Alliance Window Systems Reviews

Alliance Window Systems reviews

Alliance Window Systems, also referred to as The American Window Alliance, is a network of independent small manufacturers all producing windows under the same brand name. Historically it’s been very difficult for small window manufacturers to offer a competitive solution. Larger window companies often have a substantial advantage.

This is an example of small companies teaming up to try to be more competitive. Is this a good strategy for small manufacturers? Let’s find out.

Note Alliance Window Systems is not the same company as the bankrupt Alliance Vinyl Windows or Alliance Window Co, all with similar names but different companies.

Belmont windows reviews made by Alliance Window Systems

Why would you buy windows from Alliance Window Systems?

It’s important to remember that if you’re considering buying windows from a small manufacturer like this you’d want to be clear about why you think that’s a good choice. It’s inherently risky to work with a small manufacturer. Maybe there’s some reason you want to take that risk, but if there isn’t then I’d suggest working with a larger and more well established outfit.

That’s not because I don’t like Alliance Window Systems. It’s just because I’ve seen many small window manufacturers vanish. We’ve written many posts about many bankrupt companies. That’s a vary bad outcome for their customers.

I know the salesman will say they’ve been in business for so many years and his customers are all thrilled. That’s probably true, but it doesn’t make the risk go away. In my mind that’s not a good enough reason. You can certainly make your own choice.

Reviews of replacement windows from Alliance Window Systems

  • Hawthorne replacement windows
  • Belmont replacement windows
  • Replacement patio doors
Alliance Window Systems use the duracell spacer system in Mass.
It looks like the different manufacturers may be using different spacers to seal the glass. We found the manufacturer in Massachusetts showing a brochure with DuraSeal and the company in Chicago advertising InnovativeE.

Reviews of new construction windows from Alliance Window Systems

  • Windgate new construction windows
  • Windgate patio doors

We’ll also be looking at the costs of Alliance Window Systems windows and the warranty as well.

On the Alliance website they talk about being a national operation, but they only list operations in a handful of states in the midwest and northeast. They’re not franchises. Rather they’re independent companies all making windows under the same brand.

Alliance window systems locations.

What about the Alliance Window Systems warranty?

This business model has been tried before with mixed results. The biggest problem in the past has been the warranty. Customers will sometimes get the impression that the warranty is backed by this whole system of 6 or 7 manufacturers but in reality that’s not always the case.

Alliance Window Systems warranty

In the case of the Alliance Window Systems warranty, the warranty is only offered by the individual manufacturer who made your windows. That is listed in the written warranty. I’d say that’s not the best for the customer, but it does make sense for the business.

What’s the bottom line?

To be clear the windows from Alliance Window Systems are perfectly fine. I don’t think there’s anything horrible here. There’s just some risk in working with a small manufacturer. In my mind there would need to be a good reason to justify taking that risk.

How can you find a great window company?

When shopping for windows I do always suggest finding a great installation company before you fall in love with any particular window model. There are plenty of great window options out there but not as many local companies that are great to work with.

To find our recommended window companies all over the country check this section. If we know someone in your neck of the woods they’ll be listed there and they’ll be happy to help.

For example, my company will send you window prices without ever sending a salesperson to your house at all. The goal is to make this process easy and it can often be easier than you might expect.

Remember, for more great window company info you can find our suggestions for the best local companies in your area right here. There’s no need to work with a company that gives you the run-around or makes the process difficult. There are plenty of fish in the sea as they say. The best way to get started is to check out our list of great window companies.

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12 thoughts on “Alliance Window Systems Reviews”

  1. What is your opinion of the ‘Belmont’ series double hung window made by Alliance Windows . I live in St Louis Mo.

    1. What is your opinion of the ‘Belmont’ series double hung window made by Alliance Windows . I live in St Louis Mo.

      1. Hi John, I haven’t had much experience with them but I do often suggest working with larger manufacturers. What did you see that you liked or didn’t like about them?

