston. I lived up there for one winter and I remember it being pretty cold. That’s a glass option designed for a very high sun environment. In Boston you want the heat from the sun on many more days per year than you would in other places.

      Regarding the pricing it looks like you have a lot of labor charges going on. I haven’t seen your project, but you’re getting $75 for aluminum capping, $50 for new stops and $50 to repair each sill for a total of $175 in labor per window? That feels a bit steep, but it is possible that your project is more complicated than I’m imagining.

      I’d get another quote or two to see how it compares.

      …and I just noticed that you said the salesperson “couldn’t say” what model it was? That makes me curious. Of course he can say so why wouldn’t he? Ask him for the CPD# for the exact option he quoted you and we’ll get to the bottom of it.

  61. MEZZO vs. CertainTeed Bryn mar II

    Have opportunity to replace existing 21 CertainTeed Bryn mar II windows with new and was considering the alside mezzo. The existing windows have been installed in the house since 2001. My question is would this be beneficial since existing windows seem to be getting worse as years go on with air infiltration and noise from road in front of house. Having difficult time deciding because of all negative reviews found and can not believe they are really that bad or are they? I am looking to stay in the house 10+ years. Any information and advice would much appreciated.

    1. The CertainTeed Bryn Mar II windows had several issues. There would likely be a big difference in upgrading to a nicer product. Since you’re planning on staying in the house a while you’ll likely appreciate the improvement.

  62. Hello TopDog,
    We have not done anything about getting replacement windows yet since the last posting here. Our project is very simple. Old wood windows to be removed and pocket replace with new vinyl window. The Window World of Boston has the line items on the estimate for the things I mentioned before.

    1. Window World 4000 Series DH cost -$205-/window
    2. Solar Zone Elite Glass Option – $99-/window
    3. Aluminium Cladding – $75-/window
    4. Interior Door Stops – $50-/window
    5. Repair Sill – $50-/window
    Cost Per Window: $ 479-/Each

    Additional Cost:
    6. Disposal and Delivery Fee: 195-
    7. Permit Fee: $150-

    Again, same question. is the cost per window $479- Plus $35- for other fees = $514- is on higher end or not? Thanks again for the last comment.

  63. I found this on a web site locally. We are South of Boston. Is the MSRP for Alside Mezzo really $699-?

    website blocked
    Alside Mezzo

    $349+ Install
    Regular MSRP $699.00

  64. Hello,

    Thanks. If a Mezzo MSRP is NOT $699- Plus Installation then advertising for $349- Plus Installation on a website is misleading. Potential customers will think that they are getting 50% discount. The replacement window industry seems like what car shopping was 10-15 years ago when there was no web site and thus no info or pricing available. Every salesmen mentions that their Vinyl windows are better than others and they provide best installation and warranty. Your web site is a great resource. We have HomeDepot sales person coming over next Saturday and will know what box store prices are. I will post here all the estimates here and ask for final advice before signing. We are in Boston suburb. Thanks again.

  65. Hello Big Dog,

    I called 2 local window dealers from Angie’s list in Boston area. Guess what? Both said to call them back in April 2016. It seems that window replacement is very good business at least in our area. Have to wait till Home Depot guy comes in later this week and get idea on their availability as well. You are right about navigating this window replacement business. Average house with 12-15 windows and a Patio sliding door can cost quiet a bit of money and there is no way to compare easily between 3-4 dealers and with hundreds of window replacement manufacturers with each having 5-6 models. Not easy at all!

  66. Anyone heard of an “expandable header” used in insulating a replacement window?? LEI claims to do this, never heard of it.

    1. Just about every Alside window comes with a header expander. Most if not all other vinyl window manufacturers provide the same parts.

  67. LEI just won’t stop, called and claimed the following:

    -Pushed the triple pane in the UltraMaxx window series
    -Mezzo – no option to switch the spacers, the ‘stainless steel’ is the full upgrade available, cannot switch out the spacer to a superspacer or mylan etc
    -Mezzo has an R rating of 3.4, no Solarban option, only comes with Low E.
    -Suddenly found rebates that were not mentioned previously

    Just ridiculous.

  68. I have a quote for 29 ( yes 29… big house ) Double Hung Windows. And I could really use some advice. I’ve been trying to be a wise shopper and doing my homework.

    We have narrowed it down to either Alside Mezzo and Heartland Hampton Series. The quotes are within $200 of each other. Heartland window installer will fix any issues later with no trip charges. The Mezzo installer will charge a labor fee later ( after 1 year ) if there are any issues. I expressed that we would expect 1 season warranty on their labor. I’m leaning towards the mezzo, but would like to know your opinion.

    Our biggest concerns:
    1) Heatland’s ( HL) Low E Cubed Glass versus the Mezzo’s (M) Low E glass. Comparable?

    2) Viewing Loss in HL window was major like 4″ vs M’s 2″. 4″ is so fat and ugly, but is it necessary?

    3) HL’s window claims full 1/2 inch of between glass frames for gas. I can’t find M’s spacing listed anywhere. Is this hype?

    4) HL’s window had more unsightly seems on them, but i twas a demo window I was looking at. M’s window seemed solid, just lighter weight. Will Frame seems be an issue ?

    5) Plastic hardware on HL’s window seemed very cheap. M’s had thicker plastic. I know the warranty will replace them, but am I overlooking quality in these parts?

    Side note: ** We where also quoted from Lowes the Pella 250 series but we ruled that out. **

    Our Budget is $12,000.

    1. Sounds like you like the Mezzo window more and with a price difference of only $200 it feels like an easy decision. Don’t worry about claims about thickness of the glass unit. Compare efficiency ratings if you’re concerned. What’s important to you is the efficiency, not the thickness of the glass or the foam in the frames or anything else. None of that matters if it doesn’t make the window more efficient and you can see the efficiency in the ratings. Sounds like you have an easy decision on your hands.

  69. Hello WindowDog
    I asked my contractor for the cpd# of the window he is offering me. He sent me a picture of the label attached to shipping carton of window, label says
    Alside model 0971 – casement
    Is this a mezzo window?

    1. Hello Jr, that’s an Alside casement. They only make one casement window and it appears in the brochures for all of their windows. It’s a very nice window and I’m sure you’ll be happy with it.

  70. I have some windows that have solar exposure with no shade, and some that are on the north side and plenty of year-round shade. Would it look inconsistent or strange to have Mezzo climatech on some windows and Mezzo solar elite on others, depending on their location on the house?

    1. Nope. If they were right side by side you may be able to tell the difference, but I’d be nobody would notice it if you didn’t point it out. When they’re on different sides of the house I don’t think anyone would notice at all. People order windows that way all the time. Good luck!

  71. We recently purchased 7 DH Mezzo windows (3’x5′ rgh openings) that were to come with grids- they did not. I informed the dealer of this and said that since they did not come with grids and we were ok with that. He said he would replace the sash’s at his cost. I said that maybe there is a win-win situation and he would not have to pay out of his pocket. Here is the dilemma, we are needing to replace the remaining 6 windows and offered to the dealer if he would credit us his cost, material and labor, to replace the sashes with grids, we would apply this credit towards the cost of the new windows. My questions is what is the cost for sash replacements? I don’t feel that the credit he has offered is not his true cost. Thx in advance for your time. . . .I wish I had found this site prior to getting windows

    1. It depends where the error was made. I’ve seen situations where the dealer sent the correct order to the distributor and the distributor ordered the windows wrong. In that case he would be able to get them replaced for free.

      There are a lot of options that can impact the cost of replacement parts. I’d guess it’s between $30-$60 per sash, but I’m just guessing without knowing more about your order. Good luck!

