If you’re looking for Crown windows reviews you’re probably in Michigan as they claim to be “The Michigan Window”. In fact they talk quite a bit about being the Michigan replacement window on their website. Are they offering a good deal? Let’s find out.
Before we get too far into this review I should note that my company does offer windows in Detroit and Grand Rapids. We don’t offer Crown windows so one might say we’re a competitor. If you’d like an easy online quote from my company we’d be happy to help. We can send a quote by email with no pushy salesman. Welcome to the future.
In looking at their website a few things jump out. First they say they manufacture and install the windows. They also say they’ve been in business since 1955. These sound like great reasons to work with them. They might also be downsides. In my experience the small local manufacturers who produce and install their own windows are some of the more expensive options around. I also write a lot about the risks of small manufacturers and those same risks would apply to Crown Windows.
The next thing we notice in working on the Crown windows reviews is that they make a lot of qualitative statements without much info to back it up. Here’s one example:
As you can see they say they “stop air infiltration”, but without an actual rating it’s impossible to know if they’re doing better than any other window. If you’re considering Crown Windows my advice is to ask them for the specific rating for the window you’d be getting. Generally speaking an air infiltration rating under 0.10 is pretty decent and under 0.05 is better. If the air infiltration rating is over 0.10 it’s not so great after all.
Here’s another example:
You can see they say their special foam offers exceptional resistance to thermal transfer but we don’t really have any information about what that means. If you’re considering these windows ask for the U-Factor to understand how these windows will compare with other options. To be Energy Star rated in the northern climate zone the U-Factor needs to be under 0.30 and there are other ratings, like the SHGC, that will also be important to consider.
What else to consider with Crown Windows reviews?
There are several other selling points they use that may sound fancy but aren’t really unique. These features will be offered by many companies. Features like Super Spacer, or high-performance vinyl are very widely available and aren’t really unique to Crown at all.
If the salesman goes on and on about how they offer these super special features I’d discount most of what he has to say. These are fine features but really not very special at all.
Are Crown windows the same as Earthwise windows?
Yes. Crown is a manufacturer that makes windows under the Earthwise brand.
We’ve written about Earthwise before. As you can see in the comments on that page, some of the Earthwise salespeople don’t always agree with my assessments. That can be common. At the end of the day I don’t think it’s a great program.
What’s the bottom line?
Crown windows are perfectly fine, but there’s nothing about them that is particularly remarkable. The risks of working with a small window manufacturer are substantial. I’m not aware of any reason to take the gamble. The features they offer are perfectly nice but not unique.
If the salesman hasn’t explained why you should take the gamble of working with a small window manufacturer I’d suggest looking elsewhere. You can get the same replacement window features and many more elsewhere.
How can you find a great window company?
When shopping for windows I do always suggest finding a great installation company before you fall in love with any particular window model. There are plenty of great window options out there but not as many local companies that are great to work with.
To know which companies to avoid you can find common window sales tactics here. That’s become one of the most popular sections on the site.
Remember, for more great window company info you can find our suggestions for the best local companies in 2023 in Michigan and beyond right here. There’s no need to work with a company that gives you the run-around or makes the process difficult. There are plenty of fish in the sea as they say. The best way to get started is to check out our list of great window companies here.
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