PGT Industries manufactures windows in southwest Florida and distributes them along the east cost and into the midwest. PGT windows are perhaps best known for their hurricane windows, but they also offer a range of options for more typical residential applications as well as commercial windows for larger projects.
If you live in or around South Florida you may have heard of PGT windows before, otherwise you probably haven’t. As is the case with most window manufacturers you shouldn’t let that worry you.
You may find that sorting through the options from PGT windows can be a little bit difficult. Their naming and numbering system certainly leaves a little to be desired. Here you can see a list of all of their product lines:
- WinGuard Vinyl 500 Series
- WinGuard Aluminum 700 Series
- SpectraGuard 2300 Series
- PremierVue 2700 Series
- PremierVue 2800 Series
- PGT Vinyl 2100 Series
- PGT Vinyl 2200 Series
- PGT Vinyl 400 Series
- PGT Aluminum 200 Series
- PGT Aluminum 600 Series
- Architectural Systems 300 Series
- Architectural Systems 3500 Series
- Architectural Systems 800 Series
See, we told you their product lines can get confusing. Well help you sort through the PGT windows options so you can get to the products you’re looking for.
What if I have more questions about PGT windows?
We can help! Find our PGT windows FAQ page here. If you don’t see the answer to your question post a comment and we’ll answer your question for everyone to see.
Looking for any additional information on PGT that you’re not finding here? Post a comment and let us know. We’ll be glad to help out!
As you’re considering your window options take a look at our replacement window reviews here to see reviews on just about every product available and you can find common sales tactics to avoid here.
How can I find a great window company to work with?
That part is easy. Check this section to find our recommended window companies all over the country including my company. I’m sure you’ll appreciate the difference. Enjoy!
Are there any comments on PGT WinGuard Vinyl 500 series replacement windows as to the quality of this product by PGT industies.
Not at all impressed with this company. I was given a complete tour of the facility they operate in and after my visit along with actually installing the product, I can honestly say that it is antiquated. The balance system is a spring coil balance that is way outdated at this point. The “vinyl” framing is only PVC plastic unlike the “virgin vinyl” competitors use. The warranty can also be much stronger to keep them competitive in the market. They also have poor customer service. They turned into a public corporation a few years ago and seemed to have been declining in quality, service & reliability.
The 500 has been retired along with the Premier View line and the new 5500 line was launched a few years ago. This line is state of the art, carries extremely high design pressures, required in HVHZ zones, has a greatly improved size capacity and is extremely energy efficient, like most vinyl products.
Who did you prefer? Reasons?
Looking to make decision with considerations that include: increase value of house, stand category 5, comply with South FL Code, and fact that won’t live in house more than 10 years. What do you think?
You are right, overpriced garbage, bad management have no control of their employees.m
Bought 7 winguard windows. 3 fixed were fine. The others were all damaged. I would never ever buy a PGT window again. You will have window companies calling you. Ask them if they are PGT windows. Hang up.
What I went through never again. Not worth it. Waste of your valuable time.
One of our PGT “hurricane proof” windows recently spontaneously shattered!!! No guarantee so replacement cost comes out of our pocket. I am now seriously questioning the quality of these windows.
Hi Pam, that’s strange. Do you have a picture of the broken glass? I’d be interested to see it. Also, did the glass fall out or was it just cracked, like the windshield of a car, but still stuck in place?
I just Installed 2 of the PGT double sliding windows, Hurricane Proof. Yea A big 10’long x 5′ tall each,.. Let me just say, the finish product they delivered to me was/is a joke.. Looks Like Children built these windows.. I have many dents in Frame, Silicone EVERYWHERE.. Black marks , Paint scratched in a few places, rough cut Aluminum with no paint on Interior ….. WHAT A JOKE..
The East coast Fl Distributor just made LAME excuses which not one was acceptable.. 5 different calls, each time I was told “we will call you right back in 10”
Sorry to hear about your trouble. Unfortunately I don’t have much to suggest other than calling them back and trying to be constructive on the phone rather than combative. I find I always do pretty well with airline ticket agents by being the nice guy while everyone else is mad at them. I end up with a first class upgrade more than the grumpy people.
If the distributor is unresponsive I’d call PGT directly.
Call PGT directly? Yo have got to be kidding. As of Oct 26, 2020 PGT does doer answers any customer calls and their quality control does not exist. The most horrific home improvement experience was to select their premium Wingard SDG 770 product to replace two sliding glass doors. There were eleven manufacturing errors. If you want to avoid litigation, avoid PGT.
Do you have gaps in the sliders, I do and rain get in the interior of my house and PGT says that this is how they are designed??
Hello, we are having this issue with water in the track of our new PGT sliding glass doors. Did you every get this resolved? Thanks
Yes, this is what I found out too! I would have never selected a product that is supposed to keep water out That does not. I thought the track was in backwards or made wrong.
What kind of hurricane Patio doors ACTUALLY ALLOWS water to come into your home by design?
My new hardwood floors are being ruined by these STUPID patio doors!!!
I am desperate and don’t know what to do.
Can anyone help me get these doors out of my house under a warranty or something?
Thank you, Carol
I just had double sliding door installed. I gaps along the track and in between the to doors. They came out to fix the problem. I come home to find pieces of felt placed where the gaps of light where coming in. What kind of fix is this. I am with you. I have not finished paying them yet and don’t intend on it.
They never care, they used to be a quality company but seems they don’t careanymore and the problems filter down from the top. The quality is no longer there only the prices and excuses. If you make a complaint the complaint you made goes right to the person you complained about, poorest management and no longer a quality product.
run as fast as you can worst thing i ever did was replace windows w pgt low e horrible cust service an worst product ever
I’m the original homeowner and purchaser of PGT windows.
The seals on a number of windows have failed and they’ve turned fogging and hazy.
The installer is charging me $100 per window for installation ( in spite of being under warranty).
Is this normal?
Oh my goodness! That is so awful! Now we join you in losing all respect for the windows. Warranty only one year on stress crack and then want another 400 bucks to replace anhurricane window. We are so sad. We thought we bought good windows. Terrible rip off people!!
