If you’re looking for Renewal by Andersen windows reviews you came to the right place. If you’re in the business of selling Renewal by Andersen windows you’re probably not going to be thrilled with what you read here.
Here you will find the following info:
- Renewal by Andersen Reviews
- Complaints
- Prices
- Warranty
- Why a competitor would say you should never buy these windows
We’re not big fans of these windows for several reasons. Before we start off down that road we should tell you that there is no debating the fact that these windows are pretty. They really do look nice and that’s their main selling point.
If you’re in the market for new windows and you want something with a warmer feel than traditional vinyl windows you may be interested in Renewal. That wouldn’t be unusual.
Renewal by Andersen Updates:
Update: Renewal by Andersen has updated their warranty and we have not yet thoroughly reviewed it. At first glance it looks to be pretty similar. 20 years on the glass and the frames, 10 years on hardware, 2 years on installation, etc.
One change I noticed is that they now say you’re not allowed to file a class action lawsuit against them. I don’t recall seeing that language in many other window warranties. It might point to something they’re a little nervous about, who knows. We’ll write up a full Renewal by Andersen warranty review soon, there are several things ahead of that one on the list.
Why don’t we like Renewal by Andersen windows?
If there’s one thing I’ve learned after a career in sales it’s that a salesperson who spends all of his energy disparaging a competing product must not have a very strong value proposition to offer. The Renewal by Andersen or RBA sales pitch very often relies on emphasizing why you should not by vinyl windows.
I think this is a mistake.
They often use a handout that talks about vinyl windows warping and bowing and cracking and falling apart. This is complete nonsense, it’s based on untrue information and it is designed to trick you into thinking all vinyl windows will fall apart in 5 years.
Here are Renewal by Andersen prices from a reader in Colorado.
This quote was sent in from a reader in Colorado. It shows Renewal by Andersen prices for a 5 window order. There are three pages so stay with me.
As you can see in the quote above the original cost for 5 white double hung windows was $17,686 or over $3500 per window. Then, this lucky customer was offered a discount of over $4k which must have made his day.
The final price was $13,039 for the 5 windows or a per window cost of $2,607. That’s a pretty hefty price, but it’s in line with what we would expect to see from Renewal by Andersen. Note that there are grids between the glass and tempered glass included on some windows and features like that do add to the cost.
Are these Renewal by Andersen prices any good?
If you’re shopping for windows you can see pricing that is all over the map. Renewal by Andersen will tend to be one of the most expensive options around. They also have a shorter warranty than you get from many vinyl window companies and we’ve heard that the air infiltration rates will be much worse than many vinyl windows.
Whether or not they’re the right company for you is a little subjective. The windows can look very nice and for some people that might be worth the trade off of higher prices. I would tend to suggest you can find a better value elsewhere but that’s just my opinion. Your mileage may vary.
Do you have a window quote that you’d like to share?
Let us know! Post a comment below and we’ll send you an email to touch base. You can send in Renewal by Andersen prices or prices from any other window company. If you’ve received multiple quotes send them all and everyone will benefit.
I’m sure our other readers will find that info to be invaluable as they’re trying to navigate this business.
Why would a salesperson distribute untrue information?
Because the truth doesn’t help their sales pitch.
The next untruth often spread by the Renewal salespeople is that “lifetime” warranties are actually only good for 7 years. I don’t know where they got this idea, but it’s just factually not true.
Why would someone tell you a “lifetime” warranty was actually limited?
Because their warranty is short and they need a way to explain it.
In fact, most nicer vinyl windows come with lifetime warranties that cover the windows for as long as you own the home. That will often be MUCH longer than 7 years. Again, the Renewal by Andersen salespeople are faced with a dilemma. Their warranty is relatively short compared to less expensive vinyl windows.
They could be honest with you and explain the differences and we’re sure some of them are, but we hear stories every day about these false claims and it bugs us.
What is the warranty for Renewal by Andersen windows?
UPDATE: The Renewal by Andersen warranty has changed. Perhaps they listened to our feedback. They now offer a 20 year warranty on the fibrex frames which is much better than the 10 year warranty they had offered in the past. We’re glad they extended this. It was a smart move for them and a better value for their customers.
We hear their salespeople continuing to tell people that vinyl windows with lifetime warranties are actually only covered for 7 years. I believe this is completely untrue. I’ve asked them several times for any references to verify this claim and I’ve never received anything in return. If we get something we’ll post it and if not we’ll continue to believe this claim is completely untrue.
Remember, if they had a good value they wouldn’t feel the need to make claims that are not based in fact.
So what about those Fibrex frames?
We know they’ll tell you all about those fantastic Fibrex frames. They’re not wood, they’re not fiberglass they’re a composite that will never cause you any problems. Forget about this. If they were never going to cause you any problems they would have a longer warranty.
For example, you can now get real wood windows from Jeld-Wen with a lifetime warranty on the frames that covered rot or termites or any damage. That’s pretty strong. The warranty on the Renewal windows is better than it was in years past, but not better than warranties from their competitors.
Are we just disparaging Renewal by Andersen windows to sell vinyl?
Nope, I have Andersen wood windows in my house and our company installs wood and clad window options every day. We’re a fan of the beauty and warmth that wood windows provide, but we’re completely turned off by the sales tactics that come along with this fibrex composite product.
In addition, you can get BETTER warranties on real wood windows than you get with Renewal by Andersen. Why would you get imitation wood (Fibrex) with a 20 year warranty when you can get real wood with a 20 year warranty for about the same price? You probably wouldn’t which is why we’re pretty convinced that the Fibrex product doesn’t represent a very good value.
Why you should NEVER buy Renewal by Andersen windows
If you’ve been shopping for replacement windows you’ll know that there is always someone who will tell you why you should never buy a product from his competitor. That may or may not be based in reality, but in this section we look at what a competing salesperson would say about Renewal.
First, they’re over priced. The competing salesperson will always bring up price because he knows how high the prices are for Renewal by Anderson windows.
Next, air infiltration. It can be difficult to find exact ratings, but the consensus I’ve heard from people in the industry is that the air infiltration rates on these windows will be significantly higher than what you’ll find on competing (and lower priced) window models. This means these windows will let in more air when closed and locked. That’s not ideal.
Third, the claims about fibrex frames vs vinyl. As we already mentioned above, the real benefit to the fibrex material is that it can genuinely look very nice. That’s absolutely true. Most of the other claims I’ve heard don’t hold water.
Renewal by Andersen Complaints
If you’ve been shopping for replacement windows you may have come across Renewal by Andersen. Their ads can be all over the place and everyone has heard of the Andersen windows brand. You may have also come across Renewal by Andersen complaints and that’s not too usual.
There are a few reasons any larger window company will have occasional complaints. We’re written about Alside window complaints and Simonton window complaints before. Some of the factors discussed there definitely apply to Andersen too.
You will find that Renewal by Andersen complaints are often a little different for a couple reasons.
First, they’re very expensive and very tricky with the pricing
When you read feedback from folks who have received a quote for Renewal by Andersen windows a very common thread will be that they used very tricky pricing strategies. They often will use an iPad that will show you a price.
The first price will be very high. If you buy it they’ll gladly take your money. If you don’t they flip the iPad around, work some magic, then flip it back with a lower price.
Don’t buy that and the iPad will keep flipping around and the price will keep going down. It’s like magic.
Of course it’s not 1970 so basically no products are sold like this anymore except for home improvement products. It’s weird and it makes people unhappy.
Don’t believe me? Check out comments below from readers of the site. The comments, especially the comments from Renewal by Andersen salespeople and people who have received quotes, are my absolute favorite part of the site.
Does tricky pricing mean the windows are bad?
Not necessarily, but it might be a warning sign. I should say I think the Renewal by Andersen windows are perfectly nice products. There’s nothing inherently wrong with them and they look beautiful.
Notice, the issue that most commonly causes Renewal by Andersen complaints is not the products or the installation. It’s the sales process. If this sales process makes people unhappy you would have to wonder why they do it. That’s the question.
Why would a company use a sales process that makes customers unhappy?
Of course they don’t tell me why they do things so all I can do is make an educated guess. I think it’s because they know many people wouldn’t buy the windows if they were clear about the prices.
It seems to me that the only reason a company would use a sales process like that is because they know that without it people wouldn’t buy. Then you’d think, why wouldn’t people buy if the pricing was more clear? The only answer I can think of is that they’re not a very good deal. People are smart. People don’t buy bad deals. Unless they’re really talked into it.
So, the fact that they seem to use this sales strategy all over the country tells me that they know they don’t offer a very good value. They need to show you some crazy price like $100k for new windows so you can flip out, then they can lower the price to $70k and then the super special price of $50k seems a lot more reasonable.
If they had started at $50k you would have thought that was ridiculous and then they’d have nowhere to go, they’d loose the sale and their commission salesperson would be going hungry that night.
Renewal by Andersen FAQ
You have questions, we have answers! If you have any questions at all about these windows post a comment below. You’ll see there are currently over 600 comments with all sorts of great info.
My favorite comments are from their salespeople telling me how dumb I am. Enjoy those.
So what’s the bottom line?
Renewal by Andersen typically doesn’t represent a very good value. If you like the look of a real wood window we highly suggest getting a real wood window. Fiberglass and composite products do look nice, but their drawbacks outweigh the benefits in our opinion. Some folks are afraid of wood windows because their old wood windows have caused them problems, but this doesn’t need to be a concern with the nicer wood window options available today. Bottom line: keep looking.
Additional posts you might find interesting:
- Is triple pane glass worth the cost?
- How long does it take to get new windows in 2022
- Top 11 lies told by window salespeople
Remember, for more great window company info you can find our suggestions for the best local companies in your area right here. There’s no need to work with a company that gives you the run-around or makes the process difficult. There are plenty of fish in the sea as they say. The best way to get started is to check out our list of great window companies.
Thank you very much for the review of Renewal by Asdersen. My wife and I just attended the presentation today. I am so glade that I found your web site. May I ask for your opinion, we are lived in Phoenix, due to the high heat in the summer, what brand and what kind of windows that we should look into it in order to save the energy and reduce the electric bill? Thank you very much.
We just LOVE Phoenix! You certainly have a climate that necessitates specific windows, but don’t let the Renewal people tell you that vinyl windows will warp and crack. One of the largest vinyl window manufacturers in the country built a plant in Yuma just a few years ago. If that doesn’t tell you that the windows are designed for use in that climate I don’t know what would.
You obviously want glass that does a great job with the sun. PPG SolarBan70 is a low-e coating that offers increased resistance to solar heat gain. A lot of folks also get full screes for the increased shade. That isn’t completely necessary if you have a better low-e coating, but it doesn’t hurt.
The first step is to meet with a few reputable local window companies and see what they recommend. If you’re unsure about anything they tell you just ask!
My address is 36 Aston villa Rochester Ny 14514. I live in a beautiful track built between 2005-2010 I have new vinyl windows in my home and throughout my entire neighborhood. If you think vinyl is a good solution drive through my neighborhood. On almost every house in the track there is signs of window failure. Windows with condensation between the glass that you can no longer see out of. My neighbors have tried to get new Windows based on the warranty know one was given anything. So good luck to those that choose vinyl.
New construction vinyl windows can be horrible. You won’t get any argument on that from me. You’ll also see that cheap fiberglass doors installed by builders fail all the time. That doesn’t mean all fiberglass doors are garbage.
Nice vinyl windows will hold up for a very long time. Good luck with your project!
Thank for this review. Just have been slimed by a renewal rep and like to see it wasn’t just me, it’s their strategy. Yuck!
Unfortunately it sounds like it’s almost (but maybe not quite) everyone. I don’t know why they would train their people to act like that, but it seems like they do.
There is no such thing as a nice plastic window. Vinyl is just plastic.
Hi Jon, thanks for writing. Did you recently complete the Renewal training class? There definitely are nicer and cheaper vinyl windows just like every other product. For example, you can get a fibrex window from Anderson that is much cheaper than Renewal. Do you think the Renewal by Andersen model is better or are they all the same because they’re all made from vinyl mixed with sawdust?
Could you post some comparing warranties, I have not found a legitimate “lifetime” warranty when I read the small print. Service call fees, non-transferable, etc.. etc.. please show examples and back your claims before I make any decisions. Thank you.
Hi Andy, legitimate is a tricky term because what is perfectly legitimate to one person may not be legitimate to another. Many vinyl window warranties specifically state that they’re valid as long as the original purchaser owns the house and most are transferable when the house sells. That’s what they mean by lifetime warranty, it’s good for as long as you own the house.
Some companies that offer shorter warranties try to disparage a lifetime warranty by saying it’s for the life of the window and there’s some time limitation to that. It is try that you occasionally see lower end products with warranties that say they’re for the life of the product, but that’s not true in most cases in my experience. Most of the lifetime warranties you see are for as long as the purchaser owns the home which seems like a valid lifetime warranty to me.
FYI…Brendan works for renewal by anderson
What materials are used to make their best windows . Not the vinyl ones .
Totally. Nice try Brendan.
Haha. That is funny!
Anderson does make a less expensive model you can find them on the shelf in Home Depot I have one in my home and it’s a vinyl window it’s Anderson and it’s been here for 10 years and any problem I’ve had a rectified
People forget that homes built today are built with what is refereed to as “contractor” grade. Contractor grade is by far the lowest grade that can put into a home and is done to increase profits so things fall apart or where out very soon. Your windows are contractor grade which is the same low end box stores carry.
Hi Joe, the terms can vary, but most people wold say builder grade. Ultimately it’s the builders that choose to use the cheapest products they can get their hands on. The upside is that it keeps replacement window companies in business!
Builder Grade here in Texas used to mean Aluminum Frames. They’d last for 20- 30 years before homeowners replaced them. Then code changes phased them out due to conductivity of frame and now builders use vinyl. And guess what.. the new generation of homeowners are replacing their windows when they’re 5-10 years old. Choosing vinyl is nothing more than choosing new builder grade to replace old builer grade and spare me the fake outrage over RBA prices. Vinyl window companies here in Austin, TX are charging $1,000-$1,500 per window for vinyl when they buy the plastic window for $300 and pay the sub $125.. They’re operating at 60% plus profit margins.
And as far as all the harping on warranty… people who spend so much time carrying on about warranty only do so because they sell a substandard product and they’re used to people needing those warranties.
As a consumer ask yourself – what’s really better? A 20 year warranty from a company like Andersen that’s been in business for 100+ years or a triple lifetime warranty from some vinyl salesperson whose entire knowledge base is encapsulated in a PowerPoint who works for a company that’s been around for 6 years?
For the record – I am a Marvin Windows salesperson. I’ve been selling Marvin for 11 years. Nearly 30 million dollars in sales. Not once have I had to initiate a warranty claim for seal failure for a customer.
On the flip side I’ve been called out to houses to replace vinyl windows with failed seals on new construction less than a year old.
It is absolutely true that builders use the cheapest possible windows and that’s great for replacement window companies as people do tend to start replacing them at about 10 years. That doesn’t mean all vinyl windows are the same as the cheapest possible vinyl windows.
That would be like saying you bought the cheapest possible car and it didn’t last very long so all cars will not last very long. There are pretty significant differences between the cheapest possible window and a nicer window, just as there would be with any product.
For example, my company has been offering windows for 15 years now and we don’t get warranty calls from those early customers. Nicer windows will last a very long time and cheap windows won’t.
I work for window world. Andersen has to lie to sell thier overpriced window. They only offer 20 years on glass, 10 years on mechanisms and 2 years on installation( from thier own materials and website). That’s pathetic for such an overpriced window. They should have the best warranty not the worst for the prices they charge. Our vinyl Windows come with a double lifetime guarantee on all parts and glass and installation. Plus it’s transferable fot the entire lifetime not just 2 years. Lol
I’m curious.
if a lifetime warranty truly covers the owner for a “lifetime”…why do you need to offer a Double Lifetime? do your Windows get reincarnated? it’s because your windows are a sham and a lifetime warranty only covers you for 7 years in N.Y. state and Connecticut… it’s called the common knowledge in case law. each state will have its own laws. educate yourself before you regurgatate false info. yes.. I work for RBA. and I’m proud of our product. our highest ranking with JD Powers and our customers prove to me our product works. if you think we’re spreading falsehoods..why hasn’t the gov’t told us to stop saying them…since 1991?
Hi Dan, I believe that is completely not true and is sales propaganda used by companies that offer shorter warranties. Do you have any documentation that a lifetime warranty is 7 years in New York? I think that’s a lie that has been debunked for many years.
I’m sure your boss told you that and you probably believed him, but unless you can show me why that is true I’ll consider it not based in reality.
Windows have a double lifetime warranty because the warranty is transferable to the next owner and covers them for life too. I imagine you knew that already, but it is fun to write silly things on the internet.
Send over that documentation and I’ll write a post about how right you were. It’s possible that i’m wrong, but I don’t think I am. Otherwise, you might want to find a more honest company to work for. It’s easier to sell things when you can be honest with people.
We just signed with RBA to replace three windows for $11k! We have 2 days to cancel. I could not sleep last night thinking that we may have been ‘swindled’. One 3’x4’ slider, two large picture windows(custom). Is this way overpriced?
Window World sells a very low grade window for a high grade price. Window World truly is whats wrong with our industry.
There is quite a bit of Andersen bashing on this post. A simple Google search will bring up a number of articles about “Lifetime” warranties. For example, https://www.denverpost.com/2010/10/19/lifetime-warranties-usually-expire-sooner-than-you-think/
And no, I am not affiliated in any way with Andersen.
That article is a great example, thanks for posting. This is how companies with a shorter warranty try to scare people. If you read the warranty for nicer windows it will describe what lifetime means. They’ll say something like “for as long as the purchaser owns the property”. So, it’s not up for debate it’s for as long as you own the house and then they’re generally transferable when you sell the house.
Companies that offer more limited warranties will always look for ways to explain why their warranty is better and not worse than another, but really I think most of the warrantees that I’ve read are pretty clear on that.
It is true that new construction companies will have shorter warrantees. That’s very standard for windows sold to builders.
Thanks for writing.
Then why won’t Window world install only a few windows at a time? No one is rich and can afford 10k at one shot for , yeah Replacement Vinyl Windows.. Salesman from window world wouldn’t even turn our estimate and measurements into our local office! Why, they wouldn’t make enough commision….
Hi Matt, you’ll find a lot of companies have a minimum order size for a replacement window project. It’s often caused by the way the installers get paid. For example, my company will take on a 1 or 2 window project but we do charge more on a per window basis than a larger project. I thought that was a decent solution to the problem, but you can’t please everyone.
Renewal by Andersen offers the product exclusively patented to us called Fibrex. This is only for “replacement” windows and a branch of the original Andersen windows. The true facts are that the installation crew belongs to Renewal and is not contracted out to others. They give a life time warranty on installation, and 20 year warranty on the replacement windows including the sash and window panes, the glass being twice as thick as commercial grade and double paned, 10 years warranty on the hardware such as handles etc. It is a superior product being twice as effective for insulation than vinyl and therefore cost more. However, they do keep out 95 percent of the UV rays in one option of glass and are Energy Star rated.
I don’t think that’s all correct, at least not according to their website and some of the comments we’ve seen and my personal experience interviewing installers who had worked for one of the Renewal franchises.
Sounds like you might work there. Do you have a printed warranty that backs up that claim?
And, how thick is the glass?
And the efficiency ratings don’t seem to indicate the windows are more efficient than vinyl windows. What sort of U-Factors are you seeing to make you think they’re more efficient than a vinyl window?
Thanks for taking the time to write in. It’s always interesting to hear from industry folks and if we’re wrong about something I’ll be happy to post about it.
Hi Jane, I was hoping to hear back from you. Let us know if you can find out some of the basic info like how thick the glass is, etc. I think it would be helpful info for folks.
What vinyl windows would you recommend as replacements for Andersen windows??
We got a price from Andersen Renewal that is $2,000 per window, and this is supposed to be a sales price
Sounds like everyone gets the $2k per window SALE price. They have a funny strategy. What’s your zip code? We may be able to make a recommendation.
“On windows and patio doors, condensation may occur as the natural result of humidity within a home or changes in interior/exterior temperature. It does not indicate a product defect. The warranty covers neither condensation, not frost, nor freezing from condensation on the windows or patio doors. ”
Window World warranty
So to be clear, condensation is not covered between the glass if I am reading this correctly. Which would mean that seal failure is not covered because condensation between glass is a direct indication that the seal is broken and the argon has dissapaited out and moisture has made its way in. Love your spirit but what you have is a LIMITED lifetime warranty . Please let me know if I am mistaken but I have replaced your windows after 10 years of being installed because your company would not rectify this problem for the client.
This upsets me that a whole website is devoted to bad mouthing a company. JD power and associates ranked us number 1 for 2020 customer satisfaction for window replacement. Believe me this is not an error.
Best of luck out there sincerely.
Disclaimer. I am a very proud employee of renewal by Andersen.
Hi Corey, thanks for taking the time to write. I believe you are wrong about the Window World warranty. They’re talking about condensation outside the glass. I’d expect your Renewal by Andersen warranty would also not cover condensation outside the glass.
I’m not a huge Window World fan, but to my knowledge they do cover condensation in between the panes of glass just like pretty much everyone.
The example I often use is someone taking a steamy shower. There’s condensation on the window, it’s not a warranty issue, it’s just physics.
And, you might want to drop the idea of harping on limited warranties. Every warranty in the world is a limited warranty including the limited warranty on Renewal by Andersen windows. That’s just the way the world works.
Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help out.
Double lifetime gaurantee do you realize how moronic that sounds?!
It is a bit of a silly term but what they mean is that it’s good for as long as the original purchaser owns the house and then it’s transferable and good for as long as the next person owns the house. Usually the third owner is out of luck and nobody loses too much sleep over that as everything has to end sooner or later, even a window warranty.
What is a “double” lifetime warranty ?? Why two ? Makes absolutely no sense unless there was a limit on the first !! So someone please explain this .,.
It is a silly term. When window salespeople say “double lifetime warranty” they mean the warranty transferable when you sell the house. So it’s a lifetime warranty for you and then when you sell the house it’s a lifetime warranty for the next person. Then, there’s no warranty for the third owner.
So, if you owned the house for 50 years and then the next person owned it for 50 years there would theoretically be a 100 year warranty on those windows. Who knows how that would actually play out.
This is pretty common when it comes to window warranties. It’s not what Renewal by Andersen offers but many companies do it. Some companies will limit their warranty when it transfers. For example, I just wrote a post about a company that offers a lifetime warranty but when the ownership transfers the warranty changes to 20 years from the date of installation. That seems reasonable enough to me, but different companies will take different approaches.
The idea is that it helps the resale of your house if the windows come with a lifetime warranty for the next owner. Who knows how much value a buyer puts in it, but that’s why they say it that way. Window sales is a funny thing.
Your facts are off. It sure seems like this website is very biased and loves to bash RBA. There is quite a bit of misleading information. Not all reps are like you say. As with any industry or profession you always have a mix of good/bad/great/not so great workers.