  72. Hello WindowDog – I have recently purchased Mezzo windows. At first we have agreed to purchase 12 Clima-Tech Elite 12 windows, but later decided to replace more windows and ended up purchasing 26 windows. When the salesperson transferred the information to a new purchase order, he conveniently marked Clima-Tech 5 instead of Elite 12 for installation. We did not realize this until the windows were installed. I raised the question because I did not see the energy star certification anywhere, which I expected to see. It took me 4 months to get them to replace sashes to the energy star Clime-Tech Elite 12 . At this point I don’t trust that I got what we have originally signed up for. The stickers states the following: “Alside Window Company Model 3001-Double Hung; CPD# ASO-A-89-11614-0001; Solid Vinyl – Welded-Double Glzd; ¾” IG. DS LE70-IE-Liner. Argon. SST. Grids<1”. ” The glass has a green bottle tint to it, very different from the originally installed glass. I have no idea what glass I ended up with and was hoping that you can help (!) shed some light on this.

    1. The one with the slightly green tint is the Cliamtech Elite glass. I just looked up that CPD number on the NFRC’s website and here are the ratings those windows have: U-Factor 0.27, SHGC 0.19, VT 0.43. I hope thats what you were expecting!

  73. Hey Window Dog,
    Alside’s Mezzo window will be available to order with Triple Pane Glass, Therm D and Therm D Elite spacer systems only in early Q1 of 2016!

  74. Would you be able to give me a rough idea on the average cost to have an Alside Mezzo sliding door installed. We are in the process of getting multiple quotes, but I’m finding we are comparing apples to oranges and having a difficult time deciding what is worth the money. Thanks!

  75. Thank you for this review as I have just decided to do my whole house in Mezzo windows, I am also changing out 2 French doors to there 6100 series sliders. Do you have any thoughts on how those compare to other brands, I was going to go with andersens top of the line but the 6100 I was told should be very comparable in performance and the price just seems unbeatable?

    1. oh also I was going to go with the standard Cliamtech Glass I think it is rated at 0.29 UV rating didn’t think it was worth the $700 bucks to go to the ThermoD at a 0.27 rating thoughts please?

  76. Not sure how or why my comments were removed? I am looking at putting 18 Mezzo windows and 2 sliders in, I saw the Airflow was a 0.04 and the glass I was going to go with is the Climatec glass with a UV of .28 I am replacing ViWinTec windows so will this be a big improvement they are over 10 years old and I think pretty junky?. I am also doing 2 6100 series sliders how would you rate those? Replacing French doors with those? The pricing I got seems very reasonable but not wanting to buy junk and have to do this all over again in 5 years?

    1. Hi Lonnie, if the windows had gas in them originally then you can easily tell if the gas has leaked out. Remember, if the gas leaks out something else needs to replace it. Air will replace the gas inside the double (or triple) paned window. The air will have moisture in it and you’ll get condensation on the inside of the glass. If the gas leaks out you’ll see that condensation pretty quickly so you’ll know right away. Most manufactures cover seal failures like this for a very long time so there’s a good chance you’re covered if the manufacturer is still in business.

  77. We are replacing 28 windows in our home. It’s come down to Lowe’s/Reliabilt 3500 vs. Window World/4000 Series. The WW rep told me the 4000 Series were the Alside Mezzo windows. Both are offering lifetime warranties including labor. Lowe’s was a much better sales experience. WW is $3000 cheaper. What do you think?

    1. Well, it’s hard for me to make a great recommendation. I think the Mezzo is a nice window and you could have a fun vacation with the $3k. Maybe talk to some other recent Window World customers in your area to get a feel for how things will likely go. Or look for recent reviews on Angie’s List.

      If it were my house I don’t think I’d see $3k of additional value in the ReliaBilt product, but you may find additional value in the service.

  78. Wow! Thank you for posting this! I had a salesman in my home last night who pitched a “discounted” price of $8450 (for 154 windows) if we would agree to be a marketing home (sign on lawn, answer questions for other homeowners, etc). He first quoted $18590 for their standard quote and compared it to his estimated cost for the competition. He said Anderson would charge us $24,416 and Pella would charge us $28,644. I wonder how many people he dupes with that seemingly low price. Fortunately, I read your blog post 30 minutes before he arrived!! I might have been his next sucker.

  79. Hi Windowdog,

    Great information. I’m looking at building a new 12 X 20 4 season room that faces west using 7 36 X 60 triple pane Mezzo windows U.22 SHGC .26 & VT .45. and a 6106-6100 slider. In your prior comments, you mentioned that you ordered some of the triple panes. What are your thoughts and more specifically what do you think about the tint. I saw in one post it resembled coke bottle green. As I have been unable to see a full size Mezzo triple pane, I’d really would appreciate your thoughts on whether the tint is acceptable or looks bad.

    I also have the option of double pane, but would prefer the triple since the cost difference is not that much and the fact that in the summer we get heated out of the existing room with single pane sliders

    Thanks in advance for your insite


    1. The option that looks a little more green is the SolarBan70 glass. They call it Climatech Elite TG2 in Alside terms. If you go with the more common triple pane option, called Climatech TG2 it has less color. I expect my friends at Window Universe in Akron could help show you a sample, and they have great prices too.

  80. Just wanted to say that we had several windows replaced with the Alside Mezzo’s a little over a year ago, largely based on your reviews and recommendations. Overall, we’re very pleased with the windows, especially the sliders – the double-hung’s seem a little hard to open, but that might be the awkward locations they’re in. Very easy to clean, much tighter and quieter than the old windows.

    One slightly off-topic question; we also had 2 large double-hung’s replaced with Alside Sheffield windows (installer felt the Sheffield’s sturdier frame was better suited to the heavy laminate glass I wanted). Those whistle/howl/make noise whenever their open and the wind blows. Saw something in another blog about a felt pad ‘fix’ in the interlock area, but no details. Any ideas?

    1. Well, there could be several causes and it’s hard to say without seeing them. The Sheffield windows have higher air infiltration ratings and they have week hole covers on the outside of the sill that could be vibrating in the wind. When it’s happening try to get a feel for where in the window it is.

      The felt pads are little pieces of fuzziness that are (or should be) stuck under the interlock at the top corners of the bottom sash. If you tilt in the bottom sash and look at the corners where to top and bottom sash meet you should see them. Sometimes they’re not placed right or they’re missing. Sticking them in the right spot or adding additional could help and shouldn’t cost anything so that’s a reasonable place to start. If you don’t see what I’m talking about just let me know and I can probably post a picture.

      1. Thanks, I’ll check to see if the felt pads are where they’re supposed to be. The noise seems to be coming from between the sashes – if I plug up the gap between the frame of the bottom sash and the glass on the upper sash (bottom sash raised), the sound goes away.

          1. Nope, the felt pads are where they’re supposed to be. Suppose I’ll wait for the wind to blow and try to isolate the noise. Frustrating. ..

          2. You might take a look at the weep hole covers at the bottom or the aluminum trim or capping around the window. Wish I could be more help.

          3. After some close inspection, I’m going to try replacing the bulb seal on the top sash with the same style used on the lower outside of the bottom sash – it’s slightly larger and should contact the glass, and mounts the same way. I’ll reply as to the effectiveness of this ‘fix’.

  81. Hey WindowDog

    I’m looking to replace 21 builder grade windows at last. I’m down to three choices – Alside Messo, Sunrise windows and a new product called Enviroguard. The Enviroguard is a cellular PVC that can be painted. I will insure that I compare the specs to insure I have a head to head comparison. My questions are these- Which Sunrise model compares to the Messo and what are you thoughts on the Enviroguard (cellular PVC)? I live in the Atlanta area with a fair amount of exposure.

    1. You might want to check the VT rating on the cellular PVC option. Those windows tend to have very thick frames which will reduce the amount of light you get. What did they tell you the advantages were for that option?

