Best Replacement Window Companies – Canada 2024

Not in Canada?   Find the best window companies in the USA here!

As our site as grown we’ve seen an increase in traffic from folks from Canada.  Recently we’ve decided to expand our search for the best local replacement window companies to include our friends in Canada.  If you’re looking for the best replacement windows Canada has to offer we can help.

We do know for sure that there are hundreds of local window and door companies all over the country that believe in treating people well and offering a great value.  We know these companies don’t use the high pressure sale tactics that we warn our readers about and we know these companies are always looking for new customers.

To get started, click on the map or use the links below and you can see who we know in your area.  If you know of a great company in your area post a comment about the for everyone to see!

Update: We now have more recommend LOCAL window companies than ever before.   Click here to see who we recommend in your town.  It's 100% free.  You'll thank me.  There is no better resource; you're going to love it.  See for yourself right here.  

Trying to find the
best window company in town?

You're not alone. Every day readers ask us how they can find the best window company in their town.  

We've put together the best info we have in our Five Fast Steps to a Great Window Project to help our fantastic readers.

You'll quickly learn how to identify the best replacement window companies in your area. As an added bonus you'll also get the seven most common window sales scams. Best of all, it's absolutely free!

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4 thoughts on “Best Replacement Window Companies – Canada 2024”

  1. I wanted to see what companies you recommend in Ontario Canada, but the link didn’t work.
    Otherwise, a great web site.

    1. Hi Alan, glad you’ve enjoyed the site. I don’t know any great companies to recommend in Ontario, but if you find one let us know. You’re not the only person looking.

  2. How about Trimbo?
    Mike Holmes uses him exclusively. Frenstation Canada indicates that windows made in CA have to be air tighter compared to US windows. There is a second company in Ottawa that is outstanding building fiberglass windows.

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