Hi Amy, I don’t believe we said all Renewal by Andersen salespeople are jerks, but there does seem to be a lot of similarity in the feedback we see from readers. Do you work there or what is your perspective on the feedback we see from readers of the site?
The Window World warranty is absolute trash. It says they guarantee it won’t blister, peel, rot or corrode but makes no guarantees against it warping and fading which is the most likely issue. Think about it – it’s impossible for plastic to rot or rust – you don’t even need a warranty on that. They’re just counting on you to not use your brain and actually read critically.
Separately unless it’s changed their “transfer” requires you to fill out paperwork and write them a check for $50 and send it away to North Carolina.
Here is me guessing nobody ever does that and even if they did I’m sure it gets lost and not processed. Blowing off their long term liability saves them a lot more than $50.
Hi again, I don’t think this is true. The warranty I had for Window World does specifically include warping and fading. The copy I have is a little old so it’s possible something has changed. Do you have an actual copy of a warranty to back this up or is this just something you were told?
Condensation has nothing to do with the vinyl. Condendation occurs because the seals on the sashes have failed letting the inert gas escape and letting air in between the panes of glass.
After working for a vinyl window company in the warehouse I can say that most glass failure is caused by the expansion and contraction of the vinyl window sashes and the frames.
I have builder grade MI vinyl windows in my home and they are complete garbage that is showing failure after 2 years. These windows cost the builder $93 each. You get what you pay for!
So are you saying that if I wake up and go into my bathroom and see condensation on my window and it’s not on the inside and I haven’t yet taken a shower I got a seal leak issue?
Condensation in between frames is most common on vinyl frames because vinyl expands and contracts 7x as much as glass does which constantly puts pressure on the seal between the two materials.
Of all the criticism leveled against RBA windows it’s funny that nobody wants to tell the truth about the worst thing about them. The worst part of their window is the 60% that is vinyl. That’s what makes even the RBA frame expand at 4x the rate of glass. Fiberglass and Wood are far superior and nobody should consider vinyl or vinyl composites unless they simply cannot afford a good window framing material.
Do you have any actual data to support this idea? I’ve heard this story for a while not but I’ve never seen anything to prove it. That’s always made me think it was potentially made up by a sales manager somewhere. If you have any actual data I’d be curious to see it.
Next time be sure to look at the design pressure ratio, 30 to 40 Dp
Are crap vinyl windows .Get windows in the 70 plus ratio, not all windows are seal failure prone . 35 years experience and I hear all this knocking vinyl . NFRC are ratings about Cold and Heat transfers. AAMA are ratings about pressure for Air , Water, Wind, Force entry.Next time look at how many chambers make the weld contact.,also the gauge of the vinyl. Great Concept if you know what you’re doing and what to look for.
I don’t agree that DP is too relevant unless you’re in a storm prone area like south Florida or Houston. Why worry about 100+ MPH winds in areas that never see wind like that?
I do agree that the vinyl window bashing that some companies engage in is silly. If they offered a good value they wouldn’t need to spend their time picking on their competitors will completely misleading (at best) info.
Which company do you highly recommend?
New houses have low cost construction grade windows that come in standard sizes and builders know that they are off of the hook in a year for non structural items so they buy low cost first and if close the best initial appearance or the low quality vinyl windows bought from wood window companies who could lose out on all the low and mid range sales These would be Pella Marvin and Andersen of course. They bought the low end manufacturers of vinyl because they really only want to sell vinyl if it is the only way to get the sale.
Premium vinyl windows are all custom sizes as windows do not come in standard sizes and as manufacturers change them as often as every year on their low end new build products no matter who makes them vinyl, aluminum , wood, or sawdust and glue mixed with fiberglass resin that everyone else (besides Renewal) calls “MDF” for Multiple Density Fiberboard. You may have seen a sign at a box store or lumber yard saying “MDF not for exterior use”. I would add that even when you clad it and have a fairly leaky window it should not be used for that product in my opinion and experience. Premium virgin vinyl windows do have longer warranties and have none of the problems of the low grade ones. The idea of saying a wood or imitation wood mechanically fastened corner sash and is as good as a thick extrusion, virgin vinyl 4 point computer squared and true simultaneously welded window is absurd. The manufacturers are forced to tell the truth by the small print in the warranty and no one knows as much as the manufacturer of that window what they don’t want to bet on.
I tend to agree with you Gus when it comes to the quality of a nice vinyl window. The Renewal by Andersen salespeople we get commenting probably only know what they’ve been taught so it’s not surprising that they don’t agree. They’ll probably figure it out sooner or later.
MDF is medium density fiberboard and not what you described it as. And at 1k for a replacement window it would have to be very special indeed to not be a ripoff. A relative just had a quote for 14 windows a door and bay window…..45 thousand dollars. Insane.
Its not the vinyl…discolorations or fogging is caused by seal failure in the glass. Contractors categorically buy the cheapest window available. There are very good vinyl windows on the market today. Simonton and Jeld-Wen V5500 are a coupe. They are certainly not the cheapest….but you get what you pay for.
I’m not a huge Simonton or Jeld Wen fan but you’re right that a seal failure in the glass has nothing to do with the window frame.
I had a Jeld Wen V5500 sliding patio door in my house when I bought it. Had a six inch long crack in the sash after less than 5 years from installation. I would add the photo to prove it if the site let me.
I dealt with Jeld-Wen windows for several years with perfectly fine results. At some point that changed and we had problems with every single project. We stopped working with them at that point. I was very frustrated with the quality, but can’t speak to how they’ve been doing more recently.
You can email me a picture of the cracked sash if you’d like. Seems odd you’d have a long crack in a patio door as that would be tempered glass that would typically break in small pieces rather than a long crack. I guess anything is possible.
I agree with the above statement and the condensation problems. I have seen complaints about water intrusion on vinyl sliders also. I have been stuck for awhile now needing windows and not knowing what to choose because of all the complaints and even class action lawsuits against vinyl window companies. One thing I do like are windows with a slanted sill. The tracks seem to hold water and dirt.
I’ve been selling ,in the Dallas ft. Worth area, vinyl windows for Many years now and one thing for certain is that we have NEVER had even one of our homeowners have a problem with the vinyl framed window !
The insulated glass WAS a different story until we begin To ONLY sell windows that had CARDINAL glass in them !!
As far as glass is concerned we know of NO other manufacture that might be superior to Cardinal and with that said MOST window providers use Cardinal even though it might be referred to in a more company offering type way ,this is in no means a new approach of product labeling for many different types of businesses for years now !
Point is that in MOST cases seal failures , which cause fogging between the two glass panes , are due to the glass itself not made with the technology
of Cardinal ! The frame itself is VERY seldom the cause of seal failure !!!
To sum this up with our 40 years of experience in this industry we offer a life time warranty on labor and the vinyl frames along with the Cardinal
glass units we offer !
If the window has a spacer bar (located between the panes of glass) with seams in all the corners you most certainly will have seal failure. You want the spacer bar to be one continuous roll along the inside of the window pane and sealed anywhere but the corners, The corners are the weakest part of a window, that is also where you will see window frames separating letting moisture and bugs inside.
I can’t think of any company that uses individual pieces of spacer with seams at each corner. Is that something they told you about in sales training class or where did that idea come from? In my experience that type of material hasn’t been commonly used in 15+ years.
Woodruff, Who do you work for? I’d like to know more about Cardinal. RBA just gave me a bid of $50k for 13 windows. Told me if I signed today I get 25% off for a lifetime. But if I didn’t sign now, I can never get the 25 off deal again. Is that true? One bay window with 4 panels priced at $15k. That seems very high to me.
Hi there, we can help with our new quote review program if you’d like feedback on the Renewal quote you’ve received. Or, if you’d like recommendations of window companies all around the country check this section.
I would guess you could still get the 25% off deal if you wanted, since I would expect that’s something that everyone is offered every single day. Companies just offer things like that to make you feel like you’re getting something special. You might be able to find a better value than $50k for 13 windows…
The window dog is clearly a mutt…scorned by renewal or other premium window companies. I’ve been in the industry for 25 years…growing up in Pella, Ia and have worked with Pella, Hurd, Andersen, Provia, and Eagle.
He’s most likely a sales manager for a value segment window company that drinks the kool-aid of the value segment corporation he now endorses.
Recommendation for dog: stay off the big boy playground before you get bitten.
Thanks for the tip Morris. I’ll keep that in mind.
My guess is that the commenter works for rba… We made a $30k+ mistake by going w them to do a whole house job… They left our project unfinished, didn’t do what was in their contract to finish, finish the exterior wrap well… I can send you pictures to add to your less than favorable review if you ever want them. Wish we could turn back the clock and save ourselves the money and headaches… Hope this helps others with their decision making…
I would guess that too. We’ve been getting some suspicious comments lately. Sorry to hear about your troubles. I don’t think installation quality is typically their issue. I wonder what happened with your project. The Renewal stores in the areas where we operate tend to use some less than desirable sales tactics (that’s putting it really nicely), but I don’t usually hear complaints about the installation quality.
Lol what a salty old man. RBA “composite” product is a glorified vinyl with some saw dust. Dog brings valid points that anyone who has been in the game knows are true. They lie and deceive their customer base with made up “facts”, it is a decent product but certainly not what they make it out to be, and the products thermal expansion is not so good. I crush RBA day in and day out with solid vinyl and fiberglass products.
To anyone looking into replacement windows, my advice is to do your research and look at several options.
Recommendation for Morris – adapt or die, some of the big boys are getting upset because they can’t offer junk for insane prices anymore. Consumers aren’t helpless anymore, they are doing the research and getting educated.
I worked for RBA on long island- It is NOT dealing with andersen directly as they tell you, it is a DBA franchise. The installation crew, not employed by andersen as they state, and this is true will all RBA’s. Each RBA sets their own prices and RBA LI raised theirs often- not because andersen did, just because they needed to hit #’s. The windows, they are an upscale 100 series, not as good as a 400 series that can be purchased for less at a distributor/installer, INSTALLED- I had people calling with issues right after install- sure they were corrected, but a professional crew should never have to fix an install a day later. And their add on construction costs were astronomical, my advice, go elsewhere. Nothing about them is that great and you pay far more than other windows would cost.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Then what widow would you suggest? I have Norcco windows now. i am looking at RBA and marvin infinity.
Infinity is a far better product at a lower price point. Marvin Ultrex is a true Fiberglass much more stable than Fibrex. Fiberglass and glass expand and contract at virtually identical rates. Fibrex expands at 4x the rate of Marvin Ultrex due to its 60% vinyl composition.
Both companies use the same Cardinal glass. The Marvin acrylic capstock is also far superior at resisting exterior fading from UV exposure if you want a dark color.
Vinyl and vinyl composites warp between surface temps of 163-173 degrees. Might not be an issue for northerners but here in TX exterior surface temps hit as high at 200 throughout the summer. Fiberglass resists warping at up to 285 degrees.
Lastly – everything I said above is a scientific fact not a personal opinion. That might not fit in well around here.
Hi Jason, thanks for writing. I always like to have industry folks chiming in, even if we don’t always agree. Do you have the air infiltration rates for the Marvin Infinity and Ultrex double hung windows? I was just looking for that info and having trouble finding it online.
I couldn’t have said it better myself!
Having worked for all those companies. Which would you put in your house?
We are looking at Anderson 400 custom and renewal. We
have Estimates from both types. And companies hard to compare what is better?
Omg it practically a new mortgage.
I completely have to agree with you about this site. This “mutt” of a site rips and accuses about how unprofessional it is to bash a competitor, which I agree 100% a reps should not do. Ironically, this site is proving that they themselves are most unprofessional, and worse they are targeting one company. SMH
Typically we’re just responding to feedback from readers of the site. Are you thinking those readers aren’t being honest about their experiences?
You don’t think vinyl warps? You need to come to my house. I have vinyl windows and they are warped, hard to open, and discolored. Strange you don’t think this happens to vinyl.
That’s like saying you don’t think cars breakdown. There are lots of nice cars that are very reliable and lots of other cars that aren’t. You find the same thing with windows. Nice vinyl windows don’t warp. Cheap new construction windows fail in all sorts of ways. That’s what keeps window companies in business.
That’s your cheap vinyl windows for ya. I had vinyl windows that lasted only 5 yrs. I had they replaced with achola vinyl ( spelling may be incorrect) windows. They are 15yrs old and well made.
I’ve had the same experience with my vinyl windows from RBA. And worse than that…or maybe because of that (the warping)…several of my windows won’t even lock because I can’t get the upper window closed all the way. Even when it looks like it’s closed all the way, and no amount of force will move it anyway so you think it’s completely closed, they are not and the locks are ineffective. Not safe and not energy efficient. Can’t remember when I got these, don’t know about my warranty status now but I do know I’ll never use RBA again. I’m sure I’ll have to replace all my windows one of these days, though the costs of an entire house replacement project is going to be out of my retirement level funds. Very disappointed.
Hi Emily, I’m sorry to hear about your trouble. Could you send a couple pictures of your issues with the windows? I’d be interested to see what was going on. Maybe we can help out.
Emily I am sorry to hear this. If you are under warranty Renewal by Andersen will honor this and they have a lifetime warranty for installation. Call their office near where you live and ask them to come out and see what you are talking about. They will fix it.
They definitely do not have a lifetime warranty for installation according to their website. The only warranty I can see says it’s a 2 year warranty on installation. Do you have a warranty that says something else or is that just what the salesperson said?
RBA doesn’t make a vinyl window Emily, never have. Renewal ONLY makes a Fiberx composite replacement window.
Hi Emily you don’t remember when you installed the windows?
RBA doesn’t and has never made a vinyl window…. so this isn’t true
I don’t think she said she had vinyl windows? Andersen did make vinyl at the same time some salespeople were talking about how horrible they were. This is a funny business.
You had a bad sales rep. Very happy with quality installation from Andersen installers . I’ve had a nightmare experience with a vinyl window company that had an amazing price but the retrofit windows they put in looked like they were just place in not like they belonged there. Then 2 windows they had to remove frames from my house and ruined my stucco texture .
My new house we went with renewal by Andersen, not series 100 or 200 that you see at Home Depot or as you say lumber yard. But the real all fibrex windo. Installation couldn’t have been better. Respectfull and efficienct without damaging my home. Thank you RBA . Very happy!
Glad to hear you had a great experience. I believe the Andersen Series 100 windows are the same fibrex frame material as well. Thanks for taking the time to write.
The AW 100 is a Fibrex window but thinner gauge, thinner glass, cheaper hardware – it’s the company’s answer to vinyl. Not recommended. But here’s a FUN FACT: Andersen is the largest window company in the world. Back in the 1950’s they invented the vinyl window to deal with the rot problem plaguing wood windows (farm wood that’s very soft and porous.) So, even though they invented vinyl windows they never sold them until 9 years ago when they purchased an existing vinyl window brand, then rebranded it under the Andersen American Craftsman name. They sold them in big box stores and lumber yards for 9 years and then sold the company a couple of weeks ago. Why? Because the failure rate was so high that with Andersen’s comprehensive 20 year warranty it became too expensive to sell them – too many replacements being given away for free. I’ve sold every type of window out there and yes, in optimal conditions a high quality vinyl window can last. But I’ll put Renewal by Andersen’s wood composite window up against vinyl any day of the week. FUN FACT #2: If you’re replacing your deck would you rather have wood or a wood composite, such as Trex? I chose Trex for my new deck and love it. Same technology as Renewal by Andersen’s composite window (that’s because Andersen invented that too!)
You’re right that the American Crafstman windows were pretty cheap and didn’t hold up well. I was always surprised that Andersen would put their name on a product like that. I believe they also owned Silverline or perhaps Silverline produced the American Craftsman windows.
I think it was definitely a smart move for Andersen to get out of that product. It’s cheap windows like that that keep nicer window companies in business. If builders all started using nice windows the market would get smaller over time. Since they all use cheaper windows the market just keeps getting bigger.
And I picked wood for my deck. I think it looks and feels better than a fake wood product like Trex. We all get to make our own choices.
Trex has had a ton of warranty issues over the years. I don’t know if you’d want to tell people it’s the same material in the windows. I believe the Andersen marketing people would probably have a long story to tell about why it’s not the same.
The 100 series window is made with a thinner frame and sash Fibrex than what Renewal sells. It’s a cheaper window, it’s not going to hold up as well in cold climates. I used to sell and install vinyl windows some 20-30 yrs ago. I had ONE decent brand but they stopped making them, all the other vinyls are junk.
Absolute junk.
RBA warranty on installation is now 5 years. Just signed a contract with RBA last week . None of the sales tactics you mentioned in past posts. And the more I learn and read about them, the more I like them. Of course they are more expensive but who said good stuff comes cheap.
Hi Gabe, thanks for writing. They still say 2 year installation warranty on their website. Did the salesperson give you anything in writing or did he just tell you that? If it’s not in writing I don’t know if I would trust it.
You need to do your research, whatever it is that “you believe” is not factual information at all, one would be wise to not take you seriously. Maybe, you should find a new gig, a comedian for example; good for roasting and laughs THE END.
How long have you been working for Renewal? Your string of comments feels like step one in the enlightenment of a window salesperson. When you’re shortly out of sales training you think everything you know is accurate. It usually doesn’t take long to learn that the people training you weren’t necessarily giving you the whole story. Just let us know if we can help with any clarification on anything.
Step two is you deciding if you want to keep telling the stories that you were trained to tell even after you learn that they’re not 100% accurate. That’s entirely up to you.
What was the price? I just got an estimate for them at$18,000 for 11 windows
I just received a quote from RBA for replacing 11 windows and 1 sliding door for a price of $22K AFTER the discount as retail was $31+K……. That is A LOT of money and I’m pretty sure the Jeld-Wen would suffice and my reliable carpenter would be able to replace them for about a quarter of the price. Any opinion on Jeld-Wen??
I just got an estimate from rba at 22,000 for a bay window and four patio doors
U got a good deal then! I just signed a few days ago; with RBA, 11 windows plus one door 33K
I’m so sick of windows companies
They’re all rip offs you just need to choose who you’re going to get ripped off by and hope the product lasts. I’m scared but I’m hoping for the best. I look at my neighbors cheap windows and don’t want that. It’s a scary purchase for sure but I’ve had every company here and they’re all swindlers especially if you’re a woman. Very sketchy business.
There definitely are a lot of sketchy characters out there, but they’re not all bad. What’s your zip code? We might know someone to recommend.
We just got an estimate for 22 windows. $62,000, but after the great sale it came down to only $ 47,000. What are they smoking?
Glad to hear some positive s about renewal by Anderson. We are scheduled to have windows installed. I’m hoping I made the right decision!
You will be more than happy! We also are in the middle of a multi phase project with RBA. While not cheap, neither is the product. The installation we’ve experienced so far has been better than ever dealing with a contractor. I did learn that most contractors are salty because they can’t sell or install RBA windows so they recommend a product they can make money on. Seems to be the issue with many in this group. No matter how you dress up plastic windows (that’s all vinyl is) they look cheap and make a home look cheap! They have their place but it’s not in a home of any standards or value, that’s for sure!
I have been selling windows for 11 years. Overpaying for a great product from a great company that always stands behind it is hardly the worst case scenario.
Getting ripped off by the triple lifetime vinyl company that sells you a price and not a window and then dissolves their LLC after six years in business and packs up and leaves town is what you should fear.
You’re right about that. That’s why I always recommend working with a large and well established company. For example, there are companies offering vinyl windows that have been in business for 70+ years. That’s a much safer bet than some other options. In my nearly 20 years of experience in this industry I’ve seen many manufacturers come and go. Some companies that were highly regarded by window “experts” have vanished leaving all of their customers with no warranty and no access to parts.
I think people don’t appreciate the value in working with a larger and more well established company. Those companies do exist offering windows of all types vinyl, fiberglass, wood, composite, etc.
You are as irresponsible in how your portray Renewal. True research would reveal that FIBREX is a superior product and clearly better than vinyl/plastic/wood grown from tree farms. While Renewal is trying to sell their product over the competition, they sell it as superior because the product is superior throughout from the frame to the glass. Vinyl will NEVER last 20 years and keep performing for 20 years. Renewal Windows will last that long which is why they warranty it for that period of time and which is why the offer a LIFETIME Labor/Service warranty as well.
Hi David, I think you may have recieved some bad info. Renewal windows have might higher (worse) air infiltration rates than nicer vinyl windows so they start off less efficient. There are millions of 20+ year old vinyl windows out there that are performing just fine.
What about the fibrex do you think is better? It does look very nice, there’s no doubt about that. Other than that I don’t know what would be better about it.
I’m buying anderson they have changed their windows. They offer a lifetime warranty without windows as long as you live their. Also that window warranty transfers to the new owner. I have seen the windows felt the heat staying in and cold air out. Their tinted and fibres white which can be painted. There better that cheap vinyl I have now from the box store home depot or lowes.
That’s definitely not true. Did the salesperson tell you that? I just looked at their website to make sure. The fibrex window frame material still only has a 20 year warranty. It used to have a 10 year warranty so 20 years is better, but it’s not a lifetime warranty.
The insulated glass unit has a transferable 20 year warranty too. Looks like the hardware, locks and balances, etc only have a 10 year warranty which seems short.
We’ll do a Renewal by Andersen window warranty review video one of these days to go through the details.
(Editors note: Sadly the link Brian posted is no longer valid, looks like it has been removed from the server or the address has been changed)
Here is the warranty and what I like it doesn’t have fine print like everyone else on the market today. It’s a solid, straight forward and honest which I like. Read over it once, pretty good.
Yes, that’s the warranty we’ve found online too. Notice it has a 2 year warranty on installation while some commenters here have made other claims. I’d say it has about the same level of fine print as you get on most warranties. The fact that they cover labor to fix an issue is a nice feature, 10 year warranty on non-glass components is rather short compared to what you get elsewhere.
I am looking for a great replacement window and can honestly say this site is not helpful. I am confused. I know people who love and who hate Andersen. IF Renewal by Andersen has franchises then wouldn’t they also have different prices, different warranties and different sales techniques? Why create a website that confuses the issue and doesn’t actually do any research of their own? Most importantly you cannot make a claim about ALL sales personnel as I am certain each and every sales person IN ANY FIELD does not have the same ethics, religious background or sales techniques.
I am certain franchises in New York are more expensive for the same service or products as those in say Idaho? Due to the cost of office space, etc. it only makes sense. When I went to New York a cup of coffee was $9. I could post a website on how outrageous that product is and everyone would agree across the board. However in Michigan where I live a cup of coffee is considerable less because businesses don’t pay the same premium for store space as they do in New York. IF and I only say if because I am not certain you are correct that Andersen is a franchise then you can argue any side and be correct because they are all different. Window Dog you stated that they are a franchise and then you go on to state online warranties. You keep accusing everyone of being a sales rep for Renewal, but why are you spending so much time on this website?
