Simonton Windows Reviews – 2025 Scores and More

simonton windows reviews warranty prices and costs

Simonton produces medium grade windows. That’s the way they’ve been for years and we haven’t seen any signs of change. They’re known for providing decent quality, nationwide distribution and a reasonable warranty. Manufacturer’s website:

Simonton Windows 2025 Scores:

  • Quality: 80
  • Efficiency: 83
  • Options: 72
  • Warranty: 90
  • Price: 88
  • Overall: 84 Grade B

While most people in the industry would not put Simonton in the top tier of vinyl windows out there, they are a good solid product that is easily accessible through Home Depot stores everywhere.  In addition, these products are also sold through building products distributors and independent contractors.

Note: Not all Simonton window lines are available in all locations

Like most manufacturers out there they offers a range of products.  From the more budget focused Prism 5050 to their fancier Reflections 5500 and Impressions 9800 models they offer many options.  In addition to the replacement windows they also offer a range of new construction windows.

As with several other manufacturers Simonton tends to offer very similar windows under many different brand names.

best replacement windows of 2015

2025 Simonton Window Ratings Explained

Quality: 80

In our experience you’ll see occasional quality issues with Simonton windows. I don’t believe there’s a systemic quality problem, but many Simonton windows are produced for a certain price point and you can see that in the quality of the windows.

Efficiency: 83

As with all custom made windows there are a range of options to pick from. Simonton calls these ProSolar packages. They offer the same type of packages that you’ll see from many manufacturers. One drawback that lowers the overall score is the slightly higher air infiltration rates you’ll get from some Simonton models.

Options: 72

As a large manufacturer Simonton could offer anything they want. This brand seems to be focused on selling through the smaller installer owned type of window companies which means they can keep the options limited. It seems like they try to keep the options simple which means they don’t offer the range of choices you’ll get elsewhere.

Warranty: 90

We give Simonton good marks for warranty because they’re a large company that is owned by an even larger company. That means they’re likely to be around to honor that warranty for many years. Caution: be sure to read the actual warranty so you’re not surprised by what is not covered later.

Price: 88

The pricing for Simonton windows can be difficult to sort through because these windows are often sold through smaller companies that are less likely to offer clear and itemized prices. You’re much more likely to get a quote that says “replace 10 windows, $10,000) with little detail as to you how they arrived at that price. That’s not Simonton’s fault, it’s caused by their dealers.

Post your experience with Simonton window prices in the comments below. We’ll use that info when we update the ratings.

Overall 84 B

We give Simonton a B grade in 2025 because they can offer a perfectly fair value. They’re a large company with the resources to honor their warranty. While the options are limited and the efficiency isn’t at the top of the charts you could certainly do worse.

Share your experience with Simonton in the comments below. Our future ratings take reader comments into consideration.

Simonton window models:

Find specific Simonton window reviews by clicking a model below.

Replacement windows

New construction windows

  • Profinish Brickmould Series 600
  • Profinish Master

Simonton patio doors

More Simonton window posts

As you can tell there are quite a few brand names from Simonton.  This is more a result of the wide distribution and the desire for different resellers to offer a “different” product.  It’s not really a reflection on the quality of the product, but it is something to be aware of when comparing options.

Simonton ProSolar glass

We did just recently write a post about Simonton window complaints which might also be helpful to check out.

It is important to remember that the large size of a manufacturer is important.  This is because a larger company is more stable and reliable.  The fact that they are a very large company does not mean that the windows are great.  However, it does tell you that many people are choosing these windows every day.

Beyond all of that,  we’ll also post information on the Simonton warranty, the cost of Simonton windows and the ratings of the various options.

Find more detailed window reviews here.

What if I have more questions about Simonton windows?

If you have a question that has not yet been answered just post a comment and we’ll answer your question for everyone to see.

How can I find a great window company to work with?

That part is easy.  Check this section to find our recommended window companies all over the country including my company.  I’m sure you’ll appreciate the difference. Enjoy!

Update: We now have more recommend LOCAL window companies than ever before.   Click here to see who we recommend in your town.  It's 100% free.  You'll thank me.  There is no better resource; you're going to love it.  See for yourself right here.  

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240 thoughts on “Simonton Windows Reviews – 2025 Scores and More”

  1. THANK you so much for being a one stop shop for reviews — I know ZERO about windows, and all of this is VERY helpful. My HOA is replacing my 17 windows, and has offered to use Simonton Asure at no cost to me (which you have not reviewed yet); but allow me to “upgrade” to Reflections 5500 for $1443 (which is $84 more per window). We plan to move in 1 year or less. Worth it??????? Thanks!!!

    1. Glad you’re enjoying the site! Simonton Asure windows are essentially the same as the Simonton 5050 which is a really cheap product. It has all sorts of drawbacks. Nothing’s free in life, you’re paying for them with you HOA dues. The 5500 window is designed to be a nicer product, but it’s still an older design that leaves a lot to be desired. $84 additional for the 5500 is a little steep, should cost closer to $30.

      It sounds like maybe the ship has sailed on your project, but if there is still an opportunity to pick a different option or look at a different window company that might not be a bad idea.

      1. Do you think the Windows Universe Berkshire window is superior to the Simonton 6500? If so, what are the specific differences that make it better?

        1. I do. The Simonton windows have higher (worse) air infiltration rates, they don’t use the same upgraded hardware, they have thicker frames that block more light. I defininltey think the other option is a better choice, that’s why my company offers them.

          1. @Thewindowdog Thank you for your posts here, this is super helpful in my research.

            I’m pursuing a window replacement project in my 1820s house. Most of the windows in the house are original single pane wavy glass and the “new” windows are from an addition in the early 1900s. We have 39 windows to replace not including the garage or basement. The current windows have storms, no weights as they predate them and generally speaking are in decent shape with some broken panes, but for the most part, no rot. I’m pursuing 3 options and I’d love your opinion.

            Option 1: Vinyl replacement windows. I was quoted Simonton 5050 series with 6 over 6 grids installed for about $350/window plus installation. My contractor can get other windows if this option is appealing but the window isn’t.

            Option 2: Andersen Fibrex for a ballpark of $70k-$80k

            Option 3: Rehab the current windows for probably $30k-$40k.

            I have no restrictions on what I can do besides budget. I also don’t plan to live in this house forever and I have an exit plan within 5-10 years. What would you do?

      2. I am researching replacement windows and it’s getting very confusing. I started out with HD Simonton 6100 quote for 24 windows. I am looking for a middle grade vinyl window and have some contractors trying to steer me to Great Lakes comfort smart and others confusing me with what they claim are equivalents to the 6100 with names. I do have a window installer that does work for a big box store that could install any window I select. I need to weigh the cost versus quality so I have also have looked at the American Craftsman. I am also open to single hung versus double since I seldom ever open the windows. Any recommendation would be appreciated. Current quotes range from 12k to 17K most of the windows are roughly 32×72 windows.

        1. I’d say the Simonton is probably better than any American Craftsman. In my experience American Craftsman are some of the real bottom of the line windows.

        1. There is no such thing as Better. Both Simonton and Anlin use Cardinal Glass..which is the best glass ,and is also the glass used by Anderson 400 and other best selling windows. So what you see outside will be identical for all the brands. The #1, most important quality for the installation is the experience of the installer. How much caulk they use, how much time they take to level and prepare the opening. Of course the quality of manufacturing process involves a bit of luck sometimes..but with a good warranty and installers it will be taken care off. It is so happens that I just bought a townhouse which requires windows upgrades. Anlin gave me 9600$ quote for Del Mar , and Simonton gave me $7100 quote for Daylight Max . The Anlin salesman was also trying to sell me snake oil (LOL) while a Simonton salesman was honest upfront. (Project has 5 windows and Patio Door). So I ask myself a question is Anlin worth $2500 more than Simonton DaylightMax. Personally …I do not think so. If the price difference was a few hundred bucks…then I would think about it. Anlin probably has slightly smoother rollers on the patio door. But these can be bought and installed after market, it you want. Chances are you may not notice the difference to begin with, unless you are testing them side by side like i did. The bottom line.. I am going to go with Simonton. What do you think about my choice?

    2. I hope you like your Simonton Windows more than we did. Service was lousy. Windows are not at all what we hoped. Water sits in ledge, the grab lip is on the top of the window instead of on the bottom where all other “sensible” Windows put them. I have to grab the bottom to pull the window down to where I can reach the grab lip to pull it down. Extremely irritating! Would not recommend any Simonton. Good luck to you…you’ll probably need it!

      1. I totally agree. Worst windows ever! Plastic parts that always break and windows don’t go up or down smoothly. Simonton sends plenty of parts to repair but you have to try to do it yourself. Watched YouTube video to explain but it doesn’t cover the inside window of a double hung window. So disappointed in these windows. Would NEVER recommend them to anyone.

