ProVia Windows FAQ

Provia vinyl windows reviews

Here we’re looking at frequently asked questions about ProVia windows. If you have a question that has not yet been answered, or if you’d like any clarification on any questions, post a comment below. We read every single comment that comes in and we do our best to respond. If you have an unanswered question the chances are good that other people do too. Help everyone out by asking your question below.

Where are ProVia windows made?

Provia windows and doors are made in Sugar Creek, OH. They started out as a door company called Precision Door and changed their name to ProVia when they added more products like windows, siding and other options.

What are ProVia windows made of?

Provia windows are vinyl windows. Vinyl is the most popular material for windows because it is durable, efficient and cost effective.

Are Provia windows any good?

The windows are fine, but not particularly remarkable. Historically Provia was a door company and they’re still widely known for their hinged doors. The Provia windows have never been a huge part of their business and in my opinion there are better options. You can find Provia window reviews here.

Is the Provia warranty any good?

Yes, the Provia window warranty is pretty good. They offer a lifetime warranty on the windows and they are a company known for providing good quality products.

What’s the best way to buy Provia windows?

Provia windows are sold through a network of dealers around the country. If you’re a contractor or builder you can buy Provia windows wholesale. If you are a homeowner you’ll need to order them through a dealer.

How much do Provia windows cost?

The costs of Provia windows will vary quite a bit depending on the local dealer that is quoting them for you. They can be over priced in many situations which is not great for the end user. To find an alternative you can get an online window quote here with no pushy salesman.

What is Comfortech glass?

Comfortech is a brand name that Provia uses for energy efficient packages. There are several different Comfortech packages and the prices and efficiency will vary dramatically.

Do you have a question about Provia windows that was not answered?

Post a comment below to let us know. We’ll add your question to the list so everyone has more info. If you think we’re wrong about anything post that too and we’ll be happy to address your concern.

You can also find detailed window reviews here, recommended window companies here and common window sales tactics here.

Happy window shopping!

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1 thought on “ProVia Windows FAQ”

  1. Peggy Bell says:

    What are the best type of screens for a clear view?

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