Yes they are terrible people, mine had a stress crack they would not warranty for a reason but also would not replace even if I paid for it. Contacting the CEO is useless as they all cover for each other. Better off buying home depot products, cost less and better quality.
I am a building contractor and we sell PGT windows to our customers. Back in the beginning PGT was Vinyl Tech and they were a great company. As what usually happens, someone bought them out and now they are PGT and have gone way down hill.
The service issues I have with there windows make it impossible to do business with them anymore.
Our last PGT window job was for only 3 windows. Two of the windows they shipped us were defective. After shipping us two more windows, weeks later, one of them was defective. Now, I have an unhappy customer, an unfinished job and a very bad attitude about PGT. They will never get anymore of our business after 25 years of doing business with them.
Hi Steve, I’m sorry to hear that. We have seen a fair bit of negative feedback lately. Thanks for sharing your experience.
What brand of windows are you recommending now?
The situation was finally resolved. But no more PGT windows for us!!!
Steve how did you resolve the situation? I’m currently considering seeking an attorney due to very distorted windows (roller waves) that PGT refuses to replace. They were installed in June 2020. I unfortunately have already paid.
Steve, thanks for you comments. How were the three windows defective? Thanks, Joe
I am very disappointed with my new
PGT windows. I will find another company and pay more for a good product next time around.
hi Tris, it seems like we’ve seen a lot of negativity around PGT windows which seems a little unusual. What issues are you having with yours?
All the complaints below are valid…water coming in, shoddy workmanship of the product, Frame for the patio doors not sealing the doors, and so forth.
Installation from a name supplier was not great either…felt shims, etc.
No call backs from those who said they would.
Terrible experience for spending over $10,000. and getting such shoddy product.
There is no warranty unless you were the purchaser. This means don’t buy a home already built or even let a builder buy them. Bogus
Did PGT tell you that? Typically you do get the warranty if you buy a new home from a builder. I’m not sure about PGT specifically, but I would guess that’s the case. New construction warranties are often shorter than replacement window warranties so even if you did get it, it may be expired by now.
They said only purchaser gets warranty. I brought up builder scenario and he said only the builder would have warranty. Non transferable.
Wow, that’s not very good for the buyer. Thanks for sharing the info.
This is not true. As a distributor we purchase the windows and install them and the warranty is passed onto the homeowner no questions asked.
I think they’re saying they bought from a builder. Still seems odd to me too.
Well, you are an agent for PGT, so that doesn’t invalidate what others state as to be non-transferrable.
It’s a $50 transfer fee to exchange a warranty from the previous homeowner to the new hollowness. They don’t like you to know this…..
New homeowner (sorry auto correct lol)
You might go to the PGT website. All of their warranties are transferable and on some models go with the house and can be transferred multiple times. The key here is TRANSFERRED. If you do not transfer the warranty within 30 days of the sale you have no warranty. No one thinks about warranty until they have a problem and by then it is too late to transfer it. A lot of people complain about this and other companies when the entire situation is not stated. If you don’t seek a warranty transfer you should not complain you can’t get it. Their warranties DO transfer but there is a proper procedure to accomplish that.
It’s defininltey true that most window warranties do need to be transferred in a certain amount of time to stay active. I would think manufacturers do this in hopes that many people will not transfer the warranty. While that might not sound like the friendliest way to operate it is very common. You’re defininltey right that most people don’t think about a warranty until something breaks and then it definitely might be too late.
I just installed PGT SH800 – single hung aluminum, dual glazed air files and low-e windows and doors in my condo in Bradenton, Florida. I noticed that a number of the panels have distortions and and some don’t. Is PGT responsible enough to replace. Seen reviews where it has taken months for them to respond. Do I have any leverage since I haven’t paid the contractor fully
Just ask the contractor about it and he should be able to reorder any parts if the originals are defective. I would guess you won’t have an issue.
I’ve been going back and forth for almost two years with the supplier, the builder, and PGT. I would never ever have anything to do with PGT.
I work in this field. I tell all my clients. Dont waste your money on vinyl. Its only been around a number of years, and in direct sunlight they can warp. Whereas aluminum hold up much better. Understand they fortify the vinyl frames with aluminum to keep their shape. Dont waste your hard earned money on vinyl.
Thats a defect in the glass. They need to come out and see it. PGT does have a problem with this. I bought windows from them 14 years ago. They had to replace some of my windows. I would think the problem would be fixed by now.
Look at the warranty for every other impact window and you will find the same.
PGT’s warranty is one of the best in the impact window industry’s, with a ten year finish warranty for aluminum.
Pgt has had numerous complaints with the BBB on the west coast of Florida . According to reading that site there was a manufacturing problem in 2010 . We bought a home with pgt Windows installed in 2010 that are delaminating pgt told me
Flatly to get lost unless I could come u with the original sales order which I can’t get since the installer is out of. Business . So much for stsnding behind your product
I always hate to her stories like that. If you find a solution please let us know.
Keep pushing, the squeaky wheel gets the oil. I would push till they send a service tech out to see your windows. They can get cut glass sizes to replace your windows, this can be done in place of a missing sales order number.
PGT windows are no good i.m.o. I had them installed throughout my new home in 2001-02 ish in Florida ….Energy efficient , Low E , premium $$$ – yada yada …within 6 months I had one filled with 2″ of water like a fishtank. Over the next 3-4 yrs I had fish eyeing and or hazing in another 2-3 windows to which to their credit they eventually came out and replaced them. I have another one hazing yet again now . The sliders leaked like a sieve during the hurricanes to the point my drywall was saturated and ruined around them . I had them out to see it all and they wouldn’t do anything and blamed it on the design pressure…… avoid and look elsewhere is my advice.
I just had PGT impact sliding doors installed and they allow water to pool inside the track of my sliders on the interior of my home and the inspector from PGT told me that these impact sliders are hurricane impact but not water proof???? what does that mean?