        1. Hi Joy, sorry to hear about your trouble. What model window did you get? Simonton makes a pretty wide range of options.

          1. I don’t know what model. They are double hung windows with grids. Open out so you can clean both sides from the inside. Balances are metal and plastic. Plastic always breaks. I did get most of them replaced myself this weekend but I have four windows that the cutout where you insert the balancer is only cutout on one side and you can’t get the spreader in to replace the balancer. I need to know how to fix those windows.

          2. Simonton does offer a pretty wide range of options from cheaper to nicer. Unfortunately, if you picked a cheaper option you’ll tend to get cheaper results.

            You can use a jamb spreader to replace a balance if needed. It’s a pretty easy job.

          3. Would you recommend daylight max by simonton as a inexpensive replacement? Going from old aluminum single pane windows in so cal.

          4. I’m not a huge Simonton fan generally, but for an inexpensive option I think they make a fine product.

        2. Had the same experiences, plus failed low-e film, with Simonton windows installed in 2016. Now in 2024/2025, local window installer swore by the newer Simonton Madeira double hung windows. After install I found the sides of the sash were so far from the frame that the weatherstripping didn’t cross the gap and the sash fell out if raised to the top. Simonton sent complete replacements and their gap was larger. My son has had zero problems with his slider windows from Simonton.

    3. *****I love my Simonton Asure replacement double hung double pane argon filled vinyl in white. I have had them for about 10 years now and they show no signs of wear inside or outside, easy clean, and I am putting them in my new custom home being built now in 2019, because I am so pleased with them.
      5 star in my book.

  2. We have estimates from three companies and are considering:

    Alside Messo
    Simonton Asure
    Simonton 5500
    Vytek Georgetown
    Vytek Fortis

    We are replacing 15 windows. Pricing for the Messos and Asure are about the same $5,600. Georgetown a few hundred more. The quote on the 5500 model is over $7,000 and Fortis even higher.
    My leaning is to go with the Messo (due to increased window area and energy rating) or the 5500 if we want to upgrade–though I understand the window area is not as large on these windows.
    Thoughts appreciated!

    1. Don’t buy Alside, I bought them a few years ago. The sashes failed and fogged up. The windows were in the warranty period so I called Alside for replacement. They refused to deliver to my house and told me to pick them up. I had no provisions to pick them up and even offered to pay for delivery. They wouldn’t even accommodate me for that. Nasty people at Alside, not nice to work with.

      1. Hi Rick, where are you located? That seems like an unusual response. Typically the company that installed the windows would handle an issue like that so you wouldn’t usually deal with the manufacturer. Were they not willing to help?

    2. Could I ask who u had do Windows I know many years later but prices seem to be outrageous now – who was company/ contractor maybe I can contact for referral for reasonable install in my home. Thank u

      1. Prices are most defininltey higher now than several years ago. That’ll just be a fact of life, but there are still plenty of companies offering more reasonable pricing than others.

  3. I am getting ready to replace a sliding glass door in my kitchen and a large window in my bedroom. The bedroom window has a center window with two casements on the ends. Home depot came out and showed me Vantage Pointe by Simonton. What do you recommend. I don’t plan on moving any time soon. Also what do you think about sliders.

    1. Simonton is a great product , but recommend going through Dixieline. They have much more knowledgeable associates then Home Depot


        1. I was under the impression that the windows were very similar just using different names. Is that not your impression? I’d love to hear about the differences. I’ve been in touch with several home depot folks over the years. Let us know how you explain the differences and we’ll confirm with them. I think that would be helpful info for our readers.

          1. Hi plan to replace my windows on my home on a budget. I want to get decent windows at a decent price. I am also an Interior Designer so hopefully I can get the windows at a discount?. I went to several places in my area. I would like to know what is the best budget-friendly Windows to purchase? I have a contractor for the install.

  4. I am looking at replacing a very large picture window with three windows (1/4, 1/2, 1/4). I know someone that has had Simonton windows for a long time although they are not sure which series they have. I have looked at the Vantage (Simonton) from Home Depot and was recently shown Provia. The Provia seemed like a better window but I don’t know if it’s just a “show” or if it actually is a better window. Do you have any advice?

  5. I am interviewing contractors to replace all windows for our home. Home Depot is pushing their vantage pointe 6500 series boasting the “best” warranty unrivaled in industry. When I asked to see actual warranty for detailed information, I was told I can get it when I purchase. This is unheard of. I then tried to contact simonton through its website requesting for information, only to be stonewalled. Simonton rep told me they do not have the warranty available to send me, I would need to ask Home Depot for it. I am dumbfounded with the lack of transparency I am dealing with. Can you please chime in on what you know about the 6500 series? I’ve been told if this is “exclusive to Home Depot” product means it’s likely to be one of simonton’s more inferior lines, but I’d like confirmation. Thank you.

      1. I work for Home Depot they stand behind everything they sell and install. The warranty is transferral to the next homeowner

      2. I’ve purchased simonton windows from home depot and can confirm the warranty was great. We installed the 6200 series and one of the windows broke and it was replaced no questions asked. The install went smooth and we loved the windows. When we moved we transferred the warranty to the new owners. We are now going to do the same with our new home. 6200 series with the sound secure for noise reduction.

          1. I am ready to purchase windows what windows would you recommend?
            Somewhere in the middle priced.

            Quality but not high end.
            Good service (1 hour from Austin)

            Thank you, Joe

          2. Hi Joe, my company offers windows in a 90 minute radius from Austin and we’d be happy to help. Find us at or check this section.

            As one of the larger companies around we can typically offer the best value and we can send you all of the pricing and product info online so there’s no pushy salesman in your house. The options we offer will be nicer than anything from Simonton too.

            The goal is to make this process just as easy as we can.

            Just let me know what else I can do to help out.

    1. You can ask a Home Depot Window and Exterior Door Design Expert to simulate a sale and screen the PDF, then send it by email to you. Basically the 6500/6200 series have double lifetime warranties from Home Depot and Simonton. This means you pay NOTHING ever again to repair or replace your windows if they fail IN ANY WAY. This could be 100 years if you are a long lifer. And you never have to look for the manufacturer in some other location nationwide. Just call 800 home depot and give them your phone or address and they will give you the local office 800 number to call for Warranty work. And very very important. If you sell your house you can lay out the Double Lifetime Warranty from Home Depot that COVERS EVERYTHING for the next owner for 20 years. No strings. No catches. Just FOREVER SERVICE! And yes this is not available in the stores, but anyone in a store can make an appointment for you with a Professional Design Consultant. Windows, Doors, Floors, Garage and Closet Makeover, and Kitchens. No charge for the consult and measurements at your home on your desired time, even nights and weekends.

      1. Hi Darryl, thanks for writing. Do you have a copy of those warranties? Last I heard Home Depot had a more limited labor warranty than that. Do you think that’s something that’s been changed in the last few years? I know Simonton’s standard warranty does not include labor. From what I see on their site they’re very clear that labor is not included in their window warranties.

        1. I just had a Home Depot windows rep come out to my home and tell me the same thing about the warranty and it does include labor.

          Would you go with these Simonton 6500 windows or the Window World 4000 series? Window World quoted $1k more.

          Thank you Window Dog!

          1. Any chance he gave you a copy of the warranty? When I lookup Simonton’s window warranty the copy I find specifically excludes labor coverage. It’s not the end of the world, but it’s good to know what you’re getting.

            We’ve seen Window World franchises offering different brands and calling them all 4000 series so it’s hard to tell what they’re really offering you. This can be a challenging business to navigate. If you’d like another option let me know your zip code and we can see if we know anyone to recommend in the area.

          2. Hi Who would u recommend for company etc to do mid grade vinyl replacement Windows – we have 13 windows and live in metrowest Massachusetts- someone good with reasonable cost. Thank u

      2. Not true. Just went to court against HD with LT Warranty in hand and lost. 6500 series installed 12 years ago. Turns out HD installers didn’t install with proper supports and it’s failing over time. Prior to court, HD had committed to fixing windows, then canceled, and we called and called them for months. Then they denied the work order stating they were not responsible for installation since a third party did it. We bought the windows from HD and had them install the windows. We have all original paperwork from purchase, too. The warranties are completely worthless. BTW they recently changed warranty to say “robust and competive”, whatever that means.

        1. Thanks for sharing your experience. Sounds like they put on a robust and competitive effort in court to avoid helping out. It’s always possible there’s more to the story as we only have your side. Did they have any other defense or just that they hired a subcontractor installer so they didn’t want to help?