I want facts and I realize a window in one state or location could be vastly different in price from another especially due to overhead cost, etc. The cost of labor in one state is more or less depending on the cost of living in that location. You are being deceiving and I don’t understand why. Please do the research for us and quit relying on others to post it. YOU Window dog took the time and energy to create this website and update it. If you don’t have an agenda then you should also have the time to do the research and not let anyone confuse us.
I live in Michigan, can you tell me what the warranty, price, etc. is for my state? In New York I’m sure it’ll be like the cup of coffee, frightening, lol.
Hi Sue, you’ll find people from all over the country chiming in with their experience. To respond to your specific question, the Renewal window warranty is published on their website, that’s what we’re referring to. They don’t make any mention of some stores offering a different warranty than others which leads me to believe that they don’t. If anyone has another warranty to send in please do and we’ll be happy to write about it.
The same is true with their sales tactics. It’s certainly true that one salesperson could be different than another, but the similarities in the stories you hear from folks all over the country leads me to believe that they train their people in those tactics. I don’t have any insight on that, just my assumption due to the commonality in the comments from folks.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with Andersen windows. I think their wood windows can be perfectly nice. We have some in our cabin. They came with the cabin, we didn’t pick them and they work great. They are the real wood windows rather than the imitation wood Fibrex material. I definitely prefer the real wood over imitation wood. I just think the sales tactics used by the Renewal dealers is a sign of weakness. If they had a strong value proposition they wouldn’t need to operate that way. Just my opinion.
If you get a quote let us know how it goes and what sort of pricing you see in MI. We have a lot of visitors to the site from Michigan and I’m sure they’d find it to be helpful.
That is odd. I just had a rep today. No lifetime warranty and no transfer. I don’t remember the exact warranty quoted, but something like 20 years on the windows.
Right. Their warranty is pretty clear, definitely not a lifetime warranty according to their own printed information.
Their warranties are a LIMITED transferable warranty on glass, fibrex material components, on exterior color finish,on installation, and components other than glass.
Its 20 yrs from installed date on glass, 20 yrs on fibrex material components, 10yrs on components other than glass(i.e. locks, hinges, lifts etc) , 10 yrs on exterior color and 5 yrs on installation.
Hi there, just checked their website again this afternoon. Still only 2 year warranty on installation, but the rest of that looks right to me. It is more limited than many other warranties but certainly not a bad warranty. There are worse out there.
Windowdog, where do you see in the RBA warranty that they cover labor to fix an issue for the 20 year warranty? We have Andersen windows and they are coming out in a couple of days to fix some issues on windows installed in 2006. Should I expect a bill for repair
You can find their warranty on their site. That doesn’t mean it’s the same warranty you would have received back in 2006. How did the service call go?
What a joke lol. Vinyl windows CANNOT withstand extreme temperature change. If you were a little more educated you would surely understand the variation in climates throughout our wonderful country the United States of America. Vinyl is pure PVC. It bows and buckles and eventually breaks down which leads to typically seal failure. Vinyl is NOT FINAL.
Hi Joe, I hope it doesn’t break your heart to learn that you’re wrong about that. Vinyl windows are very successfully installed in Arizona and Alaska. Who told you that they wouldn’t hold up in extreme environments? You might want to question everything else that person told you.
Also, vinyl windows are not pure PVC, that’s one reason they can hold up just fine. Sounds like you’ve received some questionable info.
I am genuinely shocked by your review of Renewal by Andersen. I bought into the PGT reinforced virgin vinyl and they discolored in less than 5 years. The black rubber between the 2 panes of glass were detaching. I paid $1500 per window and checked with others to make sure they weren’t overcharging me within my area. I received a “lifetime” warranty…the distributor didn’t honor it and PGT certainly didn’t honor it. Their manufacturing warranty is a joke. The distributor changed their company name and their precious lifetime warranties became null and void. I don’t think anyone should believe any company that says Lifetime. I would make it a point to stay away from them. No company has the longevity like Andersen does and nothing in life last forever. Companies with 100 year longevity, will assign a warranty period that states how long the product will hold up without issues- 20 years is not bad and 20 years is an honest warranty for a company with this type of tenure. I bought from Renewal by Andersen and it wasn’t much higher than PGT…8 years in, they are looking and operating the same as they did when I bought them. They’ve lasted twice as long as virgin vinyl. I live in Florida so the sun is unforgiving here and if you’re in your right mind, wood frame windows are definitely not an option down here. Wood decking, wood or vinyl fencing, Wood or vinyl Siding, wood or vinyl patio furniture…none of that last more than 5 years especially if you’re near the water. Composite decking, fencing, siding (hardy board), patio furniture…that’s what you see the most of down here in Florida. When the Andersen rep said they were composite framed windows with a realistic warranty period and a tenure like theirs, it was a no brainer. It seems like you’re located up north and you just got a bad Renewal by Andersen rep. It’s a shame cause you really don’t know what your missing. Even if lifetime warranties are a real thing and the company is still in business when you call, who wants to have to call a company every 5 years to get things re-done? That’s way too soon for something as major as window installation. Composite anything has a longer lifespan than 5 years.
Hi Jennifer, sorry to hear you had some much trouble with the PGT windows. The warranty is a pretty clear legal document. It’s possible you ran into a salesman who made some false claims, unfortunate that happens all the time, but the warranty you recieved from the manufacturer would still be valid and would be just as valid as a Renewal by Andersen warranty.
$1500 per window is quite a lot even in todays market, let alone 5 years ago. Sounds like you met a company that wasn’t too focused on treating customers well. I don’t know if that’s the fault of vinyl windows but I do know that my customers from 15 years ago still have windows that work great.
Good luck with the new Renwal windows.
Amen sister! Anyone who shows up with a lifetime warranty on something made out of plastic should be thrown out of your house. They know for certain it’s not possible when they sell you on it.
Andersen is over 100 years old. It employs PhD scientists and is on the cutting edge of research, design and engineering.
Vinyl companies basically use open source patents to make the same windows as everyone else. They just slap their name on the lock and call it special.
Ask yourself – vinyl windows have been around since the 1960’s. It’s not “new technology”. The Germans used it out of desperation to cheaply rebuild after WW2.
So why is it that there aren’t any 60 year old vinyl companies?
Triple lifetime guarantee…. Hah…. How long have you been manufacturing windows…. 8 years…
You see where I’m going with this.
Hi Jason, there certainly are vinyl window manufacturers that have been in business longer than 20 years and to my knowledge the warranty on the Fibrex frames is 20 years. So, that would mean the customer who bought a vinyl window from those well established manufacturers got a better warranty than someone who bought the Fibrex windows, right?
It’s definitely a risk when someone works with a newer manufacturer and it’s true that many of them have failed, but it’s also true that many large manufacturers have succeeded and offered good quality products for many years.
There have also been plenty of wood or fiberglass manufacturers that have failed. I don’t think that means fiberglass windows are horrible, but I do think it’s clear that working with a large and well established manufacturer is a smart move regardless of the window type.
I honestly don’t know how to feel now? I had them come out to my house today and give me a quote (which I committed to) and I have nothing but high praise for the guy that came. He had nothing bad to say about any other company, he showed me pictures of what I would think were common failures. He went through some pros and cons about the windows I have now which are not that old. I feel like they are fairly cheep and have failed too soon. Did I make a mistake by ordering from them? I felt like the price was fair and thought I had did my homework prior to selecting anyone to give me a price. I typically buy based on the willingness/knowledge of the sales person and don’t shop around a bunch once I feel comfortable with the rep.
I challenge you to go on a in-person consultant appointment with me. It may not be allowed, if not I am so very happy to provide you with my clients, buyers or not, referrals. You have NO IDEA about us consultants. Yes, there are bad apples in EVERY single company, please stop your paid finger pointing at us solely. I pride myself on integrity and honesty. Yes, we are not for every household. I have a conversation with all I meet with. I give them facts, I do not disparage any company, unlike yourself. I do not tolerate tactics you accuse RBA of doing. Again, my challenge to you is out there. Oh yeah, one last but extremely important fact. You claim RBA bashes other companies/material, yet you are the worst of the worst.
Amy Burkhart
Hi Amy, thanks for taking the time to write. I certainly don’t intend to say all salespeople are bad. I’ve even written about that in the past. Do you use the magic iPad with prices that get lower and lower and ends with “today only” specials? We’ve heard about tactics like that from many readers of the site.
I’d be curious to know if you’re using that same strategy? And, how long have you been selling for Renewal by Andersen? I find it’s usually newer reps who feel like you do.
And, I’d be happy to go on a few appointments with you one day.
We had the magic I-pad experience yesterday. Since may wife is a math prodigy we are totally pissed by the new car finance gimmicks. We would someone ask us to rate them a 10 right away as soon as we get the text or email – because it is likely tied to commissions. The first price quoted was half the original purchase price of this home before the magix I-Pad bullshit started. Just saying not all buyers are fools! BTW if he would have started with the 4 lowest price possible we would have seriously considered that deal. BTW don’t let them leave that I pad near you. Why the may be illegally remoting into your conversation at your table from outside. Yes I am a tech guy and yes it’s possible but illegal in many states.
Ummm…he never said anything about consultants…he is expounding on commonly known tropes of any sales ecosystem…windows…cars…widgets etc… just show me on the doll where her hurt you….
Ha, I think it’s usually people right out of sales training who feel that way. They get all amped up from a week of exciting training and they haven’t yet realized that most of what they were taught was garbage. I would guess that’s one reason the turnover in those positions is so high. At some point they do realize they’re spreading a lot of BS and they need to decide to either keep doing it because the money can be good or find another job.
Somewhere in-between they come on here and tell me about how I don’t know anything. It’s a fun business.
Wife is trying to decide between RBA & Champion. Opinions please!
Not only are they providing great work, they provide a great product.
Triple Pane Glass Allowing for as little as 4% of heat to transfer through the glass.
Air leakage is .02 allowing for only 0.15 of a gallon of air per minute per window vs the industry standard at 1.5 gallons per minute per window at a .20 air leakage. Andersen has a .08 air leakage.
Thick powder virgin vinyl frames with a vinyl triple head support system, and exceeds energy star standards by 45%.
They are a minimum of half of renewal by Andersen, sometimes a third !!
This site is loaded with opinions but very few from legitimate owners of Renewal. I had their sales team out. They are super expensive but a very well made window. I called over 20 people that the salesman gave me for reference. They loved their windows, had no problems, but hated the price. I went out and looked at the installation of three homes and the work was excellent. I have to pass them up because they want $26,000 for my small retirement home.
I completely agree that they’re nice looking windows. I think the problem most people have is the sales process. Since the comments seem to be similar and seem to come from all over the country I would assume they train salespeople to operate that way. If you really had a great value you don’t need to operate like that. Porsche makes a great car and they’re not offering huge discounts if you buy today. It’s either right for you or it’s not.
I’m in Michigan and just got a price of $2,000 per window…2 double hung and 4 casement..that includes installation for the fibrex..Home Depot charged $1,200 for same window but I wasn’t happy with the installation…Ive been told its really important to have good installers!
Andersen! The dog is clueless!
Thanks for chiming in Angela!
Do your windows or any window companies for that matter cover the dissipation of argon gas for the lifetime of your or anyone else’s warranty? RBA covers that for 20 years. Do you have a top secret vinyl or wood frame that won’t expand and contract with climate changes? Fibrex does not expand and contract nearly as much as wood or vinyl does. Your paying for a quality product with RBA and most of all you are paying for the experience. There is a department at RBA for everything you could possibly need for window replacement. Finance department, install department, service department, sales department, show room, ordering, customer service. It is a detailed in home consultation with a design rep, followed by a visit from an engineer that goes into great detail what should be expected, followed by installers that are specifically trained to install the fibrex product. Renewal by Andersen also has the smallest carbon footprint in the industry. People want things done right and done professionally, unfortunately some contractors gave the industry a bad rep. You have to understand that its more than just the product for homeowners, they also want a premium service and RBA provides that as well with a high end product because they understand consumers. When you compare vinyl to fibrex it is most certainly not apples to apples.
Thank you! Everyone making me feel bad for spending so much on RBA
From a worker stand point the fibrex is brittle. What they won’t tell you is what the employees use to clean the fibrex. Or how many times they are handled. What the company is currently doing to the employees right now isn’t right either. It’s a toxic work place. Very little care Really goes into the making. They care more about the number of windows produced then the actual order of any individual window. You will be replacing any window within a couple yrs if it isn’t white or there canvice color. A lot of defect if you actual Take a look at any of there windows. I would encourage anyone who has or is thinking about getting these windows to look elsewhere before turning to this company
I just had a renewal by anderson guy in my home! We got some outrageous numbers on replacing our windows. Anywhere from $1500-$5000 per window (granted some of our windows are very large, but still it seems super steep!) He said they have a 20 year warranty and that they are installed by Anderson. I kept thinking but they are ‘Anderson’ but still it seems pretty outrageous!
We just bought a house on long island. The house was built it in the 50’s. Some of the windows are original, but most were replaced between 1982-1987. The draft in the house is significant, and with all the project we have to do I am getting a little overwhelmed. Any advise on the type of windows we should be looking at in the northeast??
Hi Lisa
I grew up on the Island – moved to NJ and work with a exterior renovation Company for the past 29 years. We sell windows doors roofing and siding. A rating BBB and Super Service award on Angies list . Okna vinyl replacement windows will be your best bet . I don’t know who sells them on the Island . I have reps come thru our office all the time with the “latest and greatest” – we scrutinize windows to the tenth degree before we put our name behind them . For the money $350-500 per window your money will have been spent the best way possible
Hello Lisa,
What is the name of your company you work for? I’m looking to replace some windows soon.
Anyone can get a BBB rating it doesn’t mean anything.
That’s a fact. The BBB is a funny thing, not particularly relevant to anything.
That’s hilarious…. simple google search “Okna Windows lawsuits” ??♂️
I was looking for a window company to work for…maybe they’re not the one.
looking for a reputable company to replace 8 windows and 1 palatium window in the Hudson Valley NY area (Dutchess County).
I’m sorry Peg, I don’t think we know anyone in your area. I’d suggest trying Angie’s List (find discounted rates here). If you find anyone great please submit their info in our best replacement window companies section. Thanks!
Pretty amusing. I bought my Renewal By Andersen windows using Angie’s list over a year ago. Love them. Ran across your site which seems to be run by them by coincidence. For what it’s worth I had Gorell Windows sold to me by another Angie’s list provider in 2008. They didn’t even make it 10 years. I called the company who bought the Gorell assets “The Factory” and they said if I go to the website it says that the courts say they don’t have to honor the warranty. And that’s from them. And they are correct. Gorell.com. So when my vinyl windows leaked under the sill and my wall was soggy and insulation started to smell who was there to help. No one. Meanwhile Andersen has been around more than 50 years and they did fix my old casement in my bathroom (it was wood so it got rotten from being wet 20 years after it was installed) For a fee. As it was way beyond any reasonable warranty. Btw my Gorell windows had your so called lifetime warranty and it was worthless. So when I clicked the link for the ebook I see that Angie’s list claims you can save up to 70 percent on services and that there are 1000s of trustworthy reviews. If you don’t have the Renewal composite window how can you review it. Just saying. That’s like the TV commentator who claims he was shot at during a segment and we find he was no where around. And if an Angie’s list contractor will work for 70 percent less then they are probably an amateur at best. And the person recommending it to me probably won’t know a shim from a moulding and isn’t qualified to really score the install until years down the road. Just like I just did. Gorell 0 stars Andersen 5.
Glad to hear you had a great experience with your windows. We’re not associated with Andersen in any way, but we’re glad you took the time to write.
I believe Barry meant that it looks like you are affiliated with Angie’s list, not Anderson. I thought the same thing when I first looked at your site and sall all the references to A.L.
Gotcha, we have struggled with the best way to help people find great companies. We get many requests each and every day for recommendations in one town or another. While I know a lot of people in this business I just don’t know someone to recommend everywhere. I also find Angie’s List is a great way to get actual feedback. We do recommend it a lot, and that’s because we get asked for advice a lot. When they offered discounts and promos for our readers I really thought it made sense…and I still do. Hope that helps explain things!
I do realize this post is old but HAVE to comment. Just saying, you sound like an Anderson rep…..I bought Vinyl Windows from a salesman selling Anderson about 8 years ago. I am very disappointed to hear their commercial talking about how they have dumpsters filled with junk windows made of Vinyl. I do need new windows but I will not deal with a company that will actually tell you a product they sold you was junk. I really do not want to buy junk again. I am looking at real wood. Real windows for the same money or less. Also I was told they have a limited 20 year warranty, yet their commercial tells you at 8 years your windows need to be replaced. Which way is it? Cannot have it both ways. Anyone other company 10… Anderson -0
Thank you Barry. I’m getting window estimates this week. My gut tells me that vinyl doesn’t do well in Colorado.
Hi Clara, what did you find? Vinyl windows will work just fine in CO. There are many thousands installed every month.
Clara, DON’T USE RBA IN COLORADO. I bought a home in Colorado Springs in 2012. The entire home had the windows replaced with casement RBA windows. One of the biggest selling points was the windows and this amazing warranty. I’m looking at a warranty from RBA Colorado that says NO FINE PRINT, YOUR WINDOWS AR GUARANTEED TO PERFORM AS WELL AS THE DAY THEY WERE INSTALLED FOR AS LONG AS THEY REMAIN IN YOUR HOME. NO MATTER WHAT MAY GO WRONG, WE WILL FIX IT FOR FREE. THE ONLY ITEMS NOT COVERED BY THIS GUARANTEE ARE ITEMS SUCH AS TRIM MATERIALS, PAINTING OR STAINING, NOT INSTALLED BY OUR COMPANY. I had a window gasket go bad and called to get it replaced. A small bathroom window took 3 weeks to get someone out to measure for replacement. After RBA brought the replacement window they couldn’t get the window to close without using a plate glass window suction cup to pull the window closed. We were then told by the installer we had a bad mechanism but he would get it replaced but it would take three weeks. After a month we called and have now been told it will be $185 for a $20 mechanism. I’ve spent 40+ years in the construction industry in Colorado and these folks are the worst. There were no issue with the windows operations prior to RBA working on in, it opened an closed fine. Now I’m supposed to pay $185 dollars to fix a mechanism that was broken before RBA go involved. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH RENEWAL BY ANDERSON IN COLORADO, THEY ARE HORRIBLE AT BEST.
We are replacing screens on a porch with windows. Are Andersen 100 casements different from ‘replacements 100 by Andersen? What would be a comparable window?
Funny, for some one who is down playing the use of talking about a competing product you just spent an entire page bashing Anderson. What’s another name for vinyl? Plastic? Hm sounds to me you’re defending plastic windows through out.
Hi Kyle, thanks for writing. I do think Renewal windows are pretty. I just don’t like the sales pitch that often accompanies them and I don’t think there’s really anything remarkable about them. For example you can get a lifetime warranty on frames with Jeld-Wen wood windows and then you have real wood instead of simulated wood. They recently upgraded from a 20 year warranty and I think that’s a pretty strong move.
Did you see the comment from Steve in Syracuse recently? At almost $2,000 per window there are a whole lot of choices. If you’re a supporter of Renewal by Andersen windows give me the pitch. Why should I go with your 10 year warranty over their lifetime warranty?
I’m open to ideas. So far I haven’t heard a compelling reason.
Here is the latest warranty direct from Jeldwen’s website. Tried to post picture of 2 pages but not allowed. Note on page 1. “Wood/wood-clad” 20 years with 10 transfer. Also not on page 4 the very clear reasons they will not honor the warranty. Quoted from warranty:
“JELD-WEN is not liable for damage, product failure or poor product performance due to:
• Normal wear and tear, including normal wear and tear of weatherstrip; natural weathering of surfaces. Variance in color or texture of natural wood parts, and natural tarnishing of copper cladding are not considered defects.”
And many other ways out due to weathering and improper installation. Not seeing anything about “lifetime” on any of the wood products?
I’m not sure what your question is. On the second page of the warranty it talks about the lifetime warranty on the AuraLast wood products, that’s the part with the lifetime warranty.
Hi all,
22 years of installing windows, tech measuring windows, managing install crews, and now selling windows. The “sales pitch’’ that window dog speaks of is different depending on the rep and the experience. Let face it, most sales reps are just that sales people. They probably have sold cars, or insurance or toilets. They are just trained to sell. Most of the negative RBA reviews are from folks who didn’t buy. They just had a bad experience with the rep, and or didn’t like the price.
Most folks who have a good experience dont run to the computer to review. The negative experiences are very quick to voice displeasure.
Truth is most windows (no matter what the framing material is made of are sold through a dealer.
The person who makes the window doesn’t install it. Thats the difference between RBA in my neck of the woods and almost every other option. Lifetime warranties are pretty much a sham as they all have verbiage in them that excludes installation, normal use and natural weathering (which is the main cause of window failure) most windows are manufactured for new construction and that is the problem. To make a window that was manufactured for a home that doesn’t have siding, trim,sheetrock, etc you have to do one of two things. Alter the window or alter the home. And because most windows are installed by sub contractors take a guess at which one they alter? You guessed it, the window. To mess with someone’s home,siding, trim ,etc is a gamble. If you mess up someone’s home it can get pricey. So altering the window to make it fit is much easier and quicker. Altering a window also voids the “lifetime warranty”
We all know nothing lasts for ever and if your going to tell someone that it does you better have a paragraph on the back of your lifetime, or double lifetime, or lifetime plus (all crap) warranty that covers your butt for when plastic, fiberglass, wood, or composite fails you.
The problem with most windows is to keep the price of something down you use crappy materials ie, plastic, aluminium spacers, felt weatherstripping single strength glass, shotty LoE coatings, and gas fill rates that are extremely low. That’s the product you want to stay away from.
And as far as U factors, NFRC, DP ratings and all the other crap. These are all measured on the manufacturing table where all is good. Nobody comes out an measure this stuff after its gone through a few seasons and plastic has expanded and contracted, fiberglass has leaked in the corners, aluminium has conducted, tree farmed wood has had time to show its true colors, etc.
Yes the RBA product is more costly but i have catalogs of failed vinyl window pics and have yet to see Renewal windows that have failed. The Renewal window was made to replace 80 year old wood windows and 30 year old aluminum windows but mostly we are replacing replacement windows (plastic is the main culprit). I am not only the hair club president but i am also a client!!! I wouldn’t put any other window in my home and i have put thousands of windows in homes. $2000 for a window isn’t all that much if you think about only doing it once. And not dealing with seal failures, all the black thats builds up on vinyl windows and yes warping,cracking, and all the other stuff that comes along with plastic. I sit with soooo many people that thought they were going to only do this once and had lifetime warranties only to find the sub contractor cant be found, the manufacturer has been sold or has closed doors due to too many service issues, or the dealer has moved out and changed LLC. They are now doing it again for a more heftier price. Unacceptable if you ask me.
Hope this helps and remember it depends on your climate, and you get what you pay for!