I’ve read that most window failures are due to installation, not the actual window. We had PGT double paned aluminum windows installed in 1992. They were all great until about 2013 when the seals started failing. We live in Orlando, and it started on the Southern facing side of the house, so the sun is probably cooking the seal. Now you can see black seals creeping up from the bottom of many of the windows.
We have been touring Parade of Homes houses, and almost all of them have installed the PGT window wall. They are very popular these days in Orlando, largely due to the price I
believe (compared to Nanowalls, etc). Does anyone know about those window wall doors?
PGT is definitely huge in FL. For a little while there we were getting a lot of negative feedback from customers. I don’t know if they were having a rough go of it for a while or if we were just ranking high on google searches for upset customers. In my experience they’re a fine product in terms of quality, but you will always find someone who doesn’t like everyone, including PGT windows.
Does the warranty you got in 1992 still cover the windows? If not, will they service them for a fee? I would think they would.
Did you get any resolution on this? How on earth can a door be designed to allow water to come inside your home?
Why is this not told to the buyer?
I want this junk out of my house! I spent over $12,000 for two patio doors to keep the water out only to find out these stupid things are designed to let water into your house!!!
The frames came from the factory absolutely filthy and wilL not come clean. How do we get this “design” resolved and get door tracks that keep water out?
Had one of their 4 sliding glass door panel systems installed on an inclosed screened back porch. One of the glass panels popped into several hundred pieces. This happened after only three years. I called the company to get some assistance with getting a new glass panel and they told me that I was on my own. Glass doors in my previous home lasted for well over twenty years. I would not recommend this company’s product to any potential customer. In my case I believe this product is DEFECTIVE!
Well, it is glass and anything can break. The windshield in my car has a crack in it and I don’t think it’s Chrysler’s fault. Good luck getting it fixed.
I bought a home with pgt windows that are delaminating . Pgt denies any responsibility . This isn’t the first time I have heard this . Their warranty is useless in my view and according to trade data they import from china .
Chinese windows? No wonder they delaminate and fall apart? If you bought a home with the windows and are not the original purchaser and the window fails you are out of luck . Oh and if it wasn’t one of their licensed installers dealers the warranty is void and if they were installed on a full moon on a Tuesday etc etc
Hi Marianne, sorry to hear about your trouble. Do you mean the laminated glass is separating? Seems like that would be a warranty issue to me. I don’t think their windows are made in China, but it’s certainly possible that some of the parts are. It’s hard to buy a window lock or a tilt latch that isn’t made in China.
Their windows are definitely not made in China. The glass used in their windows is either manufactured on site at one of their two glass plants, or purchased from Cardinal, an independent company specializing in hurricane grade insulated glass.
Thanks for posting!
The windows are made in Nokomis FL, not China lol. Glass is provided by outside distributors than cut to size, laminated (in the case of impact glass). Of course small parts (locks, handles, etc) are brought in from China. They do make several small parts in-house, they have small injection molding machines for parts like tilt latches, screen corners.
I can’t personally speak for their other products, but I just had the WinGuard vinyl sliders (triple slider and a double pocket slider) and WinGuard vinyl windows installed. I’m incredibly happy with the quality of the product and how they’ve turned out. I went to numerous home shows to view all of the vinyl products available in South Florida and got lots of push from installers to go with other brands claiming the ordering time for PGT would take forever (I believe the markup for the other makers is probably better). I insisted on the WinGuard as the fit and finish was significantly better than everything else I saw. The only con to the sliders I could see someone complaining about is that the doors weigh a ton and while they slide super smooth, they feel very heavy. I personally love this from a safety and security standpoint.
Your note on the Winguard product is a small, but hopeful light in the jungle of confusion and ‘bad press’ as I try to find a storm-proof set of glass doors (and windows) for a new home construction project.
I have an opening from the ‘dog-trot hallway (interior) to the outside deck overlooking the lake which begs to be opened full width and not ‘trapped’ behind the usual sliding or folding patio doors.
Any other comments you have would be appreciated.
I almost went bankrupt paying for PGT windows for my home after that close call with hurricane Mathew – but after reasearching all impact windows manufacturers – I’ve read bad reviews about all of them.
So how do I know who to choose from?
PGT seemed to have the lesser of bad reviews – but all of them had bad reviews.
You all got me worried
You’re right that there is always someone mad at any company. I’d like to put together a section focused on impact windows, but haven’t had the time. PGT is a popular option.
I’m in NE Florida and in the middle of deciding on a window. I’m replacing 21 aluminum windows 25 years old. I have received a wide range in pricing. I would really appreciate your insight. The first window is locally manufactured priced at $7000. The second is Simonton 5050 $11,800. The third is PGT 5400 $12,800. The only company that really meets my color requirements is PGT ( bronze exterior and interior. Anyway these are the first quotes and I believe there is some wiggle room on the Simmton and PGT. I don’t think I will be consider the $7000 window. How ever the company that offers the $7000 package is also the one quoting the PGT windows. Your thoughts please. TIA
That’s a difference of $436 per window from the $7k to the $11.8k options. I’d start by finding out what’s different. There must be something different other than the window model.