    2. Home Depot Home Services warranty is, usually, double lifetime. Meaning that the original purchaser gets a warranty for the time they own the home, then the next homeowner as well. It’s a transferable warranty. This may not apply to all window manufacturers, but I believe it does on the Simonton, since that is the replacement, vinyl window they offer.

      1. Hi Irvin, do you have a copy of that warranty? We routinely hear from folks who represent a warranty one way but it’s not the way it’s actually written. I like to stick with what we can read and verify.

          1. You might not be surprised to hear that verbal promises from a commission based salesperson aren’t worth much. Read the warranty if you want to see what is covered and for how long. I generally do not recommend buying windows from a box store like Home Depot. I know it can sometimes feel like it’s an easy way to buy something, but in my experience they’re not the window experts.

  6. We’re replacing 17 windows and changing a patio slider to French doors in our Northern California home. We’ve had 4 bids all by companies with excellent Angie’s list ratings (thanks for that btw!). We’ll be doing a retrofit project to avoid the added cost for stucco work & repaint (house was painted 3 years ago). We’re gravitating toward either the Amerimax Craftsman Portrait windows or the Simonton Daylight Max. Can you compare the two lines and explain the differences? We’re starting to get information overload! Thanks!

  7. Please comment on the Simonton VantagePointe 6500 and 6100 double hung windows from Home Depot in comparison with other Simonton windows you’re reviewed . Apparently in middle Tennessee (per Simonton’s website), Simonton windows are only available through HD. An installed quote from HD seemed high, but their lifetime labor warranty is appealing. J.D. Power also gave Simonton their highest rating in their 2013 Study that also tied with Window World.

    1. There are many other places to get Simonton windows in your area. We’re not huge fans of the Simonton designs, but if you’re set on them you can find local guys who carry them by calling local distributors. ABC Supply or Lansing Building Products should be able to recommend someone near you.

      I wouldn’t put too much weight in an award like that. Several years ago CertainTeed windows were the top pick from Consumer Reports and those windows were terrible.

      Checking with Angie’s List will be a much better use of your time. You can get a 30 day membership here for just a couple bucks.

      1. So who do you recommend for an old house? Ours was built in 1897 and most of the windows are original! Just got quote from HD on Simonton/ vantage point 6500 and its about $950 per window installed, which seems crazy for a vinyl window. We need to keep cottage/ old house look, and have 28 windows. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

          1. Hi we’re looking to replace 28 windows in a 1920’s Tudor. Going with vinyl, was quoted $26k from Pella for the 250’s and $40k from Anderson. Any advice on other options? We’d like to reduce the cost if possible, but don’t want windows that won’t last. Current windows are from 1950, with chains and storms attached to the house.

          2. Hi Elizabeth. I don’t believe Andersen makes a vinyl option anymore and the Pella 250 windows isn’t my favorite. What’s your zip code? We may be able to recommend another option.

        1. I paid 8 , 900 for 11 windows on Long Island NY having them installed right now told of double life time warranty that can be transfers when I sell my home. Had an estimate for renewal by Andersen what was 22 thousand. So I went with Home Depot a reputable company and the 6500 Simonton double hung. Winter is around the corner and I will see. Had kelly replacement for about 15 years and in between the glass the insulation was failing. I called them and they told me I had to bring the window back to them. Yea right let me leave my house with no window. They did come once to replace a window but not any more so I called Home Depot now let’s see. Hope they work life for me is getting shorter so if I can get a good 10 years or more that would be great Any one install the 6500 please let me know

  8. This is to give a shout out to Simonton for their responsive customer service in supporting my windows that are long past the warranty period. In 1994 I installed Simonton Series 5000 casement windows. I broke one of the locking handles used to lock the window after closing. The distributor was not successful in helping me get a replacement part. After several attempts I did get Simonton’s attention by communicating on their website. They sent me two locking handles the same day at no charge. (I would have been glad to pay) I am thrilled that I can repair the window.

  9. We’re looking to replace about 10 windows in our house. We have 3 quotes. One is quoting Simonton Asure for ~$460 each, and the 5500 for $120 more, which seems like a big jump. Another is Windows on Washington quoting Okna for ~$900 each, and American Windows quoting Majestic at ~$850 each. The guy quoting Simonton is a smaller contractor who comes recommended, but obviously he’s not able to get all of the same brands.

    I’m a little confused on your Simonton recommendations. You say they make some decent mid-range windows, and your YouTube video even speaks fairly positively about the Asure series. But the written reviews seem less stellar. I’m trying to make sure we make a reasonable decision, and not get something junky, but also not spend double what we need to. Is there another brand that might be carried by ABC supply (where our contractor typically shops) that would be a better bet?

    1. Hi Rob, thanks for writing. I’m going to send you an email right now. I bet we can help you out quite a bit.

      1. Hi the *thewindowdog, please look at my post below to Rob, would like to receive that email as well. I need it as soon as possible, thanks a bunch.

      2. I also would like a copy of email send to Rob. We are building a new house and our supplier wants to use these window.

      3. Hi windowdog,
        I’d like to get your reply to RobP on the merits of Simonton 6100 or 6500 series from HD. I realize you replied in 2015, but this is germane to my search now. HD offering 3 double casements (window is 50″ X 68″) in 6100 series, which is close to Asure, for $1,183 each and the 6500 series for $1,400 each (with 15% discount). Looking to buy 3 large double casements and if the Asure is junky and the 6500 is not a great value, I’d like to hear of where else I might want to look. Was also quoted $1400 for Ideal window Energy Gold Package from a locally owned store. WW said Windcore would be $1,165. It seems you don’t like the 6100 (if it’s indeed like the Asure, which Simonton informs it is, as does HD). From what else I’ve read it sounds like you think the 6500 is outdated and overpriced, and you’re not high on Windcore in general. Naturally, the HD and WW reps dislike Ideal! Thanks for your help.

          1. Good morning thewindowdog,

            I am currently in the market for new replacement windows and I am very confused about which manufacturer to go with. I am thinking about sunrise, thermal and simonton. I need to live in the house for another 10 years, so I need a good window to last as long as that, my house is 18 years old. could you please let me know which window would be good for me? Also, what do you think about kensington windows? I live in the chicago area.

          2. Hi Tony, I’m not a huge Kensington fan, but that’s partly because they’ve threatened to sue me, ha! I know a great company in the Chicago area and I bet they can help. Check our section on the best local window companies.

      4. Recognizing that this post is 2 1/2 yrs. old, I wish you would send me an e-mail too; I’m in the same boat as Rob. Getting ready to build and have a contractor sending me to ABC to look at windows/siding. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

      5. Would also like that email! Am in a very similar position with at least some of those same quotes – at almost the same prices.

          1. I’m looking at either Andersen or Simonton 6500 series. Can you please email me with your thoughts.

          2. You’re thinking vinyl windows? I’m not a huge fan of the options from either company. You might want to check out another option or two.

      6. Hi,
        we are getting ready to replace few windows and starting to checking the contractors in out area Zip 11933.
        we had King Quality come in and gave us some estimate on Simonton 9800 series called Triple/triple Pane and quoted us $13,900 to replace 6 windows.
        Can you pls recommand a good contractor and need your opinion on Simonton 9800 as well.
        Thank you.

  10. I was interested in seeing your reply to RobP.We are considering purchasing Simonton. We are planning on purchasing the 5500 series.

  11. Hi Rob. Can you please send me the same email. We are building a new house. Was going to go with Anderson Integrity, but found many reviews with outside paint color peeling off within a year, also many negative responses on warranty, also many have the grids broken, some on arrival, some at time of installation, and yet others when washing the windows.

  12. Hi Window Dog!

    I must first thank you for putting up this website. This is my go to guide for window education and reviews. We just received our first quote for replacing our old sunroom windows from Home Depot. About (5) casement widows and (7) large picture frame stationary windows. Casements are roughly 26 x 49″, picture windows (4) roughly 33.5 x 48.5″ and another (2) large picture windows roughly 61.25 x 48.5 and another one at roughly 49.5 x 48.5, lots of math here, whew! Anyway the price came to about $6800 bucks installed. I don’t think that’s bad but I’m not too sure about the window quality, they are offering VantagePointe windows by Simonton 6100 series. I didn’t see this series reviewed on your website, any comments on quality and/or pricing would be very helpful!! Thank you! I’m also having window world come by tomorrow. We are based in NJ.

  13. I have been reviewing your site regarding windows as I am in need to replace two in my condo unit—read your review on Sinonton –sound mixed. I was looking at Simonton Vantage Pointe —their warranty (via HD) is good—but in reading your readers responses doesn’t seem like Simonton or HD stand behind it. What about Marvin’s and North Star (a neighbor recommended them —can’t find much on them). The windows replacement have to be vinyl sliders. Would like a transferable warranty for resale advantage with a lifetime warranty –but one I can get help when needed. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I am at a total loss and confused :). Thanks. Joann

    1. Hi,
      What is the best vinyl slinding doors replacement ? Simonton or Millgard? I consider Millard to replace my 5 sling doors but after reading the customer affair review, I changed my mind. Please help.

