If you’re looking for Vytex Potomac HP windows reviews you’ve come to the right place. Here we’ll look at the advantages and disadvantages of these windows along with info on the warranty, prices, features, efficiency and more. Get ready for fun!
As we get started it’s important to note that I always suggest folks buy windows from large and well established manufacturers and this one doesn’t fall into that category. Vytex is a small manufacturer in Maryland and I’ve dealt with them before. They make fine windows, but there are real risks in these little companies.
What are the advantages of these windows?
This is billed as the top of the line Vytex window so they have most of the features that you’ll see in any nicer window. These windows will all use virgin vinyl and welded corners, that’s all very common and not really special at all.
The Potomac HP windows do a good job of getting a great seal. The air infiltration rate is 0.03 which is perfectly good. We tend to suggest looking for a window with a rating under 0.05 so this one meets that goal.
As far as the advantages go, this window is perfectly nice, but there’s nothing really remarkable about it. Now let’s look at the downsides.
What are the disadvantages of Vytex Potomac HP windows?
I already mentioned the riskiness of the small size of this company and I don’t think that should be underestimated. We do hear about these small window companies going out of business and leaving all of their customers with no warranty or access to spare parts. You don’t want to end up in that position.
In addition to that, the sales process that companies selling these windows use can certainly leave a lot to be desired. There are a few companies who sell a lot of these windows using all of the old fashioned sales tactics. There’s no need to buy windows from a company who treats you like that.
In addition to all of that, these “top of the line” windows are still using the cheaper constant force type balances vs the nicer upgraded block and tackle balances you’ll see in most nicer windows.
How efficient are these windows?
The efficiency ratings for the Vytex Potomac HP windows are perfectly normal. They offer the same types of energy efficient glass and spacers that you can get from any nicer manufacturer and the efficiency ratings are pretty typical.
Here you can see the efficiency ratings for three common packages. The ratings here are pretty typical. A 0.27 U-Factor for double pane and 0.21 for triple pane are very average.
One thing you can see in these ratings is the very low (bad) VT rating. For example, the 0.21 U-Factor for triple pane is pretty normal, but the 0.40 VT rating means these windows don’t let in a whole lot of light. This is usually due to the thicker frames. Light is a good thing and nobody wants a dark house. In my mind that thick frame is a real drawback to this window model.
What’s the bottom line
Overall the efficiency ratings are perfectly normal and the features this window has are perfectly fine.
There is an inherent riskiness of the small manufacturer, the lower end hardware and the thicker frames blocking light that are real downsides.
I don’t think this is a window I would suggest to you if you were my buddy asking my advice. It’s a decent enough product, but not remarkable and the retail prices are usually not very competitive. I’d suggest looking for another option.
More posts about Vytex windows
- Why you should NEVER buy Vytex windows
- Vytex windows complaints – What’s wrong?
- Vytex windows FAQ
- Warranty review for Vytex windows
How can you find a great window company?
That part is easy. Check this section for recommendations of window companies all over the country. There’s no better way to get new windows.
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I just received 2 quotes for 2 double hung windows, 1 picture window, and 1 sliding window.
Window Nation/Vytex
2 double hung and picture window Vytex Fortis
1 slider – vytex potomac HD
total – $5600
All Thermalweld
What is best option?
Hi Jason, I’m not a huge dam of either of those options but I might be able to get you a quote by email for another model that will be a little nicer. What’s your zip code? I can see what options are available.
You are such a hack it’s not even funny. What exactly makes you a window expert? Let start with your bs about vy tex being a “small company.” They’ve been around since 1988 and are a top 25 largest vinyl window manufacturer in the us. Moving on to the Potomac series having “average” features…did you mention they have standard double strength glass, guaranteed 95% argon fill rate, magnetic bottom seal, recessed locking rail, dual action lock…to name a few. Can you name another vinyl window that has more features..I’ll wait.
I’ve been selling vinyl window, in the home for over 10 years. I’ve sold okna, thermal, American jewel, provia, affinity etc, and the vy tex Potomac series is by far the best. If you don’t believe a salesman who has sold thousands of windows in his career, talk to my installers who rave about the quality of this window.
Any homeowner on this site, please disregard this amateur’s advice, he’s clearly on the take with other manufacturers.
Hi Ron, thanks for taking the time to write. I think you’ll find many manufacturers offer those features. I find salespeople often get distracted by the sales pitch more than the customers do. When I started in sales long ago I had a customer who was a salesperson in a similar industry. We talked about sales and dealing with customers while I was going through my sales pitch. In the back of my head I thought he was going to chuckle with me when I got to the close, but I was new. All I knew was my script so I just went for it. Instead of laughing he went right along and bought that day. In the years since I’ve learned that salespeople are typically great customers.
Remember, the fact that you believed the sales pitch doesn’t make it true. For example, basically all manufacturers offer double strength glass. I’m surprised that even made it onto your list. Talking about magnetic seals and argon gas fill percentages is also a distraction. I’ve written posts on the topic and I bet you’d hate them. I think it’s important to keep in mind that the results of efficiency features are very easy to quantify. I don’t have to wonder if maybe a magnetic seal “like the seal on your refrigerator” is a good thing. Instead I can just look at the air infiltration rates to see if the windows provide a good seal. The same is true with argon gas percentages. Nobody needs to guess about how efficient a window is, or take the word of a commission based salesperson. Anyone can compare the efficiency ratings to see how one option compares to another. If the U-Factor is better on one model then it’s more efficient. If it’s similar then it’s similarly efficient. No guesswork or storytelling is needed.
I’ve never thought that Vytex windows offered a very good value, and you certainly don’t need to agree with me. I would suggest you try to avoid just believing the marketing materials and instead look for quantifiable ways to compare options. I think you’ll find if you do that some of your story will need to change. I’d argue it will get better, but changing your story is hard because most salespeople really do believe the things they say, even if they’re not exactly right.
Thanks for sharing your perspective. If you ever want to compare industry experience just let me know…