Rosati Windows is a small vinyl window manufacturer in Columbus, OH. My company offers windows in Ohio but I’ll admit I wasn’t too familiar with Rosati. In working on the Rosati windows reviews I didn’t get the greatest first impression.
Rosati is a company that makes and installs windows and they use that to try to differentiate themselves. This is something we see in almost every city around the country.
You’ll see some variation of this pitch from Crown windows in Michigan, Thompson Creek windows in DC / Baltimore, Stanek Windows in NE Ohio, Champion does it in several cities and there are many more. It’s a very common business model.

Typically these companies will tell you they “cut out the middle man”, but then their prices are usually some of the highest in town. If they’re cutting out the middle man shouldn’t their prices be some of the lowest in town? I told you this was a strange business model.
What seems odd about Rosati Windows?
My first impression is that this is probably a pushy, high-pressure sales type of company. It’s always possible that I’m wrong so feel free to post a comment if you had a different experience.
There are a few warning signs on their website. For example, their site has almost no info about their windows. This is strange for a manufacturing company.
They also list a group of “core principles” that makes it seem like they argue with customers pretty frequently. For example, one of their core principles is “The customer is not someone with whom we should argue or match wits.”
Who would write that other than someone with experience arguing or matching wits with customers? It just feels a little strange.
Is the Rosati Windows warranty any good?
It’s actually better than many others that we see. The risk is that they vanish one day and then the warranty isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. That is a real risk with small window manufacturers. We’ve seen several of them vanish since we started this site.
I think that’s an even larger risk if they are in fact using the old fashioned buy today sales tactics. That’s a business model that won’t hold up well in the future in my humble opinion. Any company relying on it is a company that is taking a decent risk with their future. That makes the warranty a little questionable in my book.
I do like how they say the fiberglass screen mesh is warranted against rust. Ha, if your fiberglass starts to rust you’ve got real problems on your hands!
What’s the bottom line?
I’ll admit I don’t have first hand experience with Rosati windows, but my impression is that they’re probably not the best option around. If you have a different experience feel free to post a comment below to let everyone know.
How can you find a great window company?
When shopping for windows I do always suggest finding a great installation company before you fall in love with any particular window model. There are plenty of great window options out there but not as many local companies that are great to work with.
To know which companies to avoid you can find common window sales tactics here. That’s become one of the most popular sections on the site. You can also find the most detailed window reviews on the internet here.
Remember, for more great window company info you can find our suggestions for the best local companies in 2023 right here. There’s no need to work with a company that gives you the run-around or makes the process difficult. There are plenty of fish in the sea as they say. The best way to get started is to check out our list of great window companies here.
Your impression is incorrect. Rosati is a very well-known and respected company in Columbus. Their windows are well made and as someone who visited their showroom, I can confirm there was no pressure to purchase. While I did not purchase my replacement windows from Rosati, it is a company and window I would recommend.
Hi Diana, thanks for reaching out about Rosati windows. What did you end up buying elsewhere?