    2. Home depot does honor there warranty. you need to call the right department. have your job number ready when you call and the right phone number is located on your contract.

    3. Home Depot Home Services is a separate business from the brick and mortar stores. They offer warranties that exceed the manufacturers warranty. Otherwise, windows sold in the stores go by Manufacturer warranties only. I can’t speak to the warranty service provided.

  14. Hello WindowDog. I’m interested in seeing your reply to RobP, too. I’ve got Simonton now and plan to install 13 windows and 2 doors in a new house purchased last week. I’ve received pretty decent quotes for 5050’s but now I’m considering 5500’s or another window entirely. Thanks!

    1. Hi guys, I try to to pick on any specific companies (at least not too much), but I’m just not a fan of the Simonton 5050 window. It doesn’t compare well with almost anything. The Simonton 5500 is only a few bucks more (wholesale cost difference is about $20 or so). Even the 5500 window is an old design.

      You might look at the Alside Mezzo window for a good comparison. The price should be about the same and you’ll get MUCH better air infiltration ratings and a newer design. Be sure to let us know which way you end up going!

      1. I thought you didn’t like Alside Mezzo. Described as very flimsy. I am replacing over 20 double hung windows and
        trying to find a good replacement that won’t break the bank.
        Simonton has so many windows, which would you suggest?

        1. I don’t think I described it as flimsy. I’m not a huge fan of any of the Simonton products. They’re not bad, but there any many other options.

          1. Hi Window Dog,

            Before stumbling across your site I this evening I put money down on 8 Simonton Impressions windows 980o 366 low E Argon glass . After reading reviews I am concerned.
            The lifetime warranty for glass breakage including labor and material is written on the sales slip but I never got a copy of it.

            Please let me know if I made a bad choice .
            Thank you

          2. Thanks for the site. You state you are not a fan of Simonton and there are many options. Can you send me your recommendations? HD is quoting 6100 series.

            Also… why replacement vs full changeout?

            One more… we are in upstate ny. Pace windows are made locally in Rochester and installed by the Pace company I believe. No middle man? Any info on Pace?


          3. I’m replacing 28 windows. Most are double hung, some are round top picture windows, and a few sliders. Ive been quoted 19k for Simonton Energy Wise Plus and 22K for MI 1650. Do I have better options in this price range or is one of these better than the other? I live in Houston. Thanks

  15. I’m considering purchasing Amerimax Windows instead of Alpine. Do you have any advice since they are similar but the Alpine boasts foam insulation in the frame while the Amerimax don’t. I don’t know if that makes a big difference but want advice.

    1. Just look at the ratings to see if the foam is making any difference. Remember it doesn’t matter to you if the windows are filled with massed potatoes. You care about the efficiency, you can tell how efficient the window is by the ratings. Compare the U-Factors and you’ll know if there is a difference.

      1. Hello, I was reading your comments and thank you for doing this. I have gotten several estimates, I’m leaning to HD/Simonton. Double Hung replacement. They quoted on 6100. What is the difference between 5500 and 6100. Which is better. I like being able to call HD if I have a problem. Please advise. Thank you.

        1. I don’t believe there’s a whole lot of difference between those 2 products. Someone else might chime in with more info. Simonton isn’t necessarily my favorite option. What’s your zip code? We might be able to help with another option.

  16. You haven’t yet published a review of the DaylightMax 7300 windows. Do you have any experience with this line? Most of the sellers in our neck of the woods (Springfield, OR) sell Milgard, PlyGem, and Cascade windows. The installer we liked the best (high ratings on Angie’s list, personal references from several people at work, and by far the most time spent trying to understand our needs) recommends Simonton DaylightMax windows.

    The DaylightMax windows seem to address one of your biggest complaints about Simonton – the wide frame. I also had a chance to play with the screen, and it’s not the flimsy roll-formed screens like they use in the Verona window line. I can’t find anywhere that states they are extruded aluminum. The U-Factor for the windows (depending on configuration) ranges from .29 to .26, the SGHC ranges from .23 to .30, and the VT ranges from .53 to .60.

    The quoted price for 9 windows, installed is just under $4,000, and that’s before any bargaining on my part. My wife and I like the windows, REALLY liked the installed, and I feel like we’re getting a pretty fair price. The only thing that gives me pause is your overall opinion on Simonton windows. In your opinion, should I keep looking?

    1. Have had Simonton 5500’s for 7 years. Right after getting them almost every pane had to be replaced because of debris in between the panes, to include finger prints and glass debris and tape residue. Fine, that was under warranty. Last Winter one large picture window lost it’s seal. It’s replacement was filthy dirty between panes. Communication with Simonton can be horrendous. I had to pay the labor cost to have the picture window replaced. They used to cover labor. I was told that a couple of years ago they took that out of the warranty. Almost obvious…Red Flag…poor workmanship! Poor management. In process right now trying to communicate with Simonton. One week and no headway. Very disgusted. So, do your homework and double check the blogs on communication with the company. One area glass company won’t work with Simonton anymore….I wonder why??

  17. I would appreciate comments/reviews from the Window Dog regarding the 6100 series Vantage Pointe windows by Simonton versus the 70 series by Anderson & the 250 & 350 series by Pella. Looking to replace crank out windows with sliding windows. Any suggestions related to energy efficiency and warranties would be great. Thanks!

  18. I have 20 windows to replace in our house in Houston Texas.
    I have recommendations from Allied siding and windows in Houston to install Simontons Generations windows for $10870.00 and recommendations from Houston Siding Co in Houston to install Simontons Prism Gold Double Hung windows for $ 9660.00.
    How do they compare and what would you recommend?
    thanks for your help.

  19. Hello!

    So I live under an airport flight path and am looking for sound resistant windows specifically dual pane with a laminate, as I also like the increased security aspect of the laminate. I’ve gotten two quotes so far one for Great Lakes model Lifestyle with Lami and most recently a quote for Simonton Vantage Pointe 6500 Lami from Home Depot. I am not really sold on either especially HD as I feel as though I knew more about STC rated windows than the sales person. What is your take on these two brands and could you recommend a manufacturer of Laminated STC rated windows in Illinois?
    Thanks in advance.

  20. Hi!

    Florida here. I got a quote for my 12 windows at about $1000 a piece (Stormbreaker plus). I don’t see a review for this model. Any thoughts you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

      1. We just got quote on using Simonton Stormbreaker Plus in our Florida home as well for 19 Windows. Is there any feedback on these?

  21. what about new construction and using Simonton windows windowdog? What’s your opinion on these? Not the replacentment series. I believe there its a profinish brickmould window. He will be ordering these soon. Thank you

  22. Let me put something in perspective for all, I have consumer experience in this.
    In 2004 I had 16 windows installed at my home by HD with a “lifetime” warranty, they were Simonton 6500/6100 windows.
    Several windows fogged and were replaced. However, the installer did a crappy job and years later 50% on the product started leaking, destroying my home. The first repair cost HD 20k. Baseball sized caulk that was put on the sills shrank and water leaked behind the walls all the way to the foundation blocks was rotten. The next disaster is still pending and it’s been six months. 4 windows at the same time leaked destroying my Great Room. it took HD three attempts to try and repair the window but it was Simonton that finally had to come in and correct the issues.
    The missing information is….HD uses a company for their insurance claims called Sedgewick which then tries and have you sign off on 40% or less of what it actually cost to get the repairs done and then they take off for what they call depreciation and then,,, you have to get three bids and they will choose which contractor to use and then, you have to be the general contractor. You have to use vacation time and stay with the crews, sign-off that you are satisfied with the contractor they choose and then agree never to open a claim against them for the work that contractor did. HD stays completely out of the picture, you are on your own. Sedgewicks tried to get me to sign-off on a check for $3990 when the bids I got back were from $14,000 to $22,000. It is not quite the warranty HD projects to the public

  23. My builder – Super Siding – in the Dallas area is suggesting Simonton Windows for replacements in our older home. Do you know anything about the builder and can you recommend other Windows they may be able to provide that have a better track record then the Simontons?

    1. I don’t know anything about the builder, but they sound super to me! Simonton windows are pretty widely distributed and they’re not a bad product. Their designs are a little long in the tooth an their ratings aren’t quite at the same level as some newer designs. We install a lot of Alside windows in the Dallas area with great results. They’re also pretty widely distributed so I bet your company could order them for you.

  24. We had two sliding glass doors and 16 windows installed. Very happy with them. I would like to know the energy efficient information to see if I can do a tax write-off. Please respond.