  82. Hi windowdog..
    Great blog. Thanks for the information and advice.

    We are looking at replacing seven 72×48 windows with the Mezzo with Window World. Since these are all ground level windows and large size, we would like to do tempered glass – added security, peace of mind.
    Wanted your opinion on – is tempering a worthwhile investment ? And is the Sheffield (thicker frame) a more suitable option – assuming the tempering adds weight ?

    Thanks in advance

    1. I don’t think the Sheffield really helps you any. You might look at laminated glass if you’re looking for security. Tempered still breaks easily enough, laminated is tough. It does add a bit to the price so just depends on how much of a concern that is.

      They use tempered for safety glass, not because of security, but because when it breaks it breaks into small pebbles of glass. It may cut you, but it won’t slice you open. Think of the broken side windows of a car you might when driving by a car accident, like little glass pebbles.

      1. I used laminated in our bedroom windows because we get pretty high winds, and there were some trees close to the house. Ended up using Sheffield because of the thicker frames, and aside from the whistling when open (different thread in this blog), the windows are amazingly quiet (when closed 😉 ) . When you rap on the window, it sounds and feels very solid, like a car windshield (also laminated). If those are 72×48, laminated will add a lot of weight. You might consider just using laminated on the outside, and regular tempered on the inside – if something’s going to come through an external pane of laminated glass, I doubt another internal pane will stop it…

        1. Here we about a year and a half later, and I wanted to give another update. The Sheffield windows with the laminated glass still whistle between the sashes – it could be fixed by using a larger bulb seal between the two, but then the windows wouldn’t close because the larger seal got caught between the sashes. To make matters worse, they have become very hard to open and close – this was a problem to start with, but we were told they would get easier when they broke in… that didn’t happen and now my wife can hardly close the windows in the morning. The bottom rail on the top sash (that has the female latch receptacles) is also visibly bowed now. I’m working with the window contractor to have them replaced with a picture-over-awning style. Pretty disappointed with the Alside Sheffields. The Mezzo’s all still seem pretty good, and we have 2 Alside sliding glass doors installed 3 months ago – love them so far.

          1. Hi Jerry, thanks for taking the time to share your experience. I’m sorry to hear about your trouble with the Sheffield windows. That is an older design so I’m not too surprised to hear you like the Mezzo windows better. That’s still not a reason for them to operate so poorly. There is certainly something else at play. It sounds like you’re looking at replacing them so there’s not much point in trying to diagnose it. Windows that are hard to open and are visibly bowed may indicate that they are a little too wide and forced into the opening. That would cause the sides of the frame to push on the sash restricting their motion.

            Alside has a pretty big operation in Denver. If they haven’t checked out these windows yet you might want to have them take a look. I would bet there’s a solution.

          2. Well, the Sheffield’s still whistle, and my wife can barely open/close them. I took a video of the noise and sent it to my installer, who sent it to an Alside sales rep, who called me and asked some questions, then sent it to their engineering team.

            They still can’t explain it, but are going to replace the Sheffield’s with Mezzo’s, my only cost being $240 labor. We’ll use regular glass instead of the laminated to reduce weight.

            This has been a pain, but I guess I’m happy with the outcome. All the other Mezzo’s we’ve had installed are still working fine, so hopefully these will, too.

          3. Good to hear they’ve responded and taken action. My experience has been that they do a good job with warranty claims. Thanks for sharing your experience. Please let us know how the new windows work out.

  83. Hi Windowdog! You have made our window replacement adventure much easier! My wife and I like “real nice things” in many areas (cars and home audio/video for example), but as far as windows go, we aren’t as picky. We both have outdoor allergies, so the windows usually stay closed. We live in western Ohio, and we feel the Mezzo window will work well for us. Yes, there are definitely better windows, but we don’t think it’s worth thousands more!

    So my question has to do with the glass/frame options that Mezzo offers. I really like the idea of a foam-filled frame – for sound protection. However, the iE options offer a noticeable hit in the SHGC category. For comparison, the ClimaTech Elite has a .21 rating, and the ClimaTech ThermD iE has a .30 rating. And the latter would cost me $68 more per window. Why would an insulated frame cost more to cool the house versus a hollow one?

    Thanks for all you do!

    1. Glad we could help out! You’re not seeing all of the options. The Elite option uses PPG SolarBan 70 glass which has very low SHGC numbers as you’ve seen. You can combine that glass with the foam liners. The option you’re looking for is called Climatech Elite ThermD w IE Liner. It will have the same SHGC of 0.21.

      Hope that helps!

      1. That makes sense. I think there is a typo in their literature. It shows a .30 SHGC for Climatech Elite ThermD IE . That is what confused me. I will contact the company and see what they say.

        1. Could be. The brochures I have don’t list the Climatech Elite ThermD IE. Maybe you have an old copy.

    1. That’s just the TermD iE. There are 7 lines in the chart. Only lines 4 and 7 include the Elite glass. I read it wrong the first time too. Anyway, the package you’re looking for is available. They make many more options than what is listed there.

  84. I am hoping you can help me out, I am looking at the Mezzo and the Provia Aspect? Both being similar in price and same installer do you have a preference? These will be replacement windows to builder grades from 15 years ago.

    1. Ask them what the air infiltration rating is for the Provia model. I would bet that will be a point of differentiation. I haven’t seen the specs for that model so I’ll be curious to find out.

      1. It looks as if the Aspect is similar to the Endure minus a few mechanical features. not sure how important these are.

        air infiltration = EXCEEDS NFRC Requirements by 650%

        1. Interesting, I’m always curious when they’re not clear on the ratings. I wonder what the air infiltration actually is.

  85. LEI quoted Mezzo windows with ClimaTech plus with a foam insulated frame  (Energy Star rated)

    8 double hung windows with grids:  $610 per window

    2 double hung windows without grids: $570 per window

    1 oversized picture window with grids: $890

    1 Circle Top with grids: $780

    2 Larson full view storm doors with connector: $800 total

    Price includes: 

    ClimaTech plus with a foam insulated frame  (Energy Star rated)

    Custom PVC coded exterior trim.

    Installation from licensed and insured installers 

    All haul away and disposal of old windows

    $700 rebate for doors

    Permit and processing fees

    All taxes.

    what do you think?

    1. Sounds higher than what we would charge through our manufacturer installation program. We could also get you an upgraded product. If you’d be interested in another quote take a look at this page and fill out the form to get an easy quote. I bet you’ll save over $1000 and get a nicer product.

  86. I’m so glad to see this blog! The more I read about windows, the more confused I get. I have an Alside Mezzo quote for ~12K. This includes:
    6 2-lite sliders (four 47.75 x 48.5, two 59.75 x 36.5)
    1 laminated 3-lite slider (97.75 x 53.75)
    2 Promenade 6 ft patio doors (one includes enlarging the space where an existing smaller slider window is)
    1 garden window (59.75 x 36.5)

    All have ClimaTech ThermD with white capping. Okay deal? I have a similar quote from Home Depot for Simonton 6100s, with the 3-lite being a 6500.

  87. We have a quote for Alside Mezzo totaling $6570 for 6 section casement windows (sides open) that measure about 5’wide by about 4′ tall and 1 awning window about 24″ wide by 16″ tall. Thoughts on the quote??

    My sister used this contractor a few years ago for the same service and has been very happy with the product. She is difficult to please.

  88. I heard that the Aside Mezzo windows were upgraded in late 2015. Can you tell me what changes were made? How much better/improved are they?
    Are the 2014 versions still available?

    1. I don’t believe that’s true. As far as I’m aware there haven’t been any substantial changes since the Mezzo came out. They had some quality and delivery issues when the window was new due to the changeover in the plants. I think it’s fair to say that was pretty much solved in 2015. They also started offering triple pane glass in 2016 which was a nice improvement.

      If someone tells you what changes they think were made in 2015 I’d love to hear about them.

