Polaris Ultraweld Windows Reviews

Polaris Ultraweld windows reviews prices warranty

Here we have Polaris Ultraweld Windows Reviews to help you decide if these are windows to avoid or to buy for your home. We’ll look at the advantages, disadvantages, warranty and prices.

The Ultraweld is the top of the line window option from Polaris so you’d expect it to have all of the fancy features that you see on fancy windows.

To me, the brochure for this model reads like it’s competing with windows designed 20 years ago rather than more modern competitors.

That can be a common situation for these smaller window manufacturers. They don’t necessarily have the resources to redesign windows to keep up with the competition. They can make a fine product but it can get outdated and it seems that’s what has happened here.

Polaris Ultraweld double hung windows.  Not exactly the most modern choice.
Check out this retro picture from the Ultraweld brochure. This model just feels old.

What are the advantages of Polaris Ultraweld windows?

These windows will have many nice features. For example, they have limited space in the brochure so that’s where they need to really hit the highlihgts.

The features they mention that they use intercept spacers in the glass, sash limit locks, heavy duty locks, recessed tilt latches, extruded lift rails, etc.

To save pixels I won’t explain each of these features in detail. The thing to know is that these are really ordinary features. There is nothing interesting here and basically every window will have the same features.

Here are three features listed in the Polaris Ultraweld brochure.  These are pretty common features, not too exciting.
Not exactly the most exciting features. I feel like I’m in 2002.

They do also talk about using Innergy fiberglass reinforcement instead of metal. This is also something you see in most every modern window design.

Finally, there is talk about the Flex screen and internal blinds. These are two features that are a little more unique.

Overall, I’d say it’s a struggle to find too many advantages to this product line over any other modern window model.

What are the disadvantages?

I’d say one of the main downsides to this window model is the older design from a smaller manufacturer. Those can both have consequences.

There are many older window designs that are still available today. For example, the Alside Ultramaxx and Sheffield windows were not new back in 2004. That’s when I worked for the parent company of Alside. That means those models are 20+ years old at this point and still available for sale today.

Older window designs tend to have bulkier frames, use older hardware, and the typically have higher air infiltration rates. See more on air infiltration below.

The small size of the manufacturer is also something to be concerned about. In my nearly 20 years of experience in this business I’ve seen many small manufacturers vanish. It happens. It also leaves all of their customers with no warranty and no access to spare parts.

If there’s a compelling reason to take that gamble then maybe you should, but is there? Why take the chance when you don’t need to?

What is the air infiltration rate of the Polaris Ultraweld windows?

This is info I haven’t been able to find so I’m hoping someone chimes in with more info. I saw someone say that the air infiltration rate for this model was 0.01 but that doesn’t seem right to me, at least not for a double hung window.

If the air infiltration rate was that low you’d think they’d be telling everyone who will listen but you don’t see it advertised anywhere. It’s not in the brochure or on their website. It’s not even on the page on their site that is dedicated to efficiency ratings. Strange.

That would be a huge selling point, so I’m thinking the fact that it isn’t written anywhere means the actual rating might be worse.

Do you have info on the air infiltration rate for a Polaris Ultraweld double hung window? Post a comment below, bonus points if you have anything official to back up your info.

Is the warranty for Polaris windows any good?

The warranty for these windows is perfectly decent. It’s a lifetime warranty on the window frames. You get 30 years of coverage on insulated glass units, but only 10 years if they have blinds.

There is no coverage at all for glass breakage or labor which are things that some other manufacturers do cover.

Also, if the warranty is transferred the coverage of the insulated glass unit is reduced to 10 years.

So, there the warranty is ok, but there are defininltey better options out there.

What is the price of Polaris Ultraweld windows?

Here’s a section where we need your help. Prices have been all over the place since Covid and it’s a challenge to keep up. If you’ve recently recieved a quote for Polaris Ultraweld windows let us know by posting a comment below. We’ll send you and email and your info will help everyone who is shopping for new windows.

We need your help.  If you've recently recieved a quote for Polaris windows please post a comment to let us know.
Have you recently received a quote for Polaris windows? We need your help!

Transparency makes this whole business easier for folks to navigate and your help is needed today.

What’s the bottom line?

Overall this isn’t a window I would tend to recommend. We’ll probably get comments on this post from folks who sell Polaris windows telling me all about why I’m wrong. That’s ok. I understand the salespeople love it.

When you look at all of the options in the market I just don’t think this model makes much sense anymore. If you think I’m wrong post a comment below and let me know why.

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2 thoughts on “Polaris Ultraweld Windows Reviews”

  1. I recently received an estimate for Polaris Ultraweld windows. My windows are sliders. Six sliders and one where the middle will not slide and the sides will slide. My estimate was $2,865 for upstairs, which is 6 windows and $1,927 for downstairs.

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