Hi , did you ever decide on a window ? I’m in the process of changing out fifteen windows ! Replacing a French door and a sliding glass door . I’m trying again. At first I called practical windows and doors ,they sent out a sales man named Russel Strack he measured all the windows doors gave me a quote. I was also having my ceilings refinished and crown molding installed throughout my home. I wanted it to be al done by one contractor I asked Russell if he new any good license contractors that would listen if I had a issue with the workmen ship because I am a perfectionist and I will be critical I want a professional job don throughout. He told me he had the perfect contractor for me . He called Chris Scott Holmes CSH construction which was licensed under a company that he worked for and I checked out the license and it was valid for a general contractor. Set the date to have both Russell and Chris over to discuss everything that I wanted accomplished. Russel seed that Chris’s was in the area He could meet up with Russell around fivethirty and six the same evening . I was glad my partner would also be home . That evening Russel and Chris came over and discussed did a walk through I discussed everything that I want done including the windows . I also had also informed Chris and Russell once how I was a perfectionist and very anal about the job to be done almost perfect if Chris didn’t think he could accommodate me I would go with someone who could . He assured me and promised me that he was the same way . Russell seed to me he has known Chris along time and he has been with and seen a lot of the completed project that CHS construction had finished and they had nothing but prais from his customers . After many contractors and window companies we decide to go with Russell and chris for all are remodeling needs. Russell gave us a verity of window makers . We decided for all are windows and doors to go with simonton windows at that time . We sighed the contract the end of June 2017 after month after month argument after argument with the shady work that was being done on the ceiling and crown molding the ceiling that were supposed to a nice smooth knock down turned to be what looks like a thick drop down orange peal almost popcorn ceiling and crown molding that all the corners and seams that were not mightered correctly he filled in with chalking or wood filler . We kept telling chris we didn’t want him on the job anymore. Chris seed just let him finish and see it then . Jeremy was closed to finished when chris came by we told him to leave during the time Jeremy did the ceilings and crown molding he managed to spill paint on the spare bedroom carpet and not even say a word we found it three days later it was hard and crunchy , brake a globe to the dining room chandlier, paint splatters over every thing . Now to the windows Chris had called because we ordered special doors it would be a little longer this was July twenty sixth . The windows were originally to be installed in the beginning of August that got moved to the end of August did happen . To make a long story a little shorter . Chris had made.excuses on the window being held up month after month finally Chris calls on February 28,2018 and told us that the installation of our new windows would be on March 06,2018. Chris’s text me and asked me to move any furniture out of the way of the windows the installers would have to get by the windows . It was Monday march 5th 2018 on my way home from work think that not only would I move the furniture out of the way but take all the blinds down to make the job go faster. I pull in my drive and receive a phone call from a licensed contractor that work for Chris asked me for Russell’s number I asked why he replied the Chris’s phone , business phone web sights are all gone they don’t exist he was a scam artist a thief and on probation in fl for the same scam in Virginia. And there are twelve of us so far with over half a million dollars stolen from clients and workers ! This is why I have to find the perfect window . Today, I had Clear Choice Windows to get a estimate they onl sell PGT window product I was impressed with what he showed explained everything very well . All I want to know who makes a good window that will last with a good warranty.with in house installers ! Please help thanks keith
Wow, I’m sorry to hear about your trouble. Unfortunately there are a lot of fly by night type operators in the home improvement business.
Hi, I’m getting estimates to replace 10 low e colonial grids windows (6@36×48, 1 bathroom @36×48, 1@ 36×36, and 2@ 52×48). Got aquote for PGT insulated low e 366 with contour muntins between the glass for $5,744. Quote for Aside Mezzo is $4,700. I’d appreciate your thoughts.
I’m more familiar with the Alside product and I think it’s a decent option. What did you see in the PGT window that made you think it would be worth an extra $1000?
Hello! Looking for help comparing Simonton windows and a PGT sliding door with Pella.
We are replacing 15 windows and a slider, all basically builder grade, in a Central Florida home. Door gets direct sun from 10am-4pm.
Pella is quoting for their 250 series window and 350 door.
Other local company is offering Simonton Impression windows (assuming 9800, they did not specify) and the PGT 5400 door.
My Pella quote is actually $2,000 cheaper, due to a bunch of promotions.
I’m looking for quality, and the reviews have me all over the place. Appreciate any expertise you can offer
What product did you decide on and have you been satisfied?
My neighbor just had pgt casement windows installed and there is a popping noise, turns out screws were missing and installed wrong
Doubt I will now use pgt
If you think the windows are installed wrong you shouldn’t blame the manufacturer. Did your neighbor call the company that installed them and ask them to fix it up? Anything can go wrong on any project. If the company addresses the issue I wouldn’t worry about it too much.
It’s not the window but rather the installer. Everyone seems to blame the wrong people. Geez get a life!
You’re right that a lot of times people do blame the wrong party. You’ll see people blame the installer for a product issue or blame the product for an installation issue all the time. Unfortunately we have been hearing a lot of negativity about PGT windows lately. I wonder if that’s due to some issue they’re having or just a run of bad luck.
I am having the same issue with the popping noise but it’s not the installation that went wrong. If you could contact me it will be helpful. Please.
I built a new home on the East coast of central Florida in early 2017. We had PGT vinyl 500 series impact windows and doors in the entire home our frames are white on the interior and bronze of the exterior. The bronze side is merely a color coating over white vinyl. Any scratches show the white vinyl underneath and even typical post construction cleaning rubbed through the bronze coating underneath to reveal the white. Other quality control seemed lax at best. Many of the trim pieces were poorly mitered with gaps 1/4″-1/2″ in the corners of many of the windows. Other quality measures like excess glue and exposed unpainted metal on doors would get a poor rating. The windows were shipped unprotected. I contacted our builder and the supplier (84 Lumber) and they told me that the windows could have been ordered with a protective film but there is an upcharge from PGT and it does not come standard. With over $30,000 in windows and doors I would have thought different.
PGT’s follow -up service is not very responsive. I have requested service for over 2 months for a door with internal glass defects, and correction of the aforementioned issues. The a tech had come out walked around and stated “Boy you have a lot of work that needs done and we weren’t prepared for that. We’ll be back next week” . Several weeks have passed, no one has showed up. repeated calls never returned. I will keep pushing until I get things corrected. But would say for sure that PGT quality, service, and follow-up rank very poor. This is the 5th home we have built and have used Anderson, Peachtree, Pella, and Marvin in the past homes. only 1 issue ever with an Anderson and they were super responsive and had the problem corrected within 2 weeks. I understand Anderson is entering the market in Florida with impact windows. I wish that had been the case when we were starting to build. For the cost and quality combined with the service follow-up, for me PGT was a poor choice that I would not make again.
Hi Patrick, sorry to hear about your trouble. There’s not much I can do to help out, but feel free to let us know how it goes.
Had all PGT Winguards installed on a total exterior alteration. Neighbor next door also did the year before me.
