Great Lakes Windows Prices

great lakes windows warranty review and info

Finding accurate info on Great Lakes windows prices can be tricky. These windows are typically sold by commission based in-home salespeople. It’s probably just about impossible to get a quote without spending hours with a salesman in your living room. That’s not exactly ideal.

Companies will have all sorts of reasons that they’ll say prevent them from telling you how much the windows actually cost.

They’ll say they need to measure the windows or that they need to discuss your wants and needs. They might say they need to see the project to accurately asses how much labor will be involved.

There may be some truth to any of these points, but it doesn’t need to prevent them from telling you what typical Great Lakes windows prices look like.

Why won’t companies tell you about Great Lakes windows prices?

In my experience window companies are hesitant to give out pricing info before there’s a salesman in your house. They do this for several reasons, and one is to make sure they have the best chance of selling you.

Some of these companies spend a whole lot of money on advertising. They might have spent $200 or $300 per lead that comes into their office. That means just getting you to call or email them has cost them a fortune in advertising costs.

These companies need to get the absolute best bang for those bucks so they really want to send their highly trained salesman into your house to “close the deal”. If you have the pricing info already you may not want to bother with the sales presentation and then they think they won’t sell your project.

I tend to think that’s a misguided and old fashioned strategy, but many traditional window dealers can be very stuck in their ways.

Great Lakes windows prices and product info.
We need your help to add more info about Great Lakes windows prices to this page. Have you recently recieved a quote? Post a comment below to let us know!

How can you get replacement window prices without an in-home sales pitch?

There are a few ways. First, you can share the window pricing you have received here. That will help the next person who comes behind you. More transparency makes this business easier for everyone.

If you’ve recently received a quote for Great Lakes windows, or any other manufacturer, post a comment below to let us know. If you’ve already endured a window presentation you can save someone else the trouble.

Next, you can get a window quote online, by email, from my company with no pushy salesman. We elected not to carry Great Lakes windows, but we do have options I think are nicer.

You can check this page to get a free copy of the price list along with product info and more. If you have questions a rep is available by email. If you don’t have questions that’s fine too. This process also works well if you’ve recently received a quote and you want to make sure it’s really a good deal. Here’s the link to the page with more info on that.

How can you find a great window company?

That part is easy.  Check this section for recommendations of window companies all over the country. There’s no better way to get new windows.

Update: We now have more recommend LOCAL window companies than ever before.   Click here to see who we recommend in your town.  It's 100% free.  You'll thank me.  There is no better resource; you're going to love it.  See for yourself right here.  

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You're not alone. Every day readers ask us how they can find the best window company in their town.  

We've put together the best info we have in our Five Fast Steps to a Great Window Project to help our fantastic readers.

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