Be kind to one another
Hi Joshua, thanks for taking the time to write and I appreciate your very reasonable perspective. There’s a lot of truth in what you’re saying. We don’t agree on the longevity of nicer vinyl windows, but you’re absolutely right that folks who are perfectly happy don’t write reviews. At least they don’t at nearly the same rate as people who are unhappy.
Glad to have you on the site.
Thanks for the commentary here, Joshua. I believe the same things & agree with it.
I do think the focus on the Fibrex vs Vinyl vs Wood and warrantee nuances are a deflection and distraction of sorts… there are a LOT of other considerations, and a window, all it’s components, performance and manufacturing quality AND installation are part of an overall “system” that also includes the surrounding construction/framing materials and quality. What we should care about is expected lifespan and resale value based on the reputation of the manufacturer (total cost of ownership – not just price). And performance to a lesser extent. I say a lesser extent because while you may feel less “drafty” with new windows in most cases you’ll never recoup your investment in terms of energy savings. If I’m wrong, someone please show me a demonstrated savings of new windows based on only energy savings.
While I do understand the questions about why RBA might choose to have this warrantee or that…I believe there are some realities about warrantees in general that are being missed here: it is not uncommon for some of the most reputable products and manufacturers out there to offer warrantees that are simply average. And it is not unusual for upstarts, wannabees and niche players to offer comprehensive and long-term warrantees to overcome their lack of long-term reputation (until they earn it). It absolutely does not mean a longer warrantee = greater value.
I personally prefer to buy and tend to trust well-earned reputation over rumours, innuendo and small print. I buy Toyota trucks (4Runner SUVs). Their warrantees are completely average, but their quality and life expectation (and resale value) certainly are not. They’re just getting warmed up at 250K miles while most Explorers and Grand Cherokees are heading to the scrapyard.
So it’s very much like that. Sure, you can get other windows cheaper, and in reality they may last a very long time as advertised. But listing your 30-40-50 year old house (or newer for that matter) and being able to boast that it has Andersen windows throughout… and you can assume you’ll be able to add all or most of the purchase and install cost directly onto the sales price (and get it). That is what a rock solid product reputation gets you. And also what generates some frustration with naysayers, who oftentimes don’t like a winner, or leader. Everyone guns for the leader.
By the way… I put my money where my opinion is. I just placed an order to replace 50 casement windows at my “new” 30-year old house with RBA. I’m doing almost all including a few that were recently replaced – because we’re going all-black. We’re painting a few newer ones upstairs in the back. A few were “consolidated” so we can get more window area, so the new count is 41. About a dozen are tempered, and 8 are “specialty” (e.g. radius/arches). List was $135K (lol) and after discounts we’re at $70K total. I know that’s an absurd discounting game – but I don’t mind the sales thing… I just pay attention to bottom line. Pella with full install after haggling and discounts was quoted at $79K. I developed an initial estimate for Jen Weld through a local lumberyard dealer at under $40K not including installation costs, but backed off because there were so many variables and I felt I’d have more risk with an independent installer. So bring on the Andersens! Install is late March; early April.
If anyone wants to know how it goes, I’ll respond later.
Hi Eric. I had a design agent or specialist from RBA came to my house last Saturday and estimated $20,786 for my 11 windows. Mostly will be replaced with double sliding windows except for 1 picture window and 1 double hung. The agent said that it will take 15 to 17 weeks before installation will be started. How long did you wait before they finally installed yours? Also, how were your RBA windows doing now? Is the price you paid for worth it? Please respond asap as I only have until Wednesday to cancely contract. Thanks.
You are spot on Joshua. You only cry once when it comes to quality and that’s when you buy it. I cried at least 7 times with vinyl. Never again. Renewal by Andersen’s Fibrex all the way.
I purchased Renewal by Anderson Windows over 8 years ago and am extremely happy with them! I replaced vinyl windows that were foggy explained to me as seal failure. What stood out the most was their installers were great, professional, and courteous. I considered going with vinyl again because of the considerable cost difference, but I really didn’t want to do project again and again. These look much nicer. I guess you get what you pay for. The vinyl windows only lasted about ten years.
I went to a showroom of RBA, and although I believe they could be good windows, I too, was told, to not buy a vinyl window. I have a family in Europe and some superb performing windows are in fact vinyl, and some very respected by customers, so I will not be deceived. Also, I was very much pushed into sliders, while I completely dont care for sliders. (they do have slimmer frames than others) I have to say I did not like the look of RBA. Their frames look very bulky and that is not just that it is taking from your view, but does not look modern in my opinion.
If Vinyl is a strong product and the Composite is not Why dont I see Vinyl decks and I see a lot of composite decks? Just curious
Hi Chad, great question. I don’t think anyone is saying composite materials cannot be strong. I believe the point is that there is a max strength needed for window frames and any stronger than that is not any better. It’s a common way window companies try to fool people.
Maybe a good example would be the aluminum skin of an airplane. It’s as strong as it needs to be. Steel would be stronger, but stronger wouldn’t be any better so they don’t make airplane skin out of steel.
Or you could ask, why don’t you see too many residential decks made out of titanium? That would be stronger than Trex boards, but not at all necessary and a huge waste of money so nobody does it. You might say that is just as necessary as making windows out of a material similar to deck boards.
Hope that helps.
You claim to be a reputable window reviewer?
you didn’t even get the warranty info for the Renewal by Andersen correct.
its clear your a plastic lover.
I have piles of vinyl windows we have replaced because of warping and cracking. please give me your address so I can have them shipped to you so you can do a little bit more research.
I cant believe your BS site gets as much traffic as it does.
what a joke
Hi Tony, thanks for chiming in. What did I get wrong about the warranty for Renewal by Andersen windows? I based my comments off of a written copy of the warranty. If anything is wrong just send over documentation and I’ll be glad to update the site.
People write in pretty frequently to tell me I’m all wrong about something. When we double check it we’re right much more than we’re wrong. If I hear back from you I’ll make sure to make any changes.
Here is a copy of the Renewal by Andersen warranty so everyone can read for themselves. There’s no need to take my word for it.
The warranty covers labor and materials for the life of the warranty.
Andersen hasn’t been In business for 112 years because they put out garbage products.
They are fully aware that the Fibrex material will outlast wood. Do you think it makes sense to put a competing warranty out there against themselves?
They have obviously thought that out.
You can’t buy the renewal product off the shelf at your local lumberyard.
The renewal warranty is better than your your typical Andersen warranty because it covers installation if anything needed servicing. I challenge you to find a better company out there that stands behind their product like RBA does.
We are in an area of the country where you get extreme heat and extreme cold and a majority of the products we are replacing are vinyl windows and that is a fact!
As far as pricing goes please take a look at a cost vs. Value, report and you will find out RBA is in line across the board.
I like Andersen windows, we’re about to place an order for 17 wood casement windows.
From reading the actual Renewal by Andersen warranty it looks like you’re wrong. I posted a link in my prior comment. It says that installation labor is only covered for 2 years and the fibrex from is only covered for 10 years. I’m not making this up, it’s right there in the warranty.
Do you have any additional information? Send us anything you’d like and if we can verify it we’ll be glad to post it. For now, it looks like your information is completely wrong.
For anyone who thinks thewindowdog is misrepresenting Andersen’s warranty, take a look at their webiste – they say the exact same thing:
My wife and I have just started the estimate process on new windows, and I’m trying to do as much research before hand as possible. You’re site has been a wonderful resource. Thanks for taking the time to do this.
Full disclosure:
I am a sales manager for RBA. I want to clarify the warranty issue. All Andersen products carry a 20-year warranty on glass, and a 10-year warranty on non-glass parts. This is true for both the clad wood windows offered in lumber yards and the fibrex windows offered by RBA. Because RBA both sells and installs the windows, any warranty claim will cover both parts and labor for the full warranty period. The 2-year warranty on installation doesn’t pertain to product failure, it is specifically designed to cover an installation failure. Most installation problems present immediately, or certainly by the first winter. If a problem presents after two years, it is almost certainly a product failure, not an installation failure. Regardless, I have never seen Andersen fail to go above and beyond their written warranty; both for the benefit of the customer, and to protect our brand.
As for a “lifetime warranty”, it’s only as good as the name on the contract. If the company goes under, or changes hands, or just decides it’s not worth it, the consumer has nothing. And in NYS, the UCC code does in fact define a lifetime warranty as 7 years. That is in no way a fabrication.
Lastly, JD Power ranks RBA #1 in the entire country among replacement window providers for customer satisfaction. We aren’t cheap. I can’t disagree there. But I think you are vastly mistaken on most of your critique.
Hi Chris, glad to have more industry folks on the site. Can you send a link to the UCC code? I’ve heard that claim for years, but I’ve never seen any documentation.
I want to believe you. That claim has been around long enough that I’d expect it’s based on something. Without anything to verify it just feels like a convenient way to explain why a 10 year warranty is good.
Please send over any info if you have it. We’ll be glad to post it.
Wait a sec. You’re about to buy 17 Andersen casement windows for your own home that have the same frame warranty as the Renewal product…. You can’t warrant a 10 year warranty with the Renewal product, but you can warrant a 10 year warranty with the Andersen product? Sounds fairly hypocritical, doesn’t it?
You think you caught me huh? They’re not for my house, they were for a customer who was matching the 50 or so other Andersen windows already in the house. I don’t think they’re bad windows, but I do think the warranties are pretty weak and the sale tactics that customers tell us about from some of the Renewal dealers can be interesting. Just read the comments here. If I was making this stuff up you wouldn’t see people commenting about their experiences so frequently.
Good luck out there.
We have far more dumpsters of old wood Windows just 10-20 years old than vinyl. The mechanisms break down much faster than any frame material. Do we replace old vinyl Windows ? Of course. But not all vinyl is the same. There is virgin vinyl and recycled. Recycled won’t last, but virgin vinyl will out last any wood, fiberglass or composite period. Which is also hy they are now warrantied a lot longer than they used to be.
I recently moved into a home where some of the windows will need to be replaced very soon. Interestingly enough, all of the windows in the home have been replaced by previous homeowners. Several were replaced nearly 10 years ago with Renewal by Andersen windows. All of those windows are in near perfect condition with no issues. They operate extremely well, they are safe and secure and are noticeably more energy efficient.
The windows that need replacing are 6 years old and were put in by a more recent homeowner who chose to put in vinyl windows. These windows are a mess. There is condensation between the dual pane glass, they don’t stay up, some of the locks are broken and a couple of the sashes that face south and west are warped. All of these failing windows are made of a plastic or vinyl frame material.
Now you guys can banter back and forth about warranty claims and the like all you wish, but there is no comparison between these 10 year old Renewal by Andersen Windows and the 6 year old vinyl windows that are falling apart. I’m not a structural engineer and I’m not a materials expert, but I’m telling you that Stevie Wonder could see the huge contrast between these windows.
I called my local Renewal by Andersen office and they sent a guy out to look at the windows and he gave me a cost for replacement. Having read your remarks about their company before the sales visit I was prepared for a hard sell and was eager to see what all of this competition bashing was about.
I showed him my window issues and he took a look at the windows that Renewal had installed 10 years ago. He simply asked, “Any particular reason why you called us back and not these guys?”
No sales pitch, no dog and pony show, no bashing of competition. While he was writing his quote up I told him about the complaints on this website that I read and how I was surprised how a company that made such superior products would have to bash competitors. He said, “We assertively expose the companies in our industry that attempt to convince vulnerable homeowners that they will be OK with lower priced, lower performing products. We have an obligation to let them know that they won’t be alright.”
I don’t like paying more than I have to as much as anyone, but I’ve been far more disappointed with my decisions of the past where I spent too little, and more satisfied where I stepped up and spent more for better products with highly rated companies.
@windowdog. Why would Andersen complicate things for other dealers(lumberyards)? Who have been selling core product for years. It makes it very unhandy to explain that RBA is not Andersen. It is more, Renewal Window by Andersen Raw Product as it is my understanding that Fibrex is sold in its raw form to RBA. Correct me if I am wrong.
On the flip side of the coin RBA’s pricing makes it very easy for our sales staff to close a deal because we have the same Andersen name and much cheaper pricing.
I don’t know how Andersen distributes the fibrex material, but I would be interested to learn more if anyone else knows how that relationship works.
You are right that the Renewal by Andersen pricing can make it very easy for someone else to get the business. As a big company they have many costs and they do pay their installers very well from what I’ve heard. They sure do want a lot for those windows.
To Window Dog
The creator of this blog:
I’ve been a licensed Home Improvement Contractor in the State of NJ for more than 10 years.
I am a college graduate, have sold for Fortune 500 companies and have earned a 6-figure income since 1990.
Recently I made the rounds investigating possible career alternatives, as I am considering transitioning from a remodeling contractor to a sales position in the home improvement industry.
I’ve investigated numerous opportunities with corporations most everyone is familiar with.
Recently I interviewed with one of the more than 100 Renewal by Andersen dealers here in the United States.
To be honest, I had previously interviewed with a few other window companies and was extremely disappointed and unimpressed with both their products AND especially with their sleazy sales tactics.
It’s obvious to me that selling vinyl
windows is a commodity sale that is difficult at best.
As a result, my intention was to quickly write Renewal by Anderesen off my list as just more of the same circus.
I could not have been more wrong!
From the moment I entered the Renewal by Anderesen dealership I was pleasantly impressed.
Especially by the Sales Manager.
There are no sales gimmicks when it comes to Renewal by Andersen.
Renewal by Andersen products are NOT commoditized vinyl windows.
As you admitted, they ARE different.
They are extremely high quality windows.
As such, they are NOT for everyone.
In my experience selling to homeowners for more than a decade there are three classes of purchasers:
Bottom Feeders
The Value Conscious
& Top Quality Demanders
Bottom Feeders only care about price.
The cheapest price always wins. Quality & Service are of little concern.
Top Quality Demanders require “the best”. Price is of little concern. Service definitely matters. And they want it NOW. These are hard core Renewal by Anderesen buyers.
The Value Conscious could go either way. They want VALUE. Some are willing to pay top dollar for top quality. As a result, some will choose to pay the premium for Remewal by Andersen in return for premium quality.
None of these buyers are “wrong”.
They simply have different values.
Admittedly Window Dog, you are NOT a Renewal by Anderesen dealer. As such you could not offer the Renewal by Andersen product even if you wanted to.
Renewal by Andersen is not for everyone.
In fact, less than half the prospective buyers visited by a Renewal by Anderesen Sales Representative choose to purchase.
This is similar to prospective purchasers of Mercedes, BMW and Lexus products.
Not everyone wants or requires the best of class.
But, since 1995 millions of homeowners HAVE chosen to see the value in paying more for Renewal by Andersen.
Why is this such an issue for you Window Dog?
Andersen is a One Hundred Billion Dollar Company that owns multiple window lines serving multiple markets, including the vinyl window buyer.
I found the sales presentation and sales practices of Renewal by Anderesen not only professional, but quite congruent with my personal sense of integrity.
Perhaps this is why every year homeowners here in New Jersey choose to purchase tens of millions of dollars worth of Renewal by Andersen products, rather than the less expensive, lesser quality vinyl products you prefer to sell.
Bottom line:
Renewal by Anderesen isn’t forcing any homeowner to buy.
They are CHOOSING to buy.
Simply because they recognize that the Renewal by Andersen product & service IS a good value for the price they pay.
I wrote this because homeowners are searching the web for help, not confusion.
Rather than disparage the competition, I suggest homeowners take the opportunity to meet with an Andersen Representative in their home for a no obligation opportunity to ask questions and decide for themselves if Renewal by Andersen products are right for them.
Rather than take your, or anyone else’s word regarding them.
Thanks for taking the time to write. I completely agree that the products are pretty. Im not a huge fan of the warranty and some of the sales tactics I’ve heard of. Btw, Andersen is most certainly NOT a One Hundred Billion Dollar Company. Find 2014 info here. Did they tell you that as part of their pitch to you?
Good luck with your career move.
I’m not saying that Anderson is necessarily a $100 billion dollar company or not, but, the link you posted is simply stating their revenue and not their valuation. As a privately owned company it is not very easy to determine their valuation in order to validate or invalidate the previous poster’s point. Perhaps you might try adding up the net worth of all the beneficiaries of the Anderson brand, but even that sort of information is usually speculative.
That said, to simply try to discredit a poster on false information… Well, it only adds to me wondering who’s pitch has an undercurrent of being disingenuous ?
Hi Bryan, I’m not sure what you mean. The other commenter said Andersen was a $100 billion dollar company and it’s not. I was showing him that it’s not. I don’t believe he was talking about the value of the company and I also don’t think the value of the company would be 40x more than the annual revenue so don’t know if that’s too relevant. It’s not worth $100 billion no matter how you slice it.
That doesn’t mean Andersen can’t be a perfectly fine company, was just pointing out that it’s not a $100 billion company. That’s all.
Sorry, your link goes to Anderson Accounting…not windows…might want to double check your link.
Hi Michael, no need to be sorry. There are no outbound links in this post. The only links we have here link to other pages on this site. Nothing links to Andersen windows or Anderson Accounting that I can see. If you see anything that’s not working right just let us know where and we’ll be happy to help out.
We had a couple people out to talk to us about Windows. We had a local vinyl window company that pitched to us like a used car sales man and wanted us to buy Windows right then and there, and then we had Pella and RBA out. Pella did a good job but I compared RBA to a Mercedes dealer versus the vinyl window company that felt more like a used car sales man. We like both Pella and RBA but to be honest the price of RBA was cheaper than Pella! We couldn’t believe it and they have changed their warranty (for the better) a little so I would look that up. Needless to say we went with RBA!
Glad to hear you had a better experience than some other folks. What was different about their warranty? The one on their website today appears to be the same as it has been for quite a while.
I don’t think they’ve updated their website but the new warranty is 20 year limited warranty on glass, 5 year limited warranty on instillation, and 10 year limited warranty for components other than glass. So I think what changed was the installation warranty.
Interesting. I thought I saw the updated site a few days ago. Haven’t updated the post yet as I am going to do a little research first to make sure we’re sharing accurate info. At this point, from what I’ve most recently seen it looks like they did change the warranty. We’ll get to the bottom of it.
I’m pretty sure that’s right b/c it’s the information we were given and we now have Renewal by Andersen Windows and love them!!! I’m sure you could just call a show room and they could tell you. 🙂
I’m pricing windows and am completely shocked at the price of the lowest end of windows from rba. For 7 windows and a sliding door before current promotion it was almost $18,000. With discount it Washington still $15000. Also while reading the contract i found somethings that really have me concered. It states that the warranty is not in affect till final payment is made. So does that mean if i’m financing the project that i don’t have any warranty till its paid off? Also it states that they do not patch nail holes or caulk inside. And they are pushing and make you want to try to commit to the project on the first visit, and offer a 5 percent discount if you do. even after I mention to them that I have other companies already scheduled to come out to do estimates they asked me the specific names of the companies and then told me that I needed to do my due diligence on those other companies before even considering them but yet they were still pushing me for a commitment at that time that they were in my home. I think their windows are really over priced.
I question what warranty you (thewindowdog) are looking at? At no time was the RBA warranty as short or as limited as you continue to profess! This is the address (anyone who would like to actually see the warranty for themselves) you will need to type into your browser since no links are allowed here renewalbyandersen.com/homeowners/warranty This is a warranty landing page of sorts and on it you will find 3 different links at the bottom of the page titled (abbreviated) RBA windows installed prior to April 30, 2016, RBA windows installed May 1, 2016 – 12/31/2021, and RBA windows installed after January 1, 2022. The consumer would select the link that applies to them according to their needs. The mis information here is astounding!
Hi Kori, thanks for taking the time to write. I wasn’t aware that Renewal by Andersen had changed their warranty in 2022, but I’ll check it out. The info posted was based on reading the prior warranties. What specifically do you think I was wrong about? It’s been a while since I’ve read through them and we’re always happy to make sure we’re being as accurate as possible.
I just took a quick glance at the 2022 warranty and it looks pretty similar with basically the same limitations. I’d be curious to hear what you think I’m wrong about.
It does appear that they added a section saying their customers aren’t allowed to file a class action lawsuit against them. I don’t know if language like that is legal but it does seem unusual. I don’t recall seeing it in other warranties. Do you know if class action lawsuits are something they’re nervous about? I wonder what prompted that language to be added in 2022. If you have any insight on that I’d love to hear it.
Andersen in not a $100 Billion dollar company as this blow hard states. More misinformation from the uniformed.
You’ll see a fair bit of misinformation from some of these guys. We try to correct as much as we can. Thanks for taking the time to help.
I would agree as a purchaser of RBA windows. I had a little buyers remorse after purchasing, because of some bad reviews. But honestly our sales person did not push us, he simply presented us with viable options.
We decided to go all out, and also purchased some french doors. Our installers covered our entire house with carpet protective paper and they explained the entire process to us. In three days they replaced fifteen windows and my sliding door. Super impressed, best de cision we could have made….by the way we live in the brutality that is Colorado!! Hot Summers and Cold winters
How much were the French doors? We just kicked a RBA rep out of our house (and I mean rudely asked to leave, by me) when he quoted us $12,000+ for a standard set of installed doors IF we decided today. And this was with the “retired teacher” discount. He said our base price was $20,000 if we bought this year.
I later had to go look outside to see if there was a turnip truck parked nearby that he might have thought I fell off of.
Ha, last I heard they were selling Provia doors under their own label. They were acting like it was a “Renewal” door, but it was really a Provia door that you could get from many places. It’s possible this has changed, but I doubt it. Provia doors are nice and sometimes a little more expensive than people thing. We install their french doors in the range of $3500 all the time. That’s quite a savings from $12k, but it is possible that you picked more expensive options. They can get pricey, but probably not $12k pricey.
LOL…we just experienced the same thing!! A RBA rep quoted us on 2 replacement sliding French doors and 16 windows…$81,000 before discount, $62,000 after discount!! My wife and I couldn’t help it, and laughed the rep out of the house. The French doors were $32,000 ($16,000 each). I know they were near their top of the line, but come on. Needless to say, we will keep searching.
Ha, those must have been some fancy doors! Have you found another option yet?
In a previous home we installed Pella wood clad doors. We were very happy with them…although the RBA rep threw them down pretty hard due to a law suit filed in 2016. Anyhow, we will have them come in for an estimate and see where they land.
When one company is throwing down another company I’d discount pretty much everything they are saying. When someone decides to spend too much time talking negatively about the other guy it’s a sign that they don’t have too much positive to say about themselves.
“When one company is throwing down another company I’d discount pretty much everything they are saying. When someone decides to spend too much time talking negatively about the other guy it’s a sign that they don’t have too much positive to say about themselves.”
Window Dog, my friend. I decided to see what an “industry professional” has to say about window replacement projects. All I seem to be reading is you “throwing down” Renewal by Andersen, and spending a lot of time “talking negatively about the other guy”. You are obviously in the business and make your income from the sale of windows in some manner. I have found that Renewal by Andersen has a product that cannot be purchased or installed by any GC other than the liscenced market affiliate directly tied through DBA with the corporate brand, so that would make RBA your only “other guy” as you can buy every other window ether direct from manufacturer, big box, or lumber yards to sell and earn consumer business.