Since this was mid-late 2016, I was assured by both contractors that the de-lamination issue from 2010 was corrected. So… I would have to agree with Larry H. Unfortunately, as with all products, we are all at the mercy of the elements over time. So unless someone can find a study of TODAY’S products all compared, side by side, or in extreme conditions in a consumer lab to mimic the elements and time… we all come back to trust and relationships with some anecdotal information from blogs thrown in. Until the elements over time prove me wrong, I got a great product.
Signed a contract to replace all windows and doors in our home with PGT impact (doors are not PGT) back in April of 2016 (yes over a year ago). The bad news is that we have had as many a 20 windows replaced after installation because of defects in the glass. The good news is the company that installed them is getting each and every one replaced no charge and has not collected their last installment from us until it’s right. But, what a long drawn out hassle it’s been and it’s not over yet some 15 mos later. Company who installed says that PGT factory has been so busy their quality control has slipped badly. I would NEVER, EVER, recommend PGT windows to anyone.
We’re in the market to replace 6 windows (biggest is 70″ x 52) and was quoted PGT 5400 at $5998. Was told this was due to 4 of my windows needing to be tempered as they sit low at 16″ off the ground. We did sign the contract at first but cancelled after learning this may be a bit steep for a mid grade vinyl. Now, we’re looking at Soft Lite windows between Imperial LS and 5300 Impact (we’re non impact zone). Even the Soft Lite is quoted at $5800 for all 6 windows. Any thoughts?
Where are you? Maybe I can help out.
Does anyone have any experience with Home depot installing PGT windows
we are looking in to window and our local home depot on the east coast of florida uses PGT windows. Does any one have experience on this
What are anyone’s thoughts on this.
I had Home Depot install them 5/2017 in Sarasota, FL and couldn’t be happier. They did a great job with install and I’ve had no problems with the windows and they look great. I need to have 4 more done and I will use them again.
I went through Home Depot for my Impact hurricane windows using PGT windows in May 2016. I replace all of my second story windows, and so far no problem with my windows. Home Depot told me if I have any problem with the windows at any time to contact them and they will take care of any problem, with “No Question asked.” So far no problem has arise since 2016.
Right now I am in my ‘second’phase of installing my impact sliding doors on the first floor through Home Depot with PGT product. I hope my ‘Second’ Phase is as good as my first.
If you have not made your decision, I hope this will help!
Thanks for taking the time to write about your experience with PGT windows from Home Depot.
dont do it
How did you sliders work, I just had hurricane impact windows and 4 sliders and every slider has gaps at the bottom by the track and at the top! you can see daylight through and obviously the rain can get and the answer that PGT provide were dust brushes?? completely ridiculous.
Don’t buy PGT windows. They don’t stand behind their warranty when the company who installs them goes out of business, which happens often. I have been fighting with them for two years to get four insullated windows that have turned foggy. They always have some excuse why I can’t find an installer and distributed to fix my windows even though I’m willing to pay out of my own pocket.
That seems odd. Where are you located?
Pembroke Pines, FL.
hi, i am in coral springs…getting estimates.
who did you use?
did you ever get this problem resolved?
I’ve had two sliders fog up in the last two years. Of course I have to prove to PGT that I was the original buyer with my receipts and original order form but they will only warranty the glass. Installation of the glass into the slider is on me. I’ve only had the PGT windows for three years and the panes that need replacing aren’t even out in the weather. The sliders are located on a Lanai that’s completely covered by a roof and hurricane shutters when needed. I had Pella windows before and never had this many issues so early after installation. Poor product that can’t even hold a seal under a covered Lanai in MHO. Never dreamed I’d have to pay anything more for windows I bought new and already paid for once.
Sorry to hear about your trouble. Keep in mind that anything can fail once in a while. Sounds like they failed and got replaced under warranty so that’s not the worst situation in the world.
I recently built a home with PGT New Winguard Vinyl Casement windows throughout the house. I am a structural engineer and have a contractors license too. These windows leak if it rains with any blowing wind. That means almost every day in Florida. The seals are tiny and are a terrible design. I am getting water in the house , the “stainless” window hardware is rusting and rusty water leaks back out of the seals and stains the exterior walls. My previous house has Andersen casements that never leaked a drop for over twenty years and through many storms. Don’t ever buy PGT casement windows! I am waiting to see if PGT can come up with a design fix or if we need to resort to legal action.
Joe, I had the same windows installed in my house 4 months ago and I am having the same problem. I noticed when I sprayed the windows with a hose, water poured into the window and into the house. At first I thought it was poor installation, then I noticed that it was not around the window frame, but actually from a poor seal of the casement window itself. Please let me know how we can get this addressed. I will take legal action as well if necessary. I cant imagine the issue when we get into the rainy season.
I’d start by taking to the installer, and if that doesn’t work I’d call PGT. Threatening lawsuits probably won’t help, at least not in the beginning.
Latest update on PGT Casements. After a few months, PGT came out to fix the problems. They have been back several times since. Apparently there is a known design problem with the casements. I have 23 of them, so it is a big deal. They replaced the upper bulb seal and added “deflector” to the top of the windows. A couple still leaked a bit so they adjusted the catch ( I can’t remember the term) so the window is pulled in tighter. They still need to come back to replace some of the rusted hardware and screws. I am supposed to have the stainless package.
I spoke with a corporate rep at the International Builders Show last month. He acknowledged that there is a known design problem. He reiterated that the way to get things fixed is to contact the supplier and they contact PGT service. It takes forever, but eventually they will fix the problems. The PGT service rep has been extremely helpful, but I don’t think he gets the support from corporate that he needs.
Other industry insiders have told me that PGT grew too large too fast and are having huge growing pains. At this time, I would not recommend PGT.
I have been a Design Engineer, Tooling Engineer and now a Product Specialist with PGT since 1999. One thing most window customers in general are not aware of is “What grade or series of Stainless is being used. 300 series is a true stainless but is weak and cannot be used for every part of a window especially if its a part that is stressed or under force. That is when a 400 series stainless will be used which does contain a bit of carbon so it can be hardened. This type of stainless an and will discolor and sweat a bit of rust but will not rust to the point of a zinc or mild steel part. Sometimes in the design process there are compromises made due to design constraints.
