Simonton Windows FAQ

Find our Simonton Windows FAQ below. Here we’ll look at all of the common questions we get about Simonton windows. If you have a question that isn’t answered we invite you to post a comment at the bottom to ask your question. We read all of the comments and will be happy to answer your question for everyone to see.

Who owns Simonton windows?

Simonton is owned by Ply Gem which is owned by Cornerstone Brands. Ply Gem produces many window brands for sale all over the country through many distribution channels.

Are Simonton windows any good?

Simonton makes mid-level type windows. Generally speaking they are not as nice as products you can get from other brands. Simonton windows are very widely distributed so you see many small contractors offering these windows. Typically larger window dealers will work with higher end brands to provide better results for their customers.

Do Simonton windows use constant force balances?

Yes. Simonton windows will use the cheaper constant force or coil balances that are not as nice as the upgraded type you’ll see in nicer windows. Simonton is not producing the top of the line products so you don’t get top of the line components.

What are Simonton windows made of?

Vinyl. Simonton windows are all vinyl windows. Vinyl is the most common window material because it is durable, energy efficiency and cost effective.

What is the warranty on Simonton windows?

Simonton windows come with a lifetime warranty. Typically labor and glass breakage are not included although some dealers my offer these warranties as additional options. Overall the warranty is pretty decent on Simonton windows.

How much do Simonton windows cost?

The prices for Simonton windows will vary a lot depending on the particular situation and the dealer selling them. We see wide ranges of retail prices for Simonton windows. These windows are available in a wide range of configurations which can greatly impact the final price.

Where can I buy Simonton windows?

There are typically many dealers in every city selling Simonton windows. They’re usually smaller contractors as larger window companies will often sell nicer brands. Usually the pickup truck type contractor will offer Simonton.

For comparison you can get pricing online for upgraded models that will be more efficient and nicer windows right here.

Is Simonton Prism the same as Simonton 5500?

Yes. The Simonton window models can be tricky to understand. They’ll sell the same windows under different brands to try to help their dealers differentiate themselves. This is not an unusual strategy, other companies do it too, and it can make the process of comparing options very confusing. They do this on purpose. Find Simonton window reviews here to help make sense of it.

Why do people complain about Simonton windows?

People will complain about Simonton windows for many reasons. Usually the installation is the cause of the problem. It’s important to keep in mind that the person doing the complaining often doesn’t actually know the cause of the problem they just know that they’re unhappy. This can make understanding a Simonton windows complaint very challenging. Find more info on Simonton windows complaints here.

Should you buy Simonton windows?

No. If you were my buddy asking me for my advice I would say you can find a better product elsewhere. I know Simonton has may enthusiastic salespeople out there, but that doesn’t mean the windows are actually fantastic. You can find the option I would recommend here.

Do you have a question about Simonton windows that was not answered? 

Post a comment below to let us know. We’ll add your question to the list so everyone has more info. If you think we’re wrong about anything post that too and we’ll be happy to address your concern.

You can also find detailed window reviews hererecommended window companies here and common window sales tactics here.

Happy window shopping!

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