  89. How much more should a full frame replacement cost be vs a pocket replacement in a standard double hung Windows install

  90. I have 2 quotes for 2 doublehung windows 60″x40″ and patio door 72×80.

    1) Alside Mezzo w/ThermDie or Ultramaxx w/Climatech, wood grain interior, smart trim.
    Matching sliding patio door with smart trim.
    $2155 for both windows, $2600 for door

    2) sunrise Restoration $3760 for windows, $3480 for door.

    So roughly $2500 diff between the 2. Interesting #2 installs Alside siding but will only do sunrise for windows, claiming superior quality. Not sure if quality difference justifies the price difference?

    Number 1 says my price is with a 25% discount since I’m a repeat customer (previous did Alside siding an Alside bay window about 5 years ago). I was happy with the results.
    Number 2 says 5% discount was factored in.. if I take the base price without the discount, the windows are about $1100 more for the sunrise, the door only about $200 difference. I’m wondering if the Alside base price was bumped up to look like I’m getting a better deal with 25% off and I can’t really evaluate the windows because the Alside is really a cheaper window?

    #2 also gave me a price for sunrise medium level line (restoration is their premium), but it was only $300 less, so not really worth considering.

    1. Don’t worry about the “discounts” that’s just sales junk to make you feel special. Focus on the total prices. I think Sunrise makes a nice product, but I don’t think it’s worth $2500 more for 2 windows and a door. At those numbers I’d buy the Alside and spend $2500 on a nice vacation.

  91. I need casement windows- replacements, but it doesn’t appear that the Mezzo comes in casements. Is that true? thanks Jeanette

    1. Also, I’ve been hearing about Elements windows. Haven’t fully researched them yet. But apparently most contractors can’t sell them because they have a very tight dealership setup. Is that true? thanks

      1. They do have limited distribution. My assumption is that they do that to help the contractors charge more. If there were 100 companies in town offering the same window it’s easier for the customer to get 5 quotes and buy the cheapest. If they only have one dealer in town it’s easy for that dealer to charge a higher price.

    2. Hi Jeanette, Alside makes one casement window and they sell it under all of their window brands. You’ll see it in the Mezzo brochure and the Sheffield brochure and the Ultramaxx brochure. It’s the same casement window. It’s a pretty nice option.

  92. We are considering buying some vinyl replacement windows from Window World (among others). The salesman was nice enough to give me the CPD#, ASO-A-92-00194-00001. It’s a single hung window, Series 4000 made by AMI/Alside. All the information about Alside windows I can find is about their double hung windows. The U-Factors and SHGC numbers seem good. Air leakage just says <0.3. I can't find any other information about their single hung windows anywhere. Is this a quality window? I'm concerned about the damage hail could inflict the vinyl frames. I live near Oklahoma City and have replaced 3 roofs in the last 8 years due to hail. We also have very hot summers, and the east side of my house gets full morning sun with no shade. The combination of sun and hail is a concern. Any help about this particular window would be appreciated.

    1. I think that’s a pretty nice window. I know folks in your part of the world all seem to like single hung windows, but I always recommend double hung. The price difference is pretty small and you get more functionality out of the double hung.

      Regarding hail, I think that model will stand up as well as any other. There are many vinyl windows installed in your area so I think they’ll do just fine.

      They do have several glass options so they may be able to help with different coatings to block the sun. Good luck with the project!

  93. Thanks for the great information Window Dog! I have a quick question. We are replacing 20 windows on our home, mostly standard double hungs. Only 1 picture window and one awning style in the kitchen. We have narrowed our search to two types of windows, the Alside Ultramaxx and the Sunrise Vinyl Product with the Ultra U-Plus Glass system. The price quotes we received are relatively similar. That being said, the main differences I noticed is that the UltraMaxx has the pocket sill, not sure if I’m sold on that feature versus the true sloped sill of the Sunrise product. The UltraMaxx seems to have slightly better efficiency ratings for the U-Factor and SHGC, probably due to the triple pane versus the double pane on the Sunrise product. However, the Sunrise window seems to have a significantly larger window area because the frame isn’t as bulky, a feature I really liked. Lastly, I know that Sunrise uses Cardinal Glass and Alside uses Guardian. If you were choosing between these two products for your home, with price not really being a factor, which way would you go? Also, anything I missed about features/benefits that’s worth pointing out? Thanks in advance for your advice.

    1. They’re both decent products. I’d check the condensation resistance. I think you’ll find the Alside option will be much better. This is important in the North due to the cold climate.

  94. I decided to have Window World install 4000 series (Alside Mezzo windows). Decided the cost was reasonable. I’ve tried to look up the cpd# with no success.
    CPD# ASO-A-89-02468
    I do know for a fact that they are Mezzo because one of the stickers on the windows stated Mezzo. But my question is the glass. I ordered a Therm D ie. Which to my understanding and what the salesman said wasn’t supposed to have a heavy green tint. I live in Northern Illinois and really do enjoy the warmth of the sun in the winter. The windows have now all been installed and every single one of them is green. I’m wondering if maybe someone ordered the wrong ones. Could you please let me know what they are?
    On another note. The quality control is lacking. My husband and I have looked over all 20 of the windows installed and quite a few of them have issues. Nothing major just little things.

    1. If you can email me a picture of the NFRC sticker that came on the windows I could tell you what type of glass it has. If there are any issues with the windows Window World should take care of them for you. It’s possible anything could come in with a problem, should be easy to get fixed.

  95. Our contractor recommends the Alside Mezzo or the American window and glass company (Grand Mesa) we have found a lot of info on the Mezzo which we appreciate, Thank you but do you know anything about the American window company?

    1. I’m not particularly familiar with the Grand Mesa window, but from looking at their site it looks they’re affiliated with the Earth Wise product that I’m not a huge fan of. I think the Alside is probably a safer bet.

  96. Head hurts trying to replace 22 double hung in middle TN climate. Simonton Prism Platinum versus Alside Mezzo?…or whatever you may suggest.

    Well vetted installer promotes the Prism Platinum for brute strength and endurance; but comments elsewhere say there are better buys due to little change in the Prism.
    Trying to bring in a neighbor who has a need for another 22 and she is anxious to also read any comments.
    Thanks for clarity in a field I find very muddled…..

  97. Do you have any experience with Alside Mezzo vs. polar seal. I am replacing 11 duh windows in a rental property and I am not sure if the Mezzo is worth the money. The windows seem comparable.

  98. I think i have decided on mezzo windows. I cant find the efficiency ratings on the casement windows. Would You recommend casement or sliding?

    1. It depends on the options that are included. The person selling them to you should be able to give you that info very easily. If they can’t or won’t I’d order from someone else.

  99. I didn’t get a chance to take a picture of the sticker. Right after I wrote this they removed all stckers and finished the job. The only number I have is the one above and that was the only number on it.

  100. Kind of curious why you wouldn’t suggest constant force balancers. I handle warranty claims at a window company, and have had far more trouble with the various iterations of channel/block & tackle balancers over the years.

    Is there a certain balance you prefer?

    1. Nicer block and tackle balances are tested to last longer than constant force balances and they operate better as well. When we install fancy wood windows for $3k each they always come with block and tackle balances. There’s a reason you only see constant force in cheaper vinyl.

      Of course there are cheap versions of everything and even nice products do fail sometimes, but if I had my choice I’d pick block and tackle.

  101. Hi,

    We are looking at the Alside Mezzo vs the Amerimax Masters Grande to replace 13 double hung windows in our house in Denver. Do you have any recommendations on the Mezzo vs the Masters Grande?

    We have heard that the Amerimax is better for Denver since they are produced here and the argon gas won’t lose it’s potency coming to altitude. But the Amerimax window quote is coming in nearly $3k higher.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!