Hi Patrick, thanks for writing. I’m sure PGT designs products to be used in salty environments due to your presence in Florida. Feel free to chime in anytime.
PGT has been working on the problem. They added a water deflector at the top of the sash and replaced some of the bulb seals with fatter ones. Apparently they knew about the problem. (isn’t that nice) They still need to replace some of the rusting “SS” hardware and I still have some leaking. I have over 20 casements, so it is a big deal. I will keep on them and we’ll see what happens.
At least there is progress. Have there been any new developments?
We just had all of our windows replaced with PGT with the Winguard windows. While they look beautiful, we are extremely disappointed. All the glass has spots that we cannot clean off. Some of the seals are broken and one won’t lock. We paid $12k for only 12 windows including installation so it’s a bit disappointing.
I would expect they would fix that up for you. Have you contacted them and how did things end up?
We have the same “spots” on every one of our new PGT windows too. When condensation forms on the out side or when you try to clean them, you can see lines (vert and horiz) and rings, both inside and outside. When we first noticed it (thank goodness it was before we made final payment) it was BAD! We took pics. Sent them to our installer. He didn’t even come out to look at them. That told me it wasn’t the first time he’d seen the problem. We already had a warranty service call in the works with PGT to come out and fix the bad miter in the top left corner of all bottom sashes. They added the marks/spots on the windows to the warranty service call. Installer and PGT said they would buff out the marks.
?? Dealing with the PGT field service rep was like sticking sharp sticks in our eyes. After back and forth with him on the phone to schedule and re-schedule, THEY (service rep and PGT) decided to replace ALL of our sashes. HE NEVER CAME OUT TO LOOK AT THE WINDOWS!!. That told me the marks on our windows weren’t the first marks on windows that PGT sent out of their manufacturing facility. That was all about 5 weeks ago. PGT has not contacted us. Our installer says this is a warranty deal and PGT will ultimately do the work to replace the sashes. The way I see it, the installer hasn’t been paid in full and hasn’t finished the job. The installer should be the one to compete the replacements. They had a really good, kind and considerate install team. We want them back at the house, not the PGT field service rep. Anyone been through this and/or have thoughts on this? Thanks for your time.
Sounds like it might be a problem with the low-e coating that is inside the sealed glass unit. They probably don’t need to look at it in person to tell what it is. When you’ve been at this for a while there are only so many problems that can possibly come up and at some point you’ve seen them all. I know I haven’t been confused by anything in a pretty long time.
If that’s what it was then they probably had a lot of windows affected so it wouldn’t be shocking that it takes a little time to fix. If they’re fixing it then things are working. There’s no need to get to antsy. I would not pay the installer until it’s complete to your satisfaction and follow up from time to time asking for an ETA in a professional manner. There’s no need to get too bent out of shape. It’s not like they’re leaking or causing a problem with your house. Sounds like they’ll get them fixed up soon.
Yes. Currently. Please contact me.
I am in need of advice. We are looking to replace the windows on our home with impact resistance windows. Our options are wincore windows or PGT. I haven’t found many reviews on the wincore but tons on PGT that are not so good. Which one would you recommend? Also, I have a quote for the andersen brand lone that only sells at home depot. What is the best window brand for impact?
Hi there, I’m not an impact window expert as we don’t operate in Florida. I know PGT is big down there so I bet they would be a fine option. The fine folks at MI windows did let me shoot a 2×4 out of an air cannon at one of their impact windows and that was a fun thing. You might check them out. Did you pick one already?
Those little weep holes at the bottom of the window are there to drain the water from the extruded aluminum and must be kept clean. Since these windows don’t have an angled sill like an old wood double hung window, water runs into the bottom chanel and then drains out the weep holes. I’ve had them fill up and overflow in a bad storm so I have marble on the inner sill just in case.
They were great in dealing with the issues. We’re very pleased.
We just had PGT SH5400 single hung windows put in the house. Was super happy with the look and the already noticeable insulating ability of the windows compared to our old single pane awning windows. And then closer inspection came when I noticed the top of one of the smaller lower sashes wasn’t sitting parallel to the bottom rail of the top sash. The tilt latch wasn’t latched in all the way. This prevented the window from properly closing, consequently it couldn’t be locked. When looking at what was going on with all that, I noticed the the top left miter of the lower sash was not flush between the rail and the stile. The three other miters were nice and flush. I check all of the other windows(11 of them). On every single one, the top left liter isn’t flush. Anyone else had this problem? Or is it part of the design of the window? (said facetiously) ALSO… several of the lower sahshes are quite difficult to get back latched in after having tilted them in. Sometimes making the click, only to pop back out as the sash is slid down to close it. Anyone had this problem?
If they’re impact windows they can sometimes be a little harder to operate. They’re so strong and reinforced that they’re not as forgiving as a regular vinyl window. I’d suggest calling the company and talking with them about. If you bought them through a dealer they should be able to help out.
PGT must have faulty manufacturing equipment. We had 14 PGT vinyl single hung windows put in back in March. I was all excited about how they looked at first too, then I noticed the top left miter and how the stile and rail were not flush. To some extent every single top left miter had the rail proud of the stile. PGT said they would come out and grind it down flush. I was afraid that would be removing material that could make the miter weak, not to mention the aesthetic hit that grinding surely would have produced. We also had the exact same problem with the lower sashes not being able to be locked after tilting in as they were quite difficult to get clicked back in.
OH! I forgot to mention… I went to our installer’s place of business to discuss some of the issues with the new windows. The PGT model they had in their showroom had the same not-flush top left miter! Come on guys! Get it figured out and dial it in.
I would bet you lunch that the cause of that is the little blade on the cleaner machine that cleans off the excess material from the weld. Those blades wear down over time and need to be recalibrated pretty often. If one was out of calibration it would cause one weld to look different than the others. It’s a simple fix and won’t have any impact on the quality of the window. They’ll just do in the field what the machine should have done in the plant.
