If you’re looking for Sears windows reviews you’ve come to the right place. Here we’ll look at the windows offered by Sears Home Services to see if they’re a good deal. The short answer is that in my experience Sears almost never offers a good deal for home services and windows are no different.
Many years ago I worked at a building products distribution center where we dealt with the Sears siding people. I also know someone who had been a manager of a pretty large section of the company for Sears Home Services. My perception of their business model comes mostly from that experience.
You see most people don’t know of many window companies. When they decide they want windows for their house they can usually only think of a couple companies. Those usually include Home Depot, Andersen, maybe Sears, maybe Pella and that’s usually about it.
There’s nothing wrong with that. You’re not supposed to be a window expert. The challenge is that those companies usually offer some of the worst solutions for a replacement window customer.
Who makes windows for Sears?
Over the years Sears has sold different windows. Right now I believe the windows sold by Sears are made by Wincore (window reviews in link) out of West Virginia. Wincore can make a perfectly fine product, but there’s nothing particularly unique about it and nothing to justify the higher price you’ll get from Sears.
What is the Sears windows sales process like?
Like most of the larger old school home improvement companies Sears is known for the long drawn out sales process that starts with a high price and then offers you a super special deal to get you to sign today. This is just about never actually a good deal. You can find more info on common window sales tactics here.
Now, my info on their sales process is a few years old. If you’ve received a quote from Sears for windows lately please post a comment and let us know about their current process and prices.
What should you not do when considering windows from Sears?
In my experience you should never accept the first price. We’ve heard stories from readers about prices dropping as part of the sales process so stay strong and wait for prices to come down.
Let us know in the comments about your experience.
Did Sears Home Services go bankrupt?
No. When the larger Sears company went into bankruptcy and closed their doors the Home Services brand is one that survived. It looks like they offer services in far fewer markets than in the past but Sears Home Services does sill exist in several cities.
What is the Sears window warranty?
It appears that window from Sears come with the manufacturers warranty for the windows plus a 1 year labor warranty from Sears. That’s pretty limited for a large company. It would be common to see a longer labor warranty but it’s not the end of the world. Typically any labor issue is evident pretty quickly but that’s not always the case.
We’ll have an updated post about the Wincore window warranty one of these days. There are a few things ahead of that on the list but it’s coming one of these days.
What if I have more questions about Sears windows?
We can help! If you don’t see the answer to your question post a comment and we’ll answer your question for everyone to see.
Looking for any additional information on Sears windows that you’re not finding here? Post a comment and let us know. We’ll be glad to help out!
What’s the bottom line?
In my experience Sears is mostly trading on their brand name rather than offering a fantastic deal to their customers. If you have recent experience getting a quote for Sears windows please post a comment below to let us know how it went.
How can you find a great window company?
When shopping for windows I do always suggest finding a great installation company before you fall in love with any particular window model. There are plenty of great window options out there but not as many local companies that are great to work with.
To know which companies to avoid you can find common window sales tactics here. That’s become one of the most popular sections on the site. You can also find the most detailed window reviews on the internet here.
Remember, for more great window company info you can find our suggestions for the best local companies right here. There’s no need to work with a company that gives you the run-around or makes the process difficult. There are plenty of fish in the sea as they say. The best way to get started is to check out our list of great window companies here.
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