So to take your previously stated advice I will be “discounting pretty much everything you are saying” because “When someone decides to spend too much time talking negatively about the other guy it’s a sign that they don’t have too much positive to say about themselves.”
By the way I’v done some research into your claims that you then follow with “maybe they have changed” or “I might be wrong” and in most of the cases you are just wrong. Maybe do a little actual research instead of asking other people to send you stuff before you offer “advice” to people looking for honest, informed, and viable information.
Best of luck to you in your window business.
I appreciate the feedback. You’ll see my only real criticism is about their sales process and the claims made by some of their salespeople. I think the windows are perfectly fine and I think they’d sell a lot more of them if they treated people better. There are some comments from people saying they had a great experience and that’s great. There are enough comments about bad experiences that I’d be cautious. You can even read comments from many of their salespeople to hear it straight from the horses mouth.
Things have changed over the years. When we started this site they only had a 10 year warranty on the frames and they extended it to 20 years. That was a positive development for the customer. They do make a lot of claims that I think are not at all based in fact. When they do that I ask them if they have any documentation because I want to be accurate. You’ll notice they never have any which seems to reinforce my point.
If I am wrong about something I’ll be happy to update the info or write a post about it. I did that when they changed their warranty. When they make claims with no evidence I do think those claims are false. It strikes me as a challenging way to run a business, but they don’t ask for my advice.
We had a similar experience with RBA. The quote for replacing 20 windows, one French door and one sliding patio door was $85,000! The doors alone were over $28,000. We have 52 windows and two patio doors to replace on our 4,300-square-foot house. Based on this estimate, it will cost nearly $200,000 to “renew” our windows with RBA. The cheapest quote was for a 22-inch by 34-inch casement window in our kitchen: $2,166. REALLY?!?! When I researched window prices for our area–we live in the Denver suburbs–I saw estimates ranging from $300 to $700 for an average-sized window, which is larger than that kitchen window I would think. I can understand paying this much for a large picture window, but for a small casement window, that’s outrageous. I agree that the quality of the RBA window is good, but we can’t afford to spend all of our home equity on windows. We’ll never get that back on resale. Or will we? What’s the ROI for windows?
Here is why I am disappointed with renewal by Anderson from the Stamford,CT. First they measured for a patio door. Came to install and said that either I get someone to widen the opening or they had to push it out some to install it. I figured they knew what to do and let them do it. On 8/4/18 between 8&9am that morning was a torrential down pour. Mind u my family room is on lower level of araised ranch home. Water was coming in under the wood sill on the floor and mu wool rug ,thank god, took the brunt of the water. Mgr claimed it wasn’t from the door but when he went outside said I don’t know why it was installed it that way. I took pictures, they came out and reinstalled it but refused to compensate me because I had to pay $2,000.00 for a new laminate floor because I had only 8 planks to fix the ones that buckled. When the laminate was lifted to look under it the covering on the concrete floor squished when u stepped on it and water came out. Mind you I did not have water seep into the family room anywhere because I moved furniture and checked everywhere. When Hurricane Sandy hit and everyone had water pooling in their yards while I had the original patio door that was here when I moved in 7yrs ago, I only had some water in the utility room where the clean out pipe was because I found out the clay pipe under ground was cracked. I replaced that pipe after the storm but NO WATER came into the family room or 4th bedroom downstairs. When Andersen came out to fix the door again, the Mgrs claimed even the wood was not wet. That was 3 1/2weeks later on 8/30/18. They did not replace the wood on the ground for the frame of the door so there is no way he could claim all the wood was dry even for the ends of the sill inside that were dark colored on the ends from the door. SOOOOO, I will never ever suggest anyone buy Andersen Doors or Windows and not use the Stamford,Ct. Renewal by Andersen people. Btw, the Mgrs did not even remeasure the door opening to make sure the person who originally measured did not screw up. Ergo instead of the costing me almost $5,000.00 it really cost me $7,000.00 because I had to replace the whole floor because the previous owner only had 8 planks of laminate left over.??
Sorry to hear about your trouble.
Thank you, your review was very helpful.
If anyone has any questions concerning Renewal by Andersen windows, I would love to help. I am a service technician and I have been handling Renewal by Andersen warranty claims for the past six years. I know the ins and outs of this product. I am not a salesman, I am the fixer. I have also worked in new construction and remodeling for the past 16 years installing both windows and doors. I have worked with All-side, Ply Gem, CertainTeed, Larson, Pella, Marvin, and of course Andersen, along with some other off the wall vinyl products which vary from company to company, but in my experience a window is a window. It is an opening to the outside world. All of them have their issues. Personally, I am installing Renewal by Andersen in my home and I live in one of the most diverse climates in our nation, ranging from -40 to 105 degrees. RbA stands the test of climate change and time.
Service Pro:
I’m John, the contractor who wrote the comment preceding yours.
I’m intrigued by your posting following mine…and am impressed by your experience.
Window Dog is correct, I was mistaken; Andersen is not a 100 Billion dollar company.
I stand corrected.
My apologies.
My sole intention is to ascertain if the “Renewal” product is worth the price.
I can control my chosen sales tactics.
But I can not control the window market.
Simply put, my subsequent research has resulted in an interesting dilemma.
An educated consumer could pay approx $900 per opening for an Andersen 400 Series wood interior / vinyl clad exterior double hung window, which includes a very healthy $300 per opening installation labor charge…
In this market, that same customer could pay 55% more, or $1,400 per opening for the 100% Fibrex “Renewal by Andersen” product line, similarly installed.
Please tell me why an educated consumer might knowingly opt to pay an extra $10,000 or $15,000 for a 20 or 30 window job (respectively) for the privilege of choosing the 100% Fibrex “Renewal by Andersen” window,
rather than the local lumber yard “Andersen 400 Series” window, installed by a local contractor (?)
Same manufacturer.
Same warrantee.
Slightly different construction.
Hugely different pricing.
Are “Renewal by Andersen” customers simply ignorant of the Andersen 400 Series alternative?
Is there something that warrants spending $10,000 to $15,000 more for the “Renewal” product line?
That’s a 55% increase in price!
Furthermore, it is my understanding that “Renewal” salespeople actually sell non-Renewal patio doors from the standard Andersen portfolio, but at prices typically 100% higher than the customer could purchase the same exact patio doors from their local Andersen dealer (lumber yard)
Is this correct?
I’d love to make a very comfortable living selling the Remewal product line.
But not at the expense of (perhaps) overcharging prospective customers.
I am very interested to hear your response.
Thank you.
Actually, if you look at home depots pricing and compare expect same. Renewal guts it back to the studs and rebuilds the door in there!! Check home depot pricing on that.
Also Renewal sells a composite patio door + 5 others home depo does not
This is very interesting. I am in the research phase of replacing a window, 2 panel sliding door and 3 exterior doors. Recently purchased a 1994 year built house with Original Andersen doors and trying to replace sliding door since the stationary panel is damaged in the bottom. The wood is rotten in the corner. I am an average person who depends on others for advice. So I have contacted Andersen directly to find who can replace the window. They recommend to contact the local dealer and was told they will call me back. The local dealer in my area in Fl is Home Depot and another. So I am still waiting. In the meanwhile I saw renewal by Andersen and arranged for a meeting for a quote. The rep came and gave me 35K!! to replace sliding door and 3 hinged exterior door. Definitely I was shocked! I was very skeptical about Renewal. I wanted to know if they are part of Andersen. The rep mentioned they are part of Anderson, and he offered all his sales pitch to get me signed. I just got the quote and wanted to research about it.
Your post helped me understand there is a difference, the renewal and Andersen are different and products are different. Am I right? So if I want to replace my doors and window with the original, then I could get the product via Andersen deal and install them rather than going via Renewal. I have 96in x 96 in sliding door and 3, 36in x 96 in exterior doors. Can anyone advise how to get my doors and windows replaced? Thanks and I really appreciate.
If you’re looking at hinged doors the Renewal by Andersen dealers I’m familiar with are offering Provia doors under a private label. I don’t know if that’s the case in FL specifically, but you can usually find Provia doors many places. I once had a customer tell me that she had bought more expensive doors from Renewal for her house, but she was buying the cheaper doors from me for a rental house. You should have seen her face when I told her they were both Provia doors and we could help with any of the Provia models. This can be a funny business.
What’s your zip code? I may know someone to recommend.
Lol they don’t sell Provia doors and say they’re Andersen doors. They sell Provia front entry doors and let it be known that they’re Provia. They will sometimes sell Provia Hinged Patio doors but the Andersen patio door is a much nicer looking door and better product by far. And vinyl windows are cheap looking garbage. That’s why you won’t see someone with a high priced home buy plastic windows. I’ve seen HOA’s have homeowners that just installed plastic windows, remove them or face monthly fines of $500+ per month. They cheapen the look of the home and neighborhood. And due to their expansion rate they bow, warp, and twist very often. Doesn’t matter if it’s virgin vinyl or not. I have a plethora of pics that show these failures. Do you have any to show the failures of RBA Fibrex? I highly doubt it. And as far as the sales tactics, maybe some might be like that. But I’ve seen light years worse. RBA is transparent with their pricing. They don’t make phony phone calls to their bosses to see if they can get a lower price like a lot of companies out there when the rep already knows what their lowest price is. Talk about sleazy! Every company is looking for a 1 call close. And not just in the window and door industry. If you don’t want the same day price then don’t buy. RBA isn’t the only company that offers a same day. They know that if they have to keep coming back to the customers home that it takes away from the opportunity to make new sales calls. So for those people that know they like the product, the install, the company, the warranty, the service, and the salesperson, then they’re incentivized to do business that same day. It’s not for everybody. No one twists your arm. Get real. And if vinyl window lifetime warranties are so amazing then why do people get rid of their lifetime warranty vinyl windows so often? And give me a break with double lifetime vinyl windows. The company won’t even be in business for a double lifetime warranty to even be valid. What a joke. And RBA must be doing something right considering that they account for 1/3 of Andersen’s $3B revenue and growing! That is a whole lot of homeowners that overcame such awful sales tactics. Let me talk trash about your company. Oh wait a minute, I won’t do that because I’ve never worked there and you have never worked for RBA so until you do, you’re nothing but fake news.
Hi Dustin, thanks for writing in. Sounds like you might have an agenda here. What type of windows do you sell?
Hi John – I know this post is 5 years old but I’m in exactly the same position. I’m considering a career shift and feel good about the Andersen branding, but all of this negativity and backlash about their sales tactics has me really concerned about being out there representing them. Just wanted to see if you ever did follow thru with working for them, and what your experience has been like? Anyone else with experience, please feel free to chime in – I really appreciate any feedback.
Thanks so much!
I have RNA & have so much condensation in the inside & air leaks in through the seep holes that are in the inside. Thus ice on windows, cold air etc. RNA put some foam in the seep holes but still leak some.
They are to come out again.
Was talked into double sliders & you can feel the air & the latches do not lock tight & push the windows out from each other. RNA tried to fix it. Have to hold the sliders when closing or they do not seal.
We had a house audit done & added more insulation added another bathroom fan.
Live in central mountains of colorado.
Hi Mr. Service Pro, After reading Karen’s comment on her installation of patio doors, I am really nervous. I just bought patio doors from RBA and at $12,000 I do hope that I don6end up with a nightmare after installation of my patio doors. The RBA representative came by this week and took his measurements. This coming Saturday Sept. 14th, 2019 a service Technician will reinforce the measurements on the patio doors. I do hope we won’t end up having the same serious problem as Karen had with her installers on Sept. 8th, 2018. Their should be no reason to have an installation problem when two not one professionals confirm the measurements. We live in East Harlem and enjoy having good quality patio doors installed but we can’t afford unprofessional mistakes at our expense after hearing your great commercials about being so professional! We will come back to comment on our experience.
You’re site is a joke!
You censored my last comment.
Looks like you fear any challenge to your point of view.
Good luck
Youll need it
We don’t censor anything except blatant ads. I do have a pretty aggressive spam filter as the site gets over 100 spam comments each and every day, that’s 36,000 spam comments per year. If you don’t see anything posted please feel free to send me an email and we’ll figure it out.
Since you’re new to the industry you may want to tone down the accusations until you have a better idea of what is going on around you. It would make sense that you leave a meeting with a Renewal dealer thinking they’re the greatest thing out there. You’ll learn more about this business as you get into it. Good luck.
I have been thinking about replacing the 10 single pane windows in my home which was built around 1970. I happened to be in Home Depot one day and scheduled an appointment to have one of their rep come out and give me an estimate. The total to replace all 10 windows with Simonton 6100 came out to less than $8k, the rep emailed me the detailed quote and a contract that I could sign if I decided to move forward.
I then had the Renewal by Andersen rep come to give me a quote, which came to over $25k for their Firberx. He also told me that they would have to lower the sill on the windows in 2 of the bedrooms to meet code, (The Home Depot said nothing about having to expand the window). When I asked if he could email me the quite, he spouted of something about not being good with email, and wanting to play with his kids when he got home. He ended up taking a picture of the total and texting it to me. I was so shocked that he would not provide a detailed quote showing all the work they intended to do that at the time I did not push the matter.
I understand that the Simonton 6100 is a mid tear window and the Andersen is the top of the line, but I was still shocked at the price difference. Is the $17 K price gap made up for in quality, service and longevity? I could replace all the Simonton windows 3 times for the price of the Andersen windows.
Wow! This website has really been a great resource for my wife and me.
You’re right about Renewal by Anderesen Window Dog.
We allowed them to come to our home to quote 31 Windows.
The representative was polished and friendly. That’s about all the good things we have to say about our entire experience.
Our Renewal by Andersen experience can be characterized by 5 words:
Mis-statements of facts
Crimes of Omission
Outright Lies
Surreal Pricing!
We were told the following:
They don’t sell the Andersen 200 and 400 series Windows sold in lumberyards because “they are more expensive and they are New Construction Windows, not replacement windows”
Both statements are flat out lies.
We were told all about other types of Windows and other brands of Windows.
Especially the pricing of other brands and types.
We were told that “vinyl windows are built to last 5 years and cost $1,500 per window.
Both statements are flat out lies.
My favorite part was the slick “price drop” gimmick.
There’s the “guaranteed for 1 year price”
The “guaranteed for 30 day price”
And the “Buy tonight and save price”
The whole sales pitch is orchestrated to create the illusion that buying tonight gets you a super deal.
The truth is, it’s a manipulative ploy to get you to drink their Koolaide.
They’ve already TOLD you lied about why you should not by other TYPES of Windows and other BRANDS of Windows.
The deeply discounted “Buy tonight and save” ploy is designed to create the illusion of value AND prevent you from comparison shopping, since they’ve already filled you head with inaccurate product and pricing misinformation designed to lull you into buying their extremely expensive “Fibrex” product.
How overpriced?
Their “buy tonight and save” quote AFTER huge discounts for 31 Windows was $45,000!
That’s about $1,400 per opening!
Fact: We can have 31 Andersen 400 series Windows installed for less than
That’s less than $800 per window installed!
A savings of $600 per opening!
A total savings of $21,000!
And, we get the same 20 year warranty on the glass and 10 year warrantee on the mechanicals.
By the way…
They also quoted us something like $4,600 installed for an Andersen Patio door… The SAME exact Andersen patio door we could buy at the lumberyard for less than $2,000.
It was NOT “Fibrex”. It was literally the same door Andersen sells through lumber yards.
That’s crazy!
And here’s why it’s so expensive.
“Renewal by Andersen” as it turns out is NOT exactly the same as the Andersen Company we all have known for 100-plus years!
Renewal by Anderesen is “an Andersen Company” just exactly as its printed on Renewal by Andersen literature.
Renewal by Andersen is simply a Non-Direct sales channel for Andersen.
It’s a dealer network. There are about 100 independently owned dealer-franchises nationally.
It’s like Dunkin Dougnuts!
Each dealer is independently owned.
It’s a marketing machine.
That’s why the windows are so expensive!
Do you realize that the salesperson who sells you $45,000 of Renewal by Andersen Windows by spending 2 to 3 hours at your kitchen table makes 10% of your purchase price in commissions?
That’s $4,500 for 3 hours “work” convincing you not to comparison shop.
It’s YOUR $4,500 you overpaid to support that dealer’s marketing machine costs!
The Andersen Company is allowing “Renewal by Andersen” dealers to trade off their hard-won reputation at the expense of unsuspecting consumers.
It’s hard to believe, but it’s true.
Window Dog, you are CORRECT!
The “renewal” product line IS a pretty window.
But it comes at an obscene 50% premium cost over not only alternative Andersen products, but over dozens of alternative manufacturer’s product offerings as well.
We are sooo glad we did our homework and exercised our good judgement by not falling for those underhanded sales gimmicks!
We’ve written this to persuade others to do the same.
Your windows are going to last for decades!
Don’t jump the gun and waste It’s like if he doesn’t set an appointment he’s not going to eat this week!!! by falling for slickly choreographed sales hype.
Put those thousands of dollars into your 401-k or children’s college fund, not you “Renewal by Amdersen’s” salespersons pocket.
Best of luck to you!
Buyer beware.
Hi George, I’m sorry you had to go through that process, but I do thank you for sharing your experience!
Unfortunately we’ve heard this same story time after time.
Thanks for helping the readers to know what to expect if they want to consider this company.
I had a similar experience with surreal pricing from RBA. $44,000 for 27 windows – over $1600 per window, and all but two were standard size. I don’t understand how anyone could justify paying that much for windows. Many people get new windows to save money on energy bills. How long would it take to break even on that investment? I’d guess at least 30 years.
Just got a visit by a RBA salesman. The reason I would let he in is because I know Andersen is a top of the line window manufacturer and the visitation is free plus my windows are failing. The salesman came and looked at the ten vinyl windows I intended to replace and quoted me around $23000. So I told him that price is way out of my expectation. He then knocked it down to around $16000. I’m from NYC metro area, so I know these numbers are just totally negotiable especially when they are up in the stratosphere. So I told he I need to think about it and took his business card before he left. While he was here, I took a close examination of the fibrex window sample he brought with him and I must say the construction of the sample windows is really top notch and I really like the fibrex material that this window is made of. Of course, his main selling point is that fibrex frame isn’t going to rot, warp or contract which are the main causes of failures that are typically associated with windows made of wood or vinyl. Before he came, I did do a little research online on Andersen window that are sold through the big box store and I thought I will probably go with the plain vanilla double hung 100 or 200 series that’s gonna cost me $400 to $800 including installation. I’d no idea what the differences are between the Andersen windows sold through HD and RBA. So I told him that’s what I thought they would cost. He then told me those sold through HD are prefabricated windows and they’re not replacement windows which means you probably can’t find your size. Anyway, that’s a lie because you can custom order them from HD up to certain size. So now I need to compare the quality of the Andersen windows from HD and checking their prices and I doubt they’re going to as high as the one quoted by RBA.
RBA quote for 18 windows and a french door: $60,000
I’ve got the Home Depot contractor coming out later this week to give me a quote on the Andersen 100 Series windows. We recalled that the RBA salesman said that Home Depot only sold “new construction”, not “replacement” windows, so I asked the guy at HD. He assured me that they are replacement windows.
George’s comment perfectly represented my experience with RBA.
Well, all I can do is cross my fingers and pray. I did not do my due dilligence and signed with RBA in the presence of my usually money-conscious brother. It wasn’t until tonght that I realized I was paying roughly $2,000 per unfinished window. (The customer is responsible for staining the wood veneer.) An expensive lesson for a novice home owner. They had better be damned good!
Have they been installed yet and how do you like them?
I agree with you fully. They tried to tell me that it would be almost $18,000 for 7 windows and sliding door. Their bottom line and no fancy extras.
They didn’t tell you half of that info, so if any one is flat out lieing is you.
Little do you know George, that vinyl window companies sales people make even more per deal. They get overages. Do you know what that means? They will give you a high price and try to sell it to you to see if you will go for it. They get 50 cents on the dollar over and above their regular commission for what they sell above their par pricing. If they don’t get you there they will call their boss and ask them if they can use your home as a showcase home for “marketing” purposes. But they already know how low of a price they can go to. And I have seen plenty of plastic window companies with higher prices than RBA. Hope your lumber yard install was great. And hopefully they stand behind their work. Good luck.
I had a rep come to the house and while talking he just assumed I’d welcome an inspection. I had contacted them about a year prior for an estimate on replacing windows on my home. The first price was way out of the ball park. Then they claimed to call their boss who lowered the price. Still out of the ball park. The second and third calls proceeded to lower the cost considerably. But as we were only seeking estimates, they refused to leave until we signed a contract. They kept pushing to sign a contract for hours even though we asked them to leave numerous times to the point of calling the police to escort them out, they left. But when we asked for the estimate that we were told would be good for one year, they said they couldn’t leave it as it was a special reduced price and not subject to the agreement of the 1 year lock.
Bringing up to today, they showed up on a Saturday claiming they had an appointment. I refused to let them in the front door as I didn’t recall setting up any appointment. I explained I talked to a rep about two days prior but they insisted on coming in for a free inspection because they had an appointment to give a free estimate. I had to ask numerous times who set the appointment and they said my father did. My father has Alzheimer so I failed to see how he could have talked to anyone as he never leaves my sight, and wasn’t home when the rep showed up. With them at the door, we called the main office and they said they had us on record from about a year ago.
So that’s when I remembered our horrific situation with them one year ago when they wouldn’t leave until we threaten to call the police.
And though the reps were outside my door, they kept insisting to give a free inspection in spite of our insistence on saying No. These people don’t take no for an answer and will bug the hell out of you. This is no way to do business.
That must’ve been extremely frustrating. We appreciate you sharing your experience to help the readers of this site.
I am a homeowner and I have had Renewal By Andersen products of 4 windows and 1 sliding glass door. I have been completely satisfied, except for the price.
My dining room is the only room remaining with 2 original windows from when my condo building was constructed in 1989. I am contemplating on having them replaced as they are slightly drafty and do not match the other windows.
My electric bill has never been outrageous, even before the first 2 windows were replaced. I am uncertain if the RBA price of $1,346 per window (at least 2013 price) is worth it, although there is a sale of buy 1 get 40% off a second. I doubt the energy saver tax deduction for windows will continue.
I have compared RenewalBy Anderson with Anderson 100 series, which are similar, but not exactly the same. $327 at home depot excluding installation, vs about $1,600 from RBA. That comes up to about $1,200 for installation once you calculate in the extra materials. 1 man and a kid can do the install in about 3 to 4 hours. $300 to $400 per hr is pretty steep, but it is no different than taking your car in for repairs. Buyer beware.
Can I fix your car next time? Please? 🙂
I am a customer who has some experience with replacement Anderson French doors and will have to begin replacing the many aluminum windows in our house that have begun to fail.