    1. Alside ships thousands of windows to Denver every year. I don’t think you’d have a problem with either option.

  102. Hi – thanks for the execellent review of the Alside Mezzo. We are in the Midwest (Chicago Suburb) and have two quotes from an Angie’s List installer (with great A+ reviews) for about 16 Double Hungs/1 Awning Window/Semi-Circle Top:

    (Quote 1) Alside Mezzo: about $12,500
    (Quote 2) Simonton Prism Platinum: about $14,000

    Do you prefer one window (Mezzo vs Prism Platinum) to the other and why?

    Also, how much is a drawback is the coil balance system that you mention. It sounds like it is far from ideal, but if we are only opening these windows three months out of the year, does it really matter? For example, even if the coil system is not ideal for opening/closing, will it affect the overall ability of the window to keep us warm in the winter/cool in the summer?

    Thank you!

  103. Interesting that you don’t recommend Simonton windows while JD Power & Associates names their windows as the highest rated 4 years in a row. How can it be?

    1. Consumer Reports used to say that CertainTeed was the best window out there and anyone who took that advice regrets it now. I’m not aware of any reason to pick Simonton windows. There are certainly worse windows out there, but plenty of better choices too. What about them do you like?

  104. I have a question regarding the mezzo. A contractor brought me the window and when going over the specs he said the mezzo “had reinforcement but its not really reinforcement”. What ???
    A few other brands from different contractors actually showed me a reinforcement bar,
    This particular alside dealer said the mezzo doesnt really have an actual reinforcement bar but basically a piece of plastic that is inside the rail part or whatever its called.
    Is this correct?
    Thank you

    1. Sounds like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Mezzo windows are available with 2 types of reinforcement. There is a composite and a steel option. The steel is stronger and we use it in areas with specific requirements like in Florida or parts of Texas. You may want to find someone a little more familiar with the products they’re trying to sell you.

      1. Looking at replacing 17 slider windows. Looking at the Mezzo or Jeldwen 2500 series – vinyl replacement. Any recommendations on the better choice?

          1. We did choose the Mezzo and we feel god about our decision. Your comments validate our selection. Your website has been very helpful with comparing windows. I actually came across the Mezzo when reading reviews on your website! The windows should be installed in the next 2 months. I am confident we made a good choice! I will have to let you know what we think after they are installed! Thanks for the follow up! Brad Stark

  105. Just had all new Mezzo windows installed. All of them have a problem. Found out that the installer was fired due to install issues in the company. Also the wrong windows were ordered from the get go. Now I’m being told that they want to fix all the problems. Want to change out the Mezzo with Ultramaxx or casement because I complained about air infiltration at the sash.
    I’m beside myself with this now. They’re saying that to get good AI numbers I need to go with pocket replacement. That the Mezzo nail fin is a construction grade window and I will never get excellent AI numbers with this window because the window sticks out too far and air can get around the frame. The other day I had 25mph winds and the lighter was definitely flickering. But even in light wind it was flickering. I also asked for foam filled windows and was told the foam didn’t do anything and that it’s a gimmick for marketing.
    Informed him that I didn’t like the Ultramaxx because of VT issues. We bought our house because of the views and bright rooms. I’m so frustrated and confused. Went with Alside because we couldn’t get Okna. The number seemed pretty equal. Now I’m regretting everything. HELP!!! They want an answer within the next couple days of what I really want to do. To add insult to injury we custom ordered cellular shades at close to $500 each x7 that we won’t be able to use (inside mount). He said because of this he’ll split the cost of these with me. But I really like my shades!
    Sorry for the rant.

    1. Hi JC, I’m sorry to hear about your trouble. Sounds like you’re dealign with a touch situation.

      Either whoever you’re talking to isn’t familiar with the products or something is getting lost along the way. Mezzo windows have MUCH better air infiltration rates than Ultramaxx windows and they are replacement windows. You can order them with a nail fin for a new construction application, but you don’t need to. The vast majority are ordered for pocket installation. If whoever is trying to solve your problem isn’t familiar with these basic facts you might be in for a challenge.

      I would guess that the issues were caused by the installation and whoever is trying to fix it doesn’t seem to know what is going on. If it were my company I’d over you new windows and have them installed by a professional. With that your problems would go away, but without that I’m afraid it might be a long road ahead.

      Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help out.

  106. You recommend window universe in my area (northeast Ohio). Their salesman came out and talked to me about their 2 windows, Mi and Okna. He stated that these are both top of the line and that the companies only allow a few companies to install them. They’re quite a bit more expensive than the Mezzo. Would either be worth it? Looking at Mi 1650 DH and Okna Eco-Pro 600 DH.

    1. Have you asked them? They carry multiple brands and they can get you some other options if you’d like. Did you end up picking a window yet?

  107. Hi – I have a few quotes and the Mezzo has come in a lot less per window (11 double hung with grids). Renewal, $1,565 per window, Marvin Intergrity, $1,100 per window, Vinyl from Powr $875 per window and Mezzo Climatech $385 per window. The best Mezzo with .22 U and .19 SHGC came in at $460 per window. Still have a quote from Okna coming which is probably a little higher than the best Mezzo. Mezzo looks like a good buy – is it worth the extra $75 window for .22 U. If Okna 500 comes in comparable is that a better option ? Thanks!

    1. I think the Mezzo is a decent option as far as widely distributed products go. The Okna is more narrowly distributed so if there is a dealer in your area charging higher prices you’re out of luck. Which one did you pick?

    2. Is the price of $460. just the price for the Messo Window (without installation)? Did you go with the ClimaTech Term D IE? Did you go with any color options or Grids?
      With the U-Factor of 0.22, that must be the MEZZO TG2 (Triple Pane).
      I got of quote of approx. $700, for the Climate TECH Therm D TG2 which includes installation and tax. Trying to figure out if that is a good price.

  108. Here I am a year later, and wanted to make a final comment on my experience with Alside.
    – Original Sheffield windows in our bedroom whistled when open.
    – I sent them a video, and Alside and my installer replaced them with Mezzos at no charge.
    The new Mezzos whistled when the wind was blowing and they were CLOSED! Also, the sashes were about 1/8 inch too narrow, and one actually fell out into the house.
    – My installer verified the installation wasn’t the cause, and Alside sent out their tech, measured the sashes, agreed they were slightly too narrow, and agreed to replaced both sashes. He actually heard them whistling, saw what I had done to try and mitigate it, and researched it himself, without any results. I discussed something I had read somewhere on this blog about caulking the holes in the inside frame used to screw the windows to the house, but we both agreed that couldn’t be it, since there’s no way for air to infiltrate inside the frame.
    – I had checked the outside caulking, inserted sponge rubber in various places between the sashes, removed one of the bulb seals, applied tape over weep holes and overlapping exposed window section. Nothing made any difference.
    – Finally, after a year + of frustration, as an absolute last resort before replacing (again) with a different brand, I sealed the 4 or 5 screw holes in each of the inside frames. NO MORE WHISTLING! Unbelievable.

    Throughout the entire thing, Alside made some mistakes, but they stood behind their products and made it right, which is all you can reasonable expect. Their Tech was prompt, courteous, and professional. Aside from that, we’ve had other (non-whistling) Mezzos for about 2 years now, and they still work great. Finally having the rest of the windows replaced with Mezzos this spring, we can’t wait.

    1. Ha, glad to hear you found the solution. Thanks for taking the time to write. It is true that you could have a problem with any product from any company. I think the fact that they were responsive and helpful is a great sign.

    2. Thanks for the followup on your experience with the Mezzo windows and decision to switch out your other windows. Did you get any coil capping done on the trim as well? Not sure if it’s a good thing or risky for rot or other problems. The front of our house faces West and gets a lot of afternoon sun.
      Btw We were deciding between Anderson 400 and Mezzo, but I think we will go with Mezzo based on comments on this site.