    1. It depends which options you picked. Your contractor will probably be able to tell you if you will qualify.

  25. How would you compare the Home Depot Vantage Point 6500 to the Pella 250 or 350? My wife and and I have estimates on the 6500 and the 250. thanks.

  26. I would never go with Simonton windows again. We went through Home Depot which was a disaster. We were supposed to get windows installed in November and project didn’t get started until February. It took FIVE tries to get the right window in one room. We did not measure…the rep did. Project didn’t get completed until JUNE! The window design…the grip to open the window is up at the top of the window so you have to pull your blinds all the way up to reach it and when you get them started, you have to push from the bottom to reach. When lowering you have to pull from the bottom frame till the small ledge on the top comes within reach. Water sits under the window in the frame and will eventually get moldy. It doesn’t drain out of the holes. Wish we would have gone with Alside as we had used them in two other houses and really liked them. 🙁

    1. HOME DEPOT!! I do not wish the agony that they have caused me on anyone. My Simonton 6500 windows were ordered in October. I had to beg for the installation and they just completed it on May 26th 2016. They initially started the job in December and basically did not show up to finish. The salesman assured me that their ratings for installation were extremely high. What a lie!
      It held up my RE-FI and I lived with installation foam exposed for six months. Thank you for your review. If I can prevent anyone from using HD then it may be worth the agony. I
      NO ONE SHOULD HAVE TO PAY THIS MUCH MONEY FOR TERRIBLE SERVICE. I even needed a repair BEFORE the job was finished.

      1. We feel your pain! We ordered ours in Oct 2014 and were to be installed in November. Long story short..,six Windows and job wasnt complete until June 2015. Reps measured 3 of the Windows wrong. One window took 5 …Yes, FIVE times to get it right. Finally went over some heads and product manager got things resolved. That God for him.

  27. Thanks for this site. It is so good. Finally settled on Simonton Madeira which is their 7500 line i believe. I think i did OK on the pricing – 27k for 44 DH windows with inside grids, the middle of the road spacer, low-e3, argon. most of the these DH are between 28 -48 wide and 28-58 High…some are a lot larger (double the size). i looked at Anlin Del Mar’s as well. i think i made a good decision based on price and warranty. Thoughts?

    Your site helped me immensely through it all! THANK YOU!

  28. Which is better for high impact Florida?

    Laminated glass facing outside to bear the brunt of wind blown objects but subject to sun heat with E glass on inside or

    Laminated glass on inside somewhat heat protected with single pane facing wind blown objects?

  29. My contractor is pushing Simonton Reflections 5500 windows. After reading everything on this website I want other options. Which windows do you recommend for central New Jersey? Can you recommend an installer also?

  30. Hello Windowdawg,

    I recently had all my windows replaced with Simonton 5500 Reflections White Slider for my 2 bathrooms. The installer left gaps (for both windows) of approximately 1/2 on all four sides of the framing (wood) and approximately1/2 or more between actual window and house frame (depth i guess). This leaves me no way to cover the gaps with tile, unless i place some cut wood to fill in. Can you email me, perhaps ican send photos to give you a better idea. The company i had installed these windows along with the house siding says this is normal??? I am beginning to second guess…help!

  31. Just had Simonton Reflective Windows installed. I hate them, it is like when the sun is out it feels like a cloudy day inside. I have to raise my blinds. I have zero shade in the back yard and two tall pine trees in the front yard that do not provide shade. I feel the tint is too heavy and the contractor did not explain that to us. We also did not receive 3 of the windows and one was the wrong side. Now I am just waiting for the rain to see if they leak.

    1. If they’re installed correctly they probably won’t leak. There are typically several options for types of low-e coatings. I’m sorry to hear you didn’t get to make a choice.

  32. I just bought 3 Vantage Point 6500 Series with the insert to help with noise reduction as i live on busy street with lot of car honking. They quoted me $10,300 for 13 windows – 2 are large 3 sliders. I told them I would only do my master bedroom to test the effectiveness of the windows with the laminate insert. Should I cancel the downpayment I just gave them? I have 3 days to rescind. My main issue is finding a reasonable solution to street noise – windows are old and need replacing – but Ive seen $7K quote from Window World to $30K from Newpro (string arm sales tactics) so it is very confusing to know what you are buying – this is industry that should be much better regulated for consumer. Worse than buying a car! Any help much appreciated

    1. $30k is certainly too much, but there can be a wide variation in the prices you’ll see. Laminated glass is typically the best option for sound reduction and it’s also not the cheapest option. Let us know how the test run turns out.

  33. We have had our Simonton windows for less than a year. The interior trim strips are starting to pull away from the windows. This is unsightly and allows air infiltration. What is the best way to fix. Very frustrated.

    1. Hi Donna, I’m sorry to hear about your experience. I’d start by calling the company that installed them. They can probably help you with the warranty claim. Should be easy enough to get fixed up.

  34. We are to replace 1 bay window and 12 other windows of mix size (some are double hung and some are awning), just pocket replacement. Price from Pella is around $14000 for the bay window in 250 series and the rest in 350 series. Pella doesn’t have bay window in 350 series. If I go with 250 for other windows the price will drop around $300 for each window. I also have another contractor willing to replace all the windows with Simonton reflection 5500 series for around $12000. Could you please advice on which way I should go considering product and money also?

  35. I’m looking for windows for a home I own that is being rented out. I got a quote for Simonton Asure windows (with the energy efficiency), which seems like a pretty good deal. ($7K for 15 windows, inc 2 casement windows) I watched your video; it seems like you like those windows well enough (as compared to others in the Simonton line), but are there other windows that you think are better for the same money? Should I go with this, or keep looking?

  36. Windowdog,
    We are considering Simonton Pro-Finish Master Series windows over the Andersen Silverline 2900 Series windows. Is that a good move?

    1. Did you pick one already? Those are both popular options. I’d be interested to hear which one you picked.

  37. 34 double hung windows, one picture window, and one 48″ specialty half round window. Additionally 23 transoms ranging from 12 in to 20 in over the first floor of double hung windows. Apex cannot make a 36″x 108″ whereas window world and home depot can. But, I am able to eliminate 11 of the transoms by going to a larger double hangs and eliminate the other 12 transoms by getting 12 picture windows above the double hung or combining to the 12 into 4 single transoms over the 4 triple double hung groups,

    Window world -alside mezzo for $18000 (36 windows-34 large double hung, 1 picture, and one specialty
    Apex-Alside 8000 for 28000/31000 based on 12 smaller picture windows/4 larger picture windows, 1 picture, and one specialty
    Home depot-simonton 6500- $28500—23 oriel double hung windows, 11 double hung, 1 picture and one specialty

    Have not gotten bids back yet from Pella, Renewal by Anderson, or Marvin…

    What are your thought on pricing vs quality of the bids that I have. Additionally, I know Renewal will be too expensive but what are your thoughts about Marvin and Pella and what makes of each these last two brands should I consider?

    1. I made a mistake the Window World bid is the Alside 4000…bid difference from which I have read.

      Thank you in advance for your advice.

  38. We have had nothing but trouble with the windows that we had put in after hail destroyed our other ones. When the sliders or windows are opened and left open and the sun hits them, they will not close properly. I have had a service rep out and a call from him. His response to our issue was “don’t open the windows or doors and then they will be fine”! You must be kidding me! I am to live in my house and not open my windows and doors. No way! They also tried to tell me that it was because they were installed in the middle of the winter. I don’t buy it! Our other house had Milgard windows installed on Dec 22 (and I live in the cold mountains!) and we never had an ounce of trouble with them. I am still fighting with Simonton and may take them to small claims court to get this resolved.

    1. Sounds like it could be an installation issue. Have you had the installer try to fix it? Might be easier than you’d think.

  39. Hey thewindowdog,
    I am searching for windows for my log home. I just got a quote from HD. Here is what they quoted:
    (16) Simonton Vinyl Windows & two sliding doors – 34,828
    (16) Anderson Windows (Wood inside/casement outside) & two sliding doors 43,619
    There has got to be a better offer. Can you help?

      1. Hampton Virginia. Thanks for any recommendations. I had 3 estimates. Two use Simonton and the other Thermal Industries.

  40. Hi @thewindowdog we are looking at replacing 19 windows in our home. All are quite large & we just got quoted on the plygem 200 sliding window & simonton daylight max. Feel I h a bit apprehensive since it is a decent investment. Can you please help me out?

    1. As far as I know they’re relatively similar. Have you picked one yet and why did you prefer one over the other?

  41. I’ve received quotes for Simonton Assure and Simonton Grand Estates Prism Bronze. Both about the same price. Which is the better window as can’t find much to compare for the Prism Bronze?