I came to this website because I was interested in a discussion of the comparative strengths and weaknesses of different windows and, instead, found a lengthy blog about Renewal by Anderson products and sales tactics. I was a bit annoyed that one poster characterized budget-conscious buyers as “bottom feeders” which is disrespectful. Buyers who have a limited budget are as concerned with buying the best product for their money as those who have an unlimited budget.
Customers who do their research and due diligence will spend the time and energy to shop for the window/door type and price point they want and can afford. Having lived with builder installed vinyl and aluminum windows, we are ready for something nicer; but we do, indeed, have a budget. I’m no fan of composition type materials but that is a matter of taste and expectation for a product. Anderson wood doors are beautiful and built well, although we have had some minor problems with set screws falling out of handles. Anderson also doesn’t include factory finishing on all of their products, leaving that to the customer with expectations that the customer will finish the wood to Anderson’s specifications within 14 days of the installation in order to maintain the warranty on the product. That has been a huge surprise.
Considering the cost of these products (materials and installation), one would expect the company to finish all wood doors and windows so that they meet factory specifications and stand by their product. I mention this because even a company like Anderson doesn’t always do the right thing.
I understand that misinformation runs rampant on the internet, as well as being passed along by overzealous sales persons. I recommend that careful buyers research all sources, talk to people who have had the product installed (and have lived with it for a while since problems don’t always appear soon after), and weigh the pros and cons. Find a good installer.
No product is perfect and nearly all require the buyer to make some kind of allowance or compromise; these are huge investments and buyers want the best value for their dollar regardless of the price. In spite of the shortcomings, Anderson still offers the most variety of materials, finishes, and styles at a reasonable price.
Now, can anyone talk about the Anderson E-Series products? I understand that it used to be Eagle widows and doors and have heard “horror stories” from salesmen and installers about this product line. Has Anderson improved this or not? We like the wood options that the E-Series offers but we don’t want to compromise on quality.
Thanks for writing a very reasonable response. I have an Andersen wood sliding door that came with my house. I don’t know how much it cost as the previous owner bought it, but I’ll say it’s very nice.
The Renewal by Andersen salespeople (including the ones who have posted here) can have a reputation for being a little aggressive.
I used to use Eagle Windows exclusively. Never had a problem except that one time they changed some specs after I ordered and before I received the product and I had to make rough opening adjustments.
The only other problem I had was that Masco (the previous owners of Eagle) had chosen to distribute through a large garage door sales company and the staff knew nothing about windows.
Installers often have problems installing good windows, because they rarely read the instructions. Many may not have that capability at all. I have seen people with “20 years experience” screw up even the most basic window installations. These people really have 2 weeks experience 520 times.
As for vinyl, I would consider vinyl in a workshop or basement remodel, but that is about it. Most are garbage, though the higher end ones keep getting better, but they do warp, deteriorate from UV rays, and crack in severe hail or in situations where Fibrex, fiberglass, and aluminum clad windows will not be damaged. To evaluate the strength, ask to see the results of the IZOD impact tests. This is a standard test done to all plastics and most composites.
Hi Kevin, thanks for chiming in. I just don’t think it’s true that nice vinyl windows have any issues at all with warping or hail. We have customers in Florida and Houston with no issues at all. If the window is installed correctly it will hold up for a very long time, even in harsh conditions.
It is true that early vinyl windows weren’t as durable, but that’s an issue that has been solved for many years.
Show me no labor costs but show me outrageous cost of glass
do your homework before you go with renewable by Anderson might be shocking when you get the bill. Spoke with a representative in Omaha what a Jerk.
Let’s be honest why you don’t like Renewal by Andersen. You sell windows for Window Universe. You cannot sell the Renewal line of Andersen so you obviously don’t like them. Your site is a complete scam. You are unethical in your tactics and just trying to trick people into buying something you sell.
Thanks for taking the time to write Mark. I try to be as objective as I can. I’ve said that Renewal by Andersen windows are pretty. What I don’t like are the sales tactics that I’ve heard about from several customers and the short warranty on the Fibrex frames. You can read some of the comments from other readers on this page to get an idea of what I mean. There are many options for great windows out there, folks can certainly pick anything they’d like.
One could say the same thing about your bias. If you work for a Renewal by Andersen dealer then you can only sell those products. You have to say they’re great because you can’t sell anything else.
You guys are still selling the private label Provia doors right? I had a customer tell me they were something different which was news to me. I think they were probably misinformed, but you can probably confirm for us.
So happy I found your site. I got two quotes today to replace 4 bedroom windows in a 50-year-old tri-level home. The first contractor quoted for high-end vinyl windows at about $700/window (with new interior moldings) and a life-time warranty. Then the Anderson Renewal guy showed up and gave me every single one of the pitches mentioned in the various posts here. He was not unpleasantly aggressive, but he did offer a special discount if I signed immediately. Even with the discounts he offered, however, the bill for the 4 windows came to $6500. My husband and I were totally torn trying to come to a decision — worried that the vinyl would be unreliable — and were seriously thinking of going with the Renewal installation. After reading the many comments here, I feel like I’ve just been saved from walking off a financial cliff. Thank you for providing this informative site.
I was reading your post about your experience w/ Andersen Renewal. My husband and I got a quote from an Andersen Renewal rep on windows for our home. I was wondering what windows you ended up getting and how satisfied you are w/ them? Any other info would be so appreciative as I am finding this task daunting to say the least. Thank you.
Talk about irony, an RBA representative accusing someone else of sales tricks and suspect ethics. I agree with Window Dog, it is a nice looking window, and from what I gather not half bad. As previously mentioned, the aggressive sales, propensity for giving misinformation about vinyl windows, poor warranty, and generally high price are what turn most people off.
So first off I’m a canvaser for Remewal by Anderson and how dare you window dog sit here and write lies! Vinyl windows do indeed warp which is caused from the son which leads to seal failure. Do you know what that leads to? Here I’ll tell you, that means that the argon gas that’s in between the glass has been released and that’s what keeps your windows energy efficient so when that’s gone this causes drafts and condensation on a window during a rain shower.
Condensation on windows is an unwanted problem and it can and will cause dampness, mold, health issues, wood rot, corrosion, weakening of mortar and masonry walls, and this means not only a larger energy bill but it also means you can whined up paying more to fix not just plastic Windows (vinyl windows) but also fixing the walls outside your house. I know this for a fact! I see it everyday and the sad thing is window dog your telling people that plastic windows are just as good as our Renewal by Anderson fibrex windows. Dude get a grip just because you can’t afford them doesn’t mean you should be bashing them. Also we have amazing promotions to make our windows affordable and who says get them all done at once? Your so stupid and lame!
I believe that your boss told you that and you believe her. Unfortunately that doesn’t make any of your comments true. If you were legitimately offering a great value to customers you wouldn’t need to resort to misinformation and name calling to get people to buy your products.
I have Andersen casement windows and a sliding door in my house (came with the house) and they’re very nice. I think Andersen is a fine company with a great history. You should probably check with the marketing department before you post too much more. You’re not helping their efforts.
“You’re not helping their efforts” = HUGE UNDERSTATEMENT.
Ha, I was trying to be diplomatic.
Jonathon, try using a spell-check before you post. Your many spelling errors make you sound like a rube.
Good website. My wife and I are beginning the process of replacement window shopping and all postings have been helpful. Thank you very much. We are replacing 38 year old Andersen vinly clad wood casement windows which have given us good service over the years. But due to numerous glass, wood rot and window hardware failures over the last 5 years, we must replace the windows. We have already shopped for vinyl replacement windows and had one in home estimate. The vinyl windows we have shopped all seem to be comparable in quality and price. What I have found is that a quality installation is the key to satisfaction. I have seen some vinyl window installations that appear to be holding up very well over time. We would not hesitate to install them in our home. I was very curious about the fibrex material that RBA touts as superior. I am trying to set up an appointment with our local RBA franchise but have yet to receive a return call. Before I have a salesperson come to my home I will always visit a showroom to touch and feel the product. Based on what I have read here it will be interesting to see if I will be invited to their showroom since their website says that is by appointment only. Thanks for all of the very useful information.
Hi Gary
Be careful on thinking all vinyl windows have the same quality. They range from really great Windows to really horrible windows. In many cases the best way to do a window it is not a replacement , but a new construction installation from the outside. I have used many kinds of windows for moderate-priced really nice window my go-to has been Harvey.
Thank you for your very informative website – I met with an Rba rep last night and was shocked at the price and how long it took them to come up with an actual price! ($1621.50 each – then in order “to seal the deal tonight” they added a “free” window to make the final price $1390 each) I just want people to know this before spending 3 hours with the rep.
Thanks for sharing that info!
Dan H. arrived at our home this morning at scheduled time to swap out two damaged screens & to do some “pick-up” work on the interior moulding as some nail heads were not flush with the trim. Very personable & professional! Kudos!
These F’ers are selling a $229 window for only $1600 if you buy tonight! Bet u want a know how I know? Seen the bills and the margins are 300 percent. You may make it back on heating and cooling but still very expensive.
That being said when canvassing I see tons of homeowners with nothing but Terrible plastic Windows, vinyl is just another name for plastic. And none have been the renewal window but I think only available last 15 years or so.
Hey if your rich buy them. I am sure the owners could use another million.
Thanks for the input, we just had a RBA rep and all the above tactics were applied, in addition of how all other installers will just take a tool and crunch old frame causing damage to our siding and just cover up afterwards, we are in the PNW so not alot of extreme temps, but for 21 windows was quoted 75k, but with discounts 51k so 2.4k per opening. Was a bit taken aback at the cost.
He was in the house for 2.5 hours and refused to give us an itemized quote, just a quote w/ 2 years no interest, or other financial options.
The search continues.
I’d rather have a limited warranty by a company that has been around over 100 years than a lifetime warranty from a company that changes it name every ten years to avoid liability.
That’s a great point. I do always recommend looking for well established manufacturers. We see some of the unfortunate stories about smaller manufacturers on the site.
I suggest you look at ALL of the exclusions in vinyl/wood window warranties , compare it to RBA’s and see the difference! One of the biggest mistakes people make while shopping for Windows is not reading warranty disclaimers. I’m sure there are a lot of satisfied customers with all of these products. I feel the lifetime warranties are misleading because of all of the exclusions which usually start with installation. Renewal by Andersen is the replacement division of the original Andersen entity. The warranty covers Install,glass,frame,parts,labor. As far as sales pitch! I’m sure everybody has had a bad experience with unprofessional salespeople no matter what company! It’s all about the customers needs and goals. People should keep shopping until they find a professional salesperson!
I had a RBA rep come by had to give up at least 90 mins of my Saturday because it was required both me and my wife be here. Very likable guy seamed very knowable. But like everyone has said, he did bash the look the quality and the design of vinyl and fiberglass windows. He had us convinced that there was no other options anything else we would be wasting our money and be call him in 5 years to replace another vendor. Now he did not bash a brand had he done that I would of called him out. So after nearly 4 hours my pregnant wife needed to eat so we ended up offering him lunch. Like I said I was a likable guy. We ended up winding it down close to 6 hours late. I really wanted to get more info from other dealers but he kinda made me feel like I would be dumb to do so. We ended up getting a special financing deal and moving forward with the sale. As soon as he left I felt like I had been taken advantage of. I called Pella had them come out and she made it right making sure we were not fooled by the sales gimmicks of RBA showed her samples and did explain how the contractor made windows that are put in in some new construction and even some replacement windows that are out there can be bad like the RBA guy said. But you can’t group all vinyl windows together.
With Pella we are able to do 4 more window for the same price and not only that but Pella is going to tear out the whole nose sill and brick molding around the window and replace it. RBA was only replacing a partial nose sill where it was bad rott.
The whole reason we wanted to get windows was due to the wood rot. That and the windows are 25years old and drafty.
We are going to cancel the order with RBA and may get more bids and see other products.
We just sat through a 3 hours presentation of the Renewal by Anderson. We are looking to replace about 18 window and 4 siding glass doors. I have to admit that I do love the Fibrex window and they are very “pretty” Plus they seem very well made…. But then I was sent over the cliff with the shock when the prices started rolling out. They totally lost me when he started with the “the price is only good today crap” I cant stand that!!!!! Why pressure someone into a deal when they are obviously fixing to spend ALOT of money and want to make a educated decision? Even though I do think their product is great… We said no. Is there other options out there that offer a quality window such a the Fibrex window? And what gets me… Is if there product is so good, why the aggressive sales pitch? Let the window sale themselves if I buy today, next week, or next month? We were not ready to get started on our project right away and were getting prices… I wasn’t ready to make the decision right away. Bottom line…. I think they are hurting themselves by the pressure sales.
You’re asking the right questions. If they were really confident that the products compared well with the competition and the pricing represented a good value there would be no reason to try to get you to sign up right this second. When in your life have you spent $20 to $30k in just a couple hours without considering your options? Why would you do it for windows? In my mind a company that operates that way is telling you that they know they have a bad value. They know as soon as you have a minute to explore the options you won’t be calling them back. It’s a really old fashioned way to do business.
Check with Angie’s List to see who else is offering wood windows in your area. You can probably find a product with a better warranty at a better price.
We just had Renewal by Andersen come to give us a quote. The guy was here about an hour and a half. He didn’t pressure us at all and didn’t even give us the quote today. He said he would email it tomorrow and it would be detailed line by line. He also let us know that the warranty is now 20 years for the frame (as of May 1st). Install is 5 years. We’ll have to see what the quote looks like, but just wanted to share that different franchises probably operate a little differently as far as sales tactics.
I’m sure there are great people in every business. I sold used cars in college, was pretty good at it, and I’m a friendly guy. They must have some friendly people too. Here’s the relevant section of the Renewal by Andersen warranty straight from their website. I just pulled this today, May 6th. They have 20 year coverage on their insulated glass (other manufacturers do lifetime on this too), but the section on the fibrex frames and sashes still says 10 years. Their site also still shows 2 year warranty on installation. Did they give you a copy of the warranty or just make a promise? If they gave you a copy please send it over and I’ll happily post it and update any info.
Here’s the warranty from their site:
Nothing in writing yet. He said they are still updating their materials. If I decide to go with them, I would definitely require it in writing before purchasing. He seemed genuine in saying they upped the warranty, but who knows.
It may be true, just seems strange they haven’t updated their site. If there is something new we always like to know about it. If anyone finds a copy of a real warranty feel free to send over.
They emailed me the updated warranty and it looks like they’ve also updated the website:
It looks like they have, we’ll update some of the content. That’s a good move, maybe we helped out!
I have no interest other than telling you my story.
I have about 45 Andersen windows in my 5,000sq foot Victorian. I was a contractor over ten years ago and gutted my mini NYC mansion. I had installed New Construction Andersen, Andersen Replacement Wood wrights Casements, Double Hung and Plastic Home depot windows in my basement for Time constraint reasons.
Fast forward 10 years, My Andersen’s ALL are performing the same as the day I installed them. My plastic basement windows FAILED almost immediately within 2 years. Now that I can’t do physical labor (I’m older) I hate the fact that I have to repeat this job again.
I paid about 400k in improvements in a 2 million home and knew Andersen was the best. Still No Argument after Ten Years.
In Short, I cut corners in my basement just because I could and now I’m sorry. Prices of Andersen is now higher. Yes they are very heavy windows and you better bring someone to help you or be young or Pay Andersen Renewal Installers. Oh yeah, anything that comes in plastic RUN you’ll be sorry and it looks cheap… I see my short cut reminder everyday which negates all the expensive stuff I did. Just BUY Andersen windows and pay up. Don’t be a cheap lazy bastard it will be with you like a bad tattoo I know.
You’re absolutely right that cheap windows will give you bad results. Don’t paint all vinyl windows with such a broad brush. We just installed beautiful windows in the home of a foreign ambassador in Washington DC. Easily a multi-million dollar home that is frequently used for entertaining. There are nice vinyl windows, but you won’t find them at Home Depot.
Wondering what you thought about QUALITY of RBA Fibrex and Pella higher end Fiberglass windows. We’ve priced out both and are aware of the sales pitches and pricing differences.
We are interested in the quality of the window and any known benefits of one or the other. Thanks in advance.
I’m not aware of any quality differences between the 2. Maybe someone else will chime in. I tend to recommend real wood windows with a clad exterior over the fake wood windows of either a composite or fiberglass. With real wood you can also get a 20 year warranty on the frames and then you have the real thing instead of an imitation.
If you want one of those 2, I would put them in the same boat as far as quality. Maybe someone else will chime in with another opinion.
I still dont understand why anyone would go rba over 400 series. 400’s are better quality and quotes are cheaper than rba. I really think andersen is doing long term damage being associated with the rba sale tactics.
I agree. They could change their tactics, sell a ton of windows and better maintain their reputation. It’s strange to me that they don’t do that.
Greg and Adam were very professional, friendly and clean during the course of the day of installing our Andersen windows on 27 May 2016.
My two-story house turns 50 years old this year (built in 1966). It’s in what I consider a fairly harsh midwest environment – temperatures range from -10 to 110 annually, and it’s not unusual to have 30mph steady winds. We had debated replacing the windows for several years since the originals are single-pane and were built on-site by the carpenters. A previous owner added high-quality storm windows about 40 years ago so the original wood frames haven’t had a lot of direct weather exposure.
After reading sites like this, we’ve decided to keep the original single-glazed windows and just go through and re-putty any loose glazing. We had an energy efficiency team out a couple of years back and they were amazed at how tight the original windows were (around the frame gaps was leaky due to no insulation but the windows themselves were as good as anything he’d seen).
The bottom line is that I can spend maybe $1000 in high-quality materials and paint, and with a fair chunk of my spare time over a summer (no big deal) bring these old wood windows back to new condition that have a PROVEN 50 YEAR FIELD HISTORY of: no glass breakage, no condensation (due to the large unsealed buffer gap between the window and the storm window) and no warping (old growth forest for the frames). All the original hardware works and is still attached with the original screws. Every single window operates smoothly and locks flawlessly. There are no adjustments and none are needed. There are no double-pane seals to break. The only rot in 50 years is some of the brick molding around the outside, which I will also replace (with a PVC product).
Old school doesn’t mean bad. It doesn’t even mean inefficient. We’ve priced new windows, and even with me doing the installation the realistic payback period on a mid-range vinyl product is 20-30 years, and it sounds like many of them won’t make it that long.
I’m only bringing this up because for some people, replacement may not even make sense. Certainly at RBA’s inflated prices you will probably never recoup the cost from energy savings unless you currently have gaping holes. I ask potential window dealers for 50-year transferable warranties to match what I have and they look at me like I’m nuts.
I’d rather live in a newer house. The energy costs of this one are pretty high. However, I can throw that $20k that other people are spending on windows into a whole-house insulation package and realistically cut the energy use in half, something new windows will never do. Examine all your options first, don’t be swayed by the hard sales tactics (we’ve sat through our share of them), and don’t assume that what you eventually buy is going to be better than what you already have 10 years from now. 🙂
Old windows do have a lot of character. It’s great that you’re taking the time to keep them in such good shape.
This has been a very informative website. I had a presentation a couple days ago by a knowledgeable and personable RBA salesperson. Yes, he did try to close the deal that night with special offers, but basically told him that I needed to do some comparison shopping before committing to an expense that high. Granted this was only for a eight foot picture window with sliders. The price was around $6200 with all the discounts.
My wife and I do want to get a high quality window for what is the largest glass area in the house. Even if the RBA window lived up to its reputation, we don’t have the money available to pay extra for an ultra-premium window. What would a step down be from an Andersen RBA: a high quality wood clad window by Andersen or Pella?
For example, we use Jeld Wen and Whether Shield for wood windows in our stores with good results. Might be worth a look.
Hi, TheWindowDog,
Many thanks for your review of Andersen. I was sure I was having some sort of weird LSD flashback this a.m. when an Andersen rep showed up at my house and was rude from start to finish. (I ended up throwing him out of the house.) I am glad to see that I may not have been not as crazed as I thought I was.
The rep began his sales call by hinting that his windows were too good for the likes of me, peasant that I am. And things went *down* from there.
So, thanks again for your original review. Wish I’d read it before I called them for an appointment.
Ha, I suspect an LSD flashback would have been more fun!
Let me start with one of my favorite quotes, “Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” – Abraham Lincoln
I read over half-way through this site and found a couple posts that hit home.
I had 12 windows quoted by Renewal by Anderson. Just over $53,000. Granted, 2 of them are 10 feet wide by 5 feet high, bigger than average. My 2×5 window she said was $3200 to replace. Quotes for the 12 windows via Cascade and Atrium, for ALL windows were under $2k. Granted that is without installation.
So, 5 windows from RBA? $17 or $19K, 122 months at $178 a month. 7.9% financing.
Check a place in town – take out the little window RBA said would be $3200. Fiberglass Milgard Essence series windows, $4300.
Another contractor, same 5 windows as RBA – $5090. 11. HIS installation? $125 per window, $200 apiece for the big windows. This contractor has over 7 years experience, has worked with 4 or 5 window makers and knew his stuff. (I based what he said to the other sales people I spoke with.) He also inspected and suggested NOT replacing other windows that simply didn’t need to be replaced. He showed me the stamp that proved the glass had been replaced on most of the current windows in my house. He also said I don’t NEED to replace any windows. Weather efficiency gain would be noticeable, yes. I want to do it as a preventive measure, and home improvement.
I sense this is an “Everybody against RBA Window” comparison. Much like Car and Driver used to compare everything to BMW. Sure, RBA is great. So is my current car – NOT a BMW. I could by a BMW, but financially it’d be a poor decision.
As another contractor put it, ‘Are Anderson windows and frames better than everybody else? Yeah. Is it worth it? I don’t thinks so.’
Do I WISH I could afford RBA? YES! It’s a bit of a stretch, so I opted out. I’ll keep my fingers crossed, like the rest of us, that our not top-shelf windows will suffice for years and years to come.
And yes, the sales person immediately started to bash a vinyl window in my house. It wasn’t closed all the way, and she was almost disappointed when she closed it – perfectly. She tried to wiggle it, but it hardly moved.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I don’t think Renewal windows are better than anything else, but they are nice. There are other nice windows too. Love that quote from honest abe!
I am starting a home scam blog warning homeowners of unscrupulous companies like RBA. Came across this great blog and decided this product, will be the feature of my very first issue.
After doing my own due diligence I have exciting news to share with readers of your blog.
Firstly if you really like these windows you can actually buy them for much, much, much less than being offered by “Your” salesperson. What you say? Tell me how? I will in a moment.
Secondly, I have uncovered that Renewal by Andersen corporate has issued an inspection of all windows “for free” due to defects in the glass. Do you know what that is called? Tell you shortly.
Lastly do your homework no matter which window you buy, but especially with this one as I have spoken to many owners of these windows and the complaints keep coming. And I am not talking about sales tactics but rather satisfaction with the product. Hint… Bulky materials and loss of glass especially with one model of window. See below.
Ok let’s get started. After reading this blog about RBA I did my own investigative research including but not limited to calling for an estimate, calling for a job interview to sell these puppies, asking my neighbors if they own any and several other sneaky things to get to the bottom of this.
What did I find?