  109. Hi Windowdog,
    I’m renovating a duplex and shopping for windows. Last time I used the Alside Mezzo and the only thing I didn’t like about them was that the stop (the plastic insert in the track) seems oversized so it keeps the sash from opening as much as it seems like it could. It looks like it there’s another 1.5 to 2″ that the sash should be able to travel and I can’t see any reason why it’s limited. Is there something I’m missing? This is the Climatech-Mezzo Double Hung window.
    The 8 windows I need came in a hair cheaper than the ABC Supply quote for Simonton’s 50/50 windows.

    1. I’ve seen that piece cut way too long before and you can trim it. It’s there to cover the opening in the frame that is needed to allow the constant force balances to be inserted and replaced if necessary. If you pop that piece off you’ll see the notch in the frame. You can pop that piece off and trim it down so it just barely covers the notch and you’d be in good shape.

      If you’re in an area that my company serves we could help with another model that won’t have that piece and will be much nicer than the Simonton option you mentioned. Let me know if we can help out.

  110. Would Alside Mezzo or Milgard Tuscany be better? Both bids are equal in price, both from great companies with good installations. I like that on the Mezzo sliders both sashes can slide and be taken out. I also like the screens. On the Milgard, I like that the warranty includes glass breakage on the sliding glass door, whereas on the Mezzo the glass breakage is on the windows, but not the Promenade door. I am seeing a confusing mixture of reviews and want to make the right choice.

  111. Hi, we are considering replacing old wood windows with Mezzo and the installer has also offered aluminum coil capping for around the outside of the windows. What are your thoughts on capping? I understand that it may help lower maintenance but can it also make it easier for the covered wood underneath to rot?
    Thanks for any thoughts.

    1. As long as it’s sealed up well I don’t think it presents any risk. I’d just walk around the house every year or two to make sure the caulking looks good and you’d be in fine shape. They could probably skip or reduce the capping, but then you end up with maintenance work for sure. Checking out the caulking every once in a while seems like a better option than painting to me. Owning a house does take a little bit of maintenance no matter what.

  112. Hello,

    I was provided a recent quote to get a total of 6 windows replaced and one patio door for total of about $5500 (Alside Mezzo windows).

    (Width x height)
    5 windows are 60″ x 60″ (sliding, white vinyl in and out) = $3095 windows and labor ($619 per window)
    1 window is 60″ x 48″ = $596 (window and labor)
    1 Patio door is 60″ x 72″ (sliding, white vinyl in and out) = $1600 door and labor

    Is this a fair price considering the size of the windows?
    I am replacing the same exact size and style which was builder quality. These 5 are facing the southwest side of the house from which we get most rain, snow, etc. so no wonder those are the first to go 🙂

    I am thinking price is ok because of the size, but not many other options I have in the area (Northern IL).

    1. Hi Alex, that pricing is probably reasonable. It’s a little higher than my company would offer, but we’re not in Northern Illinois and we use a different business model than most. If you’re happy with the company and you think the windows will fit your needs I’d go for it.

  113. I am starting a window project and have 12 double hung window on the back of my house built in 1984. The current windows are wood and have a large viewing space because of the thin bezels. Will I lose a lot of glass by going with the Mezzo?
    I know Renewal by Anderson is expensive, but I received a quote and it was quite a bit more expensive than $460 a window.
    My biggest concern is the glass loss, but also will the house retain a higher value because of the wood windows?
    I know this is a subjective question in some ways, but if you could answer what you can I’d appreciate it.

    1. You can get the dimensions of both the Renewal and the Mezzo windows to see the difference. Remember, the Renewal by Andersen windows are not real wood. If that’s the look you wanted you’d want to look for another option. Whether or not you’ll gain or lose glass area just depends on the dimensions of your existing windows. The rep from any company should be able to explain how that works.

  114. Any information on new construction windows from Alside? Our contractor is tearing off siding and rotten sheathing and suggested not using replacements but ones with nailing flanges. Is the mezzo window similar to the 1700 or 1900? Or are they more like the bulky Sheffield or ultramax? Thanks

    1. The Mezzo window has a relatively slim frame and is available with an integrated nail fin for a new construction application. think it would probably be a pretty solid choice.

  115. I am looking at replacing 11 windows with Alside Mezzo Climatech ThermD TG2 in the Chicagoland area and the quote I received is $5500 with installation? Does this sound like a fair price?

  116. We have some windows that need a full replacement approach (remove and replace the old jambs/casing/trim, etc rather than install as an “insert”) and are considering the purchase of Alside Mezzo double-hungs, ThermD, U=0.27. The quote we received is nearly $1,350/window with most of the windows around 70″ in height. Based on other comments on the site, this appears to be excessively high. What is a reasonable cost for the window and approximately how much should we expect installation to cost?

    1. By replacing the jambs and sills you’re adding a lot of labor cost to the project so it’s not really possible to compare prices. You could ask them to separate the labor cost from the window cost and that might get you more helpful info.

      Why are you thinking you need to replace the jambs and sills. Did the salesperson say it was needed or do you really think it is needed?

  117. We currently have slimline windows, and an “Insert” type replacement will dramatically reduce the amount of glass space and the frame will jut out on the outside of the house. As a result, our contractor is suggesting they remove everything in the opening and try to salvage/reuse as much of the woodwork as possible (but no guarantee).

  118. Does Alside have their own installers to install the Mezzo replacement windows , or are all the window installers subcontractors for the vendors that sell their windows?
    I was told by an American Standard salesman that they have their own crews, and I would only have to deal with American Standard if there was a warranty issue. Instead of having to deal with a vendor, a sub, and then Alside to get a warranty claim settled. Thanks for your help.

  119. Window Dog,
    You have a cool website, thanks for all the info! We are considering Alside Mezzo windows, and we need 24. The largest are we need (4) 74×32 and (7) 74×28. I’m a bit concerned about something – maybe wrongly – that I haven’t seen mentioned in comments. It has to do with the large window sizes I need. I’ve read up that Fiberglass is much stronger than Vinyl, and may be a better option due to it being more rigid. Any thoughts you have on Vinyl products vs. window size and performance are appreciated. Second, we have a nice wind tunnel in our backyard so we get higher than average gusts back there for an average windy day. Curious about any thoughts on wind impacts to this product if you have any.

  120. I’m having to replace 27 double hung wood windows at my house on the coast (10 miles away from the ocean) in South Carolina. I’m torn between the Alside Mezzo and the Simonton 5500 (Impact Glass). According to the sales men, the code in my area states the windows must have anchors and pre-cut plywood for each window to pass inspection. The price difference between the two windows is 6k. However, I cannot find much when comparing the two. Other than having to store a ton of plywood, is there any upside/downside to the Mezzo vs the Simonton 5500?

  121. Hi Mr. Window Dog,

    Just wanted to put out for your information to the reader that the Mezzo now offers foam enhanced frames (instead of just a IE liner), Triple pane (but only in 3 ea 1/16 pane instead of the 1/8 glass option that comes with the double pane.) They offer both the standard metal alloy spacer and the stainless steel spacer (therm D) but for those who like foam spacers, they do offer Super Spacer as well. They just released a exterior Black, Silver and Sand Dune (cream) color for their windows. In addition as of September they will finally offer SDL’s with shadow bars.

  122. Hi guys, we are moving forward with a large window replacement project. We have a 1970s 2 story house with a lot (8) of large windows requiring side by side double hung windows. Could do sliders but want to do double hungs to match the look on the full house. In all, doing full window replacements on 25 double hungs, 1 large picture window and 1 giant bay window. After Some serious negotiating, and knowledge from previous quotes, we settled on $35.5K for the job. The kicker was getting the contractor to put in the large bay window in place of 3 side by side double hungs. Seems high but Pella and New Windows of America were similar without the Bay window.

    We are going with the Mezzo window. I’m encouraged after skimming this blog that the Mezzo is a largely sold window and a solid mid level choice. However, I have read another consumer advocate site where review after reviews rips on failing seals and horrible customer service from Alside to fix the issues.