    1. They’re pretty similar, sharing many parts as far as I’m aware. What did you like or not like about one vs the other and what was the price difference?

  42. Hey I have been researching vinyl windows for weeks and am more confused than ever. I have recently gotten quotes for American Craftsman/Silverline, United Windows and Simonton ProFinish contractor. All twin DH windows. I also need a slider but not sure if it matters if I stick with the same company.
    Anyway of the bunch the Simonton came in a little higher. I have read that the AC/Silverline stuff is garbage. Any advice?

  43. just got a quote for 30 andersen 400 series full frame for 60000 most are 27″x 58 casement. I live in upstate NY.

  44. We are looking to replace 16 windows. The quote we got is 7200 so that makes it 450 per window in atlanta area. Its a simonton window 5100 series. I’v been trying to find information on that series…. And not very successful. Please advise

  45. My mom had Simonton replacement windows installed by an independent contractor. I was shocked by how much glass surface wad lost to framing. She keeps talking about how expensive they were and I don’t understand why they are. They’re the 07-09 model. Today I noticed cold air blowing in through part of the framing. I’m going to call Polar Seal and see what new windows would cost.

    1. That is a real drawback with some of the Simonton models. Most newer designs will use slimmer frames, but older windows could be pretty thick.

  46. Replacing 17 windows double hung white vinyl 1st estimate was for majestic windows for 8900 then hd came with 6500 vantage point price was 14000. Been looking at the specs of both windows seem to be identical. Live in Staten Island ny thanks

  47. dont buy the simonton windows i put them in my house .if you put a candel near them on the west side on a windy day it would blow it out

    1. To be fair they do offer a pretty wide range of models. There are cheap windows with bad ratings and there are nicer windows too. I haven’t seen one that was really great, but they’re not all horrible.

  48. Just got a quote from HD for Simonton 6060 windows, single hung, double pane, 30 windows about $19000, including labor. One opening may be counted as three windows, 2 windows or one window. Houston, Texas

  49. Any thoughts on the Simonton New Construction Brickmold 600? We are building a new house and have received a quote from ABC on these for $7524 for 10 double hung and 3 sliders (112×60).

    We’ve also got a quote for Jeld-Wen quote for 10k for wood/clad but the sliders cant be made larger than 96″ and too I don’t like what I am seeing in the comment section on this website for Jeld-Wen, so those are a no-go.

    Simonton offers these in vinyl with wood grain finish, so that is why I looked into a quote for this brand. I would appreciate any brand recommendations that offer either real wood interior or vinyl with wood grain finish.

    Location is for humid Mississippi.


    1. Remember, Jeld-Wen is a pretty big company. Their nicer wood window lines are pretty nice. I think the Custom wood window line is a pretty nice product. Their vinyl windows are not so hot.

      I’d look at the air infiltration rate on the Simonton. A friend of mine has Simonton windows in his new house in Indiana and you can feel air coming through. I could be an installation issue, hard to tell without taking off the siding, but I’d look at that rating compared to another option to make sure you’re comfortable with what you’re going to get.

  50. I don’t understand all these negative reviews about Simonton, my husband has been installing windows for 30 years and won’t use any window but Simonton now. Probably most of your issues are because of your installer, my husband has NEVER had a single complaint about the Simontons he has installed, and he has installed thousands of them. And they do include a double lifetime warranty.

    1. Hi Sherri, thanks for writing. I think it’s pretty impossible to think your husband has installed thousands of windows without a single service call. You could buy 100 brand new cars and find issues with a couple of them. Things come up and they get fixed.

      I think the reason you see customers unhappy with a product while the installer is happy with it has to do with the difference in priorities. The installer and the customer have completely different priorities. The installer wants windows that show up quickly, don’t cost too much, are easy to order, etc. The customer doesn’t care about any of that.

      For example, the air infiltration rate is higher on Simonton windows than on many other models. The installer doesn’t care about that because he does live there. The balances they use on Simonton windows are a cheaper type than you’ll find on higher end windows. The installer doesn’t care because it’ll take many years for the cheap ones to break.

      The more popular Simonton windows like the 5500 model use thicker frames that block more light than many other options, but the installer doesn’t care because he isn’t living there or looking out the windows.

      I’m not saying your husband doesn’t do fantastic work, I’m sure he does. I’m just saying what is important to the installer is not the same as what is important to the customer. There’s a reason you don’t see the larger companies offering Simonton windows. That’s a product that is usually offered by smaller companies because it’s so widely available. Of course there are always exceptions, but that’s been my experience.

  51. Dear windowdog, out of the replacement vinyl window options in my budget and area (South Georgia), I am considering the Window World 4000 double hung and the Simonton Reflections 5050 double hung. I have read your review on the Simonton 5050 but it was from a few years ago and I don’t know if it still reflects the current product. The price is similar but Simonton currently is offering the best price. Simply, between these two, what is the better window? Thanks in advance.

  52. We had a Simonton picture window installed in our bathroom. The window has visible imperfections spotted by my contractor, who ordered replacement glass. So far we have had 3 replacement glass panes come, and all have imperfections worse than our first, that our contractor spotted and did not install. He further stated that something has changed at Simonton, as the E-coating application seems to be the problem step, and he has had the same problem with multiple recent Simonton picture window shipments. (No problem with regular size double hungs or casements.)
    The local rep hasn’t a fix for this, nor has anyone from Simonton corporate addressed this apparent widespread issue.
    I do not blame my contractor. He has been honest and has not yet accepted a penny for the entire job (we had 5 double hungs installed as well). I know that Simonton is by no means a Premium window, but enjoys a fairly good reputation for standing behind what they sell. For them to allow an obvious pervasive, persistent issue to continue unchecked is frustrating for consumers like me, and certainly damaging to their reputation. Difficult to understand.
    Any suggestions as to whom to reach out to at Simonton corporate?

    In the meantime, avoid Simonton picture windows, and avoid the pain!

    1. It’s unfortunate, that you’ve had to deal with an issue like that, but I can’t say I’ve never experienced anything like that myself. We have a customer in Toledo dealing with something similar right now from a different manufacturer.

      Remember, the reason you work with a large and well established company is that you trust they’ll handle any issue that might come up. It’s unfortunately that they’ve had to reorder the part multiple times, but it sounds like they’re sticking with it and working to get it resolved all without asking you to pay until it’s complete.

      We hear horror stories all the time from people who worked with smaller or less established companies and then when there is an issue they can’t get a call back or a resolution. Be glad you’re not in that boat.

      Sounds like things are going to work out just fine.

  53. Had Simonton Windows installed in 2011 on a second home
    Only there for 5 months a year in Florida
    They were great until this year
    Out of 9 Windows 5 have to have balances replaced
    We thought we were buying a better window but I was mistaken
    They will send you parts but no one to do work
    Very disappointed Would not recommend them
    Should have lasted a lot longer than a couple of years
    They are double hung tilt out windows

  54. I am looking into replacing 15 windows in my townhome in Maryland. Could you please give me your thoughts and opinions on PerfeXions. It is my understanding that they are the exact same as the Simonton 5500, but a different distributor. Any information you could provide me would be extremely helpful in making my decision more informed Thanks!

  55. After reading some of these reviews, I am hesitant about going with Simonton 6500 Double hung windows for replacement windows. We got a quote from HD for these. Also looking at Pella and Gerkin windows. The warranty on the Simonton was appealing and better than the other two. We are located in the Nebraska. Any thoughts about not going with the Simonton windows from HD? So far it was the cheapest quote we have received and like I said the best warranty, which is especially appeals for country living.

  56. I just had a couple Simonton double hung windows installed. Both with full screen. Look great. However, I have eye trouble and the light coming through is too bright. My old windows (with storm windows) I had tint applied. Especially helpful in winter when everything outside is bright white.
    The warranty for these new windows says I cannot add any film to the glass. Heat buildup. And cannot add storm windows. A brochure says film can be applied as a factory item. Did not know that.
    Can’t a film be applied to the OUTSIDE of the glass blocking sunlight BEFORE it hits the glass? Or can a HomeDepot person apply a ‘factory’ film? Seems silly I can have curtains that reflect sunlight, but can’t add anything to the OUTER side. I’m really desperate for suggestions.

    1. In my experience there are films that can be applied without causing trouble. You might call Simonton customer service and talk to them about it. Or talk to the companies that offer residential window tinting. It’s true that Simonton may tell you there’s no warranty if you had an issue down the road so that’s just something to be aware of.

      Or you could get some curtains or blinds.