The estimate price was indeed insane, crazy over the top and some thing in the order of $33,000.00 for 13 window one of which is a small bay in my kitchen ( which I was told was over 12k)
The position sounded like a dream job. Stay at home all day working a easy schedule 1,2,3 preset appointments a day and make 150k a year. And that was if I had 0 experience! More seasoned reps pull in 400k and they take a lavish company trip if they sell over 1 million a year something almost every rep does. And the commission structure is huge and based on your success rate i.e. closing rate. ( at this place batting 20 percent is considered ok and 25 percent makes you a bundle.)
After asking my neighbors if they had any I found 4 of 30 that did. And they all loved the window with the exception of several things. One was that there seems to be a “Factory recall” as you can guess after paying 3 times the going rate for small casements and gliders this didn’t sit well. But at least the company was proactive and is fixing the frost ( mind you that the homeowner wasn’t even aware of) for free. The biggest complaint the owners had wasn’t the price but rather the loss of glass. That’s right a window which is mostly glass had far less than desired. Like 3″ on each side! Crazy right? But true! And I know for sure as the homeowners showed me several more that they would have liked to do but couldn’t because THE PRICE WAS TOO HIGH! So apparently these good customers were willing to pay more for the advanced technology, the one stop shop feature, the great written warranty but hated that their 26″ x 60″ casement with 20″ of glass side to side became 14″ of glass. They were UGLY! And it was because they didn’t get full frame window but replacement.
And as I promised I can get you a deal on these if you want but you’ll have to stand for the entire Brooklyn bridge show to qualify. So how can you get another 20 percent off the price? Drummmmm Rolllllllll Pleaseeeeee! Don’t buy. Huh? Say what? That’s correct. If and when you have 3-6 hrs to kill be nice, offer water, snacks and make the sale man who is playing you for a sucker think your being his best friend. Then politely ask for his card and explain how you have a uncle who you need to talk to about major projects like this ( even though it’s not really major it’s just windows not rocket science) and you’ll call him in the am. And when he leaves just call the company and speak with someone who is in charge. When you do ask them what is really the best so they can do. That’s it! Simple as 1,2,3,4,5….. They will immediately tell you they will give you the salespersons “COMMISSION!” Which in most cases is 12 percent- how else do you think they earn mid 6 figures? So my 33k estimate (which was really much higher before promotions )came down to 26k.
And although I still didn’t buy I did learn an awful lot. And much of the blabber above is true including that they are beautiful ( as long as your not buying a casement that isn’t a full frame) sturdy, heat lamp resistant effective ( I get it but do we truly need that in my Long Island home it never gets that hot) titianium glazed window but they are way out of my league.
Once I calculated the cost of ownership the pros and cons, I realized the only ones who benefit here are the greedy corporate executive who dreamed up all of this.
I guess this is why Andesen disavows this entity by calling it something else. ( doubt it just buy them and you see these are diva RBA but company is something else, can you say franchises?) Then when the consumers get wind they still have their core business to lean on.
Had an RBA guy over tonight. Not pushy, very pleasant. Yes, I got the “oh its 41k, but with all the discounts comes to 28k, WHAT A DEAL” (16 windows). The guy admitted that they always work that way and to just ignore the top of the page number.
That is a lot of money, man. I’m going to go to my local lumber yard that does Andersen windows and try to get a quote on the 400 series. I suspect like everyone else it will come in cheaper, but i just dont get it. And I can’t even speculate as to how/why it is this way (RBA costing more than base Andersen for seemingly lower quality stuff). Any theories there?
This is like Toyota selling Lexus at the dealerships for 50k, but then having a mobile sales force that goes to your house and sells you a Corolla for 80k. I suppose it works for them because of the convenience it provides?
I will say a few years ago I had a few windows put in with a contractor I got off of angies list – that install experience was poor. Windows are OK so far, Oxbow windows or something like that. So if RBA consistently does a textbook install, there is some value in that. But not 10k’s worth (or whatever the delta ends up being).
Wow, just wow RBA rep was at our house last night on Long Island, NY. 12 windows (1 is a picture window with 2 side double hung, 1 bathroom window, 3 (3442 standard Anderson size) 5 (3042 standard Anderson size) Suggested retail price $38,096 after promo’s and if we “signed” that night $29,144. I have been replacing the windows myself with Anderson 400’s I know the cost. I have 12 windows left to replace and was going to let someone else do it. I know these windows are only $450 (picture window is more), I can’t see paying $2428.66 a window. The rep told me the Low E is better on these windows that the 400 series but doing my research it shows they are the same or only a difference of .01. I’m glad we were still waiting for the home energy audit and that our home equity loan was not finalized, it gave us a reason to not sign.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Unfortunately it’s not an uncommon story.
Windowdog. I appreciate your comment. I just had a quote. 15 average size Windows (renewal by Anderson) cheapest version cheapest color $49k but if signed today $37k.
Live on Long Island. Vinyl Windows are ok, so far no issues. Replaced 2 years ago after Sandy.
Does sound steep price. Of course I didn’t sign I said I need to consider. After reading windowdog initial post I am reluctant to go ahead. Btw I know someone that used contractor/roofer on Angies List. He took the deposit and disappeared. I believed Angies list removed him.
I’m a former construction worker, now semi-retired real estate investor and property manager. How RBA stays in business is beyond me. There’s a sucker born every minute. I haven’t found their products to be any better functionally than their competition and yet their prices are outrageous. What turns me off the most is their high pressure sales. A additional discount if you commit at the time of the estimate. I’ll tell you why… because if you shop around, do your research, and get multiple competing bids they know you’re much more likely to choose someone else. It doesn’t end there. Twice I’ve had RBA reps get on the phone with other window companies pretending to be customers and try to make them look bad as part of their sales pitch. In fact the last guy was such a jerk that when he left I immediately called one of the companies he harassed, had them come give me a bid, and gave them a contract.
My wife signed us up for an in home estimate by RBA at the local hardware store to replace a patio door. The rep’s pitch was low key but misinformation and tactics were as described here. She wanted to replace a bedroom window as well. Total cost for patio door and window with “discounts” was $12,000. I was shocked. She was gullible. Disgusted, I left the room . While I was gone she signed us up for the patio door for $8500 and gave the guy a 50% deposit. When I asked about how much time we had to change our mind he said 72 hours. When I read the agreement it said 5 days. Liar, liar. I am canceling ASAP and going shopping with at least 3 other companies.
I watched the long boring commercial they have over and over. What I think is funny is how they say they have dumpsters full of those horrible vinyl windows. Guess what, MANY of those horrible windows were made by guess who…yep..Anderson. That was their line of products fro years. I know, i sold their triple pane windows over 20 years ago for a few years. I just think it is funny pooping on your own product 🙂 Also, windows that are 7 years old should be replaced? Not a problem, here is another 10K to swap them out, hopefully I will get these home improvement loans paid off someday 🙂
Ha, you’re right about that. They still make a whole ton of vinyl windows under the SliverLine brand.
You obviously haven’t looked at the latest warranty for renewal. It is 20 years on glass and fibrex. (Frames) most companies only offer 10 years on frames. The 7 year thing is the life expectancy of the vinyl product, hence why you see adds like double and triple life time warranties. It is never about as long as you own your home. As for price points, its about doing cost of doing business in a market. Do actually believe someone who lives in DC is going to pay the same price of some one who lives in “po dunk ” USA…. ..please.
You are telling people false information that just simply isn’t true, do your research before you open your mouth. Especially if you clearly don’t know your subject matter “window dog” you sound more like a disgruntled x employee more than a subject matter expert.
Before you slam vinyl or any other product, understand there are multiple products for every type of customer…
Builders use vinyl..why low cost and higher profit margin.. The only have to warranty a house for one year.
Home owners usually use vinyl..why low cost and either can’t afford a better product or don’t care because they are selling..
You think Anderson is the only one that sells vinyl.. What about pella ? Window world, champion, simonton… Etc the list includes thousands….
You going to slam fiberglass as well? Wood ,wood clad, let’s talk about the top 3 companies in the industry… Let’s see what and how much you know… You are not unbiased, you have an ax to grind… So why don’t you just say what your issue is? Did they fire you?… Sounds like it.
In biased places I would highly recommend for information.
Consumer reports,
Department of energy
Cost vs value report remold lets magazine.
NFC.org… National finest ration rating counsel
Before you start bashing companies, maybe you should do your research.
Every company out there has flaws, it’s up to the consumer to choose the best product for their situation… Vinyl is plastic after all and melts and changes shape in high heat…. Wait… We only live in Texas…
And warranties… It’s the life expectancy of the product… Never as long as you own the home…. Read the exclusions… And if it is, the company won’t be under the same name in 7 years…. Now there are some companies that do things right, but do you really think a window that is purchased for less than 500 bucks is going to have any kind of warranty in 10 years… It will be some kind of exclusion…
And all. The reason frames on vinyl product are larger, and you lose visible glass is simple, it has to be thicker to support the glass weight because it softens!!! Changes shape… It has to be!!!! If it’s not it would cause even more seal failure….
Hi Jeff, thanks for taking the time to write. You should read though the comments to get a better feel for the discussion that’s been going on. Renewal did very recently change their warranty, possibly due to our recommendation, and we’ll be updating the page in the next round of updates.
You guys continue to be pretty misinformed about vinyl windows. I assume you’re repeating what you’ve been told without checking for yourself and that’s not your fault. It’s easy to trust people.
When you see double and triple lifetime warranties on vinyl windows they mean they’re transferable once or twice for another lifetime warranty for the next owner. How many times is the Renewal warranty transferable and is it more limited after it’s transferred? It’s not bad if it is, I’m jus curious.
I wonder why you’re so fired up? You’re right that vinyl windows aren’t for everyone, but if you’re going around telling people they’re going to fall out of the house in 7 years you’re basing your pitch on a lie.
If you’re offering a great value you can sell your product without bashing the competitor. I’m glad Renewal expanded their warranty. It’s much better for the customer. You can still get real wood windows from Jeld-Wen with lifetime warranties on the frames, but 20 years from Renewal is better than the 10 years that they used to offer. Progress.
Just remove my post, this is crap.
So, after reading this thread, I feel compelled to mention my recent experience (price quote and basic measurement of 13 casement windows, 1 picture window, 2 bay windows, and a sliding door.) The sales guy came out, on time, was pleasant and dealt great with our two screaming young ones. I honestly can’t say a bad thing about anything other than the price. We were quoted $63,xxx.xx, for the above mentioned items. Now granted, the two bay windows are big- roughly 75×84. However, they quoted $13,xxx per bay window, and $4,900 for the door. Now, that breaks down to roughly $2,300/ window for the remaining windows. Holy hell that’s big money.
Seriously, what brand of casement window can’t you buy for within that price point?
On top of that, the sliding door was a Perma Sheild door, standard size. The same exact door purchased and installed via Home Depot was quoted at $2100 after tax.
Right, so if you could buy that project from another company for $20k just imagine the vacation you could take with your $40k savings! There are many options out there.
Please do NOT go with renewal by Andersen. We fell for the sales pitch and 8,000.00 later we are still waiting on the correct kitchen window to be put in. We ordered the first of March, it’s now the end of July and all we get is excuses. They brought the wrong size initially and supposedly reordered ( express !) the correct size. 8 weeks later I get another phone call saying the wrong size came in again. Here we go again, express reordering my kitchen window the third time !!!
They did get the other Windows done correctly, however after reading the reviews I’m sure there will be issues down the road and I have no confidence in this company that anything will be resolved.
BTW. My neighbor is still waiting on a replacement window that they cracked while installing, it’s been a year and a half now !!!!!
I sure wish I knew all of this in the beginning. Maybe I can save others from this company and their lies and lack of customer service.
After reading every post on this site I have concluded that RBA is the way to go for the following reasons. Fibrex material is far superior over vinyl to maintain the argon gas seal. Fibrex is far superior over wood for maintenance. The 20 year warranty surpasses the “Lifetime” warranty others claim (which is legally defined as 7 years in New York State for vinyl windows). The installation process from Anderson allows me to sleep well knowing the job will be done correctly under warranty and will not exceed the quoted price for “unforeseen circumstances” once the job is started. Granted the 20 double hung windows costing $33.5K, averaging 36″ X 65″ in size is more than any car I have ever purchased, it is worth the cost of knowing it will be installed correct with superior product. I have had enough problems with vinyl windows losing their gas seal and literally falling apart in previous houses I have owned that I am willing to pay a premium price for peace of mind in the house I just moved into.
That’s the biggest spam post I’ve seen all day. Do you have anything to support the notion that a lifetime warranty is only 7 years in New York state? I think that is completely inaccurate and deliberately misleading, but if you have something to back it up I’d be interested in seeing it.
Seems that if you had a good value you wouldn’t have to mislead people. Send over a reference and if I’m wrong I’ll update this.
WOW Windowdog… Such a SHARP tone… I received the warranty information from a 9/30/15 posting on this sight. Interesting that your comment back to that person was “glad to have more industry folks on the site. Can you send a link to the UCC code? I’ve heard that claim for years, but I’ve never seen any documentation.”
If the warranty comment (from your sight) is the only issue you have of my post it’s all good. By the way, I have no affiliation with the window industry let alone with RBA so your SPAM comment is without merit and offensive to someone trying to simply supplement your sight.
Ha, well it’s been a busy day. I was referencing that claim back in 2015 saying it had no merit as far as I was aware and you were repeating it like it was true. In fact, several claims in your comment were inaccurate. If you’re about to spend a lot of money based on that info you may want to do a little more research. I’ll be happy to help out if you really believe all of that.
There is a lot of bashing of Andersen’s windows. They cost more than others but they are better. You can debate if on a job by job basis and given your particular situation they are worth it to you. But I do not hear horror stories on Andersen the way I hear with vinyl.
Vinyl windows are essentialy low end and habe both appearance as well as performance issues. You will not often see them in the finer homes unless cost was an overwhelming concern.
The Andersen 450 is an economical window with a good reputation. There are others that are better and yes more expensive.
RBA is generally pricy but the generally have a good reputation and there is not a whole lot wrong with them as would be with vinyl.
I completely agree that Andersen makes some nice windows. Never intended to say anything else. The push back you see about Renewal is usually focused on the sales tactics. Vinyl isn’t necessarily low end and nice vinyl windows perform better than wood or composite windows like Andersen. You buy wood or composite windows for the look and that’s not a bad reason to pay more for something.
I think the sales tactics are pretty telling. If that salesperson or sales manager or franchise owner thought they were genuinely offering a great value they wouldn’t need to rely on those tactics. The fact that many of them do tells me that think that’s the only way they’ll be able to get anyone to buy them. Not a sign of strength.
Its unfair to judge a company or its representatives by the stories of a few but if thats all you have to judge it on, I suppose its up to you as to whether or not you choose to judge off of opinions or seeing it yourself.
I am a sales rep for RBA. I’ve been selling this product for slightly over 3 years. In any company with a sales platform like this, there will be rotten eggs sometimes. The same can be said for car salesmen, boat salesmen and the like. Im sorry if people got bad experiences by pushy salesmen but its the nature of any business that has a sales staff. That cannot be disputed.
I cannot speak for any of these pushy salesmen but I can speak for me. More than 40% of the people I encounter buy these window systems from me. Not because I sit across from them and pressure them. Pressure doesnt sell, information, education and quality product sells. I am not there to force anyone into buying. I am there to educate people that a window isnt a window. In fact, windows are VERY different and the performance of the window is whats most important and the company that backs up their product is equally important. “Pretty” windows arent expensive because they are “pretty”. They are expensive because they are the best product on the market that is backed up by the best service on the market and the best warranty on the market. Any source that claims otherwise is uniformed and likely just attemting to appeal the masses for some other reason.
Any person that claims to be a window expert cannot look someone in the face and claim that a vinyl window is just as good or better than one made of composite or wood. In fact thats a silly statement. Virgin vinyl or not, vinyl simply performs poorly under warm or hot conditions. A company can add all the steel and fortifiers that it wants to but plastic is plastic. Science is science and the expansion and contraction of vinyl is what causes seals to fail and your insulating glass to lose its gasses which results in condensation problems, chalking and most importantly causes your furnace to stay on all day long because the only thing that separates you from the outside are 2 – 1/4″ pieces of glass. Windows today have the technology to perform much much better than that.
Vinyl companies go out of business because they cant honor the warranties that they offer in THEIR shifty sales techniques. Dont be fooled by vinyl, its a bad product. Vinyl windows were invented by Andersen back in the 50s. Can anyone tell me if there is a vinyl company that has been around since the 50s?
Look, I know that it is difficult to afford a high priced item. There are certainly cheaper mousetraps than Renewal by Andersen products. You should know what is on the market though and be informed. I agree with a previous post where the guy addressed what he talks about when it comes to other products. I do the same thing. I inform my customers about what is on the market for them to buy, I aggressively attack other products and why shouldnt I? Should I not mention what Marvin and Pella say about their argon in their glass panes? Both companies do not warranty the amount of argon present inside their glass panes AFTER manufacture. Why wouldnt I point that out? Why do you think those 2 companies bury that information on page 6 of their warranties? A layperson wouldnt know that on their own. Dont I have a responsibility to show my customers that so that they can make an informed decision? Right after I do that, I show them Andersens warranty and that one shows that Andersen warrantys the gas, seals and glass for 20 years. You dont think thats important information for my customers? Forget about the fibrex, forget about the titanium oxide on the glass, the argon is THE most important part of a window and I want a window that is gonna perform so that the argon stays in it as long as possible.
By the time my presentations are over, my people are now educated about windows and no longer think that a window is a window. I pressure no one. My product, my presentation and the fact that they trust me as the person that does know a thing or two about how a window is supposed to perform followed by a company that backs it up is what sells windows.
If anyone is still reading this at this point, call your local RBA. Schedule and appointment, make sure you and your spouse are there for it. This is not a purchase of a furnace or boiler. Its a big investment and one that provides heavy resale benefits, energy efficiency and one that beautifys your home. Any realtor worth their salt will tell you that any Andersen house sells for more and faster than any other house with any other window. If after you know all the facts, you still think that these are sales gimmicks, then dont buy.
I appreciate the more reasonable tone than many of your coworkers take. I still don’t buy the idea that you get more seal failures in a vinyl window. I think that’s completely made up. Do you have any data to support that idea? I believe it is a fact that the efficiency ratings for Renewal windows are worse than for nice vinyl windows. Do you disagree with that? If so what’s the best U-Facotr and air infiltration rate you can achieve?
I do believe that it’s perfectly reasonable to pay more for something nice. A friend of mine jus paid $10k for a fancy oven. Does it bake cookies better than a $1k oven or a $500 oven? Who knows, it makes him happy and it looks great in his fancy house so why not buy it.
I do think Renewal windows look nice. To say they perform better is not backed up by facts, at leas not any facts that I’ve ever seen. If you have any data I’d be happy to see it.
over the past 40 years, I have used Andersen, Eagle (now part of Anderson) Marvin, and Weathershield windows. I like them all with the exception of when Andersen was doing a vinyl clad wrap on their windows. I happen to agree with what the RBA people say about Vinyl and vinyl is not a competitor, it is a material. In fact, Andersen, Marvin, Pella and Weathershield all either have vinyl lines or subsidiaries. The Andersen 200 series is vinyl. I dont like vinyl because it can warp, deteriorates from UV rays, cracks in severe hail or when something hits it when it is cold. It also expands and contracts far more than wood or fiberglass.
I recently flipped a house which had Andersen windows installed in 1966. I had calculated in the cost of replacement because it appeared the seals were bad. Nope. Just hadnt been cleaned in 30+ years. Took me 3 times to finally get the crud off, and they were just fine.
How did you finally get the crud off. Did you use a jewelry polish with fine grit. I am having the same issue?
I am not a engineer. Although I have product knowledge, I am not the guy to talk to in terms of performamce statistics, nor will I drag this vine out boring people with scientific stats. If this stuff is this much of an interest for you, I would recommend that you join IGMA (Insulated Glass Manufacturers Alliance), formerly SIGMA (Sealed Insulated Glass Manufacturers Association). As a member, you are privy to these precise statistics. Beware because I think your opinion about vinyl may change.
For the layperson, I seriously doubt they are interested in joining IGMA. That said, what should be important for a consumer is a company that has been around for many years, a company that makes a quality product and most importantly, a company that stands behind their product. Andersen warrantys their glass systems for 20 years because they know they will last at least that long. You are not in business for 113 years by slinging deception, you are not the #1 selling window in America, you do not have a BBB rating of A+ and youre not #1 in J.D. Power and Associates in customer satisfaction because you dont do what you say youre gonna do.
Ive seen tens of thousands of windows up close. My personal statistics are the eyball test. If you’ve seen what I’ve seen, I think your opinion of vinyl would be much different. Thats not to say that there isnt good vinyl products out there but be prepared to pay big bucks for them. The fact is, people only buy vinyl because they are cheap windows and cant imagine dropping 20 or 30 grand in windows. Those people are destined to make the same mistakes over and over. Do it once, do it right and do it with a company that provides the best warranty. If you love vinyl, then get vinyl but if you want a quality product, be prepared to pay.
If you want horror stories, google “vinyl window seal failure”. Its hours of reading.
It’s absolutely true that there are cheap vinyl windows out there. I don’t think you’ll find anyone to disagree with you about that.
I’ve never said I think Andersen makes bad products. I think the pitch used by some Renewal salespeople is lacking in the truth department. The fact that we see the same lines repeated over and over with no supporting information leads me to believe there is an issue with their training, but I have no inside knowledge about that.
Think of it this way, when you go to buy a Mercedes the salesperson doesn’t need to spend an hour talking about why Chevys are no good. He doesn’t need to because he has a very nice product to tell you about. Sure, it’s expensive, but it’s really nice. The fact that some salespeople feel they need to spend a lot of time spreading false info about competing products leads me to believe that they don’t have a great value proposition. If they did they’d spend their time talking about that.
When we have a customer looking for the look of a wood window we recommend real wood windows. We install Andersen windows occasionally, more often Jeld-Wen or Weather Shield. Nobody here is anti-wood windows, but I am opposed to the sales tactics mentioned many times on this page. They’re designed to separate hard working people from their money and I don’t think it’s a great way to run a business.
It’s a sign of weakness that they operate that way, not a sign of strength.
Note: I am an RBA customer and very happy
1) When you go buy a Mercedes the salesman doesn’t need to tell you Chevys are no good.
This is a poor example because someone who goes to a Mercedes dealership already understands why it’s better than Chevy. They don’t need to be educated to understand the value. Window buyers do. In this case you are like a Chevy salesman who tells everyone that walks through the door that your car/warranty/service is just as good as the Mercedes for 1/3 the price. If that were true Mercedes would be out of business.
I personally own both a Mercedes Benz and RBA windows and I’ve never thought for a moment that I didn’t get good value for my money with either. My windows will be 7 years old next year and they still look brand new. My country club put vinyl windows in our clubhouse less than 5 years ago. Half of them are fogged up already and the manufacturer is out of business. Warranty could be used to light a fire and that’s about it.