Living in East Coast, S Florida, I have a quote from numerous installers, most going with PGT. I have one from FHIA, but not sure what “brand” windows they are. They claim to manufacture their own. I am reading about the issues with PGT, but has anyone heard of Vi-Wintech? Are they quality? Two bids, one for PGT, the other Vi-Wintech, and about 100 apart. Thoughts appreciated!
I would be interested in the answer as well as we are going through the process of window replacement. We have narrowed it down to vinyl and it’s between PGT (upgraded to handle +60/-60), Vi-Wintech, and we also got a bid for Custom Window Systems out of Ocala, FL and they seem to have the best warranty. Any thoughts on these three?
I just got a quote from a company who installs viwintech impact windows as well. I can hardly find a review on them. Seems odd. Anyone with experience with them? Located in NE Florida.
I recently had PGT windows and 1 French patio door installed through HD. Numerous problems (couple of cracked windows , a warp sash 1 very large window is warped) which they will need to return for. None of that really bugs me too much. The one thing that irks me is to lock the French door you really have to pull on it with some force to lock it, also have to pull on it just to get the latch to click . The HD rep tells me this is normal with a impact rated door. Seems ridiculous for a $5000.00 door.
Impact doors can be a little tricky to lock sometimes. The upside is that they sure are secure when they’re locked. Ask the installer or service tech when he’s back there addressing the other issues. He may be able to adjust it.
I have been a PGT Window Dealer since 1987, back then they were called Vinyl-Tech, the company has grown tremendously over the years and through all that growth I still get the support and service that I need from them for my customers. Some service does take time, glass replacements have to be manufactured and this is a process, so be patient and it will be done. This site seems to have a lot of negative reviews, and from my guess most come here to complain but I’m not seeing but a few come here to say anything good. PGT has been a solid partner to work with over the years, if any of my customers have a warranty issue I have never failed to provide that warranty to them if it due to them.
If you have an issue, the first thing to do is get your Dealer/installation company to come out and verify the issue. They should be able to put in a service ticket and get it taken care of. If they’re not in business, that can be an issue as you do need the original Sales Order Number (that the dealer gets) to get service. I supply all my customers with that SO# on their final invoice, this way they have in any event I’m not there anymore. So I would suggest anyone who buys PGT to get that number from your supplier. Also, all PGT windows have labels on the side of the jamb with the sales order number and line item number, more than likely this label is still attached to the frame, but you cannot see it unless you remove the window frame from the opening, which is not very convenient. But all windows and doors have a label that is left on the inside glass for the inspector to see it’s rating. Once final inspection is done this label can be removed, they will just peal off, this label also has the Sales Order number and Line item of that product. I recommend that homeowners keep these, just stick them to blank sheets of paper and keep it with your permit package for future reference, You can write the location of the window on the paper next to the label, so when you call for service you can tell them SO # and line number you are having issues with.
Remember all products go through a learning phase, and yes there were issues with earlier impact glass having some de-lamination, some of this was due to the make up of the glass, like using Gray on Gray glass. But as time goes on these issues are corrected from lessons learned and new techniques are developed. Laminated glass has been around a long time, but impact laminated glass is still a fairly new fenestration product and it really has come a long way from the beginnings.
PGT has a great product line and a complete product offering to complete your home. They have high test ratings and offer some really large size windows you can’t get from other companies.
You have to remember not all these complaints are the manufacturers fault, a lot I’m sure falls on the installation company, but most companies will handle these complaints and make you a satisfied customer.
I hope this helps .
Incredibly satisfied with my PGT window replacements. Significant drop in monthly energy costs in my 1950s home. The quality and aesthetic of the individual windows is superior to comparable windows that we shopped. It’s hard to believe the negative reviews appearing here. Incredibly sound deterrence, UV blocking, sturdy construction, and you can actually order replacement parts for them. Makes you wonder what went wrong with the installers…
ZERO complaints on my PGT windows (19each)and sliders(4each)
Windows were Installed 3 yrs ago, very happy with quality and installation.
florida? where?
Which impact low E windows would recommend between Jeld Wen and PGT?
I used to specify PGT windows but have given up all hope and am shifting my specifications to another company. As was noted earlier, before getting bought out and getting all corporate, they were a solid window company that developing an excellent reputation throughout South Florida for making a quality product, with good architectural support. Now the quality is down, prices inflated, non-existent architectural support, and a shady dealer network. Time to move on!
Who have you moved on to for hurricane resistant windows?
We sell a window manufactored by Simonton. Best darn window I have ever used and the custormer service and support is as it should be.
What series Simonton window are you speaking about? As Simonton is a higher end company I do need to balance quality and price. But PGT/CGI and GEO/MilGuard scare me.
Can anyone tell me who owns Simonton ? Home Depot sales came and measured for a sliding door and windows. He stated the Simonton company was owned by Home Depot. After reading about Simonton trying to sort the truth out.
I believe that’s false. Last I heard Simonton was purchased by Ply Gem from Fortune Brands. No history of ownership by Home Depot that I’m aware of. The door to door window salespeople typically don’t let the truth get in their way.
I am installing PGT Vinyl Low e windows and doors.
2 of my windows upper glass panel is distorted… how can I prove that they need to be replaced? is there a measurement on hoe distorted they are and if they meet warranty criteria? They are brand new and I am disappointed with the view being distorted especially from longer distances than 10 feet.
I will claim this but what if they say it is normal..? How can someone prove that this meets warranty and replacement?
Thank you for the advice.
They’ll probably just replace them. Most manufactures are pretty easy going about warranty claims when you first receive the windows. If something isn’t right I expect PGT Windows will take care of it. Let us know how it goes.
My 5 year old PGT slider just shattered, no impact, no stress just shattered. There is alot of info on the internet that contaminents during manufacturing typically cause this. Of course they won’t warranty as at fist it must have been impact then they said stress crack (its shattered, not cracked). They just won’t warranty their garbage. In every conversation I will try and warn people, its the right thing to do.