  57. I’m comparing replacement single hung windows.
    Reliabilit at Lowe’s
    Jeld wen at bargain outlet and Simonton at Home Depot. Home Depot also has Jeld wen.
    Not sure the styles.
    Jeld wen has builders
    Simonton has contractor
    Reliabilit 3050 economy
    Which is the better product

    1. You might want to look for another option. What’s your zip code? We may know someone to recommend.

  58. Hi, I tried to get your guide” ” Five Fast Steps to a Great Window Project to help our fantastic readers.”
    But my email address was not accepted! Why is that??
    Here is the message I got after entering my email:

    Different Address Needed
    You cannot subscribe to this list with the email address you entered.
    Please correct any mistakes in the address and try to subscribe again.
    If you see this message again, please use a different email address to subscribe.

    I then used my spouse’s email and it was accepted but why was my email rejected?

  59. I saw your Youtube video on the Simonton Reflections 5050 and noted your comment that one could get a better quality window “in the same price point” as the 5050 (without some of the shortcomings you pointed out in the Simonton). I’d like to know to what other companies and window lines you were referring, specifically to the same relative price as the 5050? I live in Michigan and am doing research to replace a number of slider windows in my house this fall. Thank you for any info.

  60. Do you have recommendations for 32726 area code. We have gotten quotes from 2 local contractors but they both offered Simonton. They also offered PGT windows but my grandmother didn’t like the look of them. The other option has been Pella 250 again nothing special. I am not super impressed with Simonton because I feel like tooo much glass is lost. Can you recommend windows in the value range like the ones we are getting quoted that we should be asking for?

    Thanks for all your hard work and help,


    1. Unfortunately I don’t know any great companies in that area yet. When we do find one we’ll post about it here. If you find a great option let us know. It’s definitely a better strategy to find a window company you’re comfortable with and then see what replacement windows they offer rather than falling in love with one model or type only to find out they’re not available in your area. Good luck with the project!

  61. How do I know which model of simonton windows I have? When we purchased our new construction home, the builder said simonton windows but not the specific model. The windows have been ok so far and i have no major complaints but I would’ve expected them to have better noise reduction for an energy efficient window.

    1. You can probably find a serial number sticker and call Simonton to ask them for details on the window. I’ve done that with other brands before with great results.

  62. I have a quote from a reputable company near my home in Northeast Ohio for Norandex PerfeXion Platinum replacement windows. I am considering these windows together with Polaris ThermaWeld. I have been unable to find good independent information online about the Norandex windows. I read somewhere that they’re made by Simonton. Is this correct? Is this yet another brand name used by Simonton for distribution of its products? Any take on how the performance of these PerfeXion Platinums compare with the aforementioned Polaris’s, particularly in our location? (I’ll be sure to check the warranties, too.) Thanks so much, Window Dog.

    1. Norandex branded windows have never really been a top of the line option. If you’re in Northeast Ohio you need to check with my friends at Window Universe. They’re in Lakewood and in Akron and they service the whole area. You won’t find a better group of people. You can find their site here.

      1. I’ll check out Windows Universe. They’re close by. In the meantime, the Polaris ThermaWelds are preferable, in your view?

  63. Looking to replace 13 double hung windows (11 are 36 x 62, 2 are 36 x 74) at our NJ shore house. We have received several quotes and most are for either the Simonton Asure or the 5500. We did get one quote for Silverline (series not specified on quote). We like the smaller frame on the Asure and were going to ask to upgrade to better screen and double strength glass.
    The best quote we got (and the guy that seemed best and came recommended) was for $5,510. Is this a good option and quote. Are there better options for around the same price?

  64. I in the process on getting quotes to replace windows in our central oregon home (cold cold winters, 4,200 elevation)

    Quote 1 from a private company: $6,975
    Replace 7 aluminum windows with vinyl Jeld-Wen to match existing windows
    (1) 60 x 48, (1) 60 x 36, (1) 30 x 48 tempered glass, (2) 24 x 36, (2) 60 x 42

    Reglaze 5 failed vinyl insulated glass units

    Am told none of them will have Argon Gas
    Will be cutting the windows out so new trim would have to be put on the inside & out

    Quote 2: Home Depot
    Replace 12 Windows – Simonton 6200 Series $10,019.50
    (3) 60 x 48, (1) 60 x 36, (5) 60 x 42 (Single Slider)
    (1) 30 x 48 tempered glass, (1) 24 x 36 Glue Chip Full, (1) 24 x 36 (Single Hung Oriel)

    Quote 3: Home Depot
    Replace 12 Windows – Simonton ClearValue Series $8,869
    (3) 60 x 48, (1) 60 x 36, (5) 60 x 42 (Single Slider)
    (1) 30 x 48 tempered glass, (1) 24 x 36 Glue Chip Full, (1) 24 x 36 (Single Hung)

    Sales Rep is pushing for the 6200 because of the additional chambers (13 vs 8) and how much more energy efficient they will be and the Added HD Craftmanship Warranty on top of the Mfr warranty which covers glass breakage.

    The price difference between the 2 series is significant and am wondering if it is really worth it. Our home is a 79 mfr home and am suspecting that the insulation in the walls is probably not very energy efficient. Wondering if 5 more chambers really would make a huge difference.

    Also, it seems as though I’m seeing more negative than positive reviews about the Simonton brand which is making me a little leary about them. Home Depot says they offer large installation pkgs in Andersen & Milgard brands but cost would be more than the Simonton.

    Home Depot sales rep saying that Jeld-Wen is now one of the lowest end windows and quality control bad.

    Any thoughts about all this would be greatly appreciated.

  65. I’m getting verona and verson simonton windows. i would like to know if those are good? thanks. my zip 92596. the company is precision doors and windows replacement in temecula ca.

  66. Getting estimates to replace windows in 1955 Ranch. Anderson ($21,000 – not happening); Home Depot with Simonton 6500/6100 ($10,500); and my own independent contractor ($8773) – also Simonton windows.

    What other options are suggested that aren’t extremely outrageously priced but still work in the crazy weather we have here in Metro Denver, Colorado?

  67. I’m looking to have 12 windows replaced on my 13 year old house due to the Anderson 200 series rotting from the outside. I have 2 bids for triple pane and am comparing quotes to see if its worth the extra money.

    Simonton 6500 through Home Depot ~23k
    Pella 250 series and my bow window would be replaced with a flat triple sliding window, their installers ~29k

    We plan to stay in the house for at least another 10 years. The Pella did seem like maybe a better quality window but i’m not thrilled about giving up the bow window.

    1. Hi Todd, I’d call Simonton. They may be able to help or I’m sure they can refer to you to a distributor.

  68. Is there a big difference between Simonton 5500 Reflections and the Simonton PerfeXion Silver?
    I saw your reviews of the 5500 Reflections but can’t find much on PerfeXion Silver.

    1. Looks like PerfeXion is a private label for Norandex. Besides being about the cheesiest name I’ve heard of I would guess it’s the same as another Simonton model just with a different brochure. That’s what they usually use for private label programs.

      Can you imagine the other names that didn’t make the cut?

  69. Hi,
    We’re trying to decide between the Simonton daylight max and the Milgard trinsic. We have several windows of varying size and three of them get high road noise. We’re also replacing one sliding glass door. The difference in price we were quoted is less $1000 between the two brands, so it comes down to quality/performance.
    Or is there another brand you recommend (we’re in San Diego)?

  70. Hi, Looking to change windows in house 22 all together but need to change 6 immediately. Deciding between Anderson 400 new construction or Simonton brick mould 600. For the 6 windows there will be about a $2,500 cost savings. The remaining 16 windows would be a even more significant savings if I went with Simonton. If Anderson is a much better window is it worth the additional expense?

    1. Andersen stopped making vinyl windows a while ago so the question is do you want a wood window or a vinyl window. The vinyl windows tend to seal better, and last longer, but the Simonton new construction windows are on the cheaper end of the spectrum. You might look for a nicer option if it fits into the budget.

      1. I just got a quote from HD on Simonton 6500 but looking at reviews, i have second thoughts.
        I have 30 yr old house and need to replace 29 windows suitable for Poconos, PA area. Do you have any recommendations or can suggest alternative to HD in 18428 area?

  71. Your site is awesome, really great resource! Sadly, we are losing our minds trying to get a decent estimate to replace our 1990s-era windows (about 22 of them). We’ve had at least 3 high-pressure sales pitches — super aggravating and we wouldn’t even consider going with any of them. We have managed to get 3 actual estimates:

    Trustgard for $410/window
    Norandex 6000 for $560/window
    Simonton 6100 for $704/window

    The first two seem like maybe not the best windows based on your site and others. The last one is Home Depot, who said that their estimate for our house is higher than usual for this Simonton window due to having to cap exterior buck frames (don’t really know what that means; they would also “install new buck frames and interior trim).