I don’t know how all Renewal’s do it but my local RBA offered me a supplemental lifetime warranty that covered all parts, labor, installation for as long as I own my home. The basic 20 year warranty is transferable. I’ve had them out a couple small service calls and never had to give them one red cent. You’ve spent a lot of time bashing that warranty but the bottom line is Andersen is one of a handful of companies that will still be there in a lifetime. 9 out of 10 vinyl window companies that offer “lifetime warranties” won’t exist in 20 years and their warranties won’t be worth the paper they’re printed on.
A good friend of mine is a contractor in Michigan and has installed every kind of window under the sun. I consulted him before spending big money on windows and his advice was to buy the best window I could possibly afford.
You call $1500/window insane prices. I call $600 for a plastic window insane. According to my friend the average vinyl window costs $75-$125 from the factory. So you have a $75/window and $400-$500 Of overhead, markup, marketing, commissions, profit. The same friend tells me that he has also paid well over $1,000 unit for custom made Andersen A-series and sees the RBA as being similar priced. Call me crazy but I’d rather have $1,000 worth of window and $500 worth of bull crap than $100 worth of window and $500 worth of bull crap.
I still receive RBA advertisements in the mail in my weekly coupon pack. Each time I get the RBA ad I get ads from Champion, Window World, etc. Is it cheaper for them to run an ad? Cheaper for their commercial air time? Companies pay all the same overhead costs on cheap vinyl that they do on expensive windows and the end result is $75 standing between you and Mother Nature for 20+ years. Good luck on that gamble.
When getting bids on my project the worst lies were told to me by vinyl salesman…. including
1) “We manufacture our own products”. Almost everyone who made this claim was simply a reseller buying an All Side window or something of similar quality and just putting their name on the locks.
2) “I don’t work on commission”. The cheapest guy told me this unprompted. I know better. Didn’t believe another word he said after that.
3) “The RBA window is just a vinyl window with saw dust mixed in”. You keep alluding to RBA reps trashing vinyl but my rep simply gave me the research that Andersen had done and let me make up my mind. He certainly never told me such an egregious product bashing lie as the one told to me by the Champion guy.
Maybe this type of dishonesty from vinyl reps is why RBA reps come off as pushy? If I were less informed I probably would’ve believed a couple of the lies I listed above.
RBA put an 90*70 tempered Picture window in my house in place of 3 single hung aluminum junkers. Their contractors ripped and replaced the header, redid the drywall, Sheetrock and sills flawlessly. Nobody else could build the window that large and none wanted to do the work. They just wanted to cram 3 cheap plastic windows in even though I didn’t want that. That Picture Window stops people dead in their tracks. I get compliments on it all the time. RBA’s willingness and proficiency in doing work that other companies were afraid to do set them apart. I spent $33,000 on my windows and doors and I’m fine with it. I am 36 years old and I intend to die in this house without ever replacing them again.
I’m glad to hear you’re happy with your purchase. I think there are several statements in there that are not accurate so I wonder if you’re actually a customer, but assuming you are I hope you enjoy your new windows for many years to come.
The analogy about a mercedes dealer looks valid on the surface but you would agree that people know much much more about cars than they do windows. 95% of the people I see think their windows are just fine and the same percentage think a window is there to keep the bugs out while being something that allows them to see outside and let some natural light in. Nobody knows what low-e does, almost nobody knows what argon even is much less the importance of it. Im there to educate people and to help them make an informed decision, not to talk them into something they dont need. You may call them sales tactics but if I had a nickel for every time someone said, “wow, i had no idea that windows were even made to do this kind of thing”, Id make alot more money.
There may be shifty salesmen out there and Im sure there is. All Im saying is that its not a necessary practice. I think that the main reason you may hear these complaints is because of RBAs method of doing business. A contractor walks onto a job, asks how much the customer wants to spend and then spends inside that budget. RBAs presentations are designed to get people to think logically and to buy a quality product with a legitimate warranty. RBAs presentations are designed to ask how much a customer is willing to spend to have nice things for their home.
I agree with almost everything. I don’t know if the presentations I’ve heard of are designed to get people to think logically. The strategy of hitting someone with a $2k per window price only to drop it to $1,200 if they buy today is specifically designed to get people to be illogical.
I don’t think it’s a bad product. I do think it’s often presented in a way that wouldn’t make anyone’s grandmother proud. That doesn’t need to be the case. Someone has decided to operate that way which is unfortunate.
This was not my experience. I was offered a promotional price of roughly $1,700 window and a 10% discount for day of visit which brought them down to around $1,500/per I did not sign that night and the salesman did not push me. I told him I’d make a decision inside of a week and that if it was about saving a trip I’d come to him and save him a second trip. I met him at his office early in the morning, signed the paperwork and he still gave me the additional 10%. I’m glad he didn’t start at $2000 and drop to $1200 because that would’ve been insulting. The RBA rep was the most professional and ultimately it was obvious that he was the most knowledgeable about his product. I had a Home Depot rep out and told him up front I was only interested in Andersen 400 or A Series for comparison to RBA. He spent 30 minutes trying to convince me to buy Simonton Vinyl. It was clear to me at that point that he knew very little about the Andersen products he sold and also clear that Simonton was offering him some extra incentive to push their product on everyone he met with.
I’m sure everyone doesn’t have a bad experience. Thanks for taking the time to write.
My search for the brand of french doors a local highly-rated contractor carries led me to this website and I must say I have spent most of the afternoon reading comments just from 2016 alone. Once we replace our french doors, we plan to replace the windows, all part of our plan to place our home on the market within the next 5 years. I would like the same contractor to do all of the work. The problem is that we have dogs and with dogs come scratches so I was initially looking for a material that is scratchproof (for the doors). My contractor carries and obviously suggests Provia products. It appears Provia products are mainly vinyl and aluminum products (at least my very limited understanding of doors and windows leads me to that conclusion). We had an Anderson rep. give us a $90,000 estimate last year (after all discounts) and that did not even include replacing the 4 sets of three panel french doors. I keep reading that vinyl and/or aluminum windows (and I assume doors) are cheap looking and lasting and I do not want to install vinyl or aluminum windows (or doors) if they are going to decrease the value of the home rather than increase it. For financial reasons, Anderson and RBA are not options. I have another contractor whom I trust who can install my doors and windows. I do not want to waste the Provia dealer’s time by coming out and measuring if the Provia windows and doors are not going to be an option. So, can anyone recommend a brand that is not as expensive but still looks nice, wears well and increases rather than decreases the value of a home? Our climate is either very, very hot or very, very cold, with lots of high wind.
Provia doors come in steel and fiberglass. Nothing is going to be scratch proof, but I’d suggest that steel would be easy to repaint one day while scratched fiberglass woodgrain will always be scratched. Since you mentioned Renewal I’d let you know that last I heard Renewal was offering Provia doors just rebranded with their name. They’re the same doors so you may be able to find a better price from someone offering Provia.
If anything has changed on the front I’m sure one of the many Renewal reps will chime in with more info.
The Provia doors are typically very well regarded. My company has been offering them for years with great results.
It’s a high binder sales scam! Period end of story. No window should cost anywhere near the prices you all are saying. $1k for the best of the best! Not $1500-$3000 or $8000 for a bay! Are you kidding me Andersen Windows cost me $175-$450. And I charge $125 to install them.
Let me guess they drove a Mercedes to your home and told you to buy on the spot! That’s a high binder!
Google the represenitives entire name. Guarantee they are a scammer even a convicted criminal!
No replies please.
Not sure where to leave this comment/request.
I’m thinking about replacing 2 newer Alside Sheffield’s with a European tilt and turn style window. Any recommnedations?
I had a RBA salesman quote me a four section, French sliding patio door last week – 133″ x 95″ – to match a RBA one already installed in the house I had purchased recently.
The salesman was very pleasant, worked through his spreadsheet and came up with an undiscounted price of $24k and discounted to $19k if I signed on the spot. My response was a polite “No” and I began to show him to the door. At this point, he said he could do it for $18k to which I replied that I wasn’t interested in a price above $16k. A lengthy telephone call ensued between the salesman and his RBA franchise “owner” while I put the kids to bed. The owner told his salesman he would go as low as $17.5k, but I would have to pay for any unforeseen issues such as structural calcs for a header or electrical re-wiring, etc. Again, I replied with a polite “No” and drew the conversation to a close as he had already been in my house for 2 hours and we were getting nowhere.
The next day I paid a visit to my local Home Depot to inspect an Andersen 400 series French sliding patio door. I was astonished to discover that the A400 series is IDENTICAL to the RBA patio door already installed in my house, even down to the color, glass, fly-screen and hardware options. I was very pleasantly surprised (but also shocked) when Home Depot quoted the same 133″ x 95″ patio door for $5k excluding installation. As I already knew a very good local window installer, the decision to go with the A400 series from HD was a “no brainer”.
With hindsight, I am very glad the RBA salesman did not manage to get the price down to $16k as I would have likely signed on the spot. Instead, I have probably saved myself in the order of $8-9k on a single patio door.
Upon further investigation, it is clear the only unique product RBA possess is their (very nice) Fibrex window profile which is also partially installed in my home. As I gradually replace the remaining windows and doors, I will use Andersen 400 series for all the doors and A100 Fibrex series for the windows at the rear and side of the property which is a close (-ish) match to the existing RBA windows. I can then decide whether to negotiate hard with RBA to match the front of the house or stick with A400/A100 series installed by my local guy.
I am sharing my experience to help others in my situation. The message is clear – DO YOUR HOMEWORK and don’t sign immediately with RBA. It is entirely possible to install high quality Andersen product without becoming reliant upon RBA for installation and, at the same time, save yourself many thousands of dollars.
Thanks for taking the time to write. Now you can go spend your $8k savings on something fun!
why is everyone saying $1600 / opening—do you guys all have the same sized windows? what is the size? casement, awning, sliding, double hung….. they all vary in price.
I am more than happy with the installation of my renewal windows by Andersen. The initial consultation with the salesperson was informative and well laid out. I was most impressed with the installers. They were on the premises exactly when I was promised. They were courteous and friendly. They went out of their way to make it easier for me, including removing blind brackets that were in the way. When finished, they replaced every bracket! Their clean-up after installation was phenomenal. I would definitely recommend this company to others.
Hi Myrna, thanks for taking the time to write. As you can tell by the other comments, experiences seem to vary quite a bit. Glad to hear you had a great project.
I just bought a small 1970’s ranch house that has Renewal by Andersen double-hung replacement windows that were purchased and installed in 2008. The window frames and sashes are still in good shape but they have ugly diamond crisscross style grills between the panes of glass that I would like to replace with colonial style grills.
Has anyone actually replaced these diamond grills with colonial grills? If so, did you use replacement sashes sold and installed by Renewal by Andersen, or did you have a local contractor purchase and install the Andersen 400 Series double-hung insert replacement windows? Any insight is appreciated.
Hi Paul, that’s a great questions. I don’t know the best approach, but I would start by calling Andersen customer service to see if you can order new sashes for the windows. If they’ll let you that will be the easiest way to do it and might be the cheapest too. Let us know how it works out.
Thank you for your informative blog. I was this _close to buying these the other night for more than $43,000. The following day after not going through with the purchase I was called by a nice man over at Renewal and told I could save the salesman’s commission of $4300 and an additional 10 percent for a total of $8600 more off the $43,000 price which is why I decided to hold off and do my due diligence. Your site has litteratly opened my eyes to the fact that while they are nice windows it may not be worth the investment. If they are asking much more for these than reasonably warranted then can I actually trust them when they tell me I will save 35 percent on my heating bill? Probably not! Will windows really pay for themselves? Probably not because as you have pointed out on the site by the time I get around to achieving any real savings they will already need to be replaced. Thanks again you really saved me a fortune!
That’s a serious chunk of change! How many windows do you have? I would bet you could find another option that would also look nice and be a little more competitively priced. Glad we could help!
Hi Paul,
I’m responding to your comment from Nov 4, 2016.
I work for Renewal by Andersen Long Island.
You would have to contact your local Renewal by Andersen location and have them come out to do a site inspection. It is completely free. We would have to replace the sashes because the grilles are between the glass. The 400 series sashes are not compatible with the Renewal line.
If you live on Long Island, Queens, or Brooklyn I would be happy to help you out.
Thanks for the helpful reply John.
Got the RBA sales pitch this week. With the Superbowl Deal. Buy one, get another 40% off! So for 5 windows, 36″x36″, full cost 15,000$!!! But with all the deals I can get them for ~11,000$. They looked nice, but certainly not 2200$ after “all the savings” per window nice.
Ha, I can picture them getting excited about a Superbowl Deal!!
Had an RBA rep out today, not pushy, was an educational experience for me, he did try the sign today for 10% more off but given I need to replace 56 windows, and the quote came in at $131,000 after discounts I would never sign on the spot. He offered to not “input” the final details of my bid and come back in a week to “finish the quote” so I could get the 10%, a nice gesture; also a 24 month same as cash offer which would help with my cash flow. I live in a 9500 Sq. Ft. $1.5M house w/HOA, so low grade vinyl is not an option, also, would kill resale value if even allowed.
I am definitely willing to pay a premium for high quality stuff for any house I own- (just bought a Sub Zero Pro Series fridge that makes me want to cry sometimes when I think about what I paid for it, but the one in my last house at 17 years old was as good as new, needed a $175 fan since I purchased it). I do think despite even the pro’s of this product line it is just too expensive for the value delivered, I’m going to need a much larger discount to pull the trigger; they did a neighbors whole house of 84 windows for $175K last fall, he was extremely pleased not only with the product, speed and quality of the installation, but aware he payed a premium for a company that stands behind their product as well.
I live in Georgia, given wet weather, humidity, moisture etc. wood is not a good option, also termites come into play, I’m even nervous with Pella Aluminum cladding wood windows (which is what i bought for last house in Dallas, after 17 years they looked/worked as good as the day I bought them) but climate in GA is much different, I am definitely composite focused , love RBA’s FiberEx product, but not there with the price just yet…
Would appreciate all input, advice from those in the window field…
That price seems a little silly. I’m going to check with someone to see if I can help out. Will send you an email.
Hi Dog! I live in Orange, CA in an house built in 1988. I have a 15 yr old large (94″x51″) Advantage vinyl window that faces south east and gets lots of sun from three sides! It began to warp after about 5 yrs but have put off replacing it. BTW the aluminum frame was removed to put it in. I would appreciate your recommendation on what brand of window, was thinking Andersen 400 Series; wood, composite or vinyl; and who to have install it here in OC?? Thanks so much for your website! Lisa
Hi Lisa, unfortunately I don’t know anyone to recommend in your area yet so I can’t help out on that front. In terms of window material I think any decent windows made today should hold up for quite a long time. The decision of wood vs vinyl vs composite is typically made on looks. Some people love the looks of a wood window or a fake wood window (composite) others aren’t as into that and they like in the increase in efficiency and decrease in price that comes with a vinyl window. Good luck!
I will say that one thing that disappointed me about RBA was that they did not offer any kid of volume discount for my project. Everyone else had some incentive for doing more past a certain point. I thought my house was a large job but I guess not. I would think they’d be willing to concede a few $$/window on a job with 56 windows!!
I wouldn’t worry too much about that. Many companies will look for what a customer wants and then give them that special disown too they feel extra special. For example, if you’re a firefighter you get the firefighter discount. If you’re a teacher you get the teacher discount, if you have 20 windows you get the large project discount, if you have 50 windows you get the large project discount, if you have 200 windows you get the large project discount, you get the idea.
My suggestion would be not to put too much stock in the dog and pony show, but instead to focus on the bottom line. Either it’s a better deal or it’s not. Whether they say you’re getting the neighborhood discount really doesn’t make any difference. Hope that makes sense.
Thought this might be good info for people looking to do business with RBA I am attaching the link to Yelp, which I use very often to read honest customer reviews for things before doing business. If you click on “Details” next to the line that has the rating stars on it, you will find that they have 60 5 star ratings and 63 1 star. I just am not sure I have seen anything like that for any company, never mind a HUGE one like this. They have more 1 star than 5’s O.o. Read what these consumers had to say
1st time homeowner here… My wife & I signed contract 2 mo ago to replace a 6-7′ bay window under an awning. RBA charged $9980 which I think 7k is labor alone. I did not realize the labor was so high and though it was the cost of the window. The window has not been installed yet and after speaking to a friend I realized 5-6k would be high. Any ideas on how to stop this process since I’m past the 3day cancel time-frame?
Unfortunately, you’re probably out of luck. You could try to pay for the window and not the labor, but I don’t expect they would agree to that. Sorry to hear about your trouble.
Be sure to let us know how it turns out.
We are currently looking to replace 10 original aluminum windows in our 1973 house. We have done 3-4 interviews/ research as we usually do, and one of those was RBA. The sales pitch took about 1.5 hours and the routine was the same as the most of what I have read here. We have 7 windows that are of similar size and 3 of varying sizes. The salesman was thorough and was a decent guy. The shock came with the initial offer of 17K and once the home show discount was taken into consideration, the price came down to 13K and change. I liked the look of the product, however, I was still not sure that this price was in the ball park. I was sent the quote, but all that was on there was a total; no breakdown of the per window price, installation, or anything else, other than the permit fee. When I asked for a breakdown of the costs, I was told that the pricing structure breakdown would be higher as there are numerous charges and fees as part of the cost of doing business. I work in a professional environment and understand how corporate business functions. So I never did receive a breakdown of the quote. The $1300 per window does not leave us with a good feeling, especially considering the various sizes of the windows. When debating the cost, we were told that their windows were not for everyone. When reviewing the quote, I also noticed that the paperwork was from a company representing RBA, a chosen franchisee, which was never mentioned in the presentation.
We had a RBA salesman come out to our house in Southern California. It is a nice product…if you are willing to pay at least 100% to 150% more than you really need to! Thank you for your informative website!
We had a RBA salesman come out to our house in Southern California. It is a nice product…if you are willing to pay at least 100% to 150% more than you really need to! Thank you for your informative website!
Buying snake oil or swamp land in Florida would be a more transparent transaction.
I also had a Renew by Anderson Rep come to my house. First quote for 33 windows was $75k, I said flat out no. Then he started with the discount and the only today price of $55k. Tried to convince me I would get my return on energy saving and resale value. I said told Kim that I like to do my research before any purchase and they were the first I called. He backed off and said let’s just write up 4 windows to “lock in” the today only price. Doesn’t sound like a reputable company would not honor quotes days or even weeks later. So after I did some research and read a lot of comments on this site commenting that the plastic fame warp or crack causes double pane windows to loose there seal and fog up. This is not true. My house has builder installed plastic windows and have some of them foged up. The insulated glass unit (IGU) is what is failing. If you window frames or still good, not warped or cracked you can replace just the IGU. Google it and you will find instructions on YouTube how to do it and companies that will sell just the IGU. Much cheaper and you don’t have to tear out the window frames. Now I also do have some windows that need to be replaced because the house settled and distorted the window frames. Think I’ll go with a local company just to replace the ones that need replacing. Save myself about $40k.
Read through many posts. Can you please explain the difference between Andersen 400 casement window and the RBA product? When I called RBA I got a receptionist who said theirs is for older homes replacement and 400 is for new construction. Could get nothing else from her and no one else available. Makes no sense to me that I need a different indow for a 45 year old house if it’s installed properly. The lumber and millwork place with the 400 series has their own installers, not contracted out. They quoted about $100o for double casement window and about same for install. I’m willing to pay for quality but not get ripped off.
There is a difference between a new construction window and a replacement window. Renewal by Andersen stores are franchises that can only sell that one product. It’s not in their interest to recommend a 400 series product. From what I’ve heard from readers over the years, you’ll likely get a better price on the 400 series.
Betty, I’ve heard this “new construction vs. replacement window” argument before. It’s just lazy. I don’t think people who work for Renewal understand the other Andersen products and I don’t think the people who sell Andersen through 3rd Party retailers understand the RBA products. I did a lot of research and there were only some subtle differences. Ultimately the 400 series can be purchased as a replacement or a new construction window and I bet you that even though RBA is a “replacement window” you could probably order a full frame new construction version if you put an addition on your home and wanted a perfect match. I don’t think the representatives on either end mean to mislead people I just think their job is to do administrative work and nobody outside of sales or installation knows much about the products themselves. The main difference worth noting is that the 400 series is a vinyl clad wood window which means it has the vinyl looking 45 degree melted corner on the outside. My casements have the mortise and tenon joint that is typical of wood windows. Fibrex doesn’t have cladding so it looks more like your old fashioned painted wood. That was actually a factor for me as I really wanted them to look like wood windows inside and out. All that aside I think $1000/installed is a very fair price for an Andersen double Casement. I know I paid quite a bit more for the RBA version.
I disagree with the statement that vinyl windows don’t warp. In the Detroit area we have a large vinyl window company called Wallside. Within one year their windows warped and became next to impossible to open. I’ve learned also in life that a warranty means nothing if the manufacturer refuses to honor it. The lifelong warranty on those Wallsides meant nothing when the people you dealt with were rude, obnoxious and refuse to honor it. My friends eventually gave up as they were selling their home. RBA was out today and stressed that heir windows used PVC (polyvinyl chloride). Is that actually the same “vinyl” that others use? I did not find the salesman pushy, but informative. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the E coatings and gas he used a heat lamp and a BTU meter. I could also feel the difference with my hand. Price-wise they were several thousand more that the 400 series Andersons (7 / 8 window job). Bottom line I’m not sure what to believe, yet sure shy away from vinyl.
Remember, there are cheap versions of everything. If you had some old broken down car in high school you wouldn’t say that you’re never going to buy a car made out of metal because you had one that broke down once. I always suggest folks work with larger manufacturers because they’re more stable. I know Wallside does a lot of local advertising, but they’re certainly not a larger manufacturer.
In regards to the BTU meter, every company uses glass from the same 3 manufacturers so there is nothing in the glass from Andersen that you can’t get from many places.
Good luck out there and feel free to let us know if you have any other questions.
I just had a presentation by a RBA representative at my home yesterday. We have original wood windows from when the house was built in 1962, some still with the original storm windows. We want to replace 20 windows, mainly double-hung in standard sizing with some picture windows. He was a nice enough guy and gave some of the same information to me that has been criticized by others over time on this site. I have had other representatives from well-known vinyl window companies in the area come out in the past for estimates ranging from $8,000 to $14,500. I liked the RBA product and the appearance of the double-pane windows in person does look like real wood windows with a matte white finish. The quality is quite good, but then after a lengthy discussion about the windows and related topics he took the measurements and entered them into his iPad which generated the cost. He cautioned me early on in our conversation that there was no room for negotiation aside from the current promotion for a 20% discount, a thirty-day value price lock, and an additional instant savings by committing the same day. This is in addition to the one-year price guarantee. The quality plus the 20-year warranty sounded pretty good. You can imagine then my reaction when he gave me the price quote. It came out to $40,000, roughly $2,000 per window.