Gentek Signature Elite Windows Reviews

Gentek Signature Elite reviews warranty prices and cost

If you’re looking for Gentek Signature Elite windows reviews you’ve come to the right place. Frequent readers of the site will know that I tend to think the Gentek window line is one of the nicer product lines and the Signature Elite is one of the best windows they make. That’s one reason my company elected to carry them in several markets so we have real first hand experience with these windows.

Here are three Gentek Signature Elite double hung windows.

What are the advantages of the Gentek Signature Elite windows?

There are a few key reasons that this model is one of the best replacement windows on the market today.

First, these windows are backed by a billion dollar company

Associated Materials owns Gentek along with several other major brands like Preservation, Alside, Revere, Alpine and more. The backing of a large manufacturer with a 70+ year history means that these windows are likely to be around for the long haul. It also means the warranty is likely to be honored for many years to come.

In my opinion people routinely undervalue the risk associated with the smaller manufacturers. It’s always my suggestion to work with a larger company and Gentek fits this bill

Next, the Signature Elite window utilizes slim frames to maximize glass area

Glass area can be a big factor for some folks when picking a replacement window. Some models, especially older designs, will use thicker bulkier vinyl window frames and the salespeople talk about strength. The downside to those bulky designs is that you get less glass area in the same size window.

Here you can see the difference in glass area that you can achieve with the Gentek Signature Elite windows.
Here you can see the difference in glass area that you can get from a window with a slimmer frame. The difference can be substantial.

The Signature Elite line utilizes a newer design that intentionally maximizes glass area with slim vinyl frames. This is more of a factor when the existing windows are on the smaller side. If your windows are large this might not be a huge concern, but to me it’s always important.

Next, these windows use upgraded hardware and components

If you’re new to window shopping it can be easy to think that all replacement windows are pretty similar. While it’s true that many windows generally look similar, there are some pretty important differences.

One of these differences is the quality of the hardware and components used. Things like balances, locks, tilt latches, etc are not always easy to see and they’re parts that people don’t always know much about.

best replacement window balances
Here you can see the differences in the common types of balances. Many manufacturers use the cheaper Constant Force type, but with the Signature Elite windows you get the upgraded type.

In my mind the quality of these components is a great indicator of the manufacturer’s intentions with the product. For example, the Gentek Signature Elite windows use the same upgraded hardware and balances as the Preservation Reserve windows which usually sell for much higher prices.

That tells you that Gentek always intended this to be a top of the line product and they’ve succeeded.

What colors are available for the Signature Elite windows?

The interior and exterior colors are a nice selling point for this model. Below you can see the available options.

Gentek Signature Elite interior and exterior colors.

You’ll see the popular black exterior is available along with many other colors. It’s important to remember that all color combinations are not available and adding colors will increase the cost of your project. If you’re considering color options other than simple white or beige, you’ll want to talk to your dealer about the options.

What is the warranty for these windows?

Overall the warranty on the Signature Elite windows is pretty good. I mentioned earlier that it’s backed by a billion dollar company so that’s a good start. The warranty is a transferable lifetime warranty so it’s good for as long as you own the house. Then it’s transferable when you sell the house so you can use that as a selling point.

The warranty covers the frames, the glass, the hardware and even the seal of the insulated glass unit. Overall I’d say the warranty is very strong and it a great reason to buy these windows.

How efficient are these windows?

These are very efficient windows which is another nice feature. Gentek uses their Barrier XP Packages in the Signature Elite windows. This means they are available with hundreds of available efficiency packages.

These are the efficiency ratings for the common Gentek Barrier XP efficiency packages.
Here are the efficiency ratings for the most common Barrier XP packages.

You can get triple pane glass for a top of the line solution with U-Factors as low as 0.21. Or, you can pick from a wide range of double pane options to get the best solution for you.

Gentek offers several spacer options including Super Spacer, Intercept Spacer and a stainless option called ThermD. They also offer different types of low-e coatings and different gas fills like argon and krypton to make sure you can get the best solution.

This shows the foam insulation inside the frames of the Gentek Signature Elite windows.

In addition to great glass options, here you can see the optional foam insulation in the frames too.

You will see some in-home window salespeople acting like they have the very best efficiency packages but the chances are Gentek offers everything those small companies offer and many more options too.

Finally, the air infiltration rates are another huge advantage to this model. You get an air infiltration rate of 0.04 in the double hung model which is better than many competitors. That means when the window is closed and locked you won’t get a draft into your home.