    We live outside Atlantic City, NJ and have no plans on moving. Here’s what we’re looking for.
    21 double-hung, vertical sliders + 1 small casement.
    White vinyl or similar material (not wood).
    Tilt-in (or fully removable) for cleaning.
    Moveable half screens.
    Low-e coating.
    Argon or similar filler gas.
    Energy Star qualified for our area (zip code 08205)
    so NFRC rated U-factor <=0.30 and SHGC <=0.40.
    AAMA Gold Label.
    Solid warranty (not full of loopholes).

    We'd like to stay well under $750 per window (installed, with screens) if possible, but do also want to invest in a solid product since we expect to be in this house for the long haul. We especially want to improve energy efficiency, since half of our house is from the 1890s and we've been working for years to seal it up and lower our energy bills.

    We'd appreciate any recommendations you have for a line of windows and/or someone to install them in our area. Thanks a million!

    1. Hi Wendy, we could help with an easy online quote from our office in Philadelphia. We can cover the Atlantic City area no problem. Check this section and click through to Philadelphia then you can request a completely online quote right there.

    1. I generally prefer the Alside Mezzo vs Fairfield window options. What did you like about one or the other?

  72. Terrible company deal with if windows are bad. Have to take whole panel out in below zero temps for a picture of fuzzy strip on window. Can’t get window out so have to hire someone so I can take a picture even though they were sent photos of closed window with major ice-cold up on inside window ledge. Ridiculous I have to spend even more money to get 1 picture to get this resolved not to mention all the cold air pouring into my house with it bad instead of just reading the 1 window. Steer clear!

    1. Hi Janet, I’m sorry to hear about your trouble. Did the company that installed them help with the issue? Usually they’d be able to get anything like that sorted out.

  73. I recently got a quote from Home Depot for Simonton windows. They quoted me $11,882 for 15 ClearValue windows and a 6200 sliding door (there isn’t a ClearValue sliding door). And they quoted me $13,382 for everything to be the 6200 series. They said these prices include a 15% discount for buying more than 12 windows. Do these prices seem reasonable? Do you think the 6200 series is worth the extra money? Thanks.

    1. Prices are probably half way reasonable, but not always the greatest windows in the world. What’s your zip code? We might be able to help out.

    1. Sure, the Andersen 400 series are wood windows. Is that what you have in mind? When comparing the window frame material options vinyl tends to have the best efficiency, the best warranties and the best pricing so the majority of the market is vinyl windows. Andersen made vinyl windows for years but their products weren’t very nice and they’ve since sold that portion of the business.

  74. Hi TheWindowDog!
    I’m a townhouse owner in Chicago Southwest suburb and have to change the 20 year old builder-grade windows and patio door. After some recommendations from neighbors, I have 3 options as below. Could you share your expert views?
    1) Simonton 6500 installed cost $11,200
    2) Feldco Sophia Series installed cost $14,600
    3) Khpp the genesis installed cost $10,400

    1. Correction:
      Hi TheWindowDog!
      I’m a townhouse owner in Chicago Southwest suburb and have to change the 20 year old builder-grade windows and patio door. After some recommendations from neighbors, I have 3 options as below. Could you share your expert views?
      1) Simonton 6100 installed cost $11,200
      2) Feldco Sophia Series installed cost $14,600
      3) Khpp the genesis installed cost $10,400

  75. I had a home built in 2007 and I was not offered an option on windows, the builder installed 11 Simontion vinyl windows in new home. I did not know anything about this company, I preferred a national brand with wood on inside. There was a 10 year warrantee on the windows, during those 10 years, I had 5 replaced because of fogging. Simonton sent the 5 windows free but it cost out of pocket between $150 to $200 a peace for installing. Home is now past warrantee time and I have 3 more needing replaced for fogging . One being front double with stone around. Do not buy these windows !

    1. That’s because your builder installed the economy grade Simonton windows to increase profit margin. The higher grade Simonton windows come with a lifetime warranty. I’ve had mine for over a decade…no issues.

      1. Good for you, but do you not believe the company should make builders grade better that crappy windows that need to replace 80% of all windows in 10 years. They are crap, I would have been better with cardboard placed in window frame and saved the replacement $1,000 for installing and builders cost. I would not trust a company that puts out any grade of windows that even the warrantee was crap.

        1. I’d blame the builder who buys them. The builders routinely drive down the cost of windows and many other products. They aren’t living in the house so they want the cheapest possible thing. It’s not great for their customers, but it keeps replacement window companies in business.

  76. Can give some advice! here are quotes for 26 windows. zip code 78681

    Simonton6000 – 18k
    Simonton6200 – 23k
    NT windows – 20k (ft worth tx)
    Ringer windows – 24k (tylor tx)

    1. Hi there, if you’d like my company can email you pricing info for a window project in Round Rock, TX. You can find us in this section. I think you’ll find much better value from a company like ours. I don’t think any of the models you listed there would be on the top of my list. Let me know how you think the options compare to the quote we can email you and I’ll be happy to answer any questions. I think you’ll like what we have to offer.

      1. Drew Charters, Window Universe – is this your company?

        If so Berkshire elite is better windows than any of the listed above?

        1. Hi there, the Berkshire Elite is definitely going to be nicer than a Simonton window in my opinion. Simonton windows will sometimes be cheaper but they’re definitely not as nice. Just let us know how we can help out.

      2. Hi Window dog,

        I was wondering if you had any recommendations for windows and window guys for Lansing, Michigan (or Okemos, Michigan).

  77. Window Dog, thanks for all the info about windows on your site. I’ve read through almost all the comments. I see a lot of people ask about specific windows (including Simonton) and I see many of your responses are “I don’t prefer that window” or something to that affect. So what windows do you prefer?
    I am in Greenville, SC 29607.
    In my case I am wanting to replace original wood windows in my house built in the 70s. The current windows have visible gaps that leak air, some can’t be raised, some upper sashes fall down when you open the lower sash, etc. I don’t need the best of the best (or the newest look) because I honestly don’t want to pay for it. But I figure almost anything will be better than what I have now. With that said, I have a guy who really loves the Simonton 5050 windows. He’s installed them in several houses in my neighborhood and said he’ll be putting them in his own house soon. You obviously don’t have much love for these windows, but if I’m just looking for something better than what I have now, that I can afford, do you see any major problems? Also, is the only difference between the 5050 and the Asure the width of the frame? I tried reading the thermal stats but it didn’t seem like an apples-to-apples comparison, or I just got confused. If I go with the 5050, my guy says he always gets the extruded screen so at least that’s good.

  78. Caution- poor quality control at Simonton! MUST have installer open every box before removing existing windows. Grid patterns weren’t what I ordered at all. Ordering these windows from Home Depot has been a nightmare starting on 6/2/2021 when we signed contract for 16 replacement windows and two doors. Job has been 1 delay after another. No telling when job will be completed .
    Another strong recommendation is to have everything in writing by text, emails etc. no verbal promises/ excuses to be allowed.

  79. I purchased 21 new construction Simontin Windows and sliding doors daylight MAX for a home remodel in August 2021. Today Jan 8, 2022 the contractor started installation and the vinyl frames are so warped there is no point in doing the install. This is my 5th remodel and I have never experienced anything like this. Anyone ever hear of this and will Simontin replace them? Very disappointed at this point as this will cause construction delays.

    1. I would expect Simonton will replace the windows if they’re defective. It’s definitely a hassle to deal with but in my experience they’re pretty easy to work with when it comes to resolving an issue. Let us know how it goes.

  80. I read your blog. Having very use full information help me a lot. I will read more articles on your blog.

  81. I read your blog. Having very use full information help me a lot. I will read more articles on your blog.

  82. We have been selling Simonton Madeiras for the last 3 years. I was happy at first. They are nice looking windows with good glass packages, and they honor their warranty without a fuss. However, I am not sure they can get it right the first time around, and it’s been a bummer having to do multiple service calls on brand new windows.
    The first Madeiras we purchased went on my own shed. They were missing weather stripping on two sashes. They sent all new sashes, which was really impressive to me at the time. They operate really smoothly, but that is partly due to the sashes being a little too loose in the frame.
    One of another pair of single hungs had too tall of a sash, and the lock would not line up with the keeper. The replacement window they sent operated ok, but the grids were very noticeably crooked. They wouldn’t send an all new window, but they sent a replacement insulated glass for the top and we had to switch them out ourselves.
    More recently we installed a job of three windows and every single one of the screens rattles when it’s windy, and the customer has complained multiple times. All of the screens were made a bit narrow, but I’m not sure if that really is a contributing factor.
    In one huge order, we had multiple cracked sashes, (I am assuming from changes in altitude in shipping) low e coating on the wrong side of the glass on one, and lots and lots and lots of issues with screens.
    All in all, I want to find a better quality window company to work with. Simonton is a lot more responsive on warranty claims than other brands, but the call backs nickel and dime you like crazy.

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