    Question: do you like the triple pane windows sold by New Windows of America better than the Mezzo (I forget the brand)?

    And is the Mezzo still a solid choice in the marketplace as it appears to be a 5 year old model. And is Alside known for doing right by the customer?

    Thanks for your thoughts.


    1. Hi Matt, I think the Mezzo window is a decent choice. Most of the service issues you hear about are caused by the installer. That’s the trick.

  123. Hello and thank you for running this blog. It has been SUPER helpful to me and my wife as we try to narrow down replacement window options.

    I was quoted the following for Mezzo’s in Chicago area and I’d love to hear your thoughts on pricing:

    Full replacement, with me doing the inside trim (I asked to reduce the price as I’m doing some remodeling already), triple-pane, 2 coats of low-e, double argon, full screens, foam filled frames and lifetime glass breakage.

    Windows are as follows:

    14 double-hung
    1 5-pane bow
    1 20″ octagon next to entry door

    $28, 593.00

    This seems like outrageously expensive to me compared to what others are paying. Please help me make sense of this quote. Thanks!

    1. I would bet the full frame install idea is contributing a fair bit to the cost. What is causing you to ask about that? It’s not the most common way to install windows in an existing house.

    2. I think you already have, but get other estimates and compare. The price you pay for replacement is going to vary widely depending on where you live, regardless of manufacturer. You mentioned you’re in Chicago, so you are definitely going to pay more than someone here in El Paso. I sell Mezzo windows, as well as others, here in El Paso and guarantee they all would be cheaper here than in Chicago. Even then, each company is completely different in how they price out their windows. Most, especially big box stores and chains like Window World, have generic salespeople who go by a set price sheet, regardless of size and other details. Others actually get individual window prices based on size, color, operation, etc. that are much more accurate for the customer. It’s all relative to who is giving you the estimate. Personally, I email customers their estimates and list each individual window measured, its size, operation and the pricing is based on every window’s size, color, type of glass, and method of operation, because that is how I am charged by the manufacturer.

      As for the price you were given, $28,600 does seem expensive relative to what I charge here, but I have no idea what the market is in Chicago nor the sizes of your windows, colors chosen, etc. (I would charge around $12-17,000 here based on what you’ve said, but I’m in the desert and not dealing with cold winters and snow) This is why getting multiple estimates and comparing is a vital part of replacing your windows. Triple pane, double-hung instead of single-hung, and full screen options do increase the price. Half screens are always free of charge from Alside (manufacturer of Mezzo). For us, the glass breakage warranty is standard on the Mezzo series at no additional charge. The glass breakage warranty is NOT offered on tempered glass windows, so check on that to be sure you know if you have any because they will not have that warranty. Other things that will increase individual window prices are whether there are bathroom or other windows needing obscure glass and any windows requiring tempered safety glass due to safety code (windows very low to the walking surface or in showers/tubs, near stairs and doors, etc.). Also, scaffolding, or other equipment, may be needed to properly install the windows that would increase the total price (especially in the snow during the winter). The bow and octagon windows are going to be the most expensive. City replacement permits are most always required in large cities, so hopefully that is included. Also check to see if there are any rebates or incentives offered by your local electric company and such. I always extend a rebate from the local electric company here to all my customers without them needing to ask.

      Hope this info helps. Let me know if you need anything else.

      – 10 year local window company manager and consultant in El Paso selling Mezzo and other window brands, also a regional warranty service technician for Alside and Ply-Gem windows

  124. Could you please tell me how you compare the Mezzo window with Thermal windows. (I couldn’t find anything about Thermal on your site)

  125. I live in the Chicago suburbs and just got a quote on 3 double hung Mezzos, triple pane (including 2 coats of low e and double filled argon gas) with foam filled frame, colonial grids up and down. Includes adding colonial trim indoors which I will paint. Quote $3380. Seems like a lot at $1100 a window. Any thoughts?

  126. Thank you for this blog. It is a wealth of valuable info for those of us buying windows, often the only time in our lives doing so.
    I live in Western Massachusetts, and am buying a 45 year old Colonial style house with the original Andersen windows. We are having the worn out cedar clapboard siding either stripped off or covered up by Vinyl Siding, depending on which contractor we choose. Both have suggested that now is the best time to replace all 24 double hung windows, plus the one crank out in the kitchen. We will be buying the tilt in vinyl, new construction windows, probably white on inside and outside, with grills between the panes of glass, although the inside trim is Cinnamon Stained wood. We assume all vinyl white/white will be the least expensive way to go.
    Will the contractor be able to replace the original windows from the outside without disturbing the inside trim? By doing this, will the new window be airtight? How can it be?
    If possible, could you help us decide which to have installed of these several choices?
    We are comparing Pella 350 (highest rated by Consumer Reports, score of 91), Alside Mezzo (Consumer Reports score of 54, but loved by many readers of this blog), Simonton 5500 (Consumer Reports score of 73), Andersen A Series, Andersen 400, Ellison 1300, or Jeld-Wen V-4500 (C.S. score 69).
    Thus far we have two estimates. First is (to replace all 24 double hung windows, plus the one crank out in the kitchen) to install Mezzo, $12,675.
    The second is to install Ellison 1300, $10,500.
    Any thoughts on which way to go? We have not lived in this house, but assume 45 year old windows should be replaced.

  127. Hi Windowdog,
    I am enjoying your site and the content. I need some help from you and the pros here. I am in the process of enclosing my front porch to give my family some more living space since we may all be home in the fall due to Covid-19.

    I have 5 window openings approximately 3′ high x 6′ wide. I intend to install 2-panel sliders in each. I have received quotes from multiple companies, but due to budget (approx. 4k) I am down to 3 options right now.

    Option 1
    Alside Mezzo, 4000 series, triple pane, Solar Zone Therm D glass with foam enhanced frames (U factor .27, SHGC .30, AI unknown awaiting specs).

    Option 2
    Simonton 6500 series standard, ProSolar low E, double pane, double strength glass (U factor .29, SHGC .26, AI .12)

    Option 3
    ThermoTwin (Pittsburgh-based company) Their standard double pane slider (low E) awaiting specs.

    I will update with specs as I receive them, but I’m guessing most of you are familiar with these windows – at least the first two. I will be grateful for your thoughts.
    Dave H

    1. Hi Dave, where are you located? If in the Pittsburgh area I may be able to help out with an option from my company.

      1. Hi
        I’m in Ohio and have a big replacement project. About 40 windows in all. Would you be interested in this job? Currently looking at Simonton and Mezzo although I like the look of Amsco but do not think it is suitable for the NE?

  128. We are in Ft. Worth Tx and are replacing 30+ windows in our home on a lake with western exposure. We want a custom dark color like black on both sides of window. Have proposals for the NT Presidental and the Alside Mezzo and considering insulation in the frames. Using single, double, and picture style windows. The NT bid is more than the Mezzo, but between the two which do you prefer and why.

    1. I wouldn’t pick either of those necessarily. My company does offer windows in your area and we’d be happy to help out with a free quote by email if you’d like. You can find the info here.

      Most vinyl windows are not available with a black interior. I know the Mezzo model is not, not sure about NT off the top of my head. Of those two choices I’d probably pick Mezzo.

    1. I think so. Mi windows are designed to be very inexpensive. They fit a need for some folks, but not the nicest windows out there.

  129. We are comparing Alside Mezzo Windows vs ProVia Endure Windows to replace throughout the house. The ProVia estimate is about $3000 higher. What are your thoughts on the two windows, they seem to be comparable with ProVia being slightly better.

    1. Hi Marilyn, Both models are custom made so there isn’t really one configuration to compare. Since they’re both available in a wide range of configurations there either one could be nicer or less nice. When comparing the Alside Mezzo vs Provia Endure windows what advantage did you see in one vs the other? I do have more first had experience with the Mezzo model.