If you’re talking about a sliding door it would be almost impossible to get a stress crack. Since it’s tempered glass it’ll shatter if it breaks rather than just getting a small hairline crack like a window might. You might try telling that to the rep on the phone. It’s possible the people answering front line calls don’t know a whole lot about the products.
Hello from plantation florida! we have 70 series impact sliders from PGT. this being an older model, they no longer have the tracks. any suggestions where to source tracks around the country? I have a leak under my slider on third floor that is seeping through to second and first floor, damaging wood floor on second floor and ceiling leak on first. Apparently need to remove third floor door entirely including track, install proper water barrier/flashing and reinstall. issue is apparently there is no way to reuse old track NOR buy new track. dont want to spend another $6k to stop a leak by installing new door.
Hello! Im trying to decide between CGI sentinel( owned by PGT now) and Mr Glass. We live in South FL. Any suggestions?? Mr Glass quotes seem to be 10-15% lower and they claim their products being better than CGI in terms of numbers, especially in their sliders. Also any info on view distortion? We love clear view and I do not want it to be distorted after i spent 50k 🙁
Terrible Customer Service & Warranty Service
We did a significant renovation in 2014 and installed 3 different large sections of 10′ tall sections of sliding doors (1 – 12′ wide section & 2 – 16′ wide sections). Upon completion PGT requested to use our photos to update your marketing to a more modern look to which we agreed.
Since August 2016 we’ve had an issue with defective panels (Christine Noland was my original contact at PGT). To date we’ve had 7 of the 11 panels fail (only 5 have been replaced). The replacement process has been miserable. We’ve had the wrong panels delivered, wrong size delivered, defective panels arrive, wrong panel gasket color and each and every time over the 4 years my wife or myself have taken off work only for it to be a waste of time due to a PGT mistake.
Given the length of time it has taken to resolve these issues FAS Windows & Doors have brought in Tom Price (Territory Rep with PGT) to review the required panel replacements and oversee the quality of the product coming from PGT. Since his involvement March 5, 2020, we’ve again had the wrong size panels, defective panels & incomplete parts shipped by PGT. No improvement in the process or communication to date nearly a year later and the work is still not done. This issue now is PGT has changed the color of the gaskets and instead of replacing the doors so they all look alike and are of similar quality PGT is asking the warranty company to remove only the glass on the select panels in the field and replace….not something normally asked of a warranty company or with an aluminum door outside in the field weighing almost 400 lbs.
We were told the 2013-14 PGT doors like we purchased have had an extremely high failure rate due to the gaskets. That being the case and given what we’ve gone through over the last 4 years (38 emails, 13 visits from FAS Windows & Doors and countless phone calls) I’m shocked more isn’t being done to take care to make this right and in a timely manner.
I have tried contacting PGT because there is NO way our experience is acceptable, emailing PGT and leaving a VM at HQ….none of which has ever been returned. My issue is PGT isn’t arguing the work shouldn’t be done but rather they just don’t care how long it takes to complete the work or the qualify of the product at the end. When you spend $50K on doors with a company you expect more….much more.
Avoid PGT sliding glass impact doors 5500 series. I’ve done an entire house window and doors replacement with PGT impact. Based on that experience I purchased and installed two sets of sliders. The design is the worst of all sliding door manufacturers. Door Frames are great, glass is great. The track the doors sit in and the design of the doors sitting in the track is unacceptable. My clue should have been the PGT literature stating not designed to keep water out. Unfortunately I missed that originally. Looking at the track of a Jeld Wen vs PGT base of track has a built up false bottom with exterior weep/drain holes. Clearance tolerance at top track is very minimal. PGT No exterior weep/drain holes on track base. No false bottom on track base. Clemenceau tolerance all around top and bottom track is ridiculous. Bugs easily crawl through and heavy rain easily interior base track. I actually called PGT and sent pictures because I believe installer left out parts. Nope that’s how they build them.
Appreciate the response! Yes they are Hurricane windows. Also, curious as to your opinion on considering a box store, such as Home Depot or Lowes for a window replacement project?
Box stores are almost never a good option. We wrote a post about that here. They could probably do a great job at being in the window business, but for some reason they’ve decided not to be very good at it.
Hey Window Dog!
I got a quote for 13 PGT 5500 windows. 3 picture windows, 1 twin single hung, and rest are single hung for just under $20k installed.
How does this sound up front? I know now is a strange time to be buying any type of building materials.
Hi JW, are they impact windows? For regular windows that seems a little pricy to me. Impact windows can be a bit more expensive so that might be more reasonable. There have been a lot of complaints from folks here about PGT windows over the last couple years. It’s always hard to tell from this side of the screen if that’s a manufacturing issue or installation or just a disgruntled customer, but something to be aware of.
There are way too many complaint posts to be just “disgruntled customer” based. PGT is also buying up other South Florida hurricane resistant window companies. What will happen to the quality of their products over time?
You’re right that there are a lot of them, that’s why I was bringing it up. It’s hard to say what will happen down the road. You’d think the customer complaints to impact their business to the point that they’d fix it, but that’s sometimes easier said than done for a building products company.
This company is horrible. They installed our windows and doors on a new build Sept. 2023. One of the windows was scratched and a 10′ slider door was scratched and chipped. After 9 mos. of trying to get this corrected, they finally agreed to replace both items. We have been trying to reach them for almost two months now. All texts and messages have been ignored up until ten days ago, after threatening to post reviews. They finally responded saying the door product was new and they’d have to locate an installer and they would get back to me soon. Guess they think you’re stupid. If they did the original install over a year ago, now it’s a “new” product? Regardless, it’s now been ten days and nothing. They are typical of the current building industry. Sell, install, get paid, and forget about it. I would never use this company again.
Hi Donna, thanks for writing. We’ve seen some other complaints about PGT Windows too. I wonder what’s going on. Where are you located? I would think they’d already have installers on hand. Have they told you if the new window and door have already been produced? Once that’s done it might be easy enough to get resolved.