This is the frame and structure of the Signature Elite replacement window.

What’s the bottom line?

This is a window model that has many advantages that can’t be matched by most competitors. They’re backed by a billion dollar company, they use upgraded hardware and components, the slim frames allow for max light and the efficiency packages are top of the line.

Overall I do think this is one of the best replacement windows on the market today. That’s one reason it’s a product we offer through my company in several markets and we’ve had great success. If you’re considering ordering new windows I’d say this is defininltey a model to look at.

How can you find a great window company?

That part is easy.  Check this section for recommendations of window companies all over the country. There’s no better way to get new windows.

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8 thoughts on “Gentek Signature Elite Windows Reviews”

  1. Does your company offer Gentek signature Elite Windows in Virginia beach area (zip code 23464) and if so who are the installers?

    1. Hi Greg, my company absolutely does offer these windows in your area. Check this section to get pricing and product info online by email. From there you’ll be in touch with one of our window experts who can answer any questions and make unlimited revisions to your quote until they have the order just the way you want it.

      For anyone reading this from outside of Virginia you can find recommendations for the best window companies all over the country here.

      Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.

      1. Hey there Window Dog, a few years ago, I did a great deal of research on vinyl replacement windows for my original wood windows in my 1988 North Carolina house. You really seemed to like the OKNA 800s back then. I debated between those, Soft-lite, and Sunrise. Since Sunrise is mostly west coast, I went with the OKNA 800. I did the front half of my house (all the original windows) as the back of my house had already been replaced around 2009 prior to moving here. Now I think the back of the house needs replacing too. 4 of the windows have broken seals, and the exterior trim needs replaced. I think the “newer” windows from 2009 were cheapies from Home Depot, but I can’t find any brand info on them (county building permit showed Home Depot as the contractor! LOL) I want to get OKNA 800s again, but your review of them seemed to change. Why? Thanks for any help you can provide. I liked them so I informed my son to checkout Window Universe in Lakewood OH since they carry the OKNA brand. OKNA is not carried in my WU area 🙁

        1. Hi Jacci, I don’t think the info about Okna windows changed. I think they make a fine product. My company carries them in limited locations and tends to offer other options more widely for a variety of reasons. If you’ve already recieved a quote by email from Window Universe you’re in good shape. If there are any features or styles that you want to include just ask Drew or Emily. I’m sure they’ll be able to help.

          Remember, every manufacturer wants us to carry their products so we evaluate the options and offer the best products we can. We’ve been in this industry for over 20 years and have customers in 35 states so we have a lot of experience with this type of product and project. No amount of googling is going to provide more info than the team at Window Universe. I’d suggest letting Drew and Emily be your guides and they’ll be happy to help get your windows replaced with the best available options.

    1. Hi Greg, where are you located? I’d be curious to hear where you’re seeing that model. The 9000 series is an older model that was the “top of the line” for a while, but the newer Signature Elite is often a better solution. For example the 9000 series double hung will have an air infiltration rate of 0.10 which was great when it came out. The newer Signature Elite model has an air infiltration rate of 0.04 so less than half as much air getting through the window when it’s closed and locked.

      That model is sometimes only offered through one dealer in each town so they don’t have competition and can try to charge more for it. That’s probably not the case everywhere but in my experience that’s a thing that can happen.

      Were there any features or options you saw that you liked on one model vs the other? There are a few options that are only available on the 9000 series but they’re things that are relatively rarely ordered so often not an issue.

      1. Thanks for getting back to me. I’d rather name names so to speak, but it is a window company on the MA/NH border. I have sent an email to Emily with Window Universe Boston to have her freshen up a previous estimate for me or have a phone conversation about it. (At the time I was only guessing at the number of windows – now I have some more accurate information to share with her.) No particular feature question other than to find out if there were the same window or different models. The info you provided was helpful, and it would be nice to know if there are any other differences between the two. I will be also checking to see if Signature Elite might qualify for a $600 tax credit.

        1. Other than the higher air infiltration on the 9000 series, the other drawback to that model is the thicker frames that block a little light. The Signature Elite model will use a slimmer frame to maximize glass area. This is the way basically all newer models are designed, but the 9000 series is an older generation that does use thicker frames.

          The Signature Elite windows do qualify for the federal tax credits. You just need to pick a qualifying efficiency package. This is also the case with the 9000 series.

          I’m sure Emily will get back to you with the info you requested. Feel free to let me know if I can help.

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