    1. I’m not a huge Provia window fan and I’m more familiar with the Mezzo line. If you’d like another quote to compare let me know your zip code and we’ll see if we can help out.

  130. Can you comment on Alside Mezzo Climatech vs Simonton Reflections 5500 .?
    Mezzo gets low rating on Consumer Reports.
    Also seem to be lots of warranty issues with Alside.
    We have an excellent Contracor who does exceptional window installation. He is recommending the Mezzo Climatech. What are your thoughts ? Susan.


    1. Hi Susan, I’d probably pick the Alside Mezzo model vs the Simonton 5500 model. The Simonton is an older design with higher air infiltration, thicker frames, etc. Good luck with the project.

  131. Trying to decide between 2 models manufactured by Alside. Project is for old farmhouse in Wisconsin. 13 vinyl replacements windows. Ultramaxx vs Mezzo ?
    Will the slim frame that maximizes glass area of the Mezzo have as good of thermal performance as the thicker framed Ultramaxx ?
    If Mezzo is the choice, is the glass package of ClimaTech ThermD with Stainless Steel Intercept spacer worth the upgrade for thermal efficiency and structural enhancement ?

    1. I’d probably pick the Mezzo model as it will allow for more glass area and a better air infiltration rate. The Ultramaxx is a pretty old design. Some people do still pick it, but it’s less popular. You can compare the efficiency ratings of the different packages. That stuff is all very easily quantifiable so easy to compare.

      Stainless steel spacer doesn’t really give you any structural enhancement as far as I’m aware. It is a little more efficient than the cheaper type, but not a whole lot more in the scheme of things.

  132. would you suggest i go with this company? ( I already purchased the two 71.5 windows locally) so I’m looking at a total of around $2800 for 9 windows ( or 12 if we choose the combinations instead of one window )

  133. Hi Windowdog,

    First of all, thank you for building and maintaining this very helpful resource. I’ve read through A LOT of your reviews, as well as your responses to comments, and they’ve been extremely helpful as we’ve been going through the replacement window process.

    The short version of my question is… if I plan to live in my house for more than 10 years, should I really consider a more top of the line window, or will I still be happy with a mid-range window (Mezzo) in 10+ years. Ultimately, is it worth a $10k difference in my quotes?

    Here’s the long version: We have 2 quotes from highly rated installers, but they are vastly different, and I’m trying to understand if a $10k difference is justifiable. We mostly have original build (1977) single pain double hung windows (a few hoppers and picture windows, too) so I know just about anything is going to be an improvement. We also hope this is our “forever home”, so we’re willing to make an investment if it’s truly worth it. We’re in the Fairfield County area of CT.

    We’re going to replace just about every window, except for 2 picture windows. Our third picture windows has a broken seal, due to rotting frame (ugh), so that will be replaced as well. Here’s a high level breakdown:
    25 double hung – most of them about 36 x 61”
    2 hoppers – 36 x 18
    1 slider – 48 x 15
    1 picture window – 60 x 55

    The local mom & pop business gave us a quote for Alside Mezzos that came to ~$30k (gave a few discounts – original quote was ~$34k.) Very high ratings and good install reputation. Included lifetime service warranty, transferrable to next owner.

    The larger “local” company gave us a quote for Okna 800s (that’s my guess, they’re saying it’s a “window made specially for this installer” but it sounds like the features align with the 800) for ~$40k. Again, very high ratings and good install reputation. Lifetime service warranty, transferrable to next owner.

    Is the Okna really worth that much more? I know they’re not really in the same tier, but if you’re going from mid-range to top tier, what’s that “jump” in price point? I have another quote coming in today hopefully, but I think they mostly do Andersens, so I’m not hopeful that it’s going to be comparable to the Mezzos.

    Any and all advice appreciated! Thank you so much!

    1. Hi Lindsey, I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the site. I find that companies who say they offer windows that are made specifically for them are always going to be some of the highest priced companies around. They designed their sales pitch around that lie in order to charge you more. I’d stay away from them.

      I’d say you’ll be happier with the Mezzo windows. Good luck with the project.

  134. Looking into getting my siding and windows redone. Based on your siding reviews, I’ll be getting Alside Prodigy. The contractor I am using is also recommending Alside Mezzo. Since I am doing siding and windows, I made sure to ask if would be with nailing fin. 2 Questions:

    1. Since its technically marketed as a “replacement” window, are there any advantages to getting a true new construction window, or is a replacement window (with nailin fin) the same thing?

    2. In 2022, are these windows still the way to go? You go on houzz (and even a recent youtube) and you see/read of condensation issues, leaking windows. While I do believe some of these may not be honest, and/or due to installation error, since I am spending so much, want to make sure its still a good choice. The article and most comments are from 2014-2017 timeframe

    1. Any window with a nail fin is a new construction window so nothing to worry about there. Actually I’d say an Alside Mezzo window with a nail fin is a significantly nicer product than the typical vinyl new construction window. I would say issues like that are generally install issues or are easy to fix if they’re a manufacturing issue. There’s a reason so many more Mezzo windows are sold and installed every year vs most other models.

  135. Hello,
    I have a small project Chicago area, one two double hung 22×52 and picture window 56×52 in the middle. I like the installer but $3,750 quote for Alside Mezzo triple-pane glass looks to big for me.

  136. I have narrowed my local options in southeast VA down to Pella 250 and Alside Mezzo. The Pella 250 is priced higher, is this higher price justified with the Pella 250? Which of the two is the better option? Thank you for sharing your expertise!

    1. Hi Hilary, I thought the Pella 350 model was pretty nice, but they discontinued it a while back. The Mezzo window can be fine. Where are you in southeastern VA? My company offers windows in Virginia Beach and the surrounding area. If you’re in the service area we could send you pricing and options by email so you’ll have something to compare. You can find more info on replacement windows in Virginia Beach here.

      For anyone else reading this, you can find recommendations of local window companies all over the country here.

      1. Yes the 350 is discontinued, I was asking about the Pella 250 versus mezzo. I am located in Smithfield, Va. Yes, I am open to getting quote from you. Thank you!

        1. Between those two I think I’d pick the Mezzo if all else was equal. The Pella vinyl windows that I’ve dealt with haven’t been the nicest. And, if you’re seeing a higher price for the Pella I don’t know if that would really make sense to me. The options our company offers in your area will be a nice solution, an upgrade from the Mezzo window. I’d be curious to hear how the pricing compares. You can fill out the form on that page I linked and the team will email you the price list and product info. I’ll be happy to help with any questions.

  137. Dear Window Dog,

    I’ve been searching for windows for quite some time now and ultimately decided on the Mezzo Series by Alside, along with an Alside A170 sliding door. This is a total of 9 windows, plus the door. I will have spent spent about $8,450 after install. Most of the windows are double hung and double sliders, with one three-lite slider and one picture. I liked the windows from way back, and hope I made the right decision.

    Purchasing/deciding on windows has made me a nervous wreck for the past six months, and by the time of install probably closer to about a year…

    My brother came over for the holidays and started talking about how double hung have two points of contact and probably won’t last as long as single hung windows…. Apparently he’s shopping for windows now, too!

    I am now beginning to question my decision. Fingers crossed everything goes well. I live in a 46 year old home, and am certain the windows are original-many have broken locks, and a few have broken glass. Definitely desperate for new windows. All I know is that I liked the Mezzo’s from the beginning and couldn’t stop thinking about how nice they looked. Window Dog, I know you’re not a therapist, but I just want to say I appreciate your website, and any advice you have to offer. It’s 2024, and hope these windows are worth what we paid, and that they last…

    1. Hi Mariana, I’d glad I could help! I think double hung windows are generally a better choice because they add additional functionality at a very low cost difference and both types should last basically forever. Good luck with the project and let me know if I can help with anything else.

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