        1. I want to replace 10 double hung windows in my house. One contractor recommends Belmont windows. Another contractor recommended either ProVia Endure windows or Soft Lite Nirvano windows. That’s a pretty big difference in price. I am looking for an above average window for a decent price. The Belmont is probably not as good as the other two but are the other two windows worth the difference in price? Also, in your opinion which window is better , the Endure or the Nirvano ? Thanks for any help you can provide

        2. Hi! I am a bit of a window nerd and I must take issue with your approach to just “deal with larger manufacturers” because of their size. Let’s take Andersen for example; probably the biggest company around. Based off of your approach to windows, that company would be a no brainer when window shopping. On the contrary, they make GARBAGE and I would not wish their windows on my worst enemy. Large companies have actually lobbied our government to make sure air leakage can not be advertised below .30 on NFRC stickers because they can’t (or won’t) compete with the much lower numbers of smaller companies. When you see air infiltration at .06 it’s not by accident, its because of a great process and high quality materials. Size of a company is a really ignorant way to approach window shopping, no offense.

          1. The problem with a company like Andersen isn’t that they’re large, it’s that they’re generally focused on new construction. New construction is always a lower end product because someone buying new construction is focused on the whole house rather than just the windows.

            I don’t know if we need to go calling each other names. In my years in this business I’ve seen many small window companies vanish leaving everyone who bought their windows out of luck when it comes to replacement parts or warranty service. That’s a big deal for a lot of people. Some of those companies were loved by window “experts” right up until they went bankrupt. The size and stability of a manufacturing company absolutely is critical to the long term success of a window project. To suggest otherwise is irresponsible in my opinion.

          2. I didn’t call you names. I said to approach window shopping by size of company (in my opinion) is misguided and can result in people paying out of the nose for generic and mass produced windows.

            Can you provide me with some names of these companies? I am curious to see their story and specifics as to why they went out of business. I know of plenty of smaller operations around for 80+ years that deliver better products and services, period. I was trying to make the point that research is incredibly important when purchasing windows – however, there are so many valuable indicators for a good window business and size of the company shouldn’t be one of them. In fact, I invite you to research a GIANT in the industry that gained the reputation of simply “ghosting” their customers. Like, taking the down payments and just never responding.

            There are horror stories everywhere. The best thing you could possibly do is do all the research that should go in to a big purchase. In the age of the internet, there is so much information out there.

          3. There are stories of window companies gone wrong everywhere, but you’ll see it’s mostly small manufacturers that go wrong. For example, Gorell windows were loved by window “experts” right up until they closed their doors. Kensington windows suffered a similar fate, Republic windows went out with no notice, Serious windows vanished pretty quickly, etc.

            That’s certainly not to say that a small manufacturer can’t be reliable, but I do think it’s true that small manufacturers don’t have the resources or the stability that you get in a larger company. Making windows is pretty capital intensive. Updating tooling costs hundreds of thousands of dollar, or more, and if a small company finds themselves in a pinch or unable to secure financing they’re gone in a flash.

            All I’m saying is I don’t know why someone would take that gamble. The products from a small outfit are generally pretty similar to what you could get from a larger manufacturer. Since that’s often the case I don’t see a reason to take a gamble.

            Do you sell Alliance windows? And, what about them do you think is far superior to what you could get from a larger manufacturer?

          4. I also don’t agree with your assessment that Andersen’s products are so poor because they are primarily for new construction… There are too many holes in that I wouldn’t know where to start. Good day, sir.

          5. You certainly don’t need to agree, just my opinion based on quite a long time spent in this industry.

  2. So firstly, no – no association with Alliance what so ever. I happened on this post on accident.

    Secondly, I think I understand now. If you are talking about window manufacturers (not installers or dealers) you are referring to companies that don’t really exist anymore… The days of windows in a garage are long over. I would consider a “small manufacturer” a 20-30+ million dollar operation…

    Anyway, hopefully people read this and decide – “Oh, I should actually do some research and not just listen to some Window Dog guy and blindly shop a company because they’re the largest.”

    If that happens once I am glad I decided to post. Again, no affiliation with window manufacturers.

    1. Sounds good. I don’t generally advocate for Andersen so not saying anyone should only buy from the largest. I just think well established is much more important than a slick brochure and it’s often hard for the